org.sakaiproject.alias.impl.DbAliasService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* $URL$
* $Id$
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 Sakai Foundation
* Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ECL-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.sakaiproject.alias.impl;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.sakaiproject.alias.api.Alias;
import org.sakaiproject.alias.api.AliasEdit;
import org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlReader;
import org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlService;
import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourceProperties;
import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourcePropertiesEdit;
import org.sakaiproject.time.api.Time;
import org.sakaiproject.util.BaseDbFlatStorage;
import org.sakaiproject.util.BaseDbSingleStorage;
import org.sakaiproject.util.SingleStorageUser;
import org.sakaiproject.util.StorageUser;
import org.sakaiproject.util.StringUtil;
* DbAliasService is an extension of the BaseAliasService with a database storage. Fields are fully relational. Full properties are not yet supported - core ones are. Code to find and convert records from before, from the XML based CHEF_ALIAS table is
* included.
public abstract class DbAliasService extends BaseAliasService
/** Our logger. */
private static Log M_log = LogFactory.getLog(DbAliasService.class);
/** Table name for aliases. */
protected String m_tableName = "SAKAI_ALIAS";
/** Table name for properties. */
protected String m_propTableName = "SAKAI_ALIAS_PROPERTY";
/** ID field. */
protected String m_idFieldName = "ALIAS_ID";
/** All fields. */
protected String[] m_fieldNames = { "ALIAS_ID", "TARGET", "CREATEDBY", "MODIFIEDBY", "CREATEDON", "MODIFIEDON" };
/** If true, we do our locks in the remote database, otherwise we do them here. */
protected boolean m_useExternalLocks = true;
/** Set if we are to run the from-old conversion. */
protected boolean m_convertOld = false;
* Configuration: run the from-old conversion.
* @param value
* The conversion desired value.
public void setConvertOld(String value)
m_convertOld = Boolean.valueOf(value).booleanValue();
* Dependencies
* @return the MemoryService collaborator.
protected abstract SqlService sqlService();
* Configuration
* Configuration: set the external locks value.
* @param value
* The external locks value.
public void setExternalLocks(String value)
m_useExternalLocks = Boolean.valueOf(value).booleanValue();
/** Configuration: check the old table, too. */
protected boolean m_checkOld = false;
* Configuration: set the locks-in-db
* @param value
* The locks-in-db value.
public void setCheckOld(String value)
m_checkOld = Boolean.valueOf(value).booleanValue();
/** Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not. */
protected boolean m_autoDdl = false;
* Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not.
* @param value
* the auto ddl value.
public void setAutoDdl(String value)
m_autoDdl = Boolean.valueOf(value).booleanValue();
* Init and Destroy
* Final initialization, once all dependencies are set.
public void init()
// if we are auto-creating our schema, check and create
if (m_autoDdl)
sqlService().ddl(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "sakai_alias");
M_log.info("init(): table: " + m_tableName + " external locks: " + m_useExternalLocks + " checkOld: " + m_checkOld);
// do a count which might find no old records so we can ignore old!
if (m_checkOld)
catch (Exception t)
M_log.warn("init(): ", t);
* BaseAliasService extensions
* Construct a Storage object.
* @return The new storage object.
protected Storage newStorage()
return new DbStorage(this);
} // newStorage
* Storage implementation
* Covers for the BaseXmlFileStorage, providing User and AliasEdit parameters
protected class DbStorage extends BaseDbFlatStorage implements Storage, SqlReader
/** A prior version's storage model. */
protected Storage m_oldStorage = null;
* Construct.
* @param user
* The StorageUser class to call back for creation of Resource and Edit objects.
public DbStorage(SingleStorageUser user)
super(m_tableName, m_idFieldName, m_fieldNames, m_propTableName, m_useExternalLocks, null, sqlService());
m_reader = this;
// setup for old-new stradling
if (m_checkOld)
m_oldStorage = new DbStorageOld(user);
} // DbStorage
public boolean check(String id)
boolean rv = super.checkResource(id);
// if not, check old
if (m_checkOld && (!rv))
rv = m_oldStorage.check(id);
return rv;
public AliasEdit get(String id)
AliasEdit rv = (AliasEdit) super.getResource(id);
// if not, check old
if (m_checkOld && (rv == null))
rv = m_oldStorage.get(id);
return rv;
public List getAll()
// if we have to be concerned with old stuff, we cannot let the db do the range selection
if (m_checkOld)
List all = super.getAllResources();
// add in any additional defined in old
Set merge = new HashSet();
// add those in the old not already (id based equals) in all
List more = m_oldStorage.getAll();
return all;
// let the db do range selection
List all = super.getAllResources();
return all;
public List getAll(int first, int last)
// if we have to be concerned with old stuff, we cannot let the db do the range selection
if (m_checkOld)
List all = super.getAllResources();
// add in any additional defined in old
Set merge = new HashSet();
// add those in the old not already (id based equals) in all
List more = m_oldStorage.getAll();
// subset by position
if (first < 1) first = 1;
if (last >= all.size()) last = all.size();
all = all.subList(first - 1, last);
return all;
// let the db do range selection
List all = super.getAllResources(first, last);
return all;
public int count()
// if we have to be concerned with old stuff, we cannot let the db do all the counting
if (m_checkOld)
int count = super.countAllResources();
count += m_oldStorage.count();
return count;
return super.countAllResources();
public List getAll(String target)
Object[] fields = new Object[1];
fields[0] = target;
// if we have to be concerned with old stuff, we cannot let the db do the range selection
if (m_checkOld)
List all = super.getSelectedResources("TARGET = ?", fields);
// add in any additional defined in old
Set merge = new HashSet();
// add those in the old not already (id based equals) in all
List more = m_oldStorage.getAll(target);
return all;
List all = super.getSelectedResources("TARGET = ?", fields);
return all;
public List getAll(String target, int first, int last)
Object[] fields = new Object[1];
fields[0] = target;
// if we have to be concerned with old stuff, we cannot let the db do the range selection
if (m_checkOld)
List all = super.getSelectedResources("TARGET = ?", fields);
// add in any additional defined in old
Set merge = new HashSet();
// add those in the old not already (id based equals) in all
List more = m_oldStorage.getAll(target);
// subset by position
if (first < 1) first = 1;
if (last >= all.size()) last = all.size();
all = all.subList(first - 1, last);
return all;
List all = super.getSelectedResources("TARGET = ?", fields, first, last);
return all;
public AliasEdit put(String id)
// check for already exists (new or old)
if (check(id)) return null;
BaseAliasEdit rv = (BaseAliasEdit) super.putResource(id, fields(id, null, false));
if (rv != null) rv.activate();
return rv;
public AliasEdit edit(String id)
BaseAliasEdit rv = (BaseAliasEdit) super.editResource(id);
// if not found, try from the old (convert to the new)
if (m_checkOld && (rv == null))
// this locks the old table/record
rv = (BaseAliasEdit) m_oldStorage.edit(id);
if (rv != null)
// create the record in new, also locking it into an edit
rv = (BaseAliasEdit) super.putResource(id, fields(id, rv, false));
// delete the old record
if (rv != null) rv.activate();
return rv;
public void commit(AliasEdit edit)
super.commitResource(edit, fields(edit.getId(), edit, true), edit.getProperties());
public void cancel(AliasEdit edit)
public void remove(AliasEdit edit)
public List search(String criteria, int first, int last)
// if we have to be concerned with old stuff, we cannot let the db do the search
if (m_checkOld)
List all = getAll();
List rv = new Vector();
for (Iterator i = all.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
Alias a = (Alias) i.next();
if (StringUtil.containsIgnoreCase(a.getId(), criteria)
|| StringUtil.containsIgnoreCase(a.getTarget(), criteria))
// subset by position
if (first < 1) first = 1;
if (last >= rv.size()) last = rv.size();
rv = rv.subList(first - 1, last);
return rv;
Object[] fields = new Object[2];
fields[0] = "%" + criteria.toUpperCase() + "%";
fields[1] = fields[0];
List all = super.getSelectedResources("UPPER(ALIAS_ID) LIKE ? OR UPPER(TARGET) LIKE ?", fields, first,
return all;
public int countSearch(String criteria)
// if we have to be concerned with old stuff, we cannot let the db do the search and count
if (m_checkOld)
List all = getAll();
List rv = new Vector();
for (Iterator i = all.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
Alias a = (Alias) i.next();
if (StringUtil.containsIgnoreCase(a.getId(), criteria)
|| StringUtil.containsIgnoreCase(a.getTarget(), criteria))
return rv.size();
Object[] fields = new Object[2];
fields[0] = "%" + criteria.toUpperCase() + "%";
fields[1] = fields[0];
int rv = super.countSelectedResources("UPPER(ALIAS_ID) LIKE ? OR UPPER(TARGET) LIKE ?", fields);
return rv;
* Read properties from storage into the edit's properties.
* @param edit
* The user to read properties for.
public void readProperties(AliasEdit edit, ResourcePropertiesEdit props)
super.readProperties(edit, props);
* Get the fields for the database from the edit for this id, and the id again at the end if needed
* @param id
* The resource id
* @param edit
* The edit (may be null in a new)
* @param idAgain
* If true, include the id field again at the end, else don't.
* @return The fields for the database.
protected Object[] fields(String id, AliasEdit edit, boolean idAgain)
Object[] rv = new Object[idAgain ? 7 : 6];
rv[0] = caseId(id);
if (idAgain)
rv[6] = rv[0];
if (edit == null)
String current = sessionManager().getCurrentSessionUserId();
if (current == null) current = "";
Time now = timeService().newTime();
rv[1] = "";
rv[2] = current;
rv[3] = current;
rv[4] = now;
rv[5] = now;
rv[1] = edit.getTarget();
ResourceProperties props = edit.getProperties();
rv[2] = StringUtil.trimToZero(((BaseAliasEdit) edit).m_createdUserId);
rv[3] = StringUtil.trimToZero(((BaseAliasEdit) edit).m_lastModifiedUserId);
rv[4] = edit.getCreatedTime();
rv[5] = edit.getModifiedTime();
return rv;
* Read from the result one set of fields to create a Resource.
* @param result
* The Sql query result.
* @return The Resource object.
public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result)
String id = result.getString(1);
String target = result.getString(2);
String createdBy = result.getString(3);
String modifiedBy = result.getString(4);
Time createdOn = timeService().newTime(result.getTimestamp(5, sqlService().getCal()).getTime());
Time modifiedOn = timeService().newTime(result.getTimestamp(6, sqlService().getCal()).getTime());
// create the Resource from these fields
return new BaseAliasEdit(id, target, createdBy, createdOn, modifiedBy, modifiedOn);
catch (SQLException ignore)
return null;
} // DbStorage
* This is how to access the old chef_alias table (CTools through 2.0.7)
protected class DbStorageOld extends BaseDbSingleStorage implements Storage
* Construct.
* @param user
* The StorageUser class to call back for creation of Resource and Edit objects.
public DbStorageOld(SingleStorageUser user)
super("CHEF_ALIAS", "ALIAS_ID", null, false, "alias", user, sqlService());
} // DbStorage
public boolean check(String id)
return super.checkResource(id);
public AliasEdit get(String id)
return (AliasEdit) super.getResource(id);
public List getAll(int first, int last)
return super.getAllResources(first, last);
public List getAll()
return super.getAllResources();
public int count()
int rv = super.countAllResources();
// if we find no more records in the old table, we can start ignoring it...
// Note: this means once they go away they cannot come back (old versions cannot run in the cluster
// and write to the old cluster table). -ggolden
if (rv == 0)
m_checkOld = false;
M_log.info(" ** starting to ignore old");
return rv;
public AliasEdit put(String id)
return (AliasEdit) super.putResource(id, null);
public AliasEdit edit(String id)
return (AliasEdit) super.editResource(id);
public void commit(AliasEdit edit)
public void cancel(AliasEdit edit)
public void remove(AliasEdit edit)
public List getAll(String target)
List all = super.getAllResources();
// pick out from all those that are for this target
List found = new Vector();
for (Iterator iAll = all.iterator(); iAll.hasNext();)
BaseAliasEdit a = (BaseAliasEdit) iAll.next();
if (a.getTarget().equals(target)) found.add(a);
return found;
public List getAll(String target, int first, int last)
List all = super.getAllResources();
// pick out from all those that are for this target
List found = new Vector();
for (Iterator iAll = all.iterator(); iAll.hasNext();)
BaseAliasEdit a = (BaseAliasEdit) iAll.next();
if (a.getTarget().equals(target)) found.add(a);
// sort for position check
// subset by position
if (first < 1) first = 1;
if (last >= found.size()) last = found.size();
found = found.subList(first - 1, last);
return found;
* Search for aliases with id or target matching criteria, in range.
* @param criteria
* The search criteria.
* @param first
* The first record position to return.
* @param last
* The last record position to return.
* @return The List (BaseAliasEdit) of all alias.
public List search(String criteria, int first, int last)
List all = super.getAllResources();
List rv = new Vector();
for (Iterator i = all.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
Alias a = (Alias) i.next();
if (StringUtil.containsIgnoreCase(a.getId(), criteria) || StringUtil.containsIgnoreCase(a.getTarget(), criteria))
// subset by position
if (first < 1) first = 1;
if (last >= rv.size()) last = rv.size();
rv = rv.subList(first - 1, last);
return rv;
* Count all the aliases with id or target matching criteria.
* @param criteria
* The search criteria.
* @return The count of all aliases with id or target matching criteria.
public int countSearch(String criteria)
List all = super.getAllResources();
Vector rv = new Vector();
for (Iterator i = all.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
Alias a = (Alias) i.next();
if (StringUtil.containsIgnoreCase(a.getId(), criteria) || StringUtil.containsIgnoreCase(a.getTarget(), criteria))
return rv.size();
* Read properties from storage into the edit's properties.
* @param edit
* The user to read properties for.
public void readProperties(AliasEdit edit, ResourcePropertiesEdit props)
M_log.warn("readProperties: should not be called.");
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