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// GLSL implementation of 2D "flow noise" as presented
// by Ken Perlin and Fabrice Neyret at Siggraph 2001.
// (2D simplex noise with analytic derivatives and
// in-plane rotation of generating gradients,
// in a fractal sum where higher frequencies are
// displaced (advected) by lower frequencies in the
// direction of their gradient. For details, please
// refer to the 2001 paper "Flow Noise" by Perlin and Neyret.)
// Author: Stefan Gustavson ([email protected])
// Distributed under the terms of the MIT license.
// See LICENSE file for details.
varying vec2 vTexCoord2D;
uniform float time;
// Helper constants
#define F2 0.366025403
#define G2 0.211324865
#define K 0.0243902439 // 1/41
// Permutation polynomial
float permute(float x) {
return mod((34.0 * x + 1.0)*x, 289.0);
// Gradient mapping with an extra rotation.
vec2 grad2(vec2 p, float rot) {
#if 1
// Map from a line to a diamond such that a shift maps to a rotation.
float u = permute(permute(p.x) + p.y) * K + rot; // Rotate by shift
u = 4.0 * fract(u) - 2.0;
return vec2(abs(u)-1.0, abs(abs(u+1.0)-2.0)-1.0);
#define TWOPI 6.28318530718
// For more isotropic gradients, sin/cos can be used instead.
float u = permute(permute(p.x) + p.y) * K + rot; // Rotate by shift
u = fract(u) * TWOPI;
return vec2(cos(u), sin(u));
float srdnoise(in vec2 P, in float rot, out vec2 grad) {
// Transform input point to the skewed simplex grid
vec2 Ps = P + dot(P, vec2(F2));
// Round down to simplex origin
vec2 Pi = floor(Ps);
// Transform simplex origin back to (x,y) system
vec2 P0 = Pi - dot(Pi, vec2(G2));
// Find (x,y) offsets from simplex origin to first corner
vec2 v0 = P - P0;
// Pick (+x, +y) or (+y, +x) increment sequence
vec2 i1 = (v0.x > v0.y) ? vec2(1.0, 0.0) : vec2 (0.0, 1.0);
// Determine the offsets for the other two corners
vec2 v1 = v0 - i1 + G2;
vec2 v2 = v0 - 1.0 + 2.0 * G2;
// Wrap coordinates at 289 to avoid float precision problems
Pi = mod(Pi, 289.0);
// Calculate the circularly symmetric part of each noise wiggle
vec3 t = max(0.5 - vec3(dot(v0,v0), dot(v1,v1), dot(v2,v2)), 0.0);
vec3 t2 = t*t;
vec3 t4 = t2*t2;
// Calculate the gradients for the three corners
vec2 g0 = grad2(Pi, rot);
vec2 g1 = grad2(Pi + i1, rot);
vec2 g2 = grad2(Pi + 1.0, rot);
// Compute noise contributions from each corner
vec3 gv = vec3(dot(g0,v0), dot(g1,v1), dot(g2,v2)); // ramp: g dot v
vec3 n = t4 * gv; // Circular kernel times linear ramp
// Compute partial derivatives in x and y
vec3 temp = t2 * t * gv;
vec3 gradx = temp * vec3(v0.x, v1.x, v2.x);
vec3 grady = temp * vec3(v0.y, v1.y, v2.y);
grad.x = -8.0 * (gradx.x + gradx.y + gradx.z);
grad.y = -8.0 * (grady.x + grady.y + grady.z);
grad.x += dot(t4, vec3(g0.x, g1.x, g2.x));
grad.y += dot(t4, vec3(g0.y, g1.y, g2.y));
grad *= 40.0;
// Add contributions from the three corners and return
return 40.0 * (n.x + n.y + n.z);