org.rogach.scallop.ScallopOption.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.rogach.scallop
/** A class to hold a reference to not-yet-computed option values.
* Basically, this is a lazy option - it batches up all operations,
* and evaluates the value only as the last resort.
* @param nm Name for the option
* @param _transformCount Count of .map, .filter, etc. operations applied to this option
* @param cliOption option descriptor (names, converters, validatiors, etc.)
abstract class ScallopOption[A](
nm: () => String,
private[scallop] val cliOption: Option[CliOption],
val _transformCount: Int = 0
) extends ScallopOptionBase { opt =>
private[scallop] var _name: () => String = nm
lazy val fn: String => Option[A] = x => None
lazy val supplied: String => Boolean = x => false
/** Name for the option */
def name = _name()
private lazy val value: Option[A] = fn(name)
/** Retreive the underlying value as an option */
@deprecated("use .toOption instead", "1.0.2")
def get = value
/** Retreive the underlying value as a scala Option */
def toOption = value
/** Retreive the underlying value. Use only if you are completely sure that there is a value. */
def apply() = value.get
/** Retrieve the underlying value if the option is nonempty, otherwise return the result of evaluating `default`. */
def getOrElse(default: => A): A = value.getOrElse(default)
/** Tests whether the underlying value was explicitly supplied by user. */
def isSupplied = supplied(name)
private def mapResult[B](transformer: Option[A] => Option[B]) =
new ScallopOption[B](() => name, cliOption, _transformCount + 1) {
override lazy val fn = opt.fn andThen transformer
override lazy val supplied = opt.supplied
/** Returns ScallopOption, that contains the result of applying ```pf```
* to the value, if this option is non-empty and pf is defined for that value.
* Returns empty ScallopOption otherwise.
* @param pf the partial function
def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[A,B]) = mapResult(_.collect(pf))
/** Returns ScallopOption, that contains the value if applying
* predicate p to this value returned true. No value otherwise.
* @param p the predicate used for testing
def filter(p: A => Boolean) = mapResult(_.filter(p))
/** Returns ScallopOption, that contains the value if applying
* predicate p to this value returned false. No value otherwise.
* @param p the predicate used for testing
def filterNot(p: A => Boolean) = mapResult(_.filterNot(p))
def withFilter(p: A => Boolean) = new WithFilter(p)
class WithFilter(p: A => Boolean) {
def map[B](f: A => B) = opt filter p map f
def flatMap[B](f: A => ScallopOption[B]) = opt filter p flatMap f
def foreach(f: A => Unit) = opt filter p foreach f
def withFilter(q: A => Boolean) = new WithFilter(x => p(x) && q(x))
/** Returns ScallopOption, that contains the result of applying
* ```f``` to this option's value, if this option is non-empty.
* Returns ScallopOption with no value otherwise.
* @param f the function to apply
def map[B](f: A => B) = mapResult(_.map(f))
/** Apply the given procedure f to the option's value, if it is nonempty.
def foreach(f: A => Unit) = opt.value.foreach(f)
/** Returns the result of applying f th this options value if
* this option is non-empty.
def flatMap[B](f: A => ScallopOption[B]): ScallopOption[B] =
mapResult(_.flatMap(x => f(x).toOption))
/** Returns ScallopOption with this value if it is non-empty,
* or with the value of the alternative option. If it is
* empty too, the resulting ScallopOption will contain None.
* @param alternative the alternative expression
def orElse[B >: A](alternative: => Option[B]) = mapResult(_.orElse(alternative))
/** A convenience method to check whether the underlying option
* is defined. Just an alias for opt.get.isDefined.
def isDefined = value.isDefined
/** A convenience method to check whether the underlying option is
* empty. Just an alias for !opt.isDefined.
def isEmpty = !isDefined
override def toString = opt.toOption match {
case Some(x) => Util.format("ScallopSome(%s)", x)
case None => "ScallopNone"
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