Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// =============================================================================
// This code is copyright (c) by Siegfried Steiner, Munich, Germany and licensed
// under the following (see "")
// licenses:
// =============================================================================
// GNU General Public License, v3.0 ("")
// together with the GPL linking exception applied; as being applied by the GNU
// Classpath ("")
// =============================================================================
// Apache License, v2.0 ("")
// =============================================================================
// Please contact the copyright holding author(s) of the software artifacts in
// question for licensing issues not being covered by the above listed licenses,
// also regarding commercial licensing models or regarding the compatibility
// with other open source licenses.
// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* The {@link ShortBlockReceiver} is used to receive short blocks (arrays) in a
* unified way. The {@link #readDatagrams()} method provides the next available
* short block from the counterpart {@link BlockSender} or
* {@link DatagramSender}; in case there is none available, then this method
* halts until one is available or the {@link ShortBlockReceiver} is being shut
* down or the underlying connection is closed. The {@link #hasDatagram()}
* method returns true in case a next short(s) can be fetched via the
* {@link #readDatagrams()} method from the {@link ShortBlockReceiver}
* counterpart.
public interface ShortBlockReceiver extends ShortBlockProvider, Receivable {}