org.richfaces.component.AbstractFileUpload Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright ${year}, Red Hat, Inc. and individual contributors
* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.richfaces.component;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.faces.FacesException;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponent;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException;
import javax.faces.event.ComponentSystemEvent;
import javax.faces.event.ListenerFor;
import javax.faces.event.PostAddToViewEvent;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.Attribute;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.EventName;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.JsfComponent;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.JsfRenderer;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.Tag;
import org.richfaces.event.FileUploadListener;
import org.richfaces.renderkit.RenderKitUtils;
* The <rich:fileUpload> component allows the user to upload files to a server. It features multiple uploads,
* progress bars, restrictions on file types, and restrictions on sizes of the files to be uploaded.
* @author Konstantin Mishin
@JsfComponent(tag = @Tag(generate = false, handler = "org.richfaces.view.facelets.FileUploadHandler"), renderer = @JsfRenderer(type = "org.richfaces.FileUploadRenderer"), attributes = {
"events-mouse-props.xml", "events-key-props.xml", "core-props.xml", "ajax-props.xml", "i18n-props.xml", "fileUploadListener-props.xml" })
@ListenerFor(systemEventClass = PostAddToViewEvent.class)
public abstract class AbstractFileUpload extends UIComponentBase {
public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE = "org.richfaces.FileUpload";
public static final String COMPONENT_FAMILY = "org.richfaces.FileUpload";
* Defines comma separated list of file extensions accepted by component.
* The component does not provide any feedback when rejecting file.
* For introducing feedback for rejection, use ontyperejected parameter.
public abstract String getAcceptedTypes();
* Defines maximum number of files allowed to be uploaded. After a number of files in the list equals to the value
* of this attribute, "Add" button disappears and nothing could be uploaded even if you clear the whole list.
* In order to upload files again you should rerender the component
public abstract String getMaxFilesQuantity();
* If "true", this component is disabled
@Attribute(defaultValue = "false")
public abstract boolean isDisabled();
* If "true" duplicate file uploads are prevented
* Default is "false"
@Attribute(defaultValue = "false")
public abstract boolean isNoDuplicate();
* If "true" upload stats immediately after file selection
* Default is "false"
@Attribute(defaultValue = "false")
public abstract boolean isImmediateUpload();
* Javascript code executed when a file is selected
@Attribute(events = @EventName("fileselect"))
public abstract String getOnfileselect();
* Javascript code executed when a file is submitted
@Attribute(events = @EventName("filesubmit"))
public abstract String getOnfilesubmit();
* Javascript code executed when a file does not meet the conditions stated by acceptedTypes parameter.
@Attribute(events = @EventName("typerejected"))
public abstract String getOntyperejected();
* Javascript code executed when a file upload is complete
@Attribute(events = @EventName("uploadcomplete"))
public abstract String getOnuploadcomplete();
* Javascript code executed when a file is cleared
@Attribute(events = @EventName("clear"))
public abstract String getOnclear();
* The label for the Add button.
public abstract String getAddLabel();
* The label for the Add button.
public abstract String getUploadLabel();
* The label for the Clear button.
public abstract String getClearAllLabel();
* The label displayed when a file is successfully uploaded.
public abstract String getDoneLabel();
* The label displayed when a file exceeds the size limit.
public abstract String getSizeExceededLabel();
* The label displayed when a file upload fails due to a server error.
public abstract String getServerErrorLabel();
* The label displayed for the Clear link
public abstract String getClearLabel();
* The label displayed for the Delete link
public abstract String getDeleteLabel();
* Defines height of file list.
* Default value is "210px".
@Attribute(defaultValue = "210px")
public abstract String getListHeight();
public void processEvent(ComponentSystemEvent event) throws AbortProcessingException {
FacesContext context = getFacesContext();
Map facets = getFacets();
UIComponent component = facets.get("progress");
if (component == null) {
try {
component = context.getApplication().createComponent(context, "org.richfaces.ProgressBar",
} catch (FacesException e) {
// To work without ProgressBar.
if (component != null) {
component.setId(getId() + "_pb");
facets.put("progress", component);
if (component != null) {
String resourcePath = RenderKitUtils.getResourcePath(context, "org.richfaces", "fileUploadProgress");
component.getAttributes().put("resource", resourcePath);
* Add a new {@link FileUploadListener} to the set of listeners interested in being notified when
* {@link org.richfaces.FileUploadEvent}s occur.
* @param listener The {@link FileUploadListener} to be added
* @throws NullPointerException if listener
is null
public void addFileUploadListener(FileUploadListener listener) {
* Return the set of registered {@link FileUploadListener}s for this {@link AbstractFileUpload} instance. If there are no
* registered listeners, a zero-length array is returned.
public FileUploadListener[] getFileUploadListeners() {
return (FileUploadListener[]) getFacesListeners(FileUploadListener.class);
* Remove an existing {@link FileUploadListener} (if any) from the set of listeners interested in being notified when
* {@link FileUploadListener}s occur.
* @param listener The {@link FileUploadListener} to be removed
* @throws NullPointerException if listener
is null
public void removeFileUploadListener(FileUploadListener listener) {