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org.richfaces.renderkit.html.AjaxLogRenderer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.richfaces.renderkit.html;
import ;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap ;
import java.util.Map ;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent ;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext ;
import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter ;
import org.richfaces.component.LogMode ;
import org.richfaces.renderkit.LogRendererBase ;
import org.richfaces.renderkit.RenderKitUtils ;
import static org.richfaces.renderkit.RenderKitUtils .*;
import org.richfaces.renderkit.RenderKitUtils .Attributes ;
import org.richfaces.renderkit.RenderKitUtils .ScriptHashVariableWrapper ;
public class AjaxLogRenderer extends LogRendererBase {
private static final Attributes PASS_THROUGH_ATTRIBUTES0 = attributes()
.generic("align" ,"align" )
.generic("dir" ,"dir" )
.generic("lang" ,"lang" )
.generic("onclick" ,"onclick" )
.generic("ondblclick" ,"ondblclick" )
.generic("onkeydown" ,"onkeydown" )
.generic("onkeypress" ,"onkeypress" )
.generic("onkeyup" ,"onkeyup" )
.generic("onmousedown" ,"onmousedown" )
.generic("onmousemove" ,"onmousemove" )
.generic("onmouseout" ,"onmouseout" )
.generic("onmouseover" ,"onmouseover" )
.generic("onmouseup" ,"onmouseup" )
.generic("role" ,"role" )
.generic("style" ,"style" )
.generic("title" ,"title" )
private static final Attributes ATTRIBUTES_FOR_SCRIPT_HASH0 = attributes()
.generic("level" ,"level" )
.generic("hotkey" ,"hotkey" )
private static final Attributes ATTRIBUTES_FOR_SCRIPT_HASH1 = attributes()
.generic("mode" ,"mode" )
private static String convertToString(Object object )
return object != null ? object .toString ( ) : "" ;
public void doEncodeEnd(ResponseWriter responseWriter, FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent component)
throws IOException
String clientId = component.getClientId(facesContext);
responseWriter.startElement("div" , component);
Object value = this .concatClasses("rf-log" ,(this .isInline(component.getAttributes().get("mode" )) ? "rf-log-inline" : "rf-log-popup rf-log-popup-cnt" ),component.getAttributes().get("styleClass" ));
if (null != value &&
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("class" ,value,null );
responseWriter.writeAttribute("id" ,"richfaces.log" ,null );
renderPassThroughAttributes(facesContext, component,
Map options = new LinkedHashMap ();
addToScriptHash(options, facesContext, component, ATTRIBUTES_FOR_SCRIPT_HASH0 , null );
addToScriptHash(options, facesContext, component, ATTRIBUTES_FOR_SCRIPT_HASH1 , null );
responseWriter.startElement("script" , component);
responseWriter.writeAttribute("type" ,"text/javascript" ,null );
Object text = "new RichFaces.HtmlLog(" + convertToString(toScriptArgs(options)) + ");" ;
if (text != null ) {
responseWriter.writeText(text, null );
responseWriter.endElement("script" );
responseWriter.endElement("div" );