org.rocksdb.BackupEngineOptions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
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package org.rocksdb;
import java.io.File;
* BackupEngineOptions controls the behavior of a
* {@link org.rocksdb.BackupEngine}.
* Note that dispose() must be called before an Options instance
* become out-of-scope to release the allocated memory in c++.
* @see org.rocksdb.BackupEngine
public class BackupEngineOptions extends RocksObject {
private Env backupEnv = null;
private Logger infoLog = null;
private RateLimiter backupRateLimiter = null;
private RateLimiter restoreRateLimiter = null;
* BackupEngineOptions constructor.
* @param path Where to keep the backup files. Has to be different from db
* name. Best to set this to {@code db name_ + "/backups"}
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if illegal path is used.
public BackupEngineOptions(final String path) {
private static String ensureWritableFile(final String path) {
final File backupPath = path == null ? null : new File(path);
if (backupPath == null || !backupPath.isDirectory() ||
!backupPath.canWrite()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal path provided.");
} else {
return path;
* Returns the path to the BackupEngine directory.
* @return the path to the BackupEngine directory.
public String backupDir() {
return backupDir(nativeHandle_);
* Backup Env object. It will be used for backup file I/O. If it's
* null, backups will be written out using DBs Env. Otherwise,
* backup's I/O will be performed using this object.
* Default: null
* @param env The environment to use
* @return instance of current BackupEngineOptions.
public BackupEngineOptions setBackupEnv(final Env env) {
setBackupEnv(nativeHandle_, env.nativeHandle_);
this.backupEnv = env;
return this;
* Backup Env object. It will be used for backup file I/O. If it's
* null, backups will be written out using DBs Env. Otherwise,
* backup's I/O will be performed using this object.
* Default: null
* @return The environment in use
public Env backupEnv() {
return this.backupEnv;
Share table files between backups.
* @param shareTableFiles If {@code share_table_files == true}, backup will
* assume that table files with same name have the same contents. This
* enables incremental backups and avoids unnecessary data copies. If
* {@code share_table_files == false}, each backup will be on its own and
* will not share any data with other backups.
* Default: true
* @return instance of current BackupEngineOptions.
public BackupEngineOptions setShareTableFiles(final boolean shareTableFiles) {
setShareTableFiles(nativeHandle_, shareTableFiles);
return this;
* Share table files between backups.
* @return boolean value indicating if SST files will be shared between
* backups.
public boolean shareTableFiles() {
return shareTableFiles(nativeHandle_);
* Set the logger to use for Backup info and error messages
* @param logger The logger to use for the backup
* @return instance of current BackupEngineOptions.
public BackupEngineOptions setInfoLog(final Logger logger) {
setInfoLog(nativeHandle_, logger.nativeHandle_);
this.infoLog = logger;
return this;
* Set the logger to use for Backup info and error messages
* Default: null
* @return The logger in use for the backup
public Logger infoLog() {
return this.infoLog;
Set synchronous backups.
* @param sync If {@code sync == true}, we can guarantee you'll get consistent
* backup even on a machine crash/reboot. Backup process is slower with sync
* enabled. If {@code sync == false}, we don't guarantee anything on machine
* reboot. However, chances are some backups are consistent.
* Default: true
* @return instance of current BackupEngineOptions.
public BackupEngineOptions setSync(final boolean sync) {
setSync(nativeHandle_, sync);
return this;
* Are synchronous backups activated.
* @return boolean value if synchronous backups are configured.
public boolean sync() {
return sync(nativeHandle_);
* Set if old data will be destroyed.
* @param destroyOldData If true, it will delete whatever backups there are
* already.
* Default: false
* @return instance of current BackupEngineOptions.
public BackupEngineOptions setDestroyOldData(final boolean destroyOldData) {
setDestroyOldData(nativeHandle_, destroyOldData);
return this;
* Returns if old data will be destroyed will performing new backups.
* @return boolean value indicating if old data will be destroyed.
public boolean destroyOldData() {
return destroyOldData(nativeHandle_);
* Set if log files shall be persisted.
* @param backupLogFiles If false, we won't back up log files. This option can
* be useful for backing up in-memory databases where log file are
* persisted, but table files are in memory.
* Default: true
* @return instance of current BackupEngineOptions.
public BackupEngineOptions setBackupLogFiles(final boolean backupLogFiles) {
setBackupLogFiles(nativeHandle_, backupLogFiles);
return this;
* Return information if log files shall be persisted.
* @return boolean value indicating if log files will be persisted.
public boolean backupLogFiles() {
return backupLogFiles(nativeHandle_);
* Set backup rate limit.
* @param backupRateLimit Max bytes that can be transferred in a second during
* backup. If 0 or negative, then go as fast as you can.
* Default: 0
* @return instance of current BackupEngineOptions.
public BackupEngineOptions setBackupRateLimit(final long backupRateLimit) {
setBackupRateLimit(nativeHandle_, (backupRateLimit <= 0) ? 0 : backupRateLimit);
return this;
* Return backup rate limit which described the max bytes that can be
* transferred in a second during backup.
* @return numerical value describing the backup transfer limit in bytes per
* second.
public long backupRateLimit() {
return backupRateLimit(nativeHandle_);
* Backup rate limiter. Used to control transfer speed for backup. If this is
* not null, {@link #backupRateLimit()} is ignored.
* Default: null
* @param backupRateLimiter The rate limiter to use for the backup
* @return instance of current BackupEngineOptions.
public BackupEngineOptions setBackupRateLimiter(final RateLimiter backupRateLimiter) {
setBackupRateLimiter(nativeHandle_, backupRateLimiter.nativeHandle_);
this.backupRateLimiter = backupRateLimiter;
return this;
* Backup rate limiter. Used to control transfer speed for backup. If this is
* not null, {@link #backupRateLimit()} is ignored.
* Default: null
* @return The rate limiter in use for the backup
public RateLimiter backupRateLimiter() {
return this.backupRateLimiter;
Set restore rate limit.
* @param restoreRateLimit Max bytes that can be transferred in a second
* during restore. If 0 or negative, then go as fast as you can.
* Default: 0
* @return instance of current BackupEngineOptions.
public BackupEngineOptions setRestoreRateLimit(final long restoreRateLimit) {
setRestoreRateLimit(nativeHandle_, (restoreRateLimit <= 0) ? 0 : restoreRateLimit);
return this;
* Return restore rate limit which described the max bytes that can be
* transferred in a second during restore.
* @return numerical value describing the restore transfer limit in bytes per
* second.
public long restoreRateLimit() {
return restoreRateLimit(nativeHandle_);
* Restore rate limiter. Used to control transfer speed during restore. If
* this is not null, {@link #restoreRateLimit()} is ignored.
* Default: null
* @param restoreRateLimiter The rate limiter to use during restore
* @return instance of current BackupEngineOptions.
public BackupEngineOptions setRestoreRateLimiter(final RateLimiter restoreRateLimiter) {
setRestoreRateLimiter(nativeHandle_, restoreRateLimiter.nativeHandle_);
this.restoreRateLimiter = restoreRateLimiter;
return this;
* Restore rate limiter. Used to control transfer speed during restore. If
* this is not null, {@link #restoreRateLimit()} is ignored.
* Default: null
* @return The rate limiter in use during restore
public RateLimiter restoreRateLimiter() {
return this.restoreRateLimiter;
Only used if share_table_files is set to true. If true, will consider
* that backups can come from different databases, hence a sst is not uniquely
* identified by its name, but by the triple (file name, crc32, file length)
* @param shareFilesWithChecksum boolean value indicating if SST files are
* stored using the triple (file name, crc32, file length) and not its name.
* Note: this is an experimental option, and you'll need to set it manually
* turn it on only if you know what you're doing*
* Default: false
* @return instance of current BackupEngineOptions.
public BackupEngineOptions setShareFilesWithChecksum(final boolean shareFilesWithChecksum) {
setShareFilesWithChecksum(nativeHandle_, shareFilesWithChecksum);
return this;
* Return of share files with checksum is active.
* @return boolean value indicating if share files with checksum
* is active.
public boolean shareFilesWithChecksum() {
return shareFilesWithChecksum(nativeHandle_);
* Up to this many background threads will copy files for
* {@link BackupEngine#createNewBackup(RocksDB, boolean)} and
* {@link BackupEngine#restoreDbFromBackup(int, String, String, RestoreOptions)}
* Default: 1
* @param maxBackgroundOperations The maximum number of background threads
* @return instance of current BackupEngineOptions.
public BackupEngineOptions setMaxBackgroundOperations(final int maxBackgroundOperations) {
setMaxBackgroundOperations(nativeHandle_, maxBackgroundOperations);
return this;
* Up to this many background threads will copy files for
* {@link BackupEngine#createNewBackup(RocksDB, boolean)} and
* {@link BackupEngine#restoreDbFromBackup(int, String, String, RestoreOptions)}
* Default: 1
* @return The maximum number of background threads
public int maxBackgroundOperations() {
return maxBackgroundOperations(nativeHandle_);
* During backup user can get callback every time next
* {@link #callbackTriggerIntervalSize()} bytes being copied.
* Default: 4194304
* @param callbackTriggerIntervalSize The interval size for the
* callback trigger
* @return instance of current BackupEngineOptions.
public BackupEngineOptions setCallbackTriggerIntervalSize(
final long callbackTriggerIntervalSize) {
setCallbackTriggerIntervalSize(nativeHandle_, callbackTriggerIntervalSize);
return this;
* During backup user can get callback every time next
* {@code #callbackTriggerIntervalSize()} bytes being copied.
* Default: 4194304
* @return The interval size for the callback trigger
public long callbackTriggerIntervalSize() {
return callbackTriggerIntervalSize(nativeHandle_);
private static native long newBackupEngineOptions(final String path);
private static native String backupDir(long handle);
private static native void setBackupEnv(final long handle, final long envHandle);
private static native void setShareTableFiles(long handle, boolean flag);
private static native boolean shareTableFiles(long handle);
private static native void setInfoLog(final long handle, final long infoLogHandle);
private static native void setSync(long handle, boolean flag);
private static native boolean sync(long handle);
private static native void setDestroyOldData(long handle, boolean flag);
private static native boolean destroyOldData(long handle);
private static native void setBackupLogFiles(long handle, boolean flag);
private static native boolean backupLogFiles(long handle);
private static native void setBackupRateLimit(long handle, long rateLimit);
private static native long backupRateLimit(long handle);
private static native void setBackupRateLimiter(long handle, long rateLimiterHandle);
private static native void setRestoreRateLimit(long handle, long rateLimit);
private static native long restoreRateLimit(long handle);
private static native void setRestoreRateLimiter(final long handle, final long rateLimiterHandle);
private static native void setShareFilesWithChecksum(long handle, boolean flag);
private static native boolean shareFilesWithChecksum(long handle);
private static native void setMaxBackgroundOperations(
final long handle, final int maxBackgroundOperations);
private static native int maxBackgroundOperations(final long handle);
private static native void setCallbackTriggerIntervalSize(
final long handle, long callbackTriggerIntervalSize);
private static native long callbackTriggerIntervalSize(final long handle);
protected final void disposeInternal(final long handle) {
private static native void disposeInternalJni(final long handle);