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org.richfaces.component.AbstractColumn Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package org.richfaces.component;

import java.util.Comparator;

import javax.el.ValueExpression;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

import org.richfaces.application.CoreConfiguration;
import org.richfaces.application.configuration.ConfigurationServiceHelper;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.Attribute;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.Description;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.Facet;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.JsfComponent;
import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.Tag;
import org.richfaces.model.Filter;
import org.richfaces.model.FilterField;
import org.richfaces.model.SortField;


The <rich:column> component facilitates columns in a table. It supports merging columns and rows, sorting, * filtering, and customized skinning.

* * @author Anton Belevich */ @JsfComponent(type = AbstractColumn.COMPONENT_TYPE, family = AbstractColumn.COMPONENT_FAMILY, facets = { @Facet(name = "header", description = @Description("Column header")), @Facet(name = "footer", description = @Description("Column footer")) }, generate = "org.richfaces.component.UIColumn", tag = @Tag(name = "column")) public abstract class AbstractColumn extends javax.faces.component.UIColumn implements Column { public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE = "org.richfaces.Column"; public static final String COMPONENT_FAMILY = "org.richfaces.Column"; private static Boolean builtInSortControlsEnabled; private static Boolean builtInFilterControlsEnabled; /** * if "true" next column begins from the first row */ @Attribute public abstract boolean isBreakRowBefore(); /** * Defines order which will be used for sorting column: unsorted (default), ascending, descending */ @Attribute public abstract SortOrder getSortOrder(); /** * Provides Filter instance which determines if given row value will be displayed. */ @Attribute public abstract Filter getFilter(); /** * Defines current filtering value */ @Attribute public abstract Object getFilterValue(); /** * Defines current filter type. Possible values: string, custom. * If custom is used, no filter box is created, you are responsible for e creating your own filter input * Default: string */ @Attribute(defaultValue = "string") public abstract String getFilterType(); /** * The message to be displayed when the filter expression is not able to be evaluated using the provided filter value. */ @Attribute public abstract String getFilterConverterMessage(); /** * The submitted filter value. Set when the evaluation of the filter expression fails. */ @Attribute(hidden = true) public abstract String getSubmittedFilterValue(); /** * Defines current filtering value. Possible values: string, custom. * If custom is used, no filter box is created, you are responsible for e creating your own filter input * Default: string */ @Attribute(defaultValue = "string") public abstract String getSortType(); /** * Corresponds to the HTML rowspan attribute */ @Attribute public abstract int getRowspan(); /** * Corresponds to the HTML colspan attribute */ @Attribute public abstract int getColspan(); /** * Defines value binding to the comparator that is used to compare the values */ @Attribute public abstract Comparator getComparator(); /** * Defines EL expression which returns true if given row should be displayed (EL expressions should use variable defined in * filterVar attribute of dataTable) */ @Attribute public abstract Object getFilterExpression(); /** * Defines a bean property which is used for sorting of a column. */ @Attribute public abstract Object getSortBy(); /** * Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to any footer generated for this component */ @Attribute public abstract String getFooterClass(); /** * Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to any header generated for this component */ @Attribute public abstract String getHeaderClass(); /** * Attribute defines width of column. */ @Attribute public abstract String getWidth(); /** * CSS style rules to be applied to the component */ @Attribute public abstract String getStyle(); /** * Assigns one or more CSS class names to the component. Corresponds to the HTML "class" attribute. */ @Attribute public abstract String getStyleClass(); public FilterField getFilterField() { FilterField field = null; Filter filter = getFilter(); ValueExpression filterExpression = getValueExpression("filterExpression"); if (filter != null || filterExpression != null) { field = new FilterField(filterExpression, filter, getFilterValue()); } return field; } public SortField getSortField() { SortField field = null; SortOrder sortOrder = getSortOrder(); if (sortOrder != null && !SortOrder.unsorted.equals(sortOrder)) { Comparator comparator = getComparator(); ValueExpression sortBy = getValueExpression("sortBy"); if (comparator != null || sortBy != null) { field = new SortField(sortBy, comparator, sortOrder); } } return field; } public boolean useBuiltInFilter() { return isBuiltInFilterControlsEnabled() && getFilterField() != null && ! "custom".equals(getFilterType()); } public boolean useBuiltInSort() { return isBuiltInSortControlsEnabled() && getValueExpression("sortBy") != null && ! "custom".equals(getSortType()); } public static boolean isBuiltInSortControlsEnabled(){ if(builtInSortControlsEnabled== null){ FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); builtInSortControlsEnabled = ConfigurationServiceHelper.getBooleanConfigurationValue(context, CoreConfiguration.Items.builtInSortControlsEnabled); } return Boolean.TRUE.equals(builtInSortControlsEnabled); } public static boolean isBuiltInFilterControlsEnabled(){ if(builtInFilterControlsEnabled== null){ FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(); builtInFilterControlsEnabled = ConfigurationServiceHelper.getBooleanConfigurationValue(context, CoreConfiguration.Items.builtInFilterControlsEnabled); } return Boolean.TRUE.equals(builtInFilterControlsEnabled); } }

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