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import static;
import static;
import static;

import java.util.Arrays;

// TODO: update paths to released version.
// transliterated from
// and

public class AttributeResolution10 {
    public static final boolean kThrowOnBadId = false;
    private static final boolean kDebugStyles = false;

    // Offsets into the outValues array populated by the methods below. outValues is a uint32_t
    // array, but each logical element takes up 7 uint32_t-sized physical elements.
    // Keep these in sync with android.content.res.TypedArray java class
    public static final int STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES = 7;
    public static final int STYLE_TYPE = 0;
    public static final int STYLE_DATA = 1;
    public static final int STYLE_ASSET_COOKIE = 2;
    public static final int STYLE_RESOURCE_ID = 3;
    public static final int STYLE_CHANGING_CONFIGURATIONS = 4;
    public static final int STYLE_DENSITY = 5;
    public static final int STYLE_SOURCE_STYLE_RESOURCE_ID = 6;

    // Java asset cookies have 0 as an invalid cookie, but TypedArray expects < 0.
    private static int ApkAssetsCookieToJavaCookie(ApkAssetsCookie cookie) {
        return cookie.intValue() != kInvalidCookie ? (cookie.intValue() + 1) : -1;

    public static class XmlAttributeFinder {

        private ResXMLParser xmlParser;

        XmlAttributeFinder(ResXMLParser xmlParser) {
            this.xmlParser = xmlParser;

        public int Find(int curIdent) {
            if (xmlParser == null) {
                return -1;

            int attributeCount = xmlParser.getAttributeCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++) {
                if (xmlParser.getAttributeNameResID(i) == curIdent) {
                    return i;
            return -1;

    public static class BagAttributeFinder {
        private final Entry[] bagEntries;

        BagAttributeFinder(ResolvedBag bag) {
            this.bagEntries = bag == null ? null : bag.entries;

        // Robolectric: unoptimized relative to Android impl
        Entry Find(int ident) {
            Entry needle = new Entry();
            needle.key = ident;

            if (bagEntries == null) {
                return null;

            int i = Arrays.binarySearch(bagEntries, needle, (o1, o2) -> o1.key - o2.key);
            return i < 0 ? null : bagEntries[i];

    // These are all variations of the same method. They each perform the exact same operation,
    // but on various data sources. I *think* they are re-written to avoid an extra branch
    // in the inner loop, but after one branch miss (some pointer != null), the branch predictor should
    // predict the rest of the iterations' branch correctly.
    // TODO(adamlesinski): Run performance tests against these methods and a new, single method
    // that uses all the sources and branches to the right ones within the inner loop.

    // `out_values` must NOT be nullptr.
    // `out_indices` may be nullptr.
    public static boolean ResolveAttrs(Theme theme, int def_style_attr,
            int def_style_res, int[] src_values,
            int src_values_length, int[] attrs,
            int attrs_length, int[] out_values, int[] out_indices) {
        if (kDebugStyles) {
            ALOGI("APPLY STYLE: theme=0x%s defStyleAttr=0x%x defStyleRes=0x%x", theme,
                    def_style_attr, def_style_res);

        CppAssetManager2 assetmanager = theme.GetAssetManager();
        ResTable_config config = new ResTable_config();
        Res_value value;

        int indicesIdx = 0;

        // Load default style from attribute, if specified...
        final Ref def_style_flags = new Ref<>(0);
        if (def_style_attr != 0) {
            final Ref valueRef = new Ref<>(null);
            if (theme.GetAttribute(def_style_attr, valueRef, def_style_flags).intValue() != kInvalidCookie) {
                value = valueRef.get();
                if (value.dataType == Res_value.TYPE_REFERENCE) {
                    def_style_res =;

        // Retrieve the default style bag, if requested.
        ResolvedBag default_style_bag = null;
        if (def_style_res != 0) {
            default_style_bag = assetmanager.GetBag(def_style_res);
            if (default_style_bag != null) {
                def_style_flags.set(def_style_flags.get() | default_style_bag.type_spec_flags);
        BagAttributeFinder def_style_attr_finder = new BagAttributeFinder(default_style_bag);

        // Now iterate through all of the attributes that the client has requested,
        // filling in each with whatever data we can find.
        int destOffset = 0;
        for (int ii=0; ii 0 && src_values[ii] != 0) {
                value = new Res_value((byte) Res_value.TYPE_ATTRIBUTE, src_values[ii]);
                if (kDebugStyles) {
                    ALOGI("-> From values: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x", value.dataType,;
            } else {
                final Entry entry = def_style_attr_finder.Find(cur_ident);
                if (entry != null) {
                    cookie = entry.cookie;
                    type_set_flags = def_style_flags.get();
                    value = entry.value;
                    if (kDebugStyles) {
                        ALOGI("-> From def style: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x", value.dataType,;

            int resid = 0;
            final Ref valueRef = new Ref<>(value);
            final Ref residRef = new Ref<>(resid);
            final Ref type_set_flagsRef = new Ref<>(type_set_flags);
            final Ref configRef = new Ref<>(config);
            if (value.dataType != Res_value.TYPE_NULL) {
                // Take care of resolving the found resource to its final value.
                ApkAssetsCookie new_cookie =
                        theme.ResolveAttributeReference(cookie, valueRef, configRef, type_set_flagsRef, residRef);
                if (new_cookie.intValue() != kInvalidCookie) {
                    cookie = new_cookie;
                if (kDebugStyles) {
                    ALOGI("-> Resolved attr: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x", value.dataType,;
            } else if ( != Res_value.DATA_NULL_EMPTY) {
                // If we still don't have a value for this attribute, try to find it in the theme!
                ApkAssetsCookie new_cookie = theme.GetAttribute(cur_ident, valueRef, type_set_flagsRef);
                if (new_cookie.intValue() != kInvalidCookie) {
                    if (kDebugStyles) {
                        ALOGI("-> From theme: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x", value.dataType,;
                    new_cookie =
                            assetmanager.ResolveReference(new_cookie, valueRef, configRef, type_set_flagsRef, residRef);
                    if (new_cookie.intValue() != kInvalidCookie) {
                        cookie = new_cookie;
                    if (kDebugStyles) {
                        ALOGI("-> Resolved theme: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x", value.dataType,;
            value = valueRef.get();
            resid = residRef.get();
            type_set_flags = type_set_flagsRef.get();
            config = configRef.get();

            // Deal with the special @null value -- it turns back to TYPE_NULL.
            if (value.dataType == Res_value.TYPE_REFERENCE && == 0) {
                if (kDebugStyles) {
                    ALOGI("-> Setting to @null!");
                value = Res_value.NULL_VALUE;
                cookie = K_INVALID_COOKIE;

            if (kDebugStyles) {
                ALOGI("Attribute 0x%08x: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x", cur_ident, value.dataType,

            // Write the final value back to Java.
            out_values[destOffset + STYLE_TYPE] = value.dataType;
            out_values[destOffset + STYLE_DATA] =;
            out_values[destOffset + STYLE_ASSET_COOKIE] = ApkAssetsCookieToJavaCookie(cookie);
            out_values[destOffset + STYLE_RESOURCE_ID] = resid;
            out_values[destOffset + STYLE_CHANGING_CONFIGURATIONS] = type_set_flags;
            out_values[destOffset + STYLE_DENSITY] = config.density;

            if (out_indices != null && value.dataType != Res_value.TYPE_NULL) {
                out_indices[indicesIdx] = ii;

            destOffset += STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;

        if (out_indices != null) {
            out_indices[0] = indicesIdx;
        return true;

    public static void ApplyStyle(Theme theme, ResXMLParser xml_parser, int def_style_attr,
            int def_style_resid, int[] attrs, int attrs_length,
            int[] out_values, int[] out_indices) {
        if (kDebugStyles) {
            ALOGI("APPLY STYLE: theme=%s defStyleAttr=0x%x defStyleRes=0x%x xml=%s",
                    theme, def_style_attr, def_style_resid, xml_parser);

        CppAssetManager2 assetmanager = theme.GetAssetManager();
        final Ref config = new Ref<>(new ResTable_config());
        final Ref value = new Ref<>(new Res_value());

        int indices_idx = 0;

        // Load default style from attribute, if specified...
        final Ref def_style_flags = new Ref<>(0);
        if (def_style_attr != 0) {
            if (theme.GetAttribute(def_style_attr, value, def_style_flags).intValue() != kInvalidCookie) {
                if (value.get().dataType == DataType.REFERENCE.code()) {
                    def_style_resid = value.get().data;

        // Retrieve the style resource ID associated with the current XML tag's style attribute.
        int style_resid = 0;
        final Ref style_flags = new Ref<>(0);
        if (xml_parser != null) {
            int idx = xml_parser.indexOfStyle();
            if (idx >= 0 && xml_parser.getAttributeValue(idx, value) >= 0) {
                if (value.get().dataType == DataType.ATTRIBUTE.code()) {
                    // Resolve the attribute with out theme.
                    if (theme.GetAttribute(value.get().data, value, style_flags).intValue() == kInvalidCookie) {

                if (value.get().dataType == DataType.REFERENCE.code()) {
                    style_resid = value.get().data;

        // Retrieve the default style bag, if requested.
        ResolvedBag default_style_bag = null;
        if (def_style_resid != 0) {
            default_style_bag = assetmanager.GetBag(def_style_resid);
            if (default_style_bag != null) {
                def_style_flags.set(def_style_flags.get() | default_style_bag.type_spec_flags);

        BagAttributeFinder def_style_attr_finder = new BagAttributeFinder(default_style_bag);

        // Retrieve the style class bag, if requested.
        ResolvedBag xml_style_bag = null;
        if (style_resid != 0) {
            xml_style_bag = assetmanager.GetBag(style_resid);
            if (xml_style_bag != null) {
                style_flags.set(style_flags.get() | xml_style_bag.type_spec_flags);

        BagAttributeFinder xml_style_attr_finder = new BagAttributeFinder(xml_style_bag);

        // Retrieve the XML attributes, if requested.
        XmlAttributeFinder xml_attr_finder = new XmlAttributeFinder(xml_parser);

        // Now iterate through all of the attributes that the client has requested,
        // filling in each with whatever data we can find.
        for (int ii = 0; ii < attrs_length; ii++) {
            final int cur_ident = attrs[ii];

            if (kDebugStyles) {
                ALOGI("RETRIEVING ATTR 0x%08x...", cur_ident);

            ApkAssetsCookie cookie = K_INVALID_COOKIE;
            final Ref type_set_flags = new Ref<>(0);

            config.get().density = 0;
            int source_style_resid = 0;

            // Try to find a value for this attribute...  we prioritize values
            // coming from, first XML attributes, then XML style, then default
            // style, and finally the theme.

            // Walk through the xml attributes looking for the requested attribute.
            int xml_attr_idx = xml_attr_finder.Find(cur_ident);
            if (xml_attr_idx != -1) {
                // We found the attribute we were looking for.
                xml_parser.getAttributeValue(xml_attr_idx, value);
                if (kDebugStyles) {
                    ALOGI("-> From XML: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x", value.get().dataType, value.get().data);

            if (value.get().dataType == DataType.NULL.code() && value.get().data != Res_value.DATA_NULL_EMPTY) {
                // Walk through the style class values looking for the requested attribute.
                Entry entry = xml_style_attr_finder.Find(cur_ident);
                if (entry != null) {
                    // We found the attribute we were looking for.
                    cookie = entry.cookie;
                    source_style_resid =;
                    if (kDebugStyles) {
                        ALOGI("-> From style: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x, style=0x%08x", value.get().dataType, value.get().data,

            if (value.get().dataType == DataType.NULL.code() && value.get().data != Res_value.DATA_NULL_EMPTY) {
                // Walk through the default style values looking for the requested attribute.
                Entry entry = def_style_attr_finder.Find(cur_ident);
                if (entry != null) {
                    // We found the attribute we were looking for.
                    cookie = entry.cookie;

                    if (kDebugStyles) {
                        ALOGI("-> From def style: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x, style=0x%08x", value.get().dataType, value.get().data,
                    source_style_resid =;

            final Ref resid = new Ref<>(0);
            if (value.get().dataType != DataType.NULL.code()) {
                // Take care of resolving the found resource to its final value.
                ApkAssetsCookie new_cookie =
                        theme.ResolveAttributeReference(cookie, value, config, type_set_flags, resid);
                if (new_cookie.intValue() != kInvalidCookie) {
                    cookie = new_cookie;

                if (kDebugStyles) {
                    ALOGI("-> Resolved attr: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x", value.get().dataType, value.get().data);
            } else if (value.get().data != Res_value.DATA_NULL_EMPTY) {
                // If we still don't have a value for this attribute, try to find it in the theme!
                ApkAssetsCookie new_cookie = theme.GetAttribute(cur_ident, value, type_set_flags);
                if (new_cookie.intValue() != kInvalidCookie) {
                    if (kDebugStyles) {
                        ALOGI("-> From theme: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x", value.get().dataType, value.get().data);
                    new_cookie =
                            assetmanager.ResolveReference(new_cookie, value, config, type_set_flags, resid);
                    if (new_cookie.intValue() != kInvalidCookie) {
                        cookie = new_cookie;

                    if (kDebugStyles) {
                        ALOGI("-> Resolved theme: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x", value.get().dataType, value.get().data);

            // Deal with the special @null value -- it turns back to TYPE_NULL.
            if (value.get().dataType == DataType.REFERENCE.code() && value.get().data == 0) {
                if (kDebugStyles) {
                    ALOGI(". Setting to @null!");
                cookie = K_INVALID_COOKIE;

            if (kDebugStyles) {
                ALOGI("Attribute 0x%08x: type=0x%x, data=0x%08x", cur_ident, value.get().dataType, value.get().data);

            // Write the final value back to Java.
            int destIndex = ii * STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;
            Res_value res_value = value.get();
            out_values[destIndex + STYLE_TYPE] = res_value.dataType;
            out_values[destIndex + STYLE_DATA] =;
            out_values[destIndex + STYLE_ASSET_COOKIE] = ApkAssetsCookieToJavaCookie(cookie);
            out_values[destIndex + STYLE_RESOURCE_ID] = resid.get();
            out_values[destIndex + STYLE_CHANGING_CONFIGURATIONS] = type_set_flags.get();
            out_values[destIndex + STYLE_DENSITY] = config.get().density;
            out_values[destIndex + STYLE_SOURCE_STYLE_RESOURCE_ID] = source_style_resid;

            if (res_value.dataType != DataType.NULL.code() || == Res_value.DATA_NULL_EMPTY) {

                // out_indices must NOT be nullptr.
                out_indices[indices_idx] = ii;

            // Robolectric-custom:
            // if (false && res_value.dataType == DataType.ATTRIBUTE.code()) {
            //   final Ref attrName = new Ref<>(null);
            //   final Ref attrRefName = new Ref<>(null);
            //   boolean gotName = assetmanager.GetResourceName(cur_ident, attrName);
            //   boolean gotRefName = assetmanager.GetResourceName(, attrRefName);
            //   Logger.warn(
            //       "Failed to resolve attribute lookup: %s=\"?%s\"; theme: %s",
            //       gotName ? attrName.get() : "unknown", gotRefName ? attrRefName.get() : "unknown",
            //       theme);
            // }

//      out_values += STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;

        // out_indices must NOT be nullptr.
        out_indices[0] = indices_idx;

    public static boolean RetrieveAttributes(CppAssetManager2 assetmanager, ResXMLParser xml_parser, int[] attrs,
            int attrs_length, int[] out_values, int[] out_indices) {
        final Ref config = new Ref<>(new ResTable_config());
        final Ref value = new Ref<>(null);

        int indices_idx = 0;

        // Retrieve the XML attributes, if requested.
        final int xml_attr_count = xml_parser.getAttributeCount();
        int ix = 0;
        int cur_xml_attr = xml_parser.getAttributeNameResID(ix);

        // Now iterate through all of the attributes that the client has requested,
        // filling in each with whatever data we can find.
        int baseDest = 0;
        for (int ii = 0; ii < attrs_length; ii++) {
            final int cur_ident = attrs[ii];
            ApkAssetsCookie cookie = K_INVALID_COOKIE;
            final Ref type_set_flags = new Ref<>(0);

            config.get().density = 0;

            // Try to find a value for this attribute...
            // Skip through XML attributes until the end or the next possible match.
            while (ix < xml_attr_count && cur_ident > cur_xml_attr) {
                cur_xml_attr = xml_parser.getAttributeNameResID(ix);
            // Retrieve the current XML attribute if it matches, and step to next.
            if (ix < xml_attr_count && cur_ident == cur_xml_attr) {
                xml_parser.getAttributeValue(ix, value);
                cur_xml_attr = xml_parser.getAttributeNameResID(ix);

            final Ref resid = new Ref<>(0);
            if (value.get().dataType != Res_value.TYPE_NULL) {
                // Take care of resolving the found resource to its final value.
                ApkAssetsCookie new_cookie =
                        assetmanager.ResolveReference(cookie, value, config, type_set_flags, resid);
                if (new_cookie.intValue() != kInvalidCookie) {
                    cookie = new_cookie;

            // Deal with the special @null value -- it turns back to TYPE_NULL.
            if (value.get().dataType == Res_value.TYPE_REFERENCE && value.get().data == 0) {
                cookie = K_INVALID_COOKIE;

            // Write the final value back to Java.
            out_values[baseDest + STYLE_TYPE] = value.get().dataType;
            out_values[baseDest + STYLE_DATA] = value.get().data;
            out_values[baseDest + STYLE_ASSET_COOKIE] = ApkAssetsCookieToJavaCookie(cookie);
            out_values[baseDest + STYLE_RESOURCE_ID] = resid.get();
            out_values[baseDest + STYLE_CHANGING_CONFIGURATIONS] = type_set_flags.get();
            out_values[baseDest + STYLE_DENSITY] = config.get().density;

            if (out_indices != null &&
                    (value.get().dataType != Res_value.TYPE_NULL
                            || value.get().data == Res_value.DATA_NULL_EMPTY)) {
                out_indices[indices_idx] = ii;

//      out_values += STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;
            baseDest += STYLE_NUM_ENTRIES;

        if (out_indices != null) {
            out_indices[0] = indices_idx;

        return true;

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