org.sakaiproject.cluster.impl.SakaiClusterService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* $URL$
* $Id$
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Sakai Foundation
* Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ECL-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.sakaiproject.cluster.impl;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.sakaiproject.cluster.api.ClusterNode;
import org.sakaiproject.cluster.api.ClusterService;
import org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService;
import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ComponentManager;
import org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlReader;
import org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlReaderFinishedException;
import org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlService;
import org.sakaiproject.event.api.Event;
import org.sakaiproject.event.api.EventTrackingService;
import org.sakaiproject.event.api.UsageSessionService;
import org.sakaiproject.thread_local.api.ThreadLocalManager;
* SakaiClusterService is a Sakai cluster service implementation.
* This class is it just manages it's own row in the DB and events are used to pass notifications to a node.
public class SakaiClusterService implements ClusterService
/** Our log (commons). */
private static Log M_log = LogFactory.getLog(SakaiClusterService.class);
/** The maintenance. */
protected Maintenance m_maintenance = null;
/** Our status */
protected Status status = Status.UNKNOWN;
* Dependencies and their setter methods
/** Dependency: ServerConfigurationService. */
protected ServerConfigurationService m_serverConfigurationService = null;
* Dependency: ServerConfigurationService.
* @param service
* The ServerConfigurationService.
public void setServerConfigurationService(ServerConfigurationService service)
m_serverConfigurationService = service;
/** Dependency: EventTrackingService. */
protected EventTrackingService m_eventTrackingService = null;
* Dependency: EventTrackingService.
* @param service
* The EventTrackingService.
public void setEventTrackingService(EventTrackingService service)
m_eventTrackingService = service;
/** Dependency: SqlService. */
protected SqlService m_sqlService = null;
* Dependency: SqlService.
* @param service
* The SqlService.
public void setSqlService(SqlService service)
m_sqlService = service;
/** Dependency: UsageSessionService. */
protected UsageSessionService m_usageSessionService = null;
* Dependency: UsageSessionService.
* @param service
* The UsageSessionService.
public void setUsageSessionService(UsageSessionService service)
m_usageSessionService = service;
/** Configuration: how often to register that we are alive with the cluster table (seconds). */
protected long m_refresh = 60;
* Configuration: set the refresh value
* @param value
* The refresh value.
public void setRefresh(String value)
m_refresh = Long.parseLong(value);
catch (Exception ignore)
/** Configuration: how long we give an app server to respond before it is considered lost (seconds). */
protected long m_expired = 600;
* Configuration: set the expired value
* @param value
* The expired value.
public void setExpired(String value)
m_expired = Long.parseLong(value);
catch (Exception ignore)
/** Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not. */
protected boolean m_autoDdl = false;
* Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not.
* @param value
* the auto ddl value.
public void setAutoDdl(String value)
m_autoDdl = Boolean.valueOf(value).booleanValue();
/** Dependency: the current manager. */
protected ThreadLocalManager m_threadLocalManager = null;
* Dependency - set the current manager.
* @param value
* The current manager.
public void setThreadLocalManager(ThreadLocalManager manager)
m_threadLocalManager = manager;
/** Configuration: percent of maintenance passes to run the full de-ghosting / cleanup activities. */
protected int m_ghostingPercent = 100;
* Configuration: set the percent of maintenance passes to run the full de-ghosting / cleanup activities
* @param value
* The percent of maintenance passes to run the full de-ghosting / cleanup activities.
public void setGhostingPercent(String value)
m_ghostingPercent = Integer.parseInt(value);
catch (Exception ignore)
public void setDatabaseBeans(Map databaseBeans)
this.databaseBeans = databaseBeans;
/** contains a map of the database dependent handlers. */
protected Map databaseBeans;
/** the handler we are using. */
protected ClusterServiceSql clusterServiceSql;
public ClusterServiceSql getClusterServiceSql()
return clusterServiceSql;
* sets which bean containing database dependent code should be used depending on the database vendor.
public void setClusterServiceSql(String vendor)
this.clusterServiceSql = (databaseBeans.containsKey(vendor) ? databaseBeans.get(vendor) : databaseBeans.get("default"));
* Init and Destroy
* Final initialization, once all dependencies are set.
public void init()
m_eventTrackingService.addObserver(new ClusterEventObserver());
// if we are auto-creating our schema, check and create
if (m_autoDdl)
m_sqlService.ddl(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "sakai_cluster");
// start the maintenance thread
m_maintenance = new Maintenance();
M_log.info("init: refresh: " + m_refresh + " expired: " + m_expired + " ghostingPercent: " + m_ghostingPercent);
catch (Exception t)
M_log.warn("init(): ", t);
* Returns to uninitialized state.
public void destroy()
m_maintenance = null;
* ClusterService implementation
public Status getStatus()
return status;
public List getServers()
String statement = clusterServiceSql.getListServersSql();
List servers = m_sqlService.dbRead(statement);
return servers;
public Map getServerStatus()
String statement = clusterServiceSql.getListServerStatusSql();
final Map servers = new HashMap<>();
m_sqlService.dbRead(statement, null, new SqlReader()
public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) throws SqlReaderFinishedException
String serverInstanceId = result.getString("SERVER_ID_INSTANCE");
String serverId = result.getString("SERVER_ID");
Date updateTime = result.getTimestamp("UPDATE_TIME");
Status status = parseStatus(result.getString("STATUS"));
ClusterNode node = new ClusterNodeImpl(serverId, status, updateTime);
servers.put(serverInstanceId, node);
catch (SQLException e)
M_log.warn("Failed to read result.", e);
return null;
// Always override DB status with memory version.
ClusterNode dbStatus = servers.put(m_serverConfigurationService.getServerIdInstance(),
new ClusterNodeImpl(m_serverConfigurationService.getServerId(), status, new Date()));
if (dbStatus == null)
M_log.warn("Failed to find ourselves in the cluster: "+ m_serverConfigurationService.getServerIdInstance());
else if (!status.equals(dbStatus.getStatus()))
M_log.warn("In memory status ("+ status+ ") different to DB ("+ dbStatus.getStatus()+ ")");
return servers;
public void markClosing(String serverId, boolean close)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown server ID: "+ serverId);
String event = (close)? EVENT_CLOSE :EVENT_RUN;
m_eventTrackingService.post(m_eventTrackingService.newEvent(event, serverId, true));
* This changes the status of the current server.
* @param status The new status.
protected void changeStatus(Status status)
if (status != null && !(this.status.equals(status)))
M_log.info("Switching status from "+ this.status+ " to "+ status);
this.status = status;
if (m_maintenance != null)
* Maintenance
protected class Maintenance implements Runnable
/** My thread running my timeout checker. */
protected Thread m_maintenanceChecker = null;
/** Signal to the timeout checker to stop. */
protected boolean m_maintenanceCheckerStop = false;
/** Out of sync update of status. */
protected boolean m_updateStatus = false;
* Construct.
public Maintenance()
* Start the maintenance thread, registering this app server in the cluster table.
public void start()
if (m_maintenanceChecker != null) return;
// register in the cluster table
String statement = clusterServiceSql.getInsertServerSql();
Object fields[] = new Object[3];
fields[0] = m_serverConfigurationService.getServerIdInstance();
fields[1] = Status.STARTING.toString();
fields[2] = m_serverConfigurationService.getServerId();
boolean ok = m_sqlService.dbWrite(statement, fields);
if (!ok)
M_log.warn("start(): dbWrite failed");
m_maintenanceChecker = new Thread(this, "SakaiClusterService.Maintenance");
m_maintenanceCheckerStop = false;
* Stop the maintenance thread, removing this app server's registration from the cluster table.
public void stop()
if (m_maintenanceChecker != null)
m_maintenanceCheckerStop = true;
// wait for it to die
catch (InterruptedException ignore)
m_maintenanceChecker = null;
// close our entry from the database - delete the record
String statement = clusterServiceSql.getDeleteServerSql();
Object fields[] = new Object[1];
fields[0] = m_serverConfigurationService.getServerIdInstance();
boolean ok = m_sqlService.dbWrite(statement, fields);
if (!ok)
M_log.warn("stop(): dbWrite failed: " + statement);
* Update the status in the DB.
public void update()
if (m_maintenanceChecker == null)
m_updateStatus = true;
* Run the maintenance thread. Every REFRESH seconds, re-register this app server as alive in the cluster. Then check for any cluster entries
* that are more than EXPIRED seconds old, indicating a failed app server, and remove that record, that server's sessions,
* generating appropriate session events so the other app servers know what's going on. The "then" checks need not be done each
* iteration - run them on 1 of n randomly choosen iterations. In a clustered environment, this also distributes the work over the cluster
* better.
public void run()
// wait till things are rolling
// Component manager is up so now we update our status.
status = Status.RUNNING;
if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("run()");
while (!m_maintenanceCheckerStop)
final String serverIdInstance = m_serverConfigurationService.getServerIdInstance();
catch (Exception e)
M_log.warn("exception: ", e);
// clear out any current access bindings
// cycle every REFRESH seconds
if (!m_maintenanceCheckerStop)
long sleepTill = System.currentTimeMillis() + m_refresh * 1000L;
long sleepFor = sleepTill - System.currentTimeMillis();
while (sleepFor > 0)
sleepFor = sleepTill - System.currentTimeMillis();
catch (InterruptedException e)
if (m_updateStatus)
m_updateStatus = false;
if(!m_updateStatus || m_maintenanceCheckerStop)
throw e;
catch (Exception ignore)
if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("done");
private void ghostCleanup(String serverIdInstance)
// pick a random number, 0..99, to see if we want to do the full ghosting / cleanup activities now
int rand = (int) (Math.random() * 100.0);
if (rand < m_ghostingPercent)
String statement;
// get all expired open app servers not me
statement = clusterServiceSql.getListExpiredServers(m_expired);
// setup the fields to skip reading me!
Object[] fields = new Object[1];
fields[0] = serverIdInstance;
List instances = m_sqlService.dbRead(statement, fields, null);
// close any severs found to be expired
for (Iterator iInstances = instances.iterator(); iInstances.hasNext();)
String serverId = (String) iInstances.next();
// close the server - delete the record
statement = clusterServiceSql.getDeleteServerSql();
fields[0] = serverId;
boolean ok = m_sqlService.dbWrite(statement, fields);
if (!ok)
M_log.warn("run(): dbWrite failed: " + statement);
M_log.warn("run(): ghost-busting server: " + serverId + " from : " + serverIdInstance);
// Close all sessions left over from deleted servers.
int nbrClosed = m_usageSessionService.closeSessionsOnInvalidServers(getServers());
if ((nbrClosed > 0) && M_log.isInfoEnabled()) M_log.info("Closed " + nbrClosed + " orphaned usage session records");
// Delete any orphaned locks from closed or missing sessions.
statement = clusterServiceSql.getOrphanedLockSessionsSql();
List sessions = m_sqlService.dbRead(statement);
if (sessions.size() > 0) {
if (M_log.isInfoEnabled()) M_log.info("Found " + sessions.size() + " closed or deleted sessions in lock table");
statement = clusterServiceSql.getDeleteLocksSql();
for (Iterator iSessions = sessions.iterator(); iSessions.hasNext();)
fields[0] = (String) iSessions.next();
boolean ok = m_sqlService.dbWrite(statement, fields);
if (!ok)
M_log.warn("run(): dbWrite failed: " + statement);
private void updateOurStatus(String serverIdInstance)
if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("checking...");
// if we have been closed, reopen!
String statement = clusterServiceSql.getReadServerSql();
Object[] fields = new Object[1];
fields[0] = serverIdInstance;
List results = m_sqlService.dbRead(statement, fields, new StatusSqlReader());
if (results.isEmpty())
M_log.warn("run(): server has been closed in cluster table, reopened: " + serverIdInstance);
statement = clusterServiceSql.getInsertServerSql();
fields = new Object[3];
fields[0] = serverIdInstance;
fields[1] = status;
fields[2] = m_serverConfigurationService.getServerId();
boolean ok = m_sqlService.dbWrite(statement, fields);
if (!ok)
M_log.warn("start(): dbWrite failed");
// update our alive and well status
// register that this app server is alive and well
statement = clusterServiceSql.getUpdateServerSql();
fields = new Object[3];
fields[0] = status;
fields[1] = m_serverConfigurationService.getServerId();
fields[2] = serverIdInstance;
boolean ok = m_sqlService.dbWrite(statement, fields);
if (!ok)
M_log.warn("run(): dbWrite failed: " + statement);
* Reads a status row from the DB.
private class StatusSqlReader implements SqlReader
public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result) throws SqlReaderFinishedException
Status status = null;
status = parseStatus(result.getString("STATUS"));
catch (SQLException sqlException)
M_log.warn("Failed to read STATUS.", sqlException);
return status;
private Status parseStatus(String statusString)
Status status = Status.UNKNOWN;
if (statusString != null)
status = Status.valueOf(statusString);
catch (IllegalArgumentException iae)
M_log.debug("Failed to convert to a status: "+ statusString);
return status;
* This watches for events asking us to change status.
private class ClusterEventObserver implements Observer
public void update(Observable o, Object arg)
if (arg instanceof Event)
Event event = ((Event) arg);
// We don't actually
if (m_serverConfigurationService.getServerIdInstance().equals(event.getResource()))
if (EVENT_CLOSE.equals(event.getEvent()))
else if (EVENT_RUN.equals(event.getEvent()))
M_log.debug("Ignoring message for other node.");
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