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Soot Options Proposal
This is a proposal describing how the Soot options should be cleaned up.
Comments are welcome.
1. Options will be divided into several sections. Each section will consist
of a number of options.
2. Each option will be of a specific type, defining its syntax.
2.a) Boolean options will either be present or absent, and will not take
any arguments.
2.b) Multi-valued (radio) options will take exactly one argument, which
may be one of a pre-defined number of strings. Multiple occurences of
the same multi-valued option with different values will result in an
error. Each multi-valued option will have a default value which will
be used if the option is not present on the command line. Each value
of a multi-valued option may have zero or more aliases (for exmaple,
J and jimple).
2.c) Path options will take exactly one argument, which will be a set
of strings separated by a colon on Unix or a semicolon on Windows.
Multiple occurrences of a path option will cause the values to be
appended, separated with a colon or semicolon depending on the OS.
2.d) Phase options will take exactly two arguments: the phase name
and the options for the phase.
2.e) Macro options will take no arguments, and will expand to some
fixed string of other options. For example, -O will be a macro option
expanding to something like -p jop enabled:true. The expansion of
a macro option will be given in the XML file describing the options.
2.f) A string option takes exactly one string as an argument.
2.g) Additional option types may be added after careful consideration.
3. The syntax @file will be used to read options out of a file. A path
may be specified as part of file, either absolute or relative to the
current directory when Soot is invoked.
4. Each option may have zero or more aliases. Each alias may be
specified with either a single dash or a double dash. That is, we
are removing the rule that long options must have two dashes. This
is consistent with most Java tools, and avoids problems with people
giving the wrong number of dashes. It makes it impossible to group
short options together; however, this was never supported in Soot, and
most Soot options that one would want to group together only have long
versions anyway.
5. The policy for new options will be to have a short form only if
the option is likely to be used often to avoid polluting the limited
space of short options.
6. The current options will be affected as follows:
6.a) The -j, --jimp, --njimple, -s, --jasmin, -J, --jimple, -B,
--baf, -b, -g, -grimp, -G, --grimple, -c, --class, -X, --xml,
--nooutput, --dava, and --final-rep options will be replaced
with a single multi-valued option -o, alias --output-format. Its
values (with aliases) will be:
j jimp
J jimple
B baf
g grimp
G grimple
X xml
n none
s jasmin jasmin-through-baf
c class class-through-baf
d dava
The default value will be c.
6.b) The --src-prec option will become a multi-valued option with values:
J jimple
c class
6.c) The --soot-class-path option will be removed as it is an
undocumented duplicate of --soot-classpath. A short alias -cp will be
added for --soot-classpath.
6.d) The -cp --soot-classpath, --process-path, -x --exclude, -i --include,
--dynamic-classes, --dynamic-path, --dynamic-packages options will become
path options.
6.e) The -d --output-dir option will become a string option.
6.f) The -h --help, --version, -v --verbose, --time, --subtract-gc,
--app, -a --analyze-context options will become boolean options.
6.g) The short form -t for --time will be removed, as it is rarely used.
6.h) -O --optimize will be a macro option expanding to -p jop enabled:true.
-W --whole-optimize will be a macro option expanding to -p wjop enabled:true.
6.i) The -A option, which is currently very overloaded, will be changed
Boolean option --keep-line-number (replacing -A LineNumber)
Boolean option --keep-bytecode-offset --keep-offset (replacing -A BytecodeOffset)
Macro option --annot-nullpointer (replacing -A nullpointer and -A both)
with expansion -p jtp.npc enabled:true -p jtp.profiling enabled:true -p enabled:true
Macro option --annot-arraybounds (replacing -A arraybounds and -A both)
with expansion -p wjtp2.ra enabled:true -p enabled:true -p jtp.profiling enabled:true -p enabled:true
6.j) The people who added the --lazy, --debug, --tag-file options will
speak up, and tell us why they were added, what they do, and where they
are documented, if anywhere. Based on these answers, we will decide what
to do with them.
6.k) The -k --cache-dir, --with-cache options will be removed, as they
were an undocumented quick hack that never really worked.
6.l) The -p --phase-option option will become a phase option.
7) The options will be organized into sections as follows.
General options
-h --help
-v --verbose
Input options
-cp --soot-classpath
Output options
-d --output-dir
-o --output-format
Processing options
-p --phase-option
-O --optimize
-W --whole-optimize
Single-file mode options:
Applications mode options:
-i --include
-x --exclude
-a --analyze-context
Input attribute options
--keep-bytecode-offset --keep-offset
Annotation options:
8) Each option will have a name (for dialog box), a short description
to be displayed in the --help screen, and a long description to be
displayed in the documentation.
9) Phase options will work as they currently do, will all be documented,
and will be classified into several types:
9.a) Boolean
9.b) Multi-valued
9.c) Integer
9.d) Float
10) All options will be specified in an XML file. From this file, we will
generate, using XSLT, the Java source for the parser and for the usage string,
the LaTeX documentation, and the Eclipse dialog. This will ensure that all
of these will remain up-to-date with respect to changes in the options.
An (incomplete) example of such an XML file is attached. There will be
a separate XML file for each phase to simlarly specify the phase options.
A) Old to new option conversion chart (only documented old options listed):
old new
--version unchanged
-h, --help unchanged
-d PATH unchanged
-x, --exclude PACKAGE unchanged
-i, --include PACKAGE unchanged
-a, --analyze-context unchanged
--dynamic-path PATH unchanged
--dynamic-packages PACKAGES unchanged
--dynamic-classes CLASSES unchanged
--process-path PATH unchanged
-O, --optimize unchanged
-W, --whole-optimize unchanged
--soot-classpath PATH unchanged
--src-prec [jimple|class] unchanged
--subtract-gc unchanged
-v --verbose unchanged
-p --phase-option unchanged
--app unchanged
-b, --b -o b
-B, --baf -o B, -o baf
-j, --jimp -o j, -o jimp
-J, --jimple -o J, -o jimple
-g, --grimp etc.
-G, --grimple
-s, --jasmin
-c, --class
-X, --xml
--final-rep grimp -o class-through-grimp
or -o jasmin-through-grimp
--final-rep baf (this is the default)
--final-rep jimple (this is the default when producing Jimple)
-t, --time only --time allowed
-A LineNumber --keep-line-number
-A BytecodeOffset --keep-bytecode-offset --keep-offset
-A arraybounds --annot-arraybounds
-A nullpointer --annot-nullpointer
-A both --annot-arraybounds --annot-nullpointer
--debug To be determined
B) Example XML file:
General OptionsHelphelphhelpdisplay help and exitThis option displays the textual help message and exits immediately without doing any further processingVersionversionversionoutput version information and exitThis option outputs the Soot version information and exits immediately without doing any further processingVerboseverbosevverboseverbose modeThis option ...Application ModeaddModeappruns in application modeThis option ...Input OptionsSoot Classpathclasspathcpsoot-classpathuses given PATH as the classpath for finding classes for Soot processingThis option ...Input Source PrecedencesrcPrecsrc-precClass FileclassFilecclassJimple FilejimpleFileJjimplecsets the source precedence for SootThis option ...Output OptionsOutput DirectoryoutputDirdoutput-dirstore produced files in PATHThis option ...Output FormatoutputFormatooutput-formatJimp FilejimpFilejjimpNjimple FilenjimpFilenjimpleJimple FilejimpleFileJjimpleBaf FilebafFileBbafAggregated Baf FilebFilebGrimp FilegrimpFileggrimpGrimple FilegrimpleFileGgrimpleXml FilexmlFileXxmlNo Output FilenoneFilennoneJasmin FilejasminFilesjasminjasmin-through-bafJasmin Through Grimp FilejasminViaGrimpFilejasmin-through-grimpClass FileclassFilecclassclass-through-bafClass Through Grimp FileclassViaGrimpFileclass-through-grimpDava Decompiled FiledavaFileddavacsets the source precedence for SootThis option ...Processing OptionsPhase OptionsphaseOptpphase-optionset run-time option KEY to VALUE for PHASE-NAMEThis option ...OptimizeoptimizeOoptimize-p jop enabled:trueperform scalar optimizations on the classfilesThis option ...Whole Program OptimizewholeOptimizeWwhole-optimize-p wjop enabled:trueperform whole program optimizations on the classfilesThis option ...Single File Mode OptionsProcess PathprocPathprocess-pathprocess all classes on the PATHThis option ...Application Mode OptionsInclude PackageincPackageiincludemarks classfiles in PACKAGE (e.g. java.util.)as application classesThis option ...Exclude PackageexcPackagexexcludemarks classfiles in PACKAGE (e.g. java.) as context classesThis option ...Analyze ContextanalyzeContextaanalyze-contextlabel context classes as libraryThis option ...Dynamic ClassesdynClassesdynamic-classesmarks CLASSES (separated by colons) as potentially dynamic classesThis option ...Dynamic PathdynPathdynamic-pathmarks all class files in PATH as potentially dynamic classesThis option ...Dynamic PackagedynPackagedynamic-packagemarks classfiles in PACKAGES (separated by commas) as potentially dynamic classesThis option ...Input Attribute OptionsKeep Line NumberkeepLineNumkeep-line-numberkeep line number tablesThis option ...Keep Bytecode OffsetkeepByteOffsetkeep-bytecode-offsetkeep-offsetattach bytecode offset to jimple statementThis option ...Annotaion OptionsNull Pointer AnnotationnullPointerAnnannot-nullpointer-p jtp.npc enabled:true -p jtp.profiling enabled:true -p enabled:trueturn on the annotation for null pointerThis option ...Array Bounds AnnotationarrayBoundsAnnannot-arraybounds-p wjtp2.ra enabled:true -p enabled:true -p jtp.profiling enabled:true -p enabled:trueturn on the annotation for array bounds checkThis option ...Miscellaneous OptionsTimetimetimeprint out time statistics about tranformationsThis option ...Subtract Garbage Collection TimesubGCsubtract-gcattempt to subtract the gc from the time statsThis option ...