org.rogach.scallop.TrailingArgumentsParser.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.rogach.scallop
import org.rogach.scallop.exceptions.MajorInternalException
/** Parses the trailing arguments (including the arguments to last option).
* Uses simple backtraking algorithm.
object TrailingArgumentsParser {
/** Contains error messages or matched argument lists for each option,
* also storing number of arguments that failed to match and excess arguments.
* Also defines ordering for selecting best-match failure from list of failures.
case class ParseResult(
result: List[(CliOption, String, Either[(String, List[String]), List[String]])],
failedArgumentsCount: Int,
excessArguments: List[String]
) extends Ordered[ParseResult] {
lazy val failedConverters = result.count(_._3.isLeft)
def compare(other: ParseResult): Int = {
if (this.failedConverters < other.failedConverters) -1
else if (this.failedConverters > other.failedConverters) 1
else this.failedArgumentsCount.compare(other.failedArgumentsCount)
def isFailed = failedArgumentsCount > 0 || excessArguments.nonEmpty || result.exists(_._3.isLeft)
/** Run parse.
* @param leadingArgs trailing arguments before last multi-arg option (will be Nil if there was no last multi-arg option)
* @param lastMultiArgOption option definition and invocation string for the last multi-arg option (if it was present)
* @param trailingArgs trailing arguments after the last multi-arg option (including arguments to that option if it is present)
* @param trailingOptions list of trailing option definitions
def parse(
leadingArgs: List[String],
lastMultiArgOption: Option[(CliOption, String)],
trailingArgs: List[String],
trailingOptions: List[CliOption],
resultAcc: ParseResult = ParseResult(Nil, 0, Nil)
): ParseResult = {
def inner(
args: List[String],
option: CliOption,
invocation: String,
resultAcc: ParseResult,
recur: (ParseResult, List[String], List[String]) => ParseResult // (parseResultSoFar, matchedArgs, remainingArgs)
): ParseResult = {
// store best match so far, return it in case of error
var bestMatch: Option[ParseResult] = None
val minLength = if (option.converter.argType != ArgType.FLAG && option.required) 1 else 0
val maxLength = option.converter.argType match {
case ArgType.FLAG => 0
case ArgType.SINGLE => math.min(1, args.size)
case ArgType.LIST => args.size
if (minLength > maxLength) {
return recur(
result = (option, invocation, Left(("not enough arguments", args))) :: resultAcc.result,
failedArgumentsCount = resultAcc.failedArgumentsCount + args.size,
excessArguments = Nil
// start with maximum allowed length for this argument type,
// try matching, if failed, reduce length by 1 and repeat
var matchLength = maxLength
while (matchLength >= minLength) {
val (matchedArgs, restArgs) = args.splitAt(matchLength)
val thisResult =
if (option.required || matchLength > 0)
option.converter.parseCached(List((invocation, matchedArgs)))
else Right(Nil)
val result: ParseResult = thisResult match {
case Right(_) =>
resultAcc.copy(result = (option, invocation, Right(matchedArgs)) :: resultAcc.result),
case Left(error) =>
result = (option, invocation, Left((error, matchedArgs))) :: resultAcc.result,
failedArgumentsCount = resultAcc.failedArgumentsCount + matchedArgs.size
if (!result.isFailed) {
return result
} else {
bestMatch = bestMatch match {
case Some(oldBest) if oldBest.compare(result) <= 0 => Some(oldBest)
case _ => Some(result)
matchLength -= 1
if (leadingArgs.nonEmpty) {
trailingOptions match {
case Nil =>
// some leading arguments are still left, but there are no trailing arguments to match them
result = resultAcc.result.reverse,
failedArgumentsCount = resultAcc.failedArgumentsCount + leadingArgs.size + trailingArgs.size,
excessArguments = leadingArgs
case trailingOption :: restOfTrailingOptions =>
lastMultiArgOption match {
case None =>
parse(Nil, None, leadingArgs ::: trailingArgs, trailingOptions, resultAcc)
case Some((multiArgOption, multiArgOptionInvocation)) =>
args = leadingArgs,
option = trailingOption,
invocation = "",
resultAcc = resultAcc,
recur = (trailingOptionResultAcc, trailingOptionMatchedArgs, trailingOptionRestArgs) => {
if (trailingOptionRestArgs.nonEmpty) {
parse(trailingOptionRestArgs, lastMultiArgOption, trailingArgs, restOfTrailingOptions, trailingOptionResultAcc)
} else {
// The worst case.
// We now have to parse the last multi-arg option. But it can be preceded and followed by arguments
// for the same trailing arg option - for example in "t1 t2 --opt a1 a2 t3 t4",
// we need to correctly attribute t1,t2,t3,t4 to single trailing option.
// So here we need to parse multi-arg option, then take arguments for the previously parsed
// trailing option, prepend them to the rest of the arguments and re-parse the trailing option.
args = trailingArgs,
option = multiArgOption,
invocation = multiArgOptionInvocation,
resultAcc = trailingOptionResultAcc,
recur = (multiArgOptionResultAcc, multiArgOptionMatchedArgs, multiArgOptionRestArgs) => {
multiArgOptionResultAcc.result match {
case multiArgOptionResult :: prevTrailOptionResult :: restResult =>
leadingArgs = Nil,
lastMultiArgOption = None,
trailingArgs = trailingOptionMatchedArgs ::: multiArgOptionRestArgs,
trailingOptions = trailingOption :: restOfTrailingOptions,
resultAcc = multiArgOptionResultAcc.copy(
result = multiArgOptionResult :: restResult
case _ =>
throw MajorInternalException()
} else {
(lastMultiArgOption, trailingOptions) match {
case (None, Nil) =>
if (trailingArgs.isEmpty) {
result = resultAcc.result.reverse
} else {
// some arguments are still left, and there are no converters to match them
result = resultAcc.result.reverse,
failedArgumentsCount = resultAcc.failedArgumentsCount + trailingArgs.size,
excessArguments = trailingArgs
case (Some((multiArgOption, invocation)), _) =>
args = trailingArgs,
option = multiArgOption,
invocation = invocation,
resultAcc = resultAcc,
recur = (result, matchedArgs, restArgs) => {
// This multi-arg option was not preceded by any trailing arguments,
// so here we can just recurse into further parsing
parse(Nil, None, restArgs, trailingOptions, result)
case (None, trailingOption :: restOfTrailingOptions) =>
args = trailingArgs,
option = trailingOption,
invocation = "",
resultAcc = resultAcc,
recur = (result, matchedArgs, restArgs) => {
parse(Nil, None, restArgs, restOfTrailingOptions, result)
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