org.restcomm.connect.telephony.CallManager Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* TeleStax, Open Source Cloud Communications
* Copyright 2011-2014, Telestax Inc and individual contributors
* by the @authors tag.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see
package org.restcomm.connect.telephony;
import akka.actor.ActorContext;
import akka.actor.ActorRef;
import akka.actor.ActorSystem;
import akka.actor.Props;
import akka.actor.ReceiveTimeout;
import akka.actor.UntypedActor;
import akka.actor.UntypedActorContext;
import akka.actor.UntypedActorFactory;
import akka.event.Logging;
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter;
import akka.util.Timeout;
import com.google.i18n.phonenumbers.NumberParseException;
import com.google.i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil;
import com.google.i18n.phonenumbers.PhoneNumberUtil.PhoneNumberFormat;
import org.restcomm.connect.extension.api.CallRequest;
import org.restcomm.connect.extension.api.ExtensionResponse;
import org.restcomm.connect.extension.api.ExtensionType;
import org.restcomm.connect.monitoringservice.MonitoringService;
import org.restcomm.connect.extension.api.RestcommExtensionGeneric;
import gov.nist.javax.sip.header.UserAgent;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.restcomm.connect.extension.controller.ExtensionController;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.CallManagerResponse;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.CallResponse;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.CallStateChanged;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.CreateCall;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.DestroyCall;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.ExecuteCallScript;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.GetActiveProxy;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.GetCall;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.GetCallObservers;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.GetProxies;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.GetRelatedCall;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.Hangup;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.InitializeOutbound;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.SwitchProxy;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.UpdateCallScript;
import org.restcomm.connect.commons.configuration.RestcommConfiguration;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.AccountsDao;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.ApplicationsDao;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.ClientsDao;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.DaoManager;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.IncomingPhoneNumbersDao;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.NotificationsDao;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.RegistrationsDao;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.entities.Account;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.entities.Application;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.entities.Client;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.entities.IncomingPhoneNumber;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.entities.Notification;
import org.restcomm.connect.dao.entities.Registration;
import org.restcomm.connect.commons.dao.Sid;
import org.restcomm.connect.interpreter.StartInterpreter;
import org.restcomm.connect.interpreter.StopInterpreter;
import org.restcomm.connect.interpreter.VoiceInterpreterBuilder;
import org.restcomm.connect.mscontrol.api.MediaServerControllerFactory;
import org.restcomm.connect.commons.patterns.StopObserving;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.util.B2BUAHelper;
import org.restcomm.connect.telephony.api.util.CallControlHelper;
import org.restcomm.connect.commons.util.SdpUtils;
import org.restcomm.connect.commons.util.UriUtils;
import scala.concurrent.Await;
import scala.concurrent.Future;
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration;
import javax.sdp.SdpParseException;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.sip.Address;
import javax.servlet.sip.AuthInfo;
import javax.servlet.sip.ServletParseException;
import javax.servlet.sip.SipApplicationSession;
import javax.servlet.sip.SipApplicationSessionEvent;
import javax.servlet.sip.SipFactory;
import javax.servlet.sip.SipServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.sip.SipServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.sip.SipSession;
import javax.servlet.sip.SipURI;
import javax.sip.header.RouteHeader;
import javax.sip.message.Response;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.net.UnknownHostException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static akka.pattern.Patterns.ask;
import static javax.servlet.sip.SipServlet.OUTBOUND_INTERFACES;
import static javax.servlet.sip.SipServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST;
import static javax.servlet.sip.SipServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN;
import static javax.servlet.sip.SipServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND;
import static javax.servlet.sip.SipServletResponse.SC_OK;
* @author [email protected] (Thomas Quintana)
* @author [email protected]
* @author [email protected]
* @author [email protected]
public final class CallManager extends UntypedActor {
static final int ERROR_NOTIFICATION = 0;
static final int WARNING_NOTIFICATION = 1;
static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[\\*#0-9]{1,12}");
static final String EMAIL_SENDER = "[email protected]";
static final String EMAIL_SUBJECT = "RestComm Error Notification - Attention Required";
private final ActorSystem system;
private final Configuration configuration;
private final ServletContext context;
private final MediaServerControllerFactory msControllerFactory;
private final ActorRef conferences;
private final ActorRef bridges;
private final ActorRef sms;
private final SipFactory sipFactory;
private final DaoManager storage;
private final ActorRef monitoring;
// configurable switch whether to use the To field in a SIP header to determine the callee address
// alternatively the Request URI can be used
private boolean useTo;
private boolean authenticateUsers;
private AtomicInteger numberOfFailedCalls;
private AtomicBoolean useFallbackProxy;
private boolean allowFallback;
private boolean allowFallbackToPrimary;
private int maxNumberOfFailedCalls;
private String primaryProxyUri;
private String primaryProxyUsername, primaryProxyPassword;
private String fallBackProxyUri;
private String fallBackProxyUsername, fallBackProxyPassword;
private String activeProxy;
private String activeProxyUsername, activeProxyPassword;
private String mediaExternalIp;
private String myHostIp;
private String proxyIp;
private final LoggingAdapter logger = Logging.getLogger(getContext().system(), this);
private CreateCall createCallRequest;
private SwitchProxy switchProxyRequest;
//Control whether Restcomm will patch Request-URI and SDP for B2BUA calls
private boolean patchForNatB2BUASessions;
//List of extensions for CallManager
List extensions;
// used for sending warning and error logs to notification engine and to the console
private void sendNotification(String errMessage, int errCode, String errType, boolean createNotification) {
NotificationsDao notifications = storage.getNotificationsDao();
Notification notification;
if (errType == "warning") {
logger.warning(errMessage); // send message to console
if (createNotification) {
notification = notification(ERROR_NOTIFICATION, errCode, errMessage);
} else if (errType == "error") {
logger.error(errMessage); // send message to console
if (createNotification) {
notification = notification(ERROR_NOTIFICATION, errCode, errMessage);
} else if (errType == "info") {
if(logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info(errMessage); // send message to console
public CallManager(final Configuration configuration, final ServletContext context, final ActorSystem system,
final MediaServerControllerFactory msControllerFactory, final ActorRef conferences, final ActorRef bridges,
final ActorRef sms, final SipFactory factory, final DaoManager storage) {
this.system = system;
this.configuration = configuration;
this.context = context;
this.msControllerFactory = msControllerFactory;
this.conferences = conferences;
this.bridges = bridges;
this.sms = sms;
this.sipFactory = factory;
this.storage = storage;
final Configuration runtime = configuration.subset("runtime-settings");
final Configuration outboundProxyConfig = runtime.subset("outbound-proxy");
SipURI outboundIntf = outboundInterface("udp");
if (outboundIntf != null) {
myHostIp = ((SipURI) outboundIntf).getHost().toString();
} else {
String errMsg = "SipURI outboundIntf is null";
sendNotification(errMsg, 14001, "error", false);
if (context == null)
errMsg = "SipServlet context is null";
sendNotification(errMsg, 14002, "error", false);
Configuration mediaConf = configuration.subset("media-server-manager");
mediaExternalIp = mediaConf.getString("mgcp-server.external-address");
proxyIp = runtime.subset("telestax-proxy").getString("uri").replaceAll("http://", "").replaceAll(":2080", "");
if (mediaExternalIp == null || mediaExternalIp.isEmpty())
mediaExternalIp = myHostIp;
if (proxyIp == null || proxyIp.isEmpty())
proxyIp = myHostIp;
this.useTo = runtime.getBoolean("use-to");
this.authenticateUsers = runtime.getBoolean("authenticate");
this.primaryProxyUri = outboundProxyConfig.getString("outbound-proxy-uri");
this.primaryProxyUsername = outboundProxyConfig.getString("outbound-proxy-user");
this.primaryProxyPassword = outboundProxyConfig.getString("outbound-proxy-password");
this.fallBackProxyUri = outboundProxyConfig.getString("fallback-outbound-proxy-uri");
this.fallBackProxyUsername = outboundProxyConfig.getString("fallback-outbound-proxy-user");
this.fallBackProxyPassword = outboundProxyConfig.getString("fallback-outbound-proxy-password");
this.activeProxy = primaryProxyUri;
this.activeProxyUsername = primaryProxyUsername;
this.activeProxyPassword = primaryProxyPassword;
numberOfFailedCalls = new AtomicInteger();
useFallbackProxy = new AtomicBoolean();
allowFallback = outboundProxyConfig.getBoolean("allow-fallback", false);
maxNumberOfFailedCalls = outboundProxyConfig.getInt("max-failed-calls", 20);
allowFallbackToPrimary = outboundProxyConfig.getBoolean("allow-fallback-to-primary", false);
patchForNatB2BUASessions = runtime.getBoolean("patch-for-nat-b2bua-sessions", true);
//Monitoring Service
this.monitoring = (ActorRef) context.getAttribute(MonitoringService.class.getName());
extensions = ExtensionController.getInstance().getExtensions(ExtensionType.CallManager);
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("CallManager extensions: "+(extensions != null ? extensions.size() : "0"));
private ActorRef call() {
return system.actorOf(new Props(new UntypedActorFactory() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public UntypedActor create() throws Exception {
return new Call(sipFactory, msControllerFactory.provideCallController(), configuration);
private void check(final Object message) throws IOException {
final SipServletRequest request = (SipServletRequest) message;
String content = new String(request.getRawContent());
if (request.getContentLength() == 0
|| !("application/sdp".equals(request.getContentType()) || content.contains("application/sdp"))) {
final SipServletResponse response = request.createResponse(SC_BAD_REQUEST);
private void destroy(final Object message) throws Exception {
final UntypedActorContext context = getContext();
final DestroyCall request = (DestroyCall) message;
ActorRef call = request.call();
if (call != null) {
if(logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("About to destroy call: "+request.call().path()+", call isTerminated(): "+sender().isTerminated()+", sender: "+sender());
private void invite(final Object message) throws IOException, NumberParseException, ServletParseException {
final ActorRef self = self();
final SipServletRequest request = (SipServletRequest) message;
// Make sure we handle re-invites properly.
if (!request.isInitial()) {
final SipServletResponse okay = request.createResponse(SC_OK);
//Run proInboundAction Extensions here
// If it's a new invite lets try to handle it.
final AccountsDao accounts = storage.getAccountsDao();
final ApplicationsDao applications = storage.getApplicationsDao();
// Try to find an application defined for the client.
final SipURI fromUri = (SipURI) request.getFrom().getURI();
String fromUser = fromUri.getUser();
final ClientsDao clients = storage.getClientsDao();
final Client client = clients.getClient(fromUser);
if (client != null) {
// Make sure we force clients to authenticate.
if (!authenticateUsers // https://github.com/Mobicents/RestComm/issues/29 Allow disabling of SIP authentication
|| CallControlHelper.checkAuthentication(request, storage)) {
// if the client has authenticated, try to redirect to the Client VoiceURL app
// otherwise continue trying to process the Client invite
if (redirectToClientVoiceApp(self, request, accounts, applications, client)) {
} // else continue trying other ways to handle the request
} else {
// Since the client failed to authenticate, we will take no further action at this time.
// TODO Enforce some kind of security check for requests coming from outside SIP UAs such as ITSPs that are not
// registered
final String toUser = CallControlHelper.getUserSipId(request, useTo);
final String ruri = ((SipURI) request.getRequestURI()).getHost();
final String toHost = ((SipURI) request.getTo().getURI()).getHost();
final String toHostIpAddress = InetAddress.getByName(toHost).getHostAddress();
final String toPort = String.valueOf(((SipURI) request.getTo().getURI()).getPort()).equalsIgnoreCase("-1") ? "5060"
: String.valueOf(((SipURI) request.getTo().getURI()).getHost());
final String transport = ((SipURI) request.getTo().getURI()).getTransportParam() == null ? "udp" : ((SipURI) request
SipURI outboundIntf = outboundInterface(transport);
if(logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("ToHost: " + toHost);
logger.info("ruri: " + ruri);
logger.info("myHostIp: " + myHostIp);
logger.info("mediaExternalIp: " + mediaExternalIp);
logger.info("proxyIp: " + proxyIp);
if (client != null) { // make sure the caller is a registered client and not some external SIP agent that we have little control over
Client toClient = clients.getClient(toUser);
if (toClient != null) { // looks like its a p2p attempt between two valid registered clients, lets redirect to the b2bua
if(logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Client is not null: " + client.getLogin() + " will try to proxy to client: "+ toClient);
if (B2BUAHelper.redirectToB2BUA(request, client, toClient, storage, sipFactory, patchForNatB2BUASessions)) {
if(logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Call to CLIENT. myHostIp: " + myHostIp + " mediaExternalIp: " + mediaExternalIp + " toHost: "
+ toHost + " fromClient: " + client.getUri() + " toClient: " + toClient.getUri());
// if all goes well with proxying the invitation on to the next client
// then we can end further processing of this INVITE
} else {
String errMsg = "Cannot Connect to Client: " + toClient.getFriendlyName()
+ " : Make sure the Client exist or is registered with Restcomm";
sendNotification(errMsg, 11001, "warning", true);
} else {
// toClient is null or we couldn't make the b2bua call to another client. check if this call is for a registered
// DID (application)
if (redirectToHostedVoiceApp(self, request, accounts, applications, toUser)) {
// This is a call to a registered DID (application)
// This call is not a registered DID (application). Try to proxy out this call.
// log to console and to notification engine
String errMsg = "A Restcomm Client is trying to call a Number/DID that is not registered with Restcomm";
sendNotification(errMsg, 11002, "info", true);
if (isWebRTC(request)) {
//This is a WebRTC client that dials out
proxyThroughMediaServer(request, client, toUser);
// https://telestax.atlassian.net/browse/RESTCOMM-335
final String proxyURI = activeProxy;
final String proxyUsername = activeProxyUsername;
final String proxyPassword = activeProxyPassword;
SipURI from = null;
SipURI to = null;
boolean callToSipUri = false;
// proxy DID or number if the outbound proxy fields are not empty in the restcomm.xml
if (proxyURI != null && !proxyURI.isEmpty()) {
// String destination = ((SipURI)request.getTo().getURI()).getUser();
CallRequest callRequest = new CallRequest(fromUser,toUser, CallRequest.Type.PSTN, client.getAccountSid(), false, false);
if (executePreOutboundAction(callRequest)) {
proxyOut(request, client, toUser, toHost, toHostIpAddress, toPort, outboundIntf, proxyURI, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, from, to, callToSipUri);
} else {
//log here
final SipServletResponse response = request.createResponse(SC_FORBIDDEN);
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Call request rejected: "+callRequest.toString());
} else {
String msg = "Restcomm tried to proxy this call to an outbound party but it seems the outbound proxy is not configured.";
sendNotification(errMsg, 11004, "warning", true);
} else {
// Client is null, check if this call is for a registered DID (application)
if (redirectToHostedVoiceApp(self, request, accounts, applications, toUser)) {
// This is a call to a registered DID (application)
final SipServletResponse response = request.createResponse(SC_NOT_FOUND);
// We didn't find anyway to handle the call.
String errMsg = "Restcomm cannot process this call because the destination number " + toUser
+ "cannot be found or there is application attached to that";
sendNotification(errMsg, 11005, "error", true);
private boolean proxyOut(SipServletRequest request, Client client, String toUser, String toHost, String toHostIpAddress, String toPort, SipURI outboundIntf, String proxyURI, String proxyUsername, String proxyPassword, SipURI from, SipURI to, boolean callToSipUri) throws UnknownHostException {
final Configuration runtime = configuration.subset("runtime-settings");
final boolean useLocalAddressAtFromHeader = runtime.getBoolean("use-local-address", false);
final boolean outboudproxyUserAtFromHeader = runtime.subset("outbound-proxy").getBoolean(
"outboudproxy-user-at-from-header", true);
final String fromHost = ((SipURI) request.getFrom().getURI()).getHost();
final String fromHostIpAddress = InetAddress.getByName(fromHost).getHostAddress();
// final String fromPort = String.valueOf(((SipURI) request.getFrom().getURI()).getPort()).equalsIgnoreCase("-1") ? "5060"
// : String.valueOf(((SipURI) request.getFrom().getURI()).getHost());
if(logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("fromHost: " + fromHost + "fromHostIP: " + fromHostIpAddress + "myHostIp: " + myHostIp + " mediaExternalIp: " + mediaExternalIp
+ " toHost: " + toHost + " toHostIP: " + toHostIpAddress + " proxyUri: " + proxyURI);
if ((myHostIp.equalsIgnoreCase(toHost) || mediaExternalIp.equalsIgnoreCase(toHost)) ||
(myHostIp.equalsIgnoreCase(toHostIpAddress) || mediaExternalIp.equalsIgnoreCase(toHostIpAddress))
// https://github.com/RestComm/Restcomm-Connect/issues/1357
|| (fromHost.equalsIgnoreCase(toHost) || fromHost.equalsIgnoreCase(toHostIpAddress))
|| (fromHostIpAddress.equalsIgnoreCase(toHost) || fromHostIpAddress.equalsIgnoreCase(toHostIpAddress))) {
if(logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Call to NUMBER. myHostIp: " + myHostIp + " mediaExternalIp: " + mediaExternalIp
+ " toHost: " + toHost + " proxyUri: " + proxyURI);
try {
if (useLocalAddressAtFromHeader) {
if (outboudproxyUserAtFromHeader) {
from = (SipURI) sipFactory.createSipURI(proxyUsername,
mediaExternalIp + ":" + outboundIntf.getPort());
} else {
from = sipFactory.createSipURI(((SipURI) request.getFrom().getURI()).getUser(),
mediaExternalIp + ":" + outboundIntf.getPort());
} else {
if (outboudproxyUserAtFromHeader) {
// https://telestax.atlassian.net/browse/RESTCOMM-633. Use the outbound proxy username as
// the userpart of the sip uri for the From header
from = (SipURI) sipFactory.createSipURI(proxyUsername, proxyURI);
} else {
from = sipFactory.createSipURI(((SipURI) request.getFrom().getURI()).getUser(), proxyURI);
to = sipFactory.createSipURI(((SipURI) request.getTo().getURI()).getUser(), proxyURI);
} catch (Exception exception) {
if(logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Exception: " + exception);
} else {
if(logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Call to SIP URI. myHostIp: " + myHostIp + " mediaExternalIp: " + mediaExternalIp
+ " toHost: " + toHost + " proxyUri: " + proxyURI);
from = sipFactory.createSipURI(((SipURI) request.getFrom().getURI()).getUser(), outboundIntf.getHost()
+ ":" + outboundIntf.getPort());
to = sipFactory.createSipURI(toUser, toHost + ":" + toPort);
callToSipUri = true;
if (B2BUAHelper.redirectToB2BUA(request, client, from, to, proxyUsername, proxyPassword, storage,
sipFactory, callToSipUri, patchForNatB2BUASessions)) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean isWebRTC(final SipServletRequest request) {
String transport = request.getTransport();
String userAgent = request.getHeader(UserAgent.NAME);
//The check for request.getHeader(UserAgentHeader.NAME).equals("sipunit") has been added in order to be able to test this feature with sipunit at the Restcomm testsuite
if (userAgent != null && !userAgent.isEmpty() && userAgent.equalsIgnoreCase("wss-sipunit")) {
return true;
if (!request.getInitialTransport().equalsIgnoreCase(transport)) {
transport = request.getInitialTransport();
if ("ws".equalsIgnoreCase(transport) || "wss".equalsIgnoreCase(transport))
return true;
try {
if (SdpUtils.isWebRTCSDP(request.getContentType(), request.getRawContent())) {
return true;
} catch (SdpParseException e) {}
catch (IOException e) {}
return false;
private void proxyThroughMediaServer(final SipServletRequest request, final Client client, final String destNumber) {
String rcml = ""+destNumber+" ";
final VoiceInterpreterBuilder builder = new VoiceInterpreterBuilder(system);
final Account account = storage.getAccountsDao().getAccount(client.getAccountSid());
final ActorRef interpreter = builder.build();
final ActorRef call = call();
final SipApplicationSession application = request.getApplicationSession();
application.setAttribute(Call.class.getName(), call);
call.tell(request, self());
interpreter.tell(new StartInterpreter(call), self());
private void info(final SipServletRequest request) throws IOException {
final ActorRef self = self();
final SipApplicationSession application = request.getApplicationSession();
// if this response is coming from a client that is in a p2p session with another registered client
// we will just proxy the response
SipSession linkedB2BUASession = B2BUAHelper.getLinkedSession(request);
if (linkedB2BUASession != null) {
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info(String.format("B2BUA: Got INFO request: \n %s", request));
request.getSession().setAttribute(B2BUAHelper.B2BUA_LAST_REQUEST, request);
SipServletRequest clonedInfo = linkedB2BUASession.createRequest("INFO");
linkedB2BUASession.setAttribute(B2BUAHelper.B2BUA_LAST_REQUEST, clonedInfo);
// Issue #307: https://telestax.atlassian.net/browse/RESTCOMM-307
SipURI toInetUri = (SipURI) request.getSession().getAttribute(B2BUAHelper.TO_INET_URI);
SipURI fromInetUri = (SipURI) request.getSession().getAttribute(B2BUAHelper.FROM_INET_URI);
InetAddress infoRURI = null;
try {
infoRURI = InetAddress.getByName(((SipURI) clonedInfo.getRequestURI()).getHost());
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
if (patchForNatB2BUASessions) {
if (toInetUri != null && infoRURI == null) {
logger.info("Using the real ip address of the sip client " + toInetUri.toString()
+ " as a request uri of the CloneBye request");
} else if (toInetUri != null
&& (infoRURI.isSiteLocalAddress() || infoRURI.isAnyLocalAddress() || infoRURI.isLoopbackAddress())) {
logger.info("Using the real ip address of the sip client " + toInetUri.toString()
+ " as a request uri of the CloneInfo request");
} else if (fromInetUri != null
&& (infoRURI.isSiteLocalAddress() || infoRURI.isAnyLocalAddress() || infoRURI.isLoopbackAddress())) {
logger.info("Using the real ip address of the sip client " + fromInetUri.toString()
+ " as a request uri of the CloneInfo request");
} else {
final ActorRef call = (ActorRef) application.getAttribute(Call.class.getName());
call.tell(request, self);
* Try to locate a hosted voice app corresponding to the callee/To address. If one is found, begin execution, otherwise
* return false;
* @param self
* @param request
* @param accounts
* @param applications
* @param phone
private boolean redirectToHostedVoiceApp(final ActorRef self, final SipServletRequest request, final AccountsDao accounts,
final ApplicationsDao applications, String phone) {
boolean isFoundHostedApp = false;
// Format the destination to an E.164 phone number.
final PhoneNumberUtil phoneNumberUtil = PhoneNumberUtil.getInstance();
String formatedPhone = null;
try {
formatedPhone = phoneNumberUtil.format(phoneNumberUtil.parse(phone, "US"), PhoneNumberFormat.E164);
} catch (Exception e) {
IncomingPhoneNumber number = null;
try {
// Try to find an application defined for the phone number.
final IncomingPhoneNumbersDao numbers = storage.getIncomingPhoneNumbersDao();
number = numbers.getIncomingPhoneNumber(formatedPhone);
if (number == null) {
number = numbers.getIncomingPhoneNumber(phone);
if(number == null){
if (phone.startsWith("+")) {
//remove the (+) and check if exists
phone= phone.replaceFirst("\\+","");
number = numbers.getIncomingPhoneNumber(phone);
} else {
//Add "+" add check if number exists
phone = "+".concat(phone);
number = numbers.getIncomingPhoneNumber(phone);
if (number == null) {
// https://github.com/Mobicents/RestComm/issues/84 using wildcard as default application
number = numbers.getIncomingPhoneNumber("*");
if (number != null) {
final VoiceInterpreterBuilder builder = new VoiceInterpreterBuilder(system);
final Account account = accounts.getAccount(number.getAccountSid());
final Sid sid = number.getVoiceApplicationSid();
if (sid != null) {
final Application application = applications.getApplication(sid);
} else {
final String voiceMethod = number.getVoiceMethod();
if (voiceMethod == null || voiceMethod.isEmpty()) {
} else {
URI uri = number.getVoiceFallbackUrl();
if (uri != null)
final ActorRef interpreter = builder.build();
final ActorRef call = call();
final SipApplicationSession application = request.getApplicationSession();
application.setAttribute(Call.class.getName(), call);
call.tell(request, self);
interpreter.tell(new StartInterpreter(call), self);
isFoundHostedApp = true;
} catch (Exception notANumber) {
String errMsg;
if (number != null) {
errMsg = "The number " + number.getPhoneNumber() + " does not have a Restcomm hosted application attached";
} else {
errMsg = "The number does not have a Restcomm hosted application attached";
sendNotification(errMsg, 11007, "error", false);
logger.error(errMsg, notANumber);
isFoundHostedApp = false;
return isFoundHostedApp;
* If there is VoiceUrl provided for a Client configuration, try to begin execution of the RCML app, otherwise return false.
* @param self
* @param request
* @param accounts
* @param applications
* @param client
private boolean redirectToClientVoiceApp(final ActorRef self, final SipServletRequest request, final AccountsDao accounts,
final ApplicationsDao applications, final Client client) {
Sid applicationSid = client.getVoiceApplicationSid();
URI clientAppVoiceUrl = null;
if (applicationSid != null) {
final Application application = applications.getApplication(applicationSid);
clientAppVoiceUrl = UriUtils.resolve(application.getRcmlUrl());
if (clientAppVoiceUrl == null) {
clientAppVoiceUrl = client.getVoiceUrl();
boolean isClientManaged =( (applicationSid != null && !applicationSid.toString().isEmpty() && !applicationSid.toString().equals("")) ||
(clientAppVoiceUrl != null && !clientAppVoiceUrl.toString().isEmpty() && !clientAppVoiceUrl.toString().equals("")));
if (isClientManaged) {
final VoiceInterpreterBuilder builder = new VoiceInterpreterBuilder(system);
final Account account = accounts.getAccount(client.getAccountSid());
final Sid sid = client.getVoiceApplicationSid();
URI uri = client.getVoiceFallbackUrl();
if (uri != null)
final ActorRef interpreter = builder.build();
final ActorRef call = call();
final SipApplicationSession application = request.getApplicationSession();
application.setAttribute(Call.class.getName(), call);
call.tell(request, self);
interpreter.tell(new StartInterpreter(call), self);
return isClientManaged;
private void pong(final Object message) throws IOException {
final SipServletRequest request = (SipServletRequest) message;
final SipServletResponse response = request.createResponse(SC_OK);
public void onReceive(final Object message) throws Exception {
final Class> klass = message.getClass();
final ActorRef self = self();
final ActorRef sender = sender();
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("######### CallManager new message received, message instanceof : " + klass + " from sender : "
+ sender.getClass());
if (message instanceof SipServletRequest) {
final SipServletRequest request = (SipServletRequest) message;
final String method = request.getMethod();
if ("INVITE".equals(method)) {
} else if ("OPTIONS".equals(method)) {
} else if ("ACK".equals(method)) {
} else if ("CANCEL".equals(method)) {
} else if ("BYE".equals(method)) {
} else if ("INFO".equals(method)) {
} else if (CreateCall.class.equals(klass)) {
this.createCallRequest = (CreateCall) message;
outbound(message, sender);
} else if (ExecuteCallScript.class.equals(klass)) {
} else if (UpdateCallScript.class.equals(klass)) {
try {
} catch (final Exception exception) {
sender.tell(new CallManagerResponse(exception), self);
} else if (DestroyCall.class.equals(klass)) {
} else if (message instanceof SipServletResponse) {
} else if (message instanceof SipApplicationSessionEvent) {
} else if (GetCall.class.equals(klass)) {
sender.tell(lookup(message), self);
} else if (GetActiveProxy.class.equals(klass)) {
sender.tell(getActiveProxy(), self);
} else if (SwitchProxy.class.equals(klass)) {
this.switchProxyRequest = (SwitchProxy) message;
sender.tell(switchProxy(), self);
} else if (GetProxies.class.equals(klass)) {
sender.tell(getProxies(message), self);
private void ack(SipServletRequest request) throws IOException {
SipServletResponse response = B2BUAHelper.getLinkedResponse(request);
// if this is an ACK that belongs to a B2BUA session, then we proxy it to the other client
if (response != null) {
SipServletRequest ack = response.createAck();
// if (!ack.getHeaders("Route").hasNext() && patchForNatB2BUASessions) {
if (patchForNatB2BUASessions) {
InetAddress ackRURI = null;
try {
ackRURI = InetAddress.getByName(((SipURI) ack.getRequestURI()).getHost());
} catch (UnknownHostException e) {
boolean isBehindLB = false;
final String initialIpBeforeLB = response.getHeader("X-Sip-Balancer-InitialRemoteAddr");
String initialPortBeforeLB = response.getHeader("X-Sip-Balancer-InitialRemotePort");
if (initialIpBeforeLB != null) {
if (initialPortBeforeLB == null)
initialPortBeforeLB = "5060";
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("We are behind load balancer, checking if the request URI needs to be patched");
isBehindLB = true;
// Issue #307: https://telestax.atlassian.net/browse/RESTCOMM-307
SipURI toInetUri = (SipURI) request.getSession().getAttribute(B2BUAHelper.TO_INET_URI);
if (toInetUri != null && ackRURI == null) {
if(isBehindLB) {
// https://github.com/RestComm/Restcomm-Connect/issues/1357
boolean patchRURI = isLBPatchRURI(ack, initialIpBeforeLB, initialPortBeforeLB);
if(patchRURI) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("We are behind load balancer, but Using the real ip address of the sip client " + toInetUri.toString()
+ " as a request uri of the ACK request");
} else {
// https://github.com/RestComm/Restcomm-Connect/issues/1357
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("removing the toInetUri to avoid the other subsequent requests using it " + toInetUri.toString());
} else {
if(logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Using the real ip address of the sip client " + toInetUri.toString()
+ " as a request uri of the ACK request");
} else if (toInetUri != null
&& (ackRURI.isSiteLocalAddress() || ackRURI.isAnyLocalAddress() || ackRURI.isLoopbackAddress())) {
if(isBehindLB) {
// https://github.com/RestComm/Restcomm-Connect/issues/1357
boolean patchRURI = isLBPatchRURI(ack, initialIpBeforeLB, initialPortBeforeLB);
if(patchRURI) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("We are behind load balancer, but Using the real ip address of the sip client " + toInetUri.toString()
+ " as a request uri of the ACK request");
} else {
// https://github.com/RestComm/Restcomm-Connect/issues/1357
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("removing the toInetUri to avoid the other subsequent requests using it " + toInetUri.toString());
} else {
if(logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Using the real ip address of the sip client " + toInetUri.toString()
+ " as a request uri of the ACK request");
} else if (toInetUri == null
&& (ackRURI.isSiteLocalAddress() || ackRURI.isAnyLocalAddress() || ackRURI.isLoopbackAddress())) {
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Public IP toInetUri from SipSession is null, will check LB headers from last Response");
if(isBehindLB) {
String realIP = initialIpBeforeLB + ":" + initialPortBeforeLB;
SipURI uri = sipFactory.createSipURI(null, realIP);
boolean patchRURI = isLBPatchRURI(ack, initialIpBeforeLB, initialPortBeforeLB);
if(patchRURI) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("We are behind load balancer, will use Initial Remote Address " + initialIpBeforeLB + ":"
+ initialPortBeforeLB + " for the ACK request");
} else {
if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("LB Headers are also null");
SipApplicationSession sipApplicationSession = request.getApplicationSession();
// Defaulting the sip application session to 1h
} else {
if(logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Linked Response couldn't be found for ACK request");
final ActorRef call = (ActorRef) request.getApplicationSession().getAttribute(Call.class.getName());
if (call != null) {
if(logger.isInfoEnabled()) {
logger.info("Will send ACK to call actor: "+call.path());
call.tell(request, self());
// else {
// SipSession sipSession = request.getSession();
// SipApplicationSession sipAppSession = request.getApplicationSession();
// if(sipSession.getInvalidateWhenReady()){
// logger.info("Invalidating sipSession: "+sipSession.getId());
// sipSession.invalidate();
// }
// if(sipAppSession.getInvalidateWhenReady()){
// logger.info("Invalidating sipAppSession: "+sipAppSession.getId());
// sipAppSession.invalidate();
// }
// }
private boolean isLBPatchRURI(SipServletRequest request,
final String initialIpBeforeLB, String initialPortBeforeLB) {
try {
// https://github.com/RestComm/Restcomm-Connect/issues/1336 checking if the initial IP and Port behind LB is part of the route set or not
ListIterator extends Address> routes = request.getAddressHeaders(RouteHeader.NAME);
while(routes.hasNext()) {
SipURI route = (SipURI) routes.next().getURI();
String routeHost = route.getHost();
int routePort = route.getPort();
if(routePort < 0) {
routePort = 5060;
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Checking if route " + routeHost + ":" + routePort + " is matching ip and port before LB " + initialIpBeforeLB + ":"
+ initialPortBeforeLB + " for the " + request.getMethod() + " request");
if(routeHost.equalsIgnoreCase(initialIpBeforeLB) && routePort == Integer.parseInt(initialPortBeforeLB)) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("route " + route + " is matching ip and port before LB " + initialIpBeforeLB + ":"
+ initialPortBeforeLB + " for the " + request.getMethod() + " request, so not patching the Request-URI");
return false;
} catch (ServletParseException e) {
logger.error("Impossible to parse the route set from the request " + request, e);
return true;
private void execute(final Object message) {
final ExecuteCallScript request = (ExecuteCallScript) message;
final ActorRef self = self();
final VoiceInterpreterBuilder builder = new VoiceInterpreterBuilder(system);
final ActorRef interpreter = builder.build();
interpreter.tell(new StartInterpreter(request.call()), self);
private void update(final Object message) throws Exception {
final UpdateCallScript request = (UpdateCallScript) message;
final ActorRef self = self();
final ActorRef call = request.call();
final Boolean moveConnectedCallLeg = request.moveConnecteCallLeg();
// Get first call leg observers
final Timeout expires = new Timeout(Duration.create(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
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