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javax.microedition.khronos.opengles.GL10 Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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A library jar that provides APIs for Applications written for the Google Android Platform.

There is a newer version: 14-robolectric-10818077
Show newest version
/* //device/java/android/javax/microedition/khronos/opengles/
** Copyright 2006, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
** You may obtain a copy of the License at 
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
** limitations under the License.

// This source file is automatically generated

package javax.microedition.khronos.opengles;

public interface GL10 extends GL {
    int GL_ADD                                   = 0x0104;
    int GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE              = 0x846E;
    int GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE              = 0x846D;
    int GL_ALPHA                                 = 0x1906;
    int GL_ALPHA_BITS                            = 0x0D55;
    int GL_ALPHA_TEST                            = 0x0BC0;
    int GL_ALWAYS                                = 0x0207;
    int GL_AMBIENT                               = 0x1200;
    int GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE                   = 0x1602;
    int GL_AND                                   = 0x1501;
    int GL_AND_INVERTED                          = 0x1504;
    int GL_AND_REVERSE                           = 0x1502;
    int GL_BACK                                  = 0x0405;
    int GL_BLEND                                 = 0x0BE2;
    int GL_BLUE_BITS                             = 0x0D54;
    int GL_BYTE                                  = 0x1400;
    int GL_CCW                                   = 0x0901;
    int GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE                         = 0x812F;
    int GL_CLEAR                                 = 0x1500;
    int GL_COLOR_ARRAY                           = 0x8076;
    int GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT                      = 0x4000;
    int GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP                        = 0x0BF2;
    int GL_COLOR_MATERIAL                        = 0x0B57;
    int GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS            = 0x86A3;
    int GL_CONSTANT_ATTENUATION                  = 0x1207;
    int GL_COPY                                  = 0x1503;
    int GL_COPY_INVERTED                         = 0x150C;
    int GL_CULL_FACE                             = 0x0B44;
    int GL_CW                                    = 0x0900;
    int GL_DECAL                                 = 0x2101;
    int GL_DECR                                  = 0x1E03;
    int GL_DEPTH_BITS                            = 0x0D56;
    int GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT                      = 0x0100;
    int GL_DEPTH_TEST                            = 0x0B71;
    int GL_DIFFUSE                               = 0x1201;
    int GL_DITHER                                = 0x0BD0;
    int GL_DONT_CARE                             = 0x1100;
    int GL_DST_ALPHA                             = 0x0304;
    int GL_DST_COLOR                             = 0x0306;
    int GL_EMISSION                              = 0x1600;
    int GL_EQUAL                                 = 0x0202;
    int GL_EQUIV                                 = 0x1509;
    int GL_EXP                                   = 0x0800;
    int GL_EXP2                                  = 0x0801;
    int GL_EXTENSIONS                            = 0x1F03;
    int GL_FALSE                                 = 0;
    int GL_FASTEST                               = 0x1101;
    int GL_FIXED                                 = 0x140C;
    int GL_FLAT                                  = 0x1D00;
    int GL_FLOAT                                 = 0x1406;
    int GL_FOG                                   = 0x0B60;
    int GL_FOG_COLOR                             = 0x0B66;
    int GL_FOG_DENSITY                           = 0x0B62;
    int GL_FOG_END                               = 0x0B64;
    int GL_FOG_HINT                              = 0x0C54;
    int GL_FOG_MODE                              = 0x0B65;
    int GL_FOG_START                             = 0x0B63;
    int GL_FRONT                                 = 0x0404;
    int GL_FRONT_AND_BACK                        = 0x0408;
    int GL_GEQUAL                                = 0x0206;
    int GL_GREATER                               = 0x0204;
    int GL_GREEN_BITS                            = 0x0D53;
    int GL_INCR                                  = 0x1E02;
    int GL_INVALID_ENUM                          = 0x0500;
    int GL_INVALID_OPERATION                     = 0x0502;
    int GL_INVALID_VALUE                         = 0x0501;
    int GL_INVERT                                = 0x150A;
    int GL_KEEP                                  = 0x1E00;
    int GL_LEQUAL                                = 0x0203;
    int GL_LESS                                  = 0x0201;
    int GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT                   = 0x0B53;
    int GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE                  = 0x0B52;
    int GL_LIGHT0                                = 0x4000;
    int GL_LIGHT1                                = 0x4001;
    int GL_LIGHT2                                = 0x4002;
    int GL_LIGHT3                                = 0x4003;
    int GL_LIGHT4                                = 0x4004;
    int GL_LIGHT5                                = 0x4005;
    int GL_LIGHT6                                = 0x4006;
    int GL_LIGHT7                                = 0x4007;
    int GL_LIGHTING                              = 0x0B50;
    int GL_LINE_LOOP                             = 0x0002;
    int GL_LINE_SMOOTH                           = 0x0B20;
    int GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT                      = 0x0C52;
    int GL_LINE_STRIP                            = 0x0003;
    int GL_LINEAR                                = 0x2601;
    int GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION                    = 0x1208;
    int GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR                  = 0x2703;
    int GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST                 = 0x2701;
    int GL_LINES                                 = 0x0001;
    int GL_LUMINANCE                             = 0x1909;
    int GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA                       = 0x190A;
    int GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_INDICES                  = 0x80E9;
    int GL_MAX_ELEMENTS_VERTICES                 = 0x80E8;
    int GL_MAX_LIGHTS                            = 0x0D31;
    int GL_MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH             = 0x0D36;
    int GL_MAX_PROJECTION_STACK_DEPTH            = 0x0D38;
    int GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE                      = 0x0D33;
    int GL_MAX_TEXTURE_STACK_DEPTH               = 0x0D39;
    int GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS                     = 0x84E2;
    int GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS                     = 0x0D3A;
    int GL_MODELVIEW                             = 0x1700;
    int GL_MODULATE                              = 0x2100;
    int GL_MULTISAMPLE                           = 0x809D;
    int GL_NAND                                  = 0x150E;
    int GL_NEAREST                               = 0x2600;
    int GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR                 = 0x2702;
    int GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST                = 0x2700;
    int GL_NEVER                                 = 0x0200;
    int GL_NICEST                                = 0x1102;
    int GL_NO_ERROR                              = 0;
    int GL_NOOP                                  = 0x1505;
    int GL_NOR                                   = 0x1508;
    int GL_NORMAL_ARRAY                          = 0x8075;
    int GL_NORMALIZE                             = 0x0BA1;
    int GL_NOTEQUAL                              = 0x0205;
    int GL_ONE                                   = 1;
    int GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA                   = 0x0305;
    int GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR                   = 0x0307;
    int GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA                   = 0x0303;
    int GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR                   = 0x0301;
    int GL_OR                                    = 0x1507;
    int GL_OR_INVERTED                           = 0x150D;
    int GL_OR_REVERSE                            = 0x150B;
    int GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY                         = 0x0505;
    int GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT                        = 0x0D05;
    int GL_PALETTE4_R5_G6_B5_OES                 = 0x8B92;
    int GL_PALETTE4_RGB5_A1_OES                  = 0x8B94;
    int GL_PALETTE4_RGB8_OES                     = 0x8B90;
    int GL_PALETTE4_RGBA4_OES                    = 0x8B93;
    int GL_PALETTE4_RGBA8_OES                    = 0x8B91;
    int GL_PALETTE8_R5_G6_B5_OES                 = 0x8B97;
    int GL_PALETTE8_RGB5_A1_OES                  = 0x8B99;
    int GL_PALETTE8_RGB8_OES                     = 0x8B95;
    int GL_PALETTE8_RGBA4_OES                    = 0x8B98;
    int GL_PALETTE8_RGBA8_OES                    = 0x8B96;
    int GL_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT           = 0x0C50;
    int GL_POINT_SMOOTH                          = 0x0B10;
    int GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT                     = 0x0C51;
    int GL_POINTS                                = 0x0000;
    int GL_POINT_FADE_THRESHOLD_SIZE             = 0x8128;
    int GL_POINT_SIZE                            = 0x0B11;
    int GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL                   = 0x8037;
    int GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT                   = 0x0C53;
    int GL_POSITION                              = 0x1203;
    int GL_PROJECTION                            = 0x1701;
    int GL_QUADRATIC_ATTENUATION                 = 0x1209;
    int GL_RED_BITS                              = 0x0D52;
    int GL_RENDERER                              = 0x1F01;
    int GL_REPEAT                                = 0x2901;
    int GL_REPLACE                               = 0x1E01;
    int GL_RESCALE_NORMAL                        = 0x803A;
    int GL_RGB                                   = 0x1907;
    int GL_RGBA                                  = 0x1908;
    int GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE              = 0x809E;
    int GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_ONE                   = 0x809F;
    int GL_SAMPLE_COVERAGE                       = 0x80A0;
    int GL_SCISSOR_TEST                          = 0x0C11;
    int GL_SET                                   = 0x150F;
    int GL_SHININESS                             = 0x1601;
    int GL_SHORT                                 = 0x1402;
    int GL_SMOOTH                                = 0x1D01;
    int GL_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE               = 0x0B22;
    int GL_SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_RANGE               = 0x0B12;
    int GL_SPECULAR                              = 0x1202;
    int GL_SPOT_CUTOFF                           = 0x1206;
    int GL_SPOT_DIRECTION                        = 0x1204;
    int GL_SPOT_EXPONENT                         = 0x1205;
    int GL_SRC_ALPHA                             = 0x0302;
    int GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE                    = 0x0308;
    int GL_SRC_COLOR                             = 0x0300;
    int GL_STACK_OVERFLOW                        = 0x0503;
    int GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW                       = 0x0504;
    int GL_STENCIL_BITS                          = 0x0D57;
    int GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT                    = 0x0400;
    int GL_STENCIL_TEST                          = 0x0B90;
    int GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS                         = 0x0D50;
    int GL_TEXTURE                               = 0x1702;
    int GL_TEXTURE_2D                            = 0x0DE1;
    int GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY                   = 0x8078;
    int GL_TEXTURE_ENV                           = 0x2300;
    int GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR                     = 0x2201;
    int GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE                      = 0x2200;
    int GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER                    = 0x2800;
    int GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER                    = 0x2801;
    int GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S                        = 0x2802;
    int GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T                        = 0x2803;
    int GL_TEXTURE0                              = 0x84C0;
    int GL_TEXTURE1                              = 0x84C1;
    int GL_TEXTURE2                              = 0x84C2;
    int GL_TEXTURE3                              = 0x84C3;
    int GL_TEXTURE4                              = 0x84C4;
    int GL_TEXTURE5                              = 0x84C5;
    int GL_TEXTURE6                              = 0x84C6;
    int GL_TEXTURE7                              = 0x84C7;
    int GL_TEXTURE8                              = 0x84C8;
    int GL_TEXTURE9                              = 0x84C9;
    int GL_TEXTURE10                             = 0x84CA;
    int GL_TEXTURE11                             = 0x84CB;
    int GL_TEXTURE12                             = 0x84CC;
    int GL_TEXTURE13                             = 0x84CD;
    int GL_TEXTURE14                             = 0x84CE;
    int GL_TEXTURE15                             = 0x84CF;
    int GL_TEXTURE16                             = 0x84D0;
    int GL_TEXTURE17                             = 0x84D1;
    int GL_TEXTURE18                             = 0x84D2;
    int GL_TEXTURE19                             = 0x84D3;
    int GL_TEXTURE20                             = 0x84D4;
    int GL_TEXTURE21                             = 0x84D5;
    int GL_TEXTURE22                             = 0x84D6;
    int GL_TEXTURE23                             = 0x84D7;
    int GL_TEXTURE24                             = 0x84D8;
    int GL_TEXTURE25                             = 0x84D9;
    int GL_TEXTURE26                             = 0x84DA;
    int GL_TEXTURE27                             = 0x84DB;
    int GL_TEXTURE28                             = 0x84DC;
    int GL_TEXTURE29                             = 0x84DD;
    int GL_TEXTURE30                             = 0x84DE;
    int GL_TEXTURE31                             = 0x84DF;
    int GL_TRIANGLE_FAN                          = 0x0006;
    int GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP                        = 0x0005;
    int GL_TRIANGLES                             = 0x0004;
    int GL_TRUE                                  = 1;
    int GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT                      = 0x0CF5;
    int GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE                         = 0x1401;
    int GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT                        = 0x1403;
    int GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4                = 0x8033;
    int GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1                = 0x8034;
    int GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5                  = 0x8363;
    int GL_VENDOR                                = 0x1F00;
    int GL_VERSION                               = 0x1F02;
    int GL_VERTEX_ARRAY                          = 0x8074;
    int GL_XOR                                   = 0x1506;
    int GL_ZERO                                  = 0;

    void glActiveTexture(
        int texture

    void glAlphaFunc(
        int func,
        float ref

    void glAlphaFuncx(
        int func,
        int ref

    void glBindTexture(
        int target,
        int texture

    void glBlendFunc(
        int sfactor,
        int dfactor

    void glClear(
        int mask

    void glClearColor(
        float red,
        float green,
        float blue,
        float alpha

    void glClearColorx(
        int red,
        int green,
        int blue,
        int alpha

    void glClearDepthf(
        float depth

    void glClearDepthx(
        int depth

    void glClearStencil(
        int s

    void glClientActiveTexture(
        int texture

    void glColor4f(
        float red,
        float green,
        float blue,
        float alpha

    void glColor4x(
        int red,
        int green,
        int blue,
        int alpha

    void glColorMask(
        boolean red,
        boolean green,
        boolean blue,
        boolean alpha

    void glColorPointer(
        int size,
        int type,
        int stride,
        java.nio.Buffer pointer

    void glCompressedTexImage2D(
        int target,
        int level,
        int internalformat,
        int width,
        int height,
        int border,
        int imageSize,
        java.nio.Buffer data

    void glCompressedTexSubImage2D(
        int target,
        int level,
        int xoffset,
        int yoffset,
        int width,
        int height,
        int format,
        int imageSize,
        java.nio.Buffer data

    void glCopyTexImage2D(
        int target,
        int level,
        int internalformat,
        int x,
        int y,
        int width,
        int height,
        int border

    void glCopyTexSubImage2D(
        int target,
        int level,
        int xoffset,
        int yoffset,
        int x,
        int y,
        int width,
        int height

    void glCullFace(
        int mode

    void glDeleteTextures(
        int n,
        int[] textures,
        int offset

    void glDeleteTextures(
        int n,
        java.nio.IntBuffer textures

    void glDepthFunc(
        int func

    void glDepthMask(
        boolean flag

    void glDepthRangef(
        float zNear,
        float zFar

    void glDepthRangex(
        int zNear,
        int zFar

    void glDisable(
        int cap

    void glDisableClientState(
        int array

    void glDrawArrays(
        int mode,
        int first,
        int count

    void glDrawElements(
        int mode,
        int count,
        int type,
        java.nio.Buffer indices

    void glEnable(
        int cap

    void glEnableClientState(
        int array

    void glFinish(

    void glFlush(

    void glFogf(
        int pname,
        float param

    void glFogfv(
        int pname,
        float[] params,
        int offset

    void glFogfv(
        int pname,
        java.nio.FloatBuffer params

    void glFogx(
        int pname,
        int param

    void glFogxv(
        int pname,
        int[] params,
        int offset

    void glFogxv(
        int pname,
        java.nio.IntBuffer params

    void glFrontFace(
        int mode

    void glFrustumf(
        float left,
        float right,
        float bottom,
        float top,
        float zNear,
        float zFar

    void glFrustumx(
        int left,
        int right,
        int bottom,
        int top,
        int zNear,
        int zFar

    void glGenTextures(
        int n,
        int[] textures,
        int offset

    void glGenTextures(
        int n,
        java.nio.IntBuffer textures

    int glGetError(

    void glGetIntegerv(
        int pname,
        int[] params,
        int offset

    void glGetIntegerv(
        int pname,
        java.nio.IntBuffer params

    public String glGetString(
        int name

    void glHint(
        int target,
        int mode

    void glLightModelf(
        int pname,
        float param

    void glLightModelfv(
        int pname,
        float[] params,
        int offset

    void glLightModelfv(
        int pname,
        java.nio.FloatBuffer params

    void glLightModelx(
        int pname,
        int param

    void glLightModelxv(
        int pname,
        int[] params,
        int offset

    void glLightModelxv(
        int pname,
        java.nio.IntBuffer params

    void glLightf(
        int light,
        int pname,
        float param

    void glLightfv(
        int light,
        int pname,
        float[] params,
        int offset

    void glLightfv(
        int light,
        int pname,
        java.nio.FloatBuffer params

    void glLightx(
        int light,
        int pname,
        int param

    void glLightxv(
        int light,
        int pname,
        int[] params,
        int offset

    void glLightxv(
        int light,
        int pname,
        java.nio.IntBuffer params

    void glLineWidth(
        float width

    void glLineWidthx(
        int width

    void glLoadIdentity(

    void glLoadMatrixf(
        float[] m,
        int offset

    void glLoadMatrixf(
        java.nio.FloatBuffer m

    void glLoadMatrixx(
        int[] m,
        int offset

    void glLoadMatrixx(
        java.nio.IntBuffer m

    void glLogicOp(
        int opcode

    void glMaterialf(
        int face,
        int pname,
        float param

    void glMaterialfv(
        int face,
        int pname,
        float[] params,
        int offset

    void glMaterialfv(
        int face,
        int pname,
        java.nio.FloatBuffer params

    void glMaterialx(
        int face,
        int pname,
        int param

    void glMaterialxv(
        int face,
        int pname,
        int[] params,
        int offset

    void glMaterialxv(
        int face,
        int pname,
        java.nio.IntBuffer params

    void glMatrixMode(
        int mode

    void glMultMatrixf(
        float[] m,
        int offset

    void glMultMatrixf(
        java.nio.FloatBuffer m

    void glMultMatrixx(
        int[] m,
        int offset

    void glMultMatrixx(
        java.nio.IntBuffer m

    void glMultiTexCoord4f(
        int target,
        float s,
        float t,
        float r,
        float q

    void glMultiTexCoord4x(
        int target,
        int s,
        int t,
        int r,
        int q

    void glNormal3f(
        float nx,
        float ny,
        float nz

    void glNormal3x(
        int nx,
        int ny,
        int nz

    void glNormalPointer(
        int type,
        int stride,
        java.nio.Buffer pointer

    void glOrthof(
        float left,
        float right,
        float bottom,
        float top,
        float zNear,
        float zFar

    void glOrthox(
        int left,
        int right,
        int bottom,
        int top,
        int zNear,
        int zFar

    void glPixelStorei(
        int pname,
        int param

    void glPointSize(
        float size

    void glPointSizex(
        int size

    void glPolygonOffset(
        float factor,
        float units

    void glPolygonOffsetx(
        int factor,
        int units

    void glPopMatrix(

    void glPushMatrix(

    void glReadPixels(
        int x,
        int y,
        int width,
        int height,
        int format,
        int type,
        java.nio.Buffer pixels

    void glRotatef(
        float angle,
        float x,
        float y,
        float z

    void glRotatex(
        int angle,
        int x,
        int y,
        int z

    void glSampleCoverage(
        float value,
        boolean invert

    void glSampleCoveragex(
        int value,
        boolean invert

    void glScalef(
        float x,
        float y,
        float z

    void glScalex(
        int x,
        int y,
        int z

    void glScissor(
        int x,
        int y,
        int width,
        int height

    void glShadeModel(
        int mode

    void glStencilFunc(
        int func,
        int ref,
        int mask

    void glStencilMask(
        int mask

    void glStencilOp(
        int fail,
        int zfail,
        int zpass

    void glTexCoordPointer(
        int size,
        int type,
        int stride,
        java.nio.Buffer pointer

    void glTexEnvf(
        int target,
        int pname,
        float param

    void glTexEnvfv(
        int target,
        int pname,
        float[] params,
        int offset

    void glTexEnvfv(
        int target,
        int pname,
        java.nio.FloatBuffer params

    void glTexEnvx(
        int target,
        int pname,
        int param

    void glTexEnvxv(
        int target,
        int pname,
        int[] params,
        int offset

    void glTexEnvxv(
        int target,
        int pname,
        java.nio.IntBuffer params

    void glTexImage2D(
        int target,
        int level,
        int internalformat,
        int width,
        int height,
        int border,
        int format,
        int type,
        java.nio.Buffer pixels

    void glTexParameterf(
        int target,
        int pname,
        float param

    void glTexParameterx(
        int target,
        int pname,
        int param

    void glTexSubImage2D(
        int target,
        int level,
        int xoffset,
        int yoffset,
        int width,
        int height,
        int format,
        int type,
        java.nio.Buffer pixels

    void glTranslatef(
        float x,
        float y,
        float z

    void glTranslatex(
        int x,
        int y,
        int z

    void glVertexPointer(
        int size,
        int type,
        int stride,
        java.nio.Buffer pointer

    void glViewport(
        int x,
        int y,
        int width,
        int height


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