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org.robolectric.shadows.ShadowSQLiteConnection Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.robolectric.shadows;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteAbortException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteAccessPermException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteBindOrColumnIndexOutOfRangeException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteBlobTooBigException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCustomFunction;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabaseLockedException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatatypeMismatchException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDiskIOException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDoneException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteFullException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteMisuseException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOutOfMemoryException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteReadOnlyDatabaseException;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteTableLockedException;
import android.os.OperationCanceledException;
import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteConnection;
import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteConstants;
import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteException;
import com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteStatement;
import org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation;
import org.robolectric.annotation.Implements;
import org.robolectric.annotation.Resetter;
import org.robolectric.shadows.util.SQLiteLibraryLoader;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.Future;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
* Shadow for {@link android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection}.
@Implements(value = android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.class, isInAndroidSdk = false)
public class ShadowSQLiteConnection {
private static final String IN_MEMORY_PATH = ":memory:";
private static final Connections CONNECTIONS = new Connections();
private static final Pattern COLLATE_LOCALIZED_UNICODE_PATTERN =
Pattern.compile("\\s+COLLATE\\s+(LOCALIZED|UNICODE)", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
// indicates an ignored statement
private static final int IGNORED_REINDEX_STMT = -2;
private static SQLiteConnection connection(final int pointer) {
return CONNECTIONS.getConnection(pointer);
private static SQLiteStatement stmt(final int connectionPtr, final int pointer) {
return CONNECTIONS.getStatement(connectionPtr, pointer);
public static int nativeOpen(String path, int openFlags, String label, boolean enableTrace, boolean enableProfile) {
public static int nativePrepareStatement(int connectionPtr, String sql) {
final String newSql = convertSQLWithLocalizedUnicodeCollator(sql);
return CONNECTIONS.prepareStatement(connectionPtr, newSql);
static String convertSQLWithLocalizedUnicodeCollator(String sql) {
Matcher matcher = COLLATE_LOCALIZED_UNICODE_PATTERN.matcher(sql);
return matcher.replaceAll(" COLLATE NOCASE");
public static void reset() {
public static void nativeClose(int connectionPtr) {
public static void nativeFinalizeStatement(int connectionPtr, int statementPtr) {
CONNECTIONS.finalizeStmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
public static int nativeGetParameterCount(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr) {
if (statementPtr == IGNORED_REINDEX_STMT) { return 0; }
return CONNECTIONS.execute("get parameters count in prepared statement", new Callable() {
public Integer call() throws SQLiteException {
SQLiteStatement stmt = stmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
return stmt.getBindParameterCount();
public static boolean nativeIsReadOnly(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr) {
if (statementPtr == IGNORED_REINDEX_STMT) { return true; }
return CONNECTIONS.execute("call isReadOnly", new Callable() {
public Boolean call() throws SQLiteException {
SQLiteStatement stmt = stmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
return stmt.isReadOnly();
public static long nativeExecuteForLong(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr) {
return CONNECTIONS.execute("execute for long", new Callable() {
public Long call() throws SQLiteException {
SQLiteStatement stmt = stmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
if (!stmt.step()) {
throw new SQLiteException(SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_DONE, "No rows returned from query");
return stmt.columnLong(0);
public static void nativeExecute(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr) {
if (statementPtr == IGNORED_REINDEX_STMT) { return; }
CONNECTIONS.execute("execute", new Callable() {
public Object call() throws SQLiteException {
SQLiteStatement stmt = stmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
return null;
public static String nativeExecuteForString(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr) {
return CONNECTIONS.execute("execute for string", new Callable() {
public String call() throws SQLiteException {
SQLiteStatement stmt = stmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
if (!stmt.step()) {
throw new SQLiteException(SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_DONE, "No rows returned from query");
return stmt.columnString(0);
public static int nativeGetColumnCount(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr) {
return CONNECTIONS.execute("get columns count", new Callable() {
public Integer call() throws SQLiteException {
SQLiteStatement stmt = stmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
return stmt.columnCount();
public static String nativeGetColumnName(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr, final int index) {
return CONNECTIONS.execute("get column name at index " + index, new Callable() {
public String call() throws SQLiteException {
SQLiteStatement stmt = stmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
return stmt.getColumnName(index);
public static void nativeBindNull(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr, final int index) {
CONNECTIONS.execute("bind null at index " + index, new Callable() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
SQLiteStatement stmt = stmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
return null;
public static void nativeBindLong(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr, final int index, final long value) {
CONNECTIONS.execute("bind long at index " + index + " with value " + value, new Callable() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
SQLiteStatement stmt = stmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
stmt.bind(index, value);
return null;
public static void nativeBindDouble(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr, final int index, final double value) {
CONNECTIONS.execute("bind double at index " + index + " with value " + value, new Callable() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
SQLiteStatement stmt = stmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
stmt.bind(index, value);
return null;
public static void nativeBindString(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr, final int index, final String value) {
CONNECTIONS.execute("bind string at index " + index, new Callable() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
SQLiteStatement stmt = stmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
stmt.bind(index, value);
return null;
public static void nativeBindBlob(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr, final int index, final byte[] value) {
CONNECTIONS.execute("bind blob at index " + index, new Callable() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
SQLiteStatement stmt = stmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
stmt.bind(index, value);
return null;
public static void nativeRegisterLocalizedCollators(int connectionPtr, String locale) {
// TODO: find a way to create a collator
// xerial jdbc driver does not have a Java method for sqlite3_create_collation
public static int nativeExecuteForChangedRowCount(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr) {
return CONNECTIONS.execute("execute for changed row count", new Callable() {
public Integer call() throws Exception {
SQLiteStatement stmt = stmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
return connection(connectionPtr).getChanges();
public static long nativeExecuteForLastInsertedRowId(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr) {
return CONNECTIONS.execute("execute for last inserted row ID", new Callable() {
public Long call() throws Exception {
SQLiteStatement stmt = stmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
return connection(connectionPtr).getLastInsertId();
public static long nativeExecuteForCursorWindow(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr, final int windowPtr,
final int startPos, final int requiredPos, final boolean countAllRows) {
return CONNECTIONS.execute("execute for cursor window", new Callable() {
public Integer call() throws Exception {
SQLiteStatement stmt = stmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
return ShadowCursorWindow.setData(windowPtr, stmt);
public static void nativeResetStatementAndClearBindings(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr) {
CONNECTIONS.execute("reset statement", new Callable() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
SQLiteStatement stmt = stmt(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
return null;
public static void nativeCancel(int connectionPtr) {
public static void nativeResetCancel(int connectionPtr, boolean cancelable) {
// handled in com.almworks.sqlite4java.SQLiteConnection#exec
public static void nativeRegisterCustomFunction(int connectionPtr, SQLiteCustomFunction function) {
// not supported
public static int nativeExecuteForBlobFileDescriptor(int connectionPtr, long statementPtr) {
// impossible to support without native code?
return -1;
public static int nativeGetDbLookaside(int connectionPtr) {
// not supported by sqlite4java
return 0;
// VisibleForTesting
static class Connections {
private final AtomicInteger pointerCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
private final Map statementsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private final Map connectionsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private ExecutorService dbExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
public SQLiteConnection getConnection(final int pointer) {
SQLiteConnection connection = connectionsMap.get(pointer);
if (connection == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Illegal connection pointer " + pointer
+ ". Current pointers for thread " + Thread.currentThread() + " " + connectionsMap.keySet());
return connection;
public SQLiteStatement getStatement(final int connectionPtr, final int pointer) {
// ensure connection is ok
SQLiteStatement stmt = statementsMap.get(pointer);
if (stmt == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid prepared statement pointer: " + pointer + ". Current pointers: " + statementsMap.keySet());
if (stmt.isDisposed()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Statement " + pointer + " " + stmt + " is disposed");
return stmt;
public int open(final String path) {
SQLiteConnection dbConnection = execute("open SQLite connection", new Callable() {
public SQLiteConnection call() throws Exception {
SQLiteConnection connection = IN_MEMORY_PATH.equals(path)
? new SQLiteConnection()
: new SQLiteConnection(new File(path));;
return connection;
int ptr = pointerCounter.incrementAndGet();
connectionsMap.put(ptr, dbConnection);
return ptr;
public int prepareStatement(final int connectionPtr, final String sql) {
// TODO: find a way to create collators
if ("REINDEX LOCALIZED".equals(sql)) {
SQLiteStatement stmt = execute("prepare statement", new Callable() {
public SQLiteStatement call() throws Exception {
SQLiteConnection connection = getConnection(connectionPtr);
return connection.prepare(sql);
int pointer = pointerCounter.incrementAndGet();
statementsMap.put(pointer, stmt);
return pointer;
public void close(final int ptr) {
execute("close connection", new Callable() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
SQLiteConnection connection = getConnection(ptr);
return null;
public void reset() {
for (int connectionPtr : connectionsMap.keySet()) {
try {
dbExecutor.awaitTermination(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
dbExecutor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
public void finalizeStmt(final int connectionPtr, final int statementPtr) {
if (statementPtr == IGNORED_REINDEX_STMT) {
execute("finalize statement", new Callable() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
SQLiteStatement stmt = getStatement(connectionPtr, statementPtr);
return null;
public void cancel(int connectionPtr) {
getConnection(connectionPtr); // check connection
execute("cancel", new Callable() {
public Object call() throws Exception {
SQLiteStatement statement = statementsMap.get(pointerCounter.get());
if (statement != null) {
return null;
public T execute(final String comment, final Callable work) {
try {
return Uninterruptibles.getUninterruptibly(dbExecutor.submit(work));
// No need to catch cancellationexception - we never cancel these futures
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
Throwable t = e.getCause();
if (t instanceof SQLiteException) {
RuntimeException sqlException = getSqliteException("Cannot " + comment,
((SQLiteException) t).getBaseErrorCode());
throw sqlException;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private RuntimeException getSqliteException(String message, int baseErrorCode) {
// Mapping is from throw_sqlite3_exception in android_database_SQLiteCommon.cpp
switch (baseErrorCode) {
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_ABORT: return new SQLiteAbortException(message);
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_PERM: return new SQLiteAccessPermException(message);
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_RANGE: return new SQLiteBindOrColumnIndexOutOfRangeException(message);
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_TOOBIG: return new SQLiteBlobTooBigException(message);
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_CANTOPEN: return new SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException(message);
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: return new SQLiteConstraintException(message);
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_NOTADB: // fall through
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_CORRUPT: return new SQLiteDatabaseCorruptException(message);
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_BUSY: return new SQLiteDatabaseLockedException(message);
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_MISMATCH: return new SQLiteDatatypeMismatchException(message);
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_IOERR: return new SQLiteDiskIOException(message);
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_DONE: return new SQLiteDoneException(message);
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_FULL: return new SQLiteFullException(message);
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_MISUSE: return new SQLiteMisuseException(message);
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_NOMEM: return new SQLiteOutOfMemoryException(message);
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_READONLY: return new SQLiteReadOnlyDatabaseException(message);
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_LOCKED: return new SQLiteTableLockedException(message);
case SQLiteConstants.SQLITE_INTERRUPT: return new OperationCanceledException(message);
default: return new android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException(message
+ ", base error code: " + baseErrorCode);