org.rocksdb.DBOptions Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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// Copyright (c) 2011-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under both the GPLv2 (found in the
// COPYING file in the root directory) and Apache 2.0 License
// (found in the LICENSE.Apache file in the root directory).
package org.rocksdb;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.*;
* DBOptions to control the behavior of a database. It will be used
* during the creation of a {@link org.rocksdb.RocksDB} (i.e., RocksDB.open()).
* As a descendent of {@link AbstractNativeReference}, this class is {@link AutoCloseable}
* and will be automatically released if opened in the preamble of a try with resources block.
public class DBOptions extends RocksObject
implements DBOptionsInterface, MutableDBOptionsInterface {
* Construct DBOptions.
* This constructor will create (by allocating a block of memory)
* an {@code rocksdb::DBOptions} in the c++ side.
public DBOptions() {
env_ = Env.getDefault();
* Copy constructor for DBOptions.
* NOTE: This does a shallow copy, which means env, rate_limiter, sst_file_manager,
* info_log and other pointers will be cloned!
* @param other The DBOptions to copy.
public DBOptions(final DBOptions other) {
this.env_ = other.env_;
this.numShardBits_ = other.numShardBits_;
this.rateLimiter_ = other.rateLimiter_;
this.rowCache_ = other.rowCache_;
this.walFilter_ = other.walFilter_;
this.writeBufferManager_ = other.writeBufferManager_;
* Constructor from Options
* @param options The options.
public DBOptions(final Options options) {
Method to get a options instance by using pre-configured
* property values. If one or many values are undefined in
* the context of RocksDB the method will return a null
* value.
* Note: Property keys can be derived from
* getter methods within the options class. Example: the method
* {@code allowMmapReads()} has a property key:
* {@code allow_mmap_reads}.
* @param cfgOpts The ConfigOptions to control how the string is processed.
* @param properties {@link java.util.Properties} instance.
* @return {@link org.rocksdb.DBOptions instance}
* or null.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if null or empty
* {@link java.util.Properties} instance is passed to the method call.
public static DBOptions getDBOptionsFromProps(
final ConfigOptions cfgOpts, final Properties properties) {
DBOptions dbOptions = null;
final String optionsString = Options.getOptionStringFromProps(properties);
final long handle = getDBOptionsFromProps(cfgOpts.nativeHandle_, optionsString);
if (handle != 0) {
dbOptions = new DBOptions(handle);
return dbOptions;
* Method to get a options instance by using pre-configured
* property values. If one or many values are undefined in
* the context of RocksDB the method will return a null
* value.
* Note: Property keys can be derived from
* getter methods within the options class. Example: the method
* {@code allowMmapReads()} has a property key:
* {@code allow_mmap_reads}.
* @param properties {@link java.util.Properties} instance.
* @return {@link org.rocksdb.DBOptions instance}
* or null.
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if null or empty
* {@link java.util.Properties} instance is passed to the method call.
public static DBOptions getDBOptionsFromProps(final Properties properties) {
DBOptions dbOptions = null;
final String optionsString = Options.getOptionStringFromProps(properties);
final long handle = getDBOptionsFromProps(optionsString);
if (handle != 0) {
dbOptions = new DBOptions(handle);
return dbOptions;
public DBOptions optimizeForSmallDb() {
return this;
public DBOptions setIncreaseParallelism(
final int totalThreads) {
setIncreaseParallelism(nativeHandle_, totalThreads);
return this;
public DBOptions setCreateIfMissing(final boolean flag) {
setCreateIfMissing(nativeHandle_, flag);
return this;
public boolean createIfMissing() {
return createIfMissing(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setCreateMissingColumnFamilies(
final boolean flag) {
setCreateMissingColumnFamilies(nativeHandle_, flag);
return this;
public boolean createMissingColumnFamilies() {
return createMissingColumnFamilies(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setErrorIfExists(
final boolean errorIfExists) {
setErrorIfExists(nativeHandle_, errorIfExists);
return this;
public boolean errorIfExists() {
return errorIfExists(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setParanoidChecks(
final boolean paranoidChecks) {
setParanoidChecks(nativeHandle_, paranoidChecks);
return this;
public boolean paranoidChecks() {
return paranoidChecks(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setEnv(final Env env) {
setEnv(nativeHandle_, env.nativeHandle_);
this.env_ = env;
return this;
public Env getEnv() {
return env_;
public DBOptions setRateLimiter(final RateLimiter rateLimiter) {
rateLimiter_ = rateLimiter;
setRateLimiter(nativeHandle_, rateLimiter.nativeHandle_);
return this;
public DBOptions setSstFileManager(final SstFileManager sstFileManager) {
setSstFileManager(nativeHandle_, sstFileManager.nativeHandle_);
return this;
public DBOptions setLogger(final LoggerInterface logger) {
setLogger(nativeHandle_, logger.getNativeHandle(), logger.getLoggerType().getValue());
return this;
public DBOptions setInfoLogLevel(
final InfoLogLevel infoLogLevel) {
setInfoLogLevel(nativeHandle_, infoLogLevel.getValue());
return this;
public InfoLogLevel infoLogLevel() {
return InfoLogLevel.getInfoLogLevel(
public DBOptions setMaxOpenFiles(
final int maxOpenFiles) {
setMaxOpenFiles(nativeHandle_, maxOpenFiles);
return this;
public int maxOpenFiles() {
return maxOpenFiles(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setMaxFileOpeningThreads(final int maxFileOpeningThreads) {
setMaxFileOpeningThreads(nativeHandle_, maxFileOpeningThreads);
return this;
public int maxFileOpeningThreads() {
return maxFileOpeningThreads(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setMaxTotalWalSize(
final long maxTotalWalSize) {
setMaxTotalWalSize(nativeHandle_, maxTotalWalSize);
return this;
public long maxTotalWalSize() {
return maxTotalWalSize(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setStatistics(final Statistics statistics) {
setStatistics(nativeHandle_, statistics.nativeHandle_);
return this;
public Statistics statistics() {
final long statisticsNativeHandle = statistics(nativeHandle_);
if(statisticsNativeHandle == 0) {
return null;
} else {
return new Statistics(statisticsNativeHandle);
public DBOptions setUseFsync(
final boolean useFsync) {
setUseFsync(nativeHandle_, useFsync);
return this;
public boolean useFsync() {
return useFsync(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setDbPaths(final Collection dbPaths) {
final int len = dbPaths.size();
final String[] paths = new String[len];
final long[] targetSizes = new long[len];
int i = 0;
for(final DbPath dbPath : dbPaths) {
paths[i] = dbPath.path.toString();
targetSizes[i] = dbPath.targetSize;
setDbPaths(nativeHandle_, paths, targetSizes);
return this;
public List dbPaths() {
final int len = (int)dbPathsLen(nativeHandle_);
if(len == 0) {
return Collections.emptyList();
} else {
final String[] paths = new String[len];
final long[] targetSizes = new long[len];
dbPaths(nativeHandle_, paths, targetSizes);
final List dbPaths = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
dbPaths.add(new DbPath(Paths.get(paths[i]), targetSizes[i]));
return dbPaths;
public DBOptions setDbLogDir(
final String dbLogDir) {
setDbLogDir(nativeHandle_, dbLogDir);
return this;
public String dbLogDir() {
return dbLogDir(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setWalDir(
final String walDir) {
setWalDir(nativeHandle_, walDir);
return this;
public String walDir() {
return walDir(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setDeleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros(
final long micros) {
setDeleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros(nativeHandle_, micros);
return this;
public long deleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros() {
return deleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setMaxBackgroundJobs(final int maxBackgroundJobs) {
setMaxBackgroundJobs(nativeHandle_, maxBackgroundJobs);
return this;
public int maxBackgroundJobs() {
return maxBackgroundJobs(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setMaxBackgroundCompactions(
final int maxBackgroundCompactions) {
setMaxBackgroundCompactions(nativeHandle_, maxBackgroundCompactions);
return this;
public int maxBackgroundCompactions() {
return maxBackgroundCompactions(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setMaxSubcompactions(final int maxSubcompactions) {
setMaxSubcompactions(nativeHandle_, maxSubcompactions);
return this;
public int maxSubcompactions() {
return maxSubcompactions(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setMaxBackgroundFlushes(
final int maxBackgroundFlushes) {
setMaxBackgroundFlushes(nativeHandle_, maxBackgroundFlushes);
return this;
public int maxBackgroundFlushes() {
return maxBackgroundFlushes(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setMaxLogFileSize(final long maxLogFileSize) {
setMaxLogFileSize(nativeHandle_, maxLogFileSize);
return this;
public long maxLogFileSize() {
return maxLogFileSize(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setLogFileTimeToRoll(
final long logFileTimeToRoll) {
setLogFileTimeToRoll(nativeHandle_, logFileTimeToRoll);
return this;
public long logFileTimeToRoll() {
return logFileTimeToRoll(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setKeepLogFileNum(
final long keepLogFileNum) {
setKeepLogFileNum(nativeHandle_, keepLogFileNum);
return this;
public long keepLogFileNum() {
return keepLogFileNum(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setRecycleLogFileNum(final long recycleLogFileNum) {
setRecycleLogFileNum(nativeHandle_, recycleLogFileNum);
return this;
public long recycleLogFileNum() {
return recycleLogFileNum(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setMaxManifestFileSize(
final long maxManifestFileSize) {
setMaxManifestFileSize(nativeHandle_, maxManifestFileSize);
return this;
public long maxManifestFileSize() {
return maxManifestFileSize(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setTableCacheNumshardbits(
final int tableCacheNumshardbits) {
setTableCacheNumshardbits(nativeHandle_, tableCacheNumshardbits);
return this;
public int tableCacheNumshardbits() {
return tableCacheNumshardbits(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setWalTtlSeconds(
final long walTtlSeconds) {
setWalTtlSeconds(nativeHandle_, walTtlSeconds);
return this;
public long walTtlSeconds() {
return walTtlSeconds(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setWalSizeLimitMB(
final long sizeLimitMB) {
setWalSizeLimitMB(nativeHandle_, sizeLimitMB);
return this;
public long walSizeLimitMB() {
return walSizeLimitMB(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setMaxWriteBatchGroupSizeBytes(final long maxWriteBatchGroupSizeBytes) {
setMaxWriteBatchGroupSizeBytes(nativeHandle_, maxWriteBatchGroupSizeBytes);
return this;
public long maxWriteBatchGroupSizeBytes() {
assert (isOwningHandle());
return maxWriteBatchGroupSizeBytes(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setManifestPreallocationSize(
final long size) {
setManifestPreallocationSize(nativeHandle_, size);
return this;
public long manifestPreallocationSize() {
return manifestPreallocationSize(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setAllowMmapReads(
final boolean allowMmapReads) {
setAllowMmapReads(nativeHandle_, allowMmapReads);
return this;
public boolean allowMmapReads() {
return allowMmapReads(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setAllowMmapWrites(
final boolean allowMmapWrites) {
setAllowMmapWrites(nativeHandle_, allowMmapWrites);
return this;
public boolean allowMmapWrites() {
return allowMmapWrites(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setUseDirectReads(
final boolean useDirectReads) {
setUseDirectReads(nativeHandle_, useDirectReads);
return this;
public boolean useDirectReads() {
return useDirectReads(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setUseDirectIoForFlushAndCompaction(
final boolean useDirectIoForFlushAndCompaction) {
return this;
public boolean useDirectIoForFlushAndCompaction() {
return useDirectIoForFlushAndCompaction(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setAllowFAllocate(final boolean allowFAllocate) {
setAllowFAllocate(nativeHandle_, allowFAllocate);
return this;
public boolean allowFAllocate() {
return allowFAllocate(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setIsFdCloseOnExec(
final boolean isFdCloseOnExec) {
setIsFdCloseOnExec(nativeHandle_, isFdCloseOnExec);
return this;
public boolean isFdCloseOnExec() {
return isFdCloseOnExec(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setStatsDumpPeriodSec(
final int statsDumpPeriodSec) {
setStatsDumpPeriodSec(nativeHandle_, statsDumpPeriodSec);
return this;
public int statsDumpPeriodSec() {
return statsDumpPeriodSec(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setStatsPersistPeriodSec(
final int statsPersistPeriodSec) {
setStatsPersistPeriodSec(nativeHandle_, statsPersistPeriodSec);
return this;
public int statsPersistPeriodSec() {
return statsPersistPeriodSec(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setStatsHistoryBufferSize(
final long statsHistoryBufferSize) {
setStatsHistoryBufferSize(nativeHandle_, statsHistoryBufferSize);
return this;
public long statsHistoryBufferSize() {
return statsHistoryBufferSize(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setAdviseRandomOnOpen(
final boolean adviseRandomOnOpen) {
setAdviseRandomOnOpen(nativeHandle_, adviseRandomOnOpen);
return this;
public boolean adviseRandomOnOpen() {
return adviseRandomOnOpen(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setDbWriteBufferSize(final long dbWriteBufferSize) {
setDbWriteBufferSize(nativeHandle_, dbWriteBufferSize);
return this;
public DBOptions setWriteBufferManager(final WriteBufferManager writeBufferManager) {
setWriteBufferManager(nativeHandle_, writeBufferManager.nativeHandle_);
this.writeBufferManager_ = writeBufferManager;
return this;
public WriteBufferManager writeBufferManager() {
return this.writeBufferManager_;
public long dbWriteBufferSize() {
return dbWriteBufferSize(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setCompactionReadaheadSize(final long compactionReadaheadSize) {
setCompactionReadaheadSize(nativeHandle_, compactionReadaheadSize);
return this;
public long compactionReadaheadSize() {
return compactionReadaheadSize(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setRandomAccessMaxBufferSize(final long randomAccessMaxBufferSize) {
setRandomAccessMaxBufferSize(nativeHandle_, randomAccessMaxBufferSize);
return this;
public long randomAccessMaxBufferSize() {
return randomAccessMaxBufferSize(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setWritableFileMaxBufferSize(final long writableFileMaxBufferSize) {
setWritableFileMaxBufferSize(nativeHandle_, writableFileMaxBufferSize);
return this;
public long writableFileMaxBufferSize() {
return writableFileMaxBufferSize(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setUseAdaptiveMutex(
final boolean useAdaptiveMutex) {
setUseAdaptiveMutex(nativeHandle_, useAdaptiveMutex);
return this;
public boolean useAdaptiveMutex() {
return useAdaptiveMutex(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setBytesPerSync(
final long bytesPerSync) {
setBytesPerSync(nativeHandle_, bytesPerSync);
return this;
public long bytesPerSync() {
return bytesPerSync(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setWalBytesPerSync(final long walBytesPerSync) {
setWalBytesPerSync(nativeHandle_, walBytesPerSync);
return this;
public long walBytesPerSync() {
return walBytesPerSync(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setStrictBytesPerSync(final boolean strictBytesPerSync) {
setStrictBytesPerSync(nativeHandle_, strictBytesPerSync);
return this;
public boolean strictBytesPerSync() {
return strictBytesPerSync(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setListeners(final List listeners) {
assert (isOwningHandle());
setEventListeners(nativeHandle_, RocksCallbackObject.toNativeHandleList(listeners));
return this;
public List listeners() {
assert (isOwningHandle());
return Arrays.asList(eventListeners(nativeHandle_));
public DBOptions setEnableThreadTracking(final boolean enableThreadTracking) {
setEnableThreadTracking(nativeHandle_, enableThreadTracking);
return this;
public boolean enableThreadTracking() {
return enableThreadTracking(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setDelayedWriteRate(final long delayedWriteRate) {
setDelayedWriteRate(nativeHandle_, delayedWriteRate);
return this;
public long delayedWriteRate(){
return delayedWriteRate(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setEnablePipelinedWrite(final boolean enablePipelinedWrite) {
setEnablePipelinedWrite(nativeHandle_, enablePipelinedWrite);
return this;
public boolean enablePipelinedWrite() {
return enablePipelinedWrite(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setUnorderedWrite(final boolean unorderedWrite) {
setUnorderedWrite(nativeHandle_, unorderedWrite);
return this;
public boolean unorderedWrite() {
return unorderedWrite(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setAllowConcurrentMemtableWrite(
final boolean allowConcurrentMemtableWrite) {
return this;
public boolean allowConcurrentMemtableWrite() {
return allowConcurrentMemtableWrite(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setEnableWriteThreadAdaptiveYield(
final boolean enableWriteThreadAdaptiveYield) {
return this;
public boolean enableWriteThreadAdaptiveYield() {
return enableWriteThreadAdaptiveYield(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setWriteThreadMaxYieldUsec(final long writeThreadMaxYieldUsec) {
setWriteThreadMaxYieldUsec(nativeHandle_, writeThreadMaxYieldUsec);
return this;
public long writeThreadMaxYieldUsec() {
return writeThreadMaxYieldUsec(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setWriteThreadSlowYieldUsec(final long writeThreadSlowYieldUsec) {
setWriteThreadSlowYieldUsec(nativeHandle_, writeThreadSlowYieldUsec);
return this;
public long writeThreadSlowYieldUsec() {
return writeThreadSlowYieldUsec(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setSkipStatsUpdateOnDbOpen(final boolean skipStatsUpdateOnDbOpen) {
setSkipStatsUpdateOnDbOpen(nativeHandle_, skipStatsUpdateOnDbOpen);
return this;
public boolean skipStatsUpdateOnDbOpen() {
return skipStatsUpdateOnDbOpen(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setSkipCheckingSstFileSizesOnDbOpen(
final boolean skipCheckingSstFileSizesOnDbOpen) {
setSkipCheckingSstFileSizesOnDbOpen(nativeHandle_, skipCheckingSstFileSizesOnDbOpen);
return this;
public boolean skipCheckingSstFileSizesOnDbOpen() {
assert (isOwningHandle());
return skipCheckingSstFileSizesOnDbOpen(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setWalRecoveryMode(final WALRecoveryMode walRecoveryMode) {
setWalRecoveryMode(nativeHandle_, walRecoveryMode.getValue());
return this;
public WALRecoveryMode walRecoveryMode() {
return WALRecoveryMode.getWALRecoveryMode(walRecoveryMode(nativeHandle_));
public DBOptions setAllow2pc(final boolean allow2pc) {
setAllow2pc(nativeHandle_, allow2pc);
return this;
public boolean allow2pc() {
return allow2pc(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setRowCache(final Cache rowCache) {
setRowCache(nativeHandle_, rowCache.nativeHandle_);
this.rowCache_ = rowCache;
return this;
public Cache rowCache() {
return this.rowCache_;
public DBOptions setWalFilter(final AbstractWalFilter walFilter) {
setWalFilter(nativeHandle_, walFilter.nativeHandle_);
this.walFilter_ = walFilter;
return this;
public WalFilter walFilter() {
return this.walFilter_;
public DBOptions setFailIfOptionsFileError(final boolean failIfOptionsFileError) {
setFailIfOptionsFileError(nativeHandle_, failIfOptionsFileError);
return this;
public boolean failIfOptionsFileError() {
return failIfOptionsFileError(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setDumpMallocStats(final boolean dumpMallocStats) {
setDumpMallocStats(nativeHandle_, dumpMallocStats);
return this;
public boolean dumpMallocStats() {
return dumpMallocStats(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setAvoidFlushDuringRecovery(final boolean avoidFlushDuringRecovery) {
setAvoidFlushDuringRecovery(nativeHandle_, avoidFlushDuringRecovery);
return this;
public boolean avoidFlushDuringRecovery() {
return avoidFlushDuringRecovery(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setAvoidFlushDuringShutdown(final boolean avoidFlushDuringShutdown) {
setAvoidFlushDuringShutdown(nativeHandle_, avoidFlushDuringShutdown);
return this;
public boolean avoidFlushDuringShutdown() {
return avoidFlushDuringShutdown(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setAllowIngestBehind(final boolean allowIngestBehind) {
setAllowIngestBehind(nativeHandle_, allowIngestBehind);
return this;
public boolean allowIngestBehind() {
return allowIngestBehind(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setTwoWriteQueues(final boolean twoWriteQueues) {
setTwoWriteQueues(nativeHandle_, twoWriteQueues);
return this;
public boolean twoWriteQueues() {
return twoWriteQueues(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setManualWalFlush(final boolean manualWalFlush) {
setManualWalFlush(nativeHandle_, manualWalFlush);
return this;
public boolean manualWalFlush() {
return manualWalFlush(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setAtomicFlush(final boolean atomicFlush) {
setAtomicFlush(nativeHandle_, atomicFlush);
return this;
public boolean atomicFlush() {
return atomicFlush(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setAvoidUnnecessaryBlockingIO(final boolean avoidUnnecessaryBlockingIO) {
setAvoidUnnecessaryBlockingIO(nativeHandle_, avoidUnnecessaryBlockingIO);
return this;
public boolean avoidUnnecessaryBlockingIO() {
assert (isOwningHandle());
return avoidUnnecessaryBlockingIO(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setPersistStatsToDisk(final boolean persistStatsToDisk) {
setPersistStatsToDisk(nativeHandle_, persistStatsToDisk);
return this;
public boolean persistStatsToDisk() {
assert (isOwningHandle());
return persistStatsToDisk(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setWriteDbidToManifest(final boolean writeDbidToManifest) {
setWriteDbidToManifest(nativeHandle_, writeDbidToManifest);
return this;
public boolean writeDbidToManifest() {
assert (isOwningHandle());
return writeDbidToManifest(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setLogReadaheadSize(final long logReadaheadSize) {
setLogReadaheadSize(nativeHandle_, logReadaheadSize);
return this;
public long logReadaheadSize() {
assert (isOwningHandle());
return logReadaheadSize(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setBestEffortsRecovery(final boolean bestEffortsRecovery) {
setBestEffortsRecovery(nativeHandle_, bestEffortsRecovery);
return this;
public boolean bestEffortsRecovery() {
assert (isOwningHandle());
return bestEffortsRecovery(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setMaxBgErrorResumeCount(final int maxBgerrorResumeCount) {
setMaxBgErrorResumeCount(nativeHandle_, maxBgerrorResumeCount);
return this;
public int maxBgerrorResumeCount() {
assert (isOwningHandle());
return maxBgerrorResumeCount(nativeHandle_);
public DBOptions setBgerrorResumeRetryInterval(final long bgerrorResumeRetryInterval) {
setBgerrorResumeRetryInterval(nativeHandle_, bgerrorResumeRetryInterval);
return this;
public long bgerrorResumeRetryInterval() {
assert (isOwningHandle());
return bgerrorResumeRetryInterval(nativeHandle_);
static final int DEFAULT_NUM_SHARD_BITS = -1;
* Private constructor to be used by
* {@link #getDBOptionsFromProps(java.util.Properties)}
* @param nativeHandle native handle to DBOptions instance.
private DBOptions(final long nativeHandle) {
private static native long getDBOptionsFromProps(long cfgHandle, String optString);
private static native long getDBOptionsFromProps(String optString);
private static long newDBOptionsInstance() {
return newDBOptions();
private static native long newDBOptions();
private static native long copyDBOptions(final long handle);
private static native long newDBOptionsFromOptions(final long optionsHandle);
protected final void disposeInternal(final long handle) {
private static native void disposeInternalJni(final long handle);
private static native void optimizeForSmallDb(final long handle);
private static native void setIncreaseParallelism(long handle, int totalThreads);
private static native void setCreateIfMissing(long handle, boolean flag);
private static native boolean createIfMissing(long handle);
private static native void setCreateMissingColumnFamilies(long handle, boolean flag);
private static native boolean createMissingColumnFamilies(long handle);
private static native void setEnv(long handle, long envHandle);
private static native void setErrorIfExists(long handle, boolean errorIfExists);
private static native boolean errorIfExists(long handle);
private static native void setParanoidChecks(long handle, boolean paranoidChecks);
private static native boolean paranoidChecks(long handle);
private static native void setRateLimiter(long handle, long rateLimiterHandle);
private static native void setSstFileManager(final long handle, final long sstFileManagerHandle);
private static native void setLogger(
final long handle, final long loggerHandle, final byte loggerType);
private static native void setInfoLogLevel(long handle, byte logLevel);
private static native byte infoLogLevel(long handle);
private static native void setMaxOpenFiles(long handle, int maxOpenFiles);
private static native int maxOpenFiles(long handle);
private static native void setMaxFileOpeningThreads(
final long handle, final int maxFileOpeningThreads);
private static native int maxFileOpeningThreads(final long handle);
private static native void setMaxTotalWalSize(long handle, long maxTotalWalSize);
private static native long maxTotalWalSize(long handle);
private static native void setStatistics(final long handle, final long statisticsHandle);
private static native long statistics(final long handle);
private static native boolean useFsync(long handle);
private static native void setUseFsync(long handle, boolean useFsync);
private static native void setDbPaths(
final long handle, final String[] paths, final long[] targetSizes);
private static native long dbPathsLen(final long handle);
private static native void dbPaths(
final long handle, final String[] paths, final long[] targetSizes);
private static native void setDbLogDir(long handle, String dbLogDir);
private static native String dbLogDir(long handle);
private static native void setWalDir(long handle, String walDir);
private static native String walDir(long handle);
private static native void setDeleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros(long handle, long micros);
private static native long deleteObsoleteFilesPeriodMicros(long handle);
private static native void setMaxBackgroundCompactions(long handle, int maxBackgroundCompactions);
private static native int maxBackgroundCompactions(long handle);
private static native void setMaxSubcompactions(long handle, int maxSubcompactions);
private static native int maxSubcompactions(long handle);
private static native void setMaxBackgroundFlushes(long handle, int maxBackgroundFlushes);
private static native int maxBackgroundFlushes(long handle);
private static native void setMaxBackgroundJobs(long handle, int maxBackgroundJobs);
private static native int maxBackgroundJobs(long handle);
private static native void setMaxLogFileSize(long handle, long maxLogFileSize)
throws IllegalArgumentException;
private static native long maxLogFileSize(long handle);
private static native void setLogFileTimeToRoll(long handle, long logFileTimeToRoll)
throws IllegalArgumentException;
private static native long logFileTimeToRoll(long handle);
private static native void setKeepLogFileNum(long handle, long keepLogFileNum)
throws IllegalArgumentException;
private static native long keepLogFileNum(long handle);
private static native void setRecycleLogFileNum(long handle, long recycleLogFileNum);
private static native long recycleLogFileNum(long handle);
private static native void setMaxManifestFileSize(long handle, long maxManifestFileSize);
private static native long maxManifestFileSize(long handle);
private static native void setTableCacheNumshardbits(long handle, int tableCacheNumshardbits);
private static native int tableCacheNumshardbits(long handle);
private static native void setWalTtlSeconds(long handle, long walTtlSeconds);
private static native long walTtlSeconds(long handle);
private static native void setWalSizeLimitMB(long handle, long sizeLimitMB);
private static native long walSizeLimitMB(long handle);
private static native void setMaxWriteBatchGroupSizeBytes(
final long handle, final long maxWriteBatchGroupSizeBytes);
private static native long maxWriteBatchGroupSizeBytes(final long handle);
private static native void setManifestPreallocationSize(long handle, long size)
throws IllegalArgumentException;
private static native long manifestPreallocationSize(long handle);
private static native void setUseDirectReads(long handle, boolean useDirectReads);
private static native boolean useDirectReads(long handle);
private static native void setUseDirectIoForFlushAndCompaction(
long handle, boolean useDirectIoForFlushAndCompaction);
private static native boolean useDirectIoForFlushAndCompaction(long handle);
private static native void setAllowFAllocate(final long handle, final boolean allowFAllocate);
private static native boolean allowFAllocate(final long handle);
private static native void setAllowMmapReads(long handle, boolean allowMmapReads);
private static native boolean allowMmapReads(long handle);
private static native void setAllowMmapWrites(long handle, boolean allowMmapWrites);
private static native boolean allowMmapWrites(long handle);
private static native void setIsFdCloseOnExec(long handle, boolean isFdCloseOnExec);
private static native boolean isFdCloseOnExec(long handle);
private static native void setStatsDumpPeriodSec(long handle, int statsDumpPeriodSec);
private static native int statsDumpPeriodSec(long handle);
private static native void setStatsPersistPeriodSec(
final long handle, final int statsPersistPeriodSec);
private static native int statsPersistPeriodSec(final long handle);
private static native void setStatsHistoryBufferSize(
final long handle, final long statsHistoryBufferSize);
private static native long statsHistoryBufferSize(final long handle);
private static native void setAdviseRandomOnOpen(long handle, boolean adviseRandomOnOpen);
private static native boolean adviseRandomOnOpen(long handle);
private static native void setDbWriteBufferSize(final long handle, final long dbWriteBufferSize);
private static native void setWriteBufferManager(
final long dbOptionsHandle, final long writeBufferManagerHandle);
private static native long dbWriteBufferSize(final long handle);
private static native void setCompactionReadaheadSize(
final long handle, final long compactionReadaheadSize);
private static native long compactionReadaheadSize(final long handle);
private static native void setRandomAccessMaxBufferSize(
final long handle, final long randomAccessMaxBufferSize);
private static native long randomAccessMaxBufferSize(final long handle);
private static native void setWritableFileMaxBufferSize(
final long handle, final long writableFileMaxBufferSize);
private static native long writableFileMaxBufferSize(final long handle);
private static native void setUseAdaptiveMutex(long handle, boolean useAdaptiveMutex);
private static native boolean useAdaptiveMutex(long handle);
private static native void setBytesPerSync(long handle, long bytesPerSync);
private static native long bytesPerSync(long handle);
private static native void setWalBytesPerSync(long handle, long walBytesPerSync);
private static native long walBytesPerSync(long handle);
private static native void setStrictBytesPerSync(
final long handle, final boolean strictBytesPerSync);
private static native boolean strictBytesPerSync(final long handle);
private static native void setEventListeners(
final long handle, final long[] eventListenerHandles);
private static native AbstractEventListener[] eventListeners(final long handle);
private static native void setEnableThreadTracking(long handle, boolean enableThreadTracking);
private static native boolean enableThreadTracking(long handle);
private static native void setDelayedWriteRate(long handle, long delayedWriteRate);
private static native long delayedWriteRate(long handle);
private static native void setEnablePipelinedWrite(
final long handle, final boolean enablePipelinedWrite);
private static native boolean enablePipelinedWrite(final long handle);
private static native void setUnorderedWrite(final long handle, final boolean unorderedWrite);
private static native boolean unorderedWrite(final long handle);
private static native void setAllowConcurrentMemtableWrite(
long handle, boolean allowConcurrentMemtableWrite);
private static native boolean allowConcurrentMemtableWrite(long handle);
private static native void setEnableWriteThreadAdaptiveYield(
long handle, boolean enableWriteThreadAdaptiveYield);
private static native boolean enableWriteThreadAdaptiveYield(long handle);
private static native void setWriteThreadMaxYieldUsec(long handle, long writeThreadMaxYieldUsec);
private static native long writeThreadMaxYieldUsec(long handle);
private static native void setWriteThreadSlowYieldUsec(
long handle, long writeThreadSlowYieldUsec);
private static native long writeThreadSlowYieldUsec(long handle);
private static native void setSkipStatsUpdateOnDbOpen(
final long handle, final boolean skipStatsUpdateOnDbOpen);
private static native boolean skipStatsUpdateOnDbOpen(final long handle);
private static native void setSkipCheckingSstFileSizesOnDbOpen(
final long handle, final boolean skipChecking);
private static native boolean skipCheckingSstFileSizesOnDbOpen(final long handle);
private static native void setWalRecoveryMode(final long handle, final byte walRecoveryMode);
private static native byte walRecoveryMode(final long handle);
private static native void setAllow2pc(final long handle, final boolean allow2pc);
private static native boolean allow2pc(final long handle);
private static native void setRowCache(final long handle, final long rowCacheHandle);
private static native void setWalFilter(final long handle, final long walFilterHandle);
private static native void setFailIfOptionsFileError(
final long handle, final boolean failIfOptionsFileError);
private static native boolean failIfOptionsFileError(final long handle);
private static native void setDumpMallocStats(final long handle, final boolean dumpMallocStats);
private static native boolean dumpMallocStats(final long handle);
private static native void setAvoidFlushDuringRecovery(
final long handle, final boolean avoidFlushDuringRecovery);
private static native boolean avoidFlushDuringRecovery(final long handle);
private static native void setAvoidFlushDuringShutdown(
final long handle, final boolean avoidFlushDuringShutdown);
private static native boolean avoidFlushDuringShutdown(final long handle);
private static native void setAllowIngestBehind(
final long handle, final boolean allowIngestBehind);
private static native boolean allowIngestBehind(final long handle);
private static native void setTwoWriteQueues(final long handle, final boolean twoWriteQueues);
private static native boolean twoWriteQueues(final long handle);
private static native void setManualWalFlush(final long handle, final boolean manualWalFlush);
private static native boolean manualWalFlush(final long handle);
private static native void setAtomicFlush(final long handle, final boolean atomicFlush);
private static native boolean atomicFlush(final long handle);
private static native void setAvoidUnnecessaryBlockingIO(
final long handle, final boolean avoidBlockingIO);
private static native boolean avoidUnnecessaryBlockingIO(final long handle);
private static native void setPersistStatsToDisk(
final long handle, final boolean persistStatsToDisk);
private static native boolean persistStatsToDisk(final long handle);
private static native void setWriteDbidToManifest(
final long handle, final boolean writeDbidToManifest);
private static native boolean writeDbidToManifest(final long handle);
private static native void setLogReadaheadSize(final long handle, final long logReadaheadSize);
private static native long logReadaheadSize(final long handle);
private static native void setBestEffortsRecovery(
final long handle, final boolean bestEffortsRecovery);
private static native boolean bestEffortsRecovery(final long handle);
private static native void setMaxBgErrorResumeCount(
final long handle, final int maxBgerrorRecumeCount);
private static native int maxBgerrorResumeCount(final long handle);
private static native void setBgerrorResumeRetryInterval(
final long handle, final long bgerrorResumeRetryInterval);
private static native long bgerrorResumeRetryInterval(final long handle);
// instance variables
// NOTE: If you add new member variables, please update the copy constructor above!
private Env env_;
private int numShardBits_;
private RateLimiter rateLimiter_;
private Cache rowCache_;
private WalFilter walFilter_;
private WriteBufferManager writeBufferManager_;