org.refcodes.forwardsecrecy.DecryptionServer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// =============================================================================
// This code is copyright (c) by Siegfried Steiner, Munich, Germany and licensed
// under the following (see "")
// licenses:
// =============================================================================
// GNU General Public License, v3.0 ("")
// together with the GPL linking exception applied; as being applied by the GNU
// Classpath ("")
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// Apache License, v2.0 ("")
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// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
package org.refcodes.forwardsecrecy;
import java.util.List;
* The {@link DecryptionServer} contains {@link CipherVersion} instances
* assigned to a namespace.
* Depending on the implementation, the {@link DecryptionServer} might as well
* contain a number of public keys (for an asymmetric encryption approach) also
* assigned to the individual namespaces identifying the owners of the private
* keys with which it is secure to communicate.
* The {@link DecryptionServer} might access persisted {@link CipherVersion}
* instances. Depending on the implementation, the {@link CipherVersion}
* instances to be persisted must be encrypted with the {@link DecryptionServer}
* 's public key. An {@link EncryptionService} having this public key then can
* do secure persisting.
* Requesting the {@link CipherVersion} instances from the
* {@link DecryptionServer} might then be done by authenticating that the
* requester is entitled to request the cipher versions by verifying the
* signature of a requester's message with the public keys by the
* {@link DecryptionServer} and by encrypting the {@link CipherVersion}
* instances with that according public key. The {@link DecryptionServer} itself
* might use an asymmetric encryption approach to decrypt persisted
* {@link CipherVersion} instances persisted by the encryption server (and being
* encrypted by the {@link EncryptionService}).
* A {@link DecryptionServer}'s wrapper could be hooked on top the
* {@link DecryptionServer} which uses the private key used for encrypting the
* ciphers by the {@link EncryptionService} to decrypt the ciphers and encrypts
* the ciphers again with a public key from a key pair of an according
* {@link DecryptionService}. The {@link DecryptionService} authenticates itself
* with a message and a message's signature generated from its according private
* key. The {@link DecryptionServer} can validate the signature and use the
* trusted public key for encryption. By replacing the implementation of the
* {@link DecryptionServer}, the way {@link CipherVersion} instances are
* persisted can be changed easily.
public interface DecryptionServer {
* Returns the currently available cipher versions. An implementation might
* just make use of an {@link ObjectOutputStream}. Though the stream is
* encrypted with the public key of the message signer.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Another approach might not return a stream, it might return a list
* containing the cipher versions with the ciphers being encrypted by the
* public key. Or a stream is returned which is not encrypted but the
* ciphers in the cipher versions carried by the stream.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @param aNamespace The namespace for which to get the cipher versions.
* @param aMessage A message to be signed by the requester of the cipher
* version.
* @param aSignature The signature of the requester so that the according
* public key for encryption can be determined and the origin can be
* verified.
* @return A list as with the currently known cipher versions. The ciphers
* contained therein might be encrypted!
* @throws SignatureVerificationException in case verifying the signature
* for the message failed to to no public key found which
* successfully verified the signature
List getCipherVersions( String aNamespace, String aMessage, String aSignature ) throws SignatureVerificationException;