org.rogach.scallop.Formatter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.rogach.scallop
object Formatter {
/** Distance between option name and description column */
private val ColumnPadding = 3
private val DefaultWidth = 80
private val Indent = 2
/** Accepts a list of Option(argument line, option description, optional default value). If None, empty line
* is inserted.
* Also accepts optional width, to which the result must be formatted.
def format(s: List[Either[String, HelpInfo]], width: Option[Int], appendDefault: Boolean): String = {
val neededWidth = width.getOrElse(DefaultWidth)
val helpInfos = s.flatMap {
case Left(_) => None
case Right(helpInfo) => Some(helpInfo)
val argWidth =
if (helpInfos.isEmpty) 0
else helpInfos.map(_.argLine).map(a => if (a.startsWith("--")) " " + a else a).map(_.size).max
s.flatMap {
case Left(s) => // insert line as-is
case Right(HelpInfo(arg, descr, defVal)) =>
val argPadding = " " * (if (arg.trim.startsWith("--")) 4 else 0)
val splitDescr = (if (descr.nonEmpty) descr.split("\n").toList else Nil).map(_.split(" ").toList)
val dfltList = if (appendDefault) defVal().map(v => Util.format("(default = %s)", v)) else None
val joinedDescrs =
splitDescr match {
case head :: Nil => // If there is a single line, attempt to place dflt at the end of the line
(head ++ dfltList) :: Nil
case _ => // Otherwise, put dflt on its own line
splitDescr ++ dfltList.map(_ :: Nil)
val totalIndent = argWidth + ColumnPadding + Indent
val text =
.flatMap(wrap(_, neededWidth - totalIndent))
.map(l => " " * totalIndent + l)
val argStr = " " * Indent + argPadding + arg
text match {
case head :: tail => (argStr + head.drop(arg.size + argPadding.size + Indent)) :: tail
case Nil => argStr :: Nil
/** Carefully wraps the text to the needed width. */
def wrap(s: Seq[String], width: Int): List[String] = {
var text = List[String]("")
s foreach { w =>
if (text.last.size + 1 + w.size <= width) {
text = text.init :+ (text.last + w + " ")
} else if (text.last.size + w.size <= width) {
text = text.init :+ (text.last + w)
} else text :+= (w + " ")
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