org.restcomm.connect.mrb.ConferenceMediaResourceControllerGeneric Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* TeleStax, Open Source Cloud Communications
* Copyright 2011-2013, Telestax Inc and individual contributors
* by the @authors tag.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
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* 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org.
package org.restcomm.connect.mrb;
import akka.actor.ActorRef;
import akka.actor.Props;
import akka.actor.UntypedActor;
import akka.actor.UntypedActorFactory;
import akka.event.Logging;
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.restcomm.connect.commons.dao.Sid;
import org.restcomm.connect.commons.faulttolerance.RestcommUntypedActor;
import org.restcomm.connect.commons.fsm.Action;
import org.restcomm.connect.commons.fsm.FiniteStateMachine;
import org.restcomm.connect.commons.fsm.State;
import org.restcomm.connect.commons.fsm.Transition;
import org.restcomm.connect.commons.fsm.TransitionNotFoundException;
import org.restcomm.connect.commons.patterns.Observe;
import org.restcomm.connect.commons.patterns.Observing;
import org.restcomm.connect.commons.patterns.StopObserving;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.ConferenceDetailRecordsDao;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.DaoManager;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.entities.ConferenceDetailRecord;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.entities.MediaAttributes;
import org.restcomm.connect.mgcp.MediaGatewayResponse;
import org.restcomm.connect.mgcp.MediaSession;
import org.restcomm.connect.mrb.api.ConferenceMediaResourceControllerStateChanged;
import org.restcomm.connect.mrb.api.StartConferenceMediaResourceController;
import org.restcomm.connect.mrb.api.StopConferenceMediaResourceController;
import org.restcomm.connect.mscontrol.api.messages.MediaGroupResponse;
import org.restcomm.connect.mscontrol.api.messages.MediaGroupStateChanged;
import org.restcomm.connect.mscontrol.api.messages.Play;
import org.restcomm.connect.mscontrol.api.messages.Record;
import org.restcomm.connect.mscontrol.api.messages.StartMediaGroup;
import org.restcomm.connect.mscontrol.api.messages.StartRecording;
import org.restcomm.connect.mscontrol.api.messages.Stop;
import org.restcomm.connect.mscontrol.api.messages.StopMediaGroup;
import org.restcomm.connect.mscontrol.api.messages.StopRecording;
import org.restcomm.connect.mscontrol.mms.MgcpMediaGroup;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.ConferenceStateChanged;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
* @author [email protected] (Maria Farooq)
public class ConferenceMediaResourceControllerGeneric extends RestcommUntypedActor {
private final LoggingAdapter logger = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this);
// Finite State Machine
private final FiniteStateMachine fsm;
protected State uninitialized;
protected State acquiringConferenceInfo;
protected State creatingMediaGroup;
protected State preActive;
protected State active;
protected State stopping;
protected State inactive;
protected State failed;
protected ActorRef localMediaGateway;
protected ActorRef mediaGroup;
protected MediaSession localMediaSession;
protected ActorRef localConfernceEndpoint;
protected DaoManager storage;
protected Configuration configuration;
protected ConferenceDetailRecord cdr;
protected Sid conferenceSid;
// Runtime media operations
protected Boolean playing;
protected Boolean fail;
protected Boolean recording;
protected DateTime recordStarted;
// Observer pattern
protected final List observers;
protected ActorRef mrb;
public ConferenceMediaResourceControllerGeneric(ActorRef localMediaGateway, final Configuration configuration, final DaoManager storage, final ActorRef mrb){
final ActorRef source = self();
// Initialize the states for the FSM.
this.uninitialized = new State("uninitialized", null, null);
this.creatingMediaGroup = new State("creating media group", new CreatingMediaGroup(source), null);
this.acquiringConferenceInfo = new State("getting Conference Info From DB", new AcquiringConferenceInfo(source), null);
this.preActive = new State("pre active", new PreActive(source));
this.active = new State("active", new Active(source));
this.stopping = new State("stopping", new Stopping(source));
this.inactive = new State("inactive", new Inactive(source));
this.failed = new State("failed", new Failed(source));
// Transitions for the FSM.
final Set transitions = new HashSet();
//states for master
transitions.add(new Transition(uninitialized, acquiringConferenceInfo));
transitions.add(new Transition(acquiringConferenceInfo, creatingMediaGroup));
transitions.add(new Transition(creatingMediaGroup, preActive));
transitions.add(new Transition(preActive, active));
transitions.add(new Transition(active, stopping));
transitions.add(new Transition(stopping, inactive));
// Initialize the FSM.
this.fsm = new FiniteStateMachine(uninitialized, transitions);
this.storage = storage;
this.configuration = configuration;
this.localMediaGateway = localMediaGateway;
// Runtime media operations
this.playing = Boolean.FALSE;
this.recording = Boolean.FALSE;
this.fail = Boolean.FALSE;
this.mrb = mrb;
// Observers
this.observers = new ArrayList(1);
protected boolean is(State state) {
return this.fsm.state().equals(state);
protected void broadcast(Object message) {
if (!this.observers.isEmpty()) {
final ActorRef self = self();
synchronized (this.observers) {
for (ActorRef observer : observers) {
observer.tell(message, self);
public void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception {
final Class> klass = message.getClass();
final ActorRef sender = sender();
ActorRef self = self();
final State state = fsm.state();
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info(" ********** ConferenceMediaResourceController " + self().path() + " Processing Message: " + klass.getName());
logger.info(" ********** ConferenceMediaResourceController " + self().path() + " Current State: \"" + state.toString());
if (Observe.class.equals(klass)) {
onObserve((Observe) message, self, sender);
} else if (StopObserving.class.equals(klass)) {
onStopObserving((StopObserving) message, self, sender);
} else if (StartConferenceMediaResourceController.class.equals(klass)){
onStartConferenceMediaResourceController((StartConferenceMediaResourceController) message, self, sender);
} else if (MediaGatewayResponse.class.equals(klass)) {
onMediaGatewayResponse((MediaGatewayResponse>) message, self, sender);
} else if (MediaGroupStateChanged.class.equals(klass)) {
onMediaGroupStateChanged((MediaGroupStateChanged) message, self, sender);
} else if (StopMediaGroup.class.equals(klass)) {
onStopMediaGroup((StopMediaGroup) message, self, sender);
} else if (Play.class.equals(klass)) {
onPlay((Play) message, self, sender);
} else if(MediaGroupResponse.class.equals(klass)) {
onMediaGroupResponse((MediaGroupResponse) message, self, sender);
} else if (StartRecording.class.equals(klass)) {
onStartRecording((StartRecording) message, self, sender);
} else if (StopRecording.class.equals(klass)) {
onStopRecording((StopRecording) message, self, sender);
} else if (StopConferenceMediaResourceController.class.equals(klass)) {
onStopConferenceMediaResourceController((StopConferenceMediaResourceController) message, self, sender);
}catch(Exception e){
logger.error("Exception in onReceive of CMRC: {}", e);
fsm.transition(message, failed);
}catch(TransitionNotFoundException tfe){
/* some state might not allow direct transition to failed state:
* in that case catch the TransitionFailedException and print error.
logger.error("CMRC failed at a state which does not allow direct transition to FAILED state. Current state is: " + state.toString());
protected void onObserve(Observe message, ActorRef self, ActorRef sender) {
final ActorRef observer = message.observer();
if (observer != null) {
synchronized (this.observers) {
observer.tell(new Observing(self), self);
protected void onStopObserving(StopObserving message, ActorRef self, ActorRef sender) {
final ActorRef observer = message.observer();
if (observer != null) {
protected void onStartConferenceMediaResourceController(StartConferenceMediaResourceController message, ActorRef self, ActorRef sender) throws Exception{
if (is(uninitialized)) {
logger.debug("onStartConferenceMediaResourceController: conferenceSid: "+message.conferenceSid()+" cnfEndpoint: "+message.cnfEndpoint());
this.localConfernceEndpoint = message.cnfEndpoint();
this.conferenceSid = message.conferenceSid();
fsm.transition(message, acquiringConferenceInfo);
protected void onMediaGatewayResponse(MediaGatewayResponse> message, ActorRef self, ActorRef sender) throws Exception {
logger.info("inside onMediaGatewayResponse: state = "+fsm.state());
if (is(acquiringConferenceInfo)){
this.localMediaSession = (MediaSession) message.get();
this.fsm.transition(message, creatingMediaGroup);
protected void onStopConferenceMediaResourceController(StopConferenceMediaResourceController message, ActorRef self,
ActorRef sender) throws Exception {
fsm.transition(message, stopping);
protected void onMediaGroupStateChanged(MediaGroupStateChanged message, ActorRef self, ActorRef sender) throws Exception {
logger.debug("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ onMediaGroupStateChanged - received STATE is: "+message.state()+" current fsm STATE is: "+fsm.state()+" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^");
switch (message.state()) {
case ACTIVE:
if (is(creatingMediaGroup)) {
fsm.transition(message, preActive);
if (is(creatingMediaGroup)) {
this.fail = Boolean.TRUE;
fsm.transition(message, failed);
} else if (is(stopping)) {
// Stop media group actor
this.mediaGroup.tell(new StopObserving(self), self);
this.mediaGroup = null;
// Move to next state
this.fsm.transition(message, fail ? failed : inactive);
protected void onPlay(Play message, ActorRef self, ActorRef sender) {
* https://github.com/RestComm/Restcomm-Connect/issues/2024
* We actually dont care about running beeps or MOH, we will send new play
* it will stop exiting playing audio and will play new one
* (unless both are exactly same)
//if (!playing) {
//this.playing = Boolean.TRUE;
this.mediaGroup.tell(message, self);
protected void onStartRecording(StartRecording message, ActorRef self, ActorRef sender) throws Exception {
if (is(active) && !recording) {
String finishOnKey = "1234567890*#";
int maxLength = 3600;
int timeout = 5;
this.recording = Boolean.TRUE;
this.recordStarted = DateTime.now();
// Tell media group to start recording
Record record = new Record(message.getRecordingUri(), timeout, maxLength, finishOnKey, MediaAttributes.MediaType.AUDIO_ONLY);
this.mediaGroup.tell(record, null);
protected void onStopRecording(StopRecording message, ActorRef self, ActorRef sender) throws Exception {
if (is(active) && recording) {
this.recording = Boolean.FALSE;
mediaGroup.tell(new Stop(), null);
protected void onMediaGroupResponse(MediaGroupResponse message, ActorRef self, ActorRef sender) throws Exception {
if (this.playing) {
this.playing = Boolean.FALSE;
protected void onStopMediaGroup(StopMediaGroup message, ActorRef self, ActorRef sender) {
//if (is(active)) {
// Stop the primary media group
this.mediaGroup.tell(new Stop(), self);
this.playing = Boolean.FALSE;
protected abstract class AbstractAction implements Action {
protected final ActorRef source;
public AbstractAction(final ActorRef source) {
this.source = source;
protected final class AcquiringConferenceInfo extends AbstractAction {
public AcquiringConferenceInfo(final ActorRef source) {
public void execute(final Object msg) throws Exception {
logger.debug("current state is: "+fsm.state());
//check master MS info from DB
final ConferenceDetailRecordsDao conferenceDetailRecordsDao = storage.getConferenceDetailRecordsDao();
cdr = conferenceDetailRecordsDao.getConferenceDetailRecord(conferenceSid);
if(cdr == null){
logger.error("there is no information available in DB to proceed with this CMRC");
fsm.transition(msg, failed);
logger.debug("first participant Joined on master MS and sent message to CMRC");
localMediaGateway.tell(new org.restcomm.connect.mgcp.CreateMediaSession(), source);
protected final class CreatingMediaGroup extends AbstractAction {
public CreatingMediaGroup(ActorRef source) {
protected ActorRef createMediaGroup(final Object message) {
final Props props = new Props(new UntypedActorFactory() {
protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public UntypedActor create() throws Exception {
return new MgcpMediaGroup(localMediaGateway, localMediaSession, localConfernceEndpoint);
return getContext().actorOf(props);
public void execute(Object message) throws Exception {
mediaGroup = createMediaGroup(message);
mediaGroup.tell(new Observe(super.source), super.source);
mediaGroup.tell(new StartMediaGroup(), super.source);
protected final class PreActive extends AbstractAction {
public PreActive(final ActorRef source) {
public void execute(final Object message) throws Exception {
logger.debug("CMRC is in pre ACTIVE NOW...");
// later Conference will update the status as per informed by VI as per RCML
broadcast(new ConferenceMediaResourceControllerStateChanged(ConferenceMediaResourceControllerStateChanged.MediaServerControllerState.ACTIVE, cdr.getStatus()));
fsm.transition(message, active);
protected final class Active extends AbstractAction {
public Active(final ActorRef source) {
public void execute(final Object message) throws Exception {
logger.info("CMRC is ACTIVE NOW...");
protected class Stopping extends AbstractAction {
public Stopping(ActorRef source) {
public void execute(Object message) throws Exception {
logger.info("CMRC is STOPPING NOW...");
// Destroy Media Group
mediaGroup.tell(new StopMediaGroup(), super.source);
protected abstract class FinalState extends AbstractAction {
protected final ConferenceMediaResourceControllerStateChanged.MediaServerControllerState state;
public FinalState(ActorRef source, final ConferenceMediaResourceControllerStateChanged.MediaServerControllerState state) {
this.state = state;
public void execute(Object message) throws Exception {
// Notify observers the controller has stopped
broadcast(new ConferenceMediaResourceControllerStateChanged(state, true));
protected final class Inactive extends FinalState {
public Inactive(final ActorRef source) {
super(source, ConferenceMediaResourceControllerStateChanged.MediaServerControllerState.INACTIVE);
protected final class Failed extends FinalState {
public Failed(final ActorRef source) {
super(source, ConferenceMediaResourceControllerStateChanged.MediaServerControllerState.FAILED);
public void postStop() {
logger.debug("postStop called for: "+self());
// Cleanup resources
// Clean observers
// Terminate actor
if(self() != null && !self().isTerminated()){
protected void cleanup() {
* Database Utility Functions
protected void updateConferenceStatus(String status){
if(cdr != null){
final ConferenceDetailRecordsDao dao = storage.getConferenceDetailRecordsDao();
cdr = dao.getConferenceDetailRecord(conferenceSid);
cdr = cdr.setStatus(status);
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