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org.richfaces.renderkit.html.CalendarRenderer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.richfaces.renderkit.html;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.context.ResponseWriter;
import org.ajax4jsf.javascript.JSReference;
import org.richfaces.component.AbstractCalendar.Mode;
import org.richfaces.component.Positioning;
import org.richfaces.renderkit.CalendarRendererBase;
import org.richfaces.renderkit.RenderKitUtils;
import static org.richfaces.renderkit.RenderKitUtils.*;
import org.richfaces.renderkit.RenderKitUtils.Attributes;
import org.richfaces.renderkit.RenderKitUtils.ScriptHashVariableWrapper;
public class CalendarRenderer extends CalendarRendererBase {
private static final Attributes ATTRIBUTES_FOR_SCRIPT_HASH30 = attributes()
.generic("enableManualInput" ,"enableManualInput" )
.defaultValue(false )
.generic("disabled" ,"disabled" )
.defaultValue(false )
.generic("readonly" ,"readonly" )
.defaultValue(false )
.generic("resetTimeOnDateSelect" ,"resetTimeOnDateSelect" )
.defaultValue(false )
.generic("showApplyButton" ,"showApplyButton" )
.defaultValue(false )
.generic("popup" ,"popup" )
.defaultValue(true )
.generic("showInput" ,"showInput" )
.defaultValue(true )
.generic("showHeader" ,"showHeader" )
.defaultValue(true )
.generic("showFooter" ,"showFooter" )
.defaultValue(true )
.generic("showWeeksBar" ,"showWeeksBar" )
.defaultValue(true )
.generic("datePattern" ,"datePattern" )
.generic("hidePopupOnScrol" ,"hidePopupOnScrol" )
.generic("showWeekDaysBar" ,"showWeekDaysBar" )
.defaultValue(true )
.generic("defaultLabel" ,"defaultLabel" )
private static final Attributes ATTRIBUTES_FOR_SCRIPT_HASH31 = attributes()
.generic("onchange" ,"onchange" ,"change" )
.generic("ondateselect" ,"ondateselect" ,"dateselect" )
.generic("oncurrentdateselect" ,"oncurrentdateselect" ,"currentdateselect" )
.generic("onbeforedateselect" ,"onbeforedateselect" ,"beforedateselect" )
.generic("onbeforecurrentdateselect" ,"onbeforecurrentdateselect" ,"beforecurrentdateselect" )
.generic("onhide" ,"onhide" ,"hide" )
.generic("onshow" ,"onshow" ,"show" )
.generic("ondatemouseover" ,"ondatemouseover" ,"datemouseover" )
.generic("ondatemouseout" ,"ondatemouseout" ,"datemouseout" )
.generic("onclean" ,"onclean" ,"clean" )
.generic("ontimeselect" ,"ontimeselect" ,"timeselect" )
.generic("onbeforetimeselect" ,"onbeforetimeselect" ,"beforetimeselect" )
private static String convertToString (Object object )
return object != null ? object .toString() : "" ;
private static boolean convertToBoolean (Object object )
if (object == null ) {
return false ;
if (object instanceof Boolean) {
return (Boolean) object ;
return Boolean.valueOf(object .toString());
public void doEncodeEnd (ResponseWriter responseWriter, FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent component )
throws IOException
String clientId = component.getClientId(facesContext);
responseWriter.startElement("div" , component);
Object value = this .concatClasses("rf-cal" ,component.getAttributes().get ("styleClass" ));
if (null != value &&
shouldRenderAttribute(value )
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("class" ,value ,null );
String value = clientId;
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("id" ,value ,null );
Object value = component.getAttributes().get ("style" );
if (null != value &&
shouldRenderAttribute(value )
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("style" ,value ,null );
responseWriter.startElement("span" , component);
String value = convertToString(clientId) + "Popup" ;
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("id" ,value ,null );
String value = (convertToBoolean(component.getAttributes().get ("popup" )) ? "white-space: nowrap;" : "display: none;" );
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("style" ,value ,null );
if ((!convertToBoolean(component.getAttributes().get ("popup" )))) {
responseWriter.startElement("input" , component);
responseWriter.writeAttribute("autocomplete" ,"off" ,null );
String value = convertToString(clientId) + "InputDate" ;
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("id" ,value ,null );
String value = convertToString(clientId) + "InputDate" ;
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("name" ,value ,null );
responseWriter.writeAttribute("style" ,"display:none" ,null );
responseWriter.writeAttribute("type" ,"hidden" ,null );
String value = this .getInputValue(facesContext,component);
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("value" ,value ,null );
responseWriter.endElement("input" );
} else {
responseWriter.startElement("input" , component);
Object value = component.getAttributes().get ("accesskey" );
if (null != value &&
shouldRenderAttribute(value )
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("accesskey" ,value ,null );
String value = "rf-cal-inp " + convertToString(component.getAttributes().get ("inputClass" ));
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("class" ,value ,null );
if (null != component.getAttributes().get ("disabled" ) && ( Boolean.valueOf(component.getAttributes().get ("disabled" ).toString()) || "disabled" .equals (component.getAttributes().get ("disabled" ).toString())) ) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("disabled" ,"disabled" ,null );
String value = convertToString(clientId) + "InputDate" ;
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("id" ,value ,null );
Object value = component.getAttributes().get ("maxlength" );
if (null != value &&
shouldRenderAttribute(value )
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("maxlength" ,value ,null );
String value = convertToString(clientId) + "InputDate" ;
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("name" ,value ,null );
if ("readonly" .equals ((((!convertToBoolean(component.getAttributes().get ("enableManualInput" ))) || convertToBoolean(component.getAttributes().get ("readonly" ))) ? "readonly" : "" )) || Boolean.valueOf((((!convertToBoolean(component.getAttributes().get ("enableManualInput" ))) || convertToBoolean(component.getAttributes().get ("readonly" ))) ? "readonly" : "" )) ) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("readonly" ,"readonly" ,null );
Object value = component.getAttributes().get ("inputSize" );
if (null != value &&
shouldRenderAttribute(value )
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("size" ,value ,null );
String value = "vertical-align: middle; " + convertToString(component.getAttributes().get ("inputStyle" ));
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("style" ,value ,null );
Object value = component.getAttributes().get ("tabindex" );
if (null != value &&
shouldRenderAttribute(value )
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("tabindex" ,value ,null );
String value = (convertToBoolean(component.getAttributes().get ("showInput" )) ? "text" : "hidden" );
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("type" ,value ,null );
String value = this .getInputValue(facesContext,component);
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("value" ,value ,null );
renderInputHandlers(facesContext, component);;
responseWriter.endElement("input" );
if (this .isUseIcons(facesContext,component)) {
responseWriter.startElement("img" , component);
Object value = component.getAttributes().get ("accesskey" );
if (null != value &&
shouldRenderAttribute(value )
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("accesskey" ,value ,null );
responseWriter.writeAttribute("alt" ,"" ,null );
String value = "rf-cal-btn " + convertToString(component.getAttributes().get ("buttonClass" ));
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("class" ,value ,null );
String value = convertToString(clientId) + "PopupButton" ;
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("id" ,value ,null );
String value = this .getButtonIcon(facesContext,component);
if (null != value && value .length()>0 ) {
responseWriter.writeURIAttribute("src" ,value ,null );
responseWriter.writeAttribute("style" ,"vertical-align: middle" ,null );
Object value = component.getAttributes().get ("tabindex" );
if (null != value &&
shouldRenderAttribute(value )
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("tabindex" ,value ,null );
responseWriter.endElement("img" );
} else {
responseWriter.startElement("button" , component);
String value = "rf-cal-btn " + convertToString(component.getAttributes().get ("buttonClass" ));
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("class" ,value ,null );
if (null != component.getAttributes().get ("disabled" ) && ( Boolean.valueOf(component.getAttributes().get ("disabled" ).toString()) || "disabled" .equals (component.getAttributes().get ("disabled" ).toString())) ) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("disabled" ,"disabled" ,null );
String value = convertToString(clientId) + "PopupButton" ;
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("id" ,value ,null );
String value = convertToString(clientId) + "PopupButton" ;
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("name" ,value ,null );
responseWriter.writeAttribute("style" ,"vertical-align: middle" ,null );
Object value = component.getAttributes().get ("tabindex" );
if (null != value &&
shouldRenderAttribute(value )
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("tabindex" ,value ,null );
responseWriter.writeAttribute("type" ,"button" ,null );
Object text = component.getAttributes().get ("buttonLabel" );
if (text != null ) {
responseWriter.writeText(text, null );
responseWriter.endElement("button" );
responseWriter.startElement("input" , component);
responseWriter.writeAttribute("autocomplete" ,"off" ,null );
String value = convertToString(clientId) + "InputCurrentDate" ;
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("id" ,value ,null );
String value = convertToString(clientId) + "InputCurrentDate" ;
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("name" ,value ,null );
responseWriter.writeAttribute("style" ,"display:none" ,null );
responseWriter.writeAttribute("type" ,"hidden" ,null );
String value = this .getCurrentDateAsString(facesContext,component);
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("value" ,value ,null );
responseWriter.endElement("input" );
responseWriter.endElement("span" );
responseWriter.startElement("span" , component);
String value = convertToString(clientId) + "Content" ;
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("id" ,value ,null );
responseWriter.writeAttribute("style" ,"display: none;" ,null );
responseWriter.endElement("span" );
responseWriter.startElement("span" , component);
String value = convertToString(clientId) + "Script" ;
if (null != value &&
value .length()>0
) {
responseWriter.writeAttribute("id" ,value ,null );
responseWriter.writeAttribute("style" ,"display: none;" ,null );
responseWriter.startElement("script" , component);
responseWriter.writeAttribute("type" ,"text/javascript" ,null );
Map options = new LinkedHashMap();
addToScriptHash(options, facesContext, component, ATTRIBUTES_FOR_SCRIPT_HASH30, null );
addToScriptHash(options, facesContext, component, ATTRIBUTES_FOR_SCRIPT_HASH31, ScriptHashVariableWrapper.eventHandler);
addToScriptHash(options, "mode" , this .getModeOrDefault(component), org.richfaces.component.AbstractCalendar.Mode.client, null );
addToScriptHash(options, "todayControlMode" , this .getTodayControlModeOrDefault(component), "select" , null );
addToScriptHash(options, "direction" , this .getDirection(component), Positioning.DEFAULT.getValue(), null );
addToScriptHash(options, "jointPoint" , this .getJointPoint(component), Positioning.DEFAULT.getValue(), null );
addToScriptHash(options, "horizontalOffset" , component.getAttributes().get ("horizontalOffset" ), 0 , null );
addToScriptHash(options, "verticalOffset" , component.getAttributes().get ("verticalOffset" ), 0 , null );
addToScriptHash(options, "boundaryDatesMode" , this .getBoundaryDatesModeOrDefault(component), "inactive" , null );
addToScriptHash(options, "currentDate" , this .getCurrentDate(facesContext,component), null , null );
addToScriptHash(options, "selectedDate" , this .getSelectedDate(facesContext,component), null , null );
addToScriptHash(options, "dayCellClass" , this .getDayCellClass(facesContext,component), null , null );
addToScriptHash(options, "dayStyleClass" , this .getDayStyleClass(facesContext,component), null , null );
addToScriptHash(options, "isDayEnabled" , this .getDayEnabled(facesContext,component), null , null );
addToScriptHash(options, "labels" , this .getLabels(facesContext,component), null , null );
addToScriptHash(options, "defaultTime" , this .getPreparedDefaultTime(facesContext,component), null , null );
addToScriptHash(options, "style" , this .getPopupStyle(facesContext,component), null , null );
addToScriptHash(options, "styleClass" , component.getAttributes().get ("popupClass" ), null , null );
Object text = "RichFaces.ui.Calendar.addLocale(\"" + convertToString(this .getAsLocale(facesContext,component).toString()) + "\",\n " + convertToString(toScriptArgs(this .getLocaleOptions(facesContext,component))) + ");\n new RichFaces.ui.Calendar(\"" + convertToString(clientId) + "\",\n \"" + convertToString(this .getAsLocale(facesContext,component).toString()) + "\",\n " + convertToString(toScriptArgs(options)) + ").load(" + convertToString(this .writePreloadBody(facesContext,component)) + ");" ;
if (text != null ) {
responseWriter.writeText(text, null );
responseWriter.endElement("script" );
responseWriter.endElement("span" );
responseWriter.endElement("div" );