org.sakaiproject.content.impl.DbContentService Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* $URL$
* $Id$
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Sakai Foundation
* Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/ECL-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// TODO: check against 15608
package org.sakaiproject.content.impl;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.net.URI;
import java.sql.Blob;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ComponentManager;
import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentCollection;
import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentCollectionEdit;
import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentResource;
import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentResourceEdit;
import org.sakaiproject.content.api.FileSystemHandler;
import org.sakaiproject.content.api.Lock;
import org.sakaiproject.content.api.LockManager;
import org.sakaiproject.content.impl.serialize.impl.conversion.Type1BlobCollectionConversionHandler;
import org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlReader;
import org.sakaiproject.db.api.SqlService;
import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.Entity;
import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourceProperties;
import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourcePropertiesEdit;
import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.serialize.EntityParseException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdInvalidException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUnusedException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.KernelConfigurationError;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.PermissionException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.ServerOverloadException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.TypeException;
import org.sakaiproject.id.api.IdManager;
import org.sakaiproject.thread_local.api.ThreadLocalManager;
import org.sakaiproject.time.api.Time;
import org.sakaiproject.time.api.TimeService;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.Session;
import org.sakaiproject.tool.api.SessionManager;
import org.sakaiproject.user.api.UserDirectoryService;
import org.sakaiproject.util.BaseDbBinarySingleStorage;
import org.sakaiproject.util.BaseDbDualSingleStorage;
import org.sakaiproject.util.BaseDbSingleStorage;
import org.sakaiproject.util.ByteStorageConversion;
import org.sakaiproject.util.DbSingleStorage;
import org.sakaiproject.util.EntityReaderAdapter;
import org.sakaiproject.util.SingleStorageUser;
import org.sakaiproject.util.Xml;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
* DbContentService is an extension of the BaseContentService with a database implementation.
* The sql scripts in src/sql/chef_content.sql must be run on the database.
public class DbContentService extends BaseContentService
/** Our logger. */
private static Log M_log = LogFactory.getLog(DbContentService.class);
/** Table name for collections. */
protected String m_collectionTableName = "CONTENT_COLLECTION";
/** Table name for resources. */
protected String m_resourceTableName = "CONTENT_RESOURCE";
/** Table name for resources. */
protected String m_resourceBodyTableName = "CONTENT_RESOURCE_BODY_BINARY";
/** Table name for entity-group relationships. */
protected String m_groupTableName = "CONTENT_ENTITY_GROUPS";
/** maximum items for 'select where in' sql statement (Oracle limitation) **/
public static final int MAX_IN_QUERY = 1000;
* If true, we do our locks in the remote database, otherwise we do them here.
protected boolean m_locksInDb = true;
/** The extra field(s) to write to the database - collections. */
protected static final String[] COLLECTION_FIELDS = {"IN_COLLECTION"};
* The extra field(s) to write to the database - resources - when we are doing bodys in files without the context-query conversion.
protected static final String[] RESOURCE_FIELDS_FILE = {"IN_COLLECTION", "FILE_PATH"};
* The extra field(s) to write to the database - resources - when we are doing bodys in files with the context-query conversion.
* The extra field(s) to write to the database - resources - when we are doing bodys the db without the context-query conversion.
protected static final String[] RESOURCE_FIELDS = {"IN_COLLECTION"};
* The extra field(s) to write to the database - resources - when we are doing bodys the db with the context-query conversion.
* The ID that is used in the content_resource table to test UTF8
private static final String UTF8TESTID = "UTF8TEST";
private static final String[] BASE_COLLECTION_IDS = new String[]{
/** Table name for resources delete. */
protected String m_resourceDeleteTableName = "CONTENT_RESOURCE_DELETE";
/** Table name for resources delete. Has to be less than 30 characters */
protected String m_resourceBodyDeleteTableName = "CONTENT_RESOURCE_BB_DELETE";
/** The chunk size used when streaming (100k). */
protected static final int STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE = 102400;
/** Property name used in sakai.properties to turn on/off Content Hosting Handler support */
private static final String CHH_ENABLE_FLAG = "content.useCHH";
* Constructors, Dependencies and their setter methods
* The file system handler to use when files are not stored in the database.
private FileSystemHandler fileSystemHandler = new DefaultFileSystemHandler();
* Get the file system handler to use when files are not stored in the database.
* This can be null if files are stored in the database.
* The Default is DefaultFileSystemHandler.
public FileSystemHandler getFileSystemHandler(){
return fileSystemHandler;
* Set the file system handler to use when files are not stored in the database.
* This can be null if files are stored in the database.
* The Default is DefaultFileSystemHandler.
public void setFileSystemHandler(FileSystemHandler fileSystemHandler){
this.fileSystemHandler = fileSystemHandler;
/** Dependency: LockManager */
protected LockManager m_lockManager = null;
* Dependency: LockManager
* @param service
* The LockManager
public void setLockManager(LockManager lockManager)
m_lockManager = lockManager;
/** Dependency: SqlService */
protected SqlService m_sqlService = null;
* Dependency: SqlService.
* @param service
* The SqlService.
public void setSqlService(SqlService service)
m_sqlService = service;
private SessionManager sessionManager;
public void setSessionManager(SessionManager sessionManager) {
this.sessionManager = sessionManager;
private ThreadLocalManager threadLocalManager;
public void setThreadLocalManager(ThreadLocalManager threadLocalManager) {
this.threadLocalManager = threadLocalManager;
private TimeService timeService;
public void setTimeService(TimeService timeService) {
this.timeService = timeService;
* Configuration: set the table name for collections.
* @param path
* The table name for collections.
public void setCollectionTableName(String name)
m_collectionTableName = name;
* Configuration: set the table name for resources.
* @param path
* The table name for resources.
public void setResourceTableName(String name)
m_resourceTableName = name;
* Configuration: set the table name for resource body.
* @param path
* The table name for resource body.
public void setResourceBodyTableName(String name)
m_resourceBodyTableName = name;
* Configuration: set the locks-in-db
* @param value
* The locks-in-db value.
public void setLocksInDb(String value)
m_locksInDb = Boolean.valueOf(value).booleanValue();
/** Set if we are to run the to-file conversion. */
protected boolean m_convertToFile = false;
* Configuration: run the to-file conversion.
* @param value
* The conversion desired value.
public void setConvertToFile(String value)
m_convertToFile = Boolean.valueOf(value).booleanValue();
/** Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not. */
protected boolean m_autoDdl = false;
/** Virtual Content Hosting Handler -- handler which resolves virtual entities to real ones. */
private ContentHostingHandlerResolverImpl contentHostingHandlerResolver = null;
* Configuration: to run the ddl on init or not.
* @param value
* the auto ddl value.
public void setAutoDdl(String value)
m_autoDdl = Boolean.valueOf(value).booleanValue();
// htripath-start
public void setResourceDeleteTableName(String name)
m_resourceDeleteTableName = name;
public void setResourceBodyDeleteTableName(String name)
m_resourceBodyDeleteTableName = name;
// htripath-end
public void setEntityGroupTableName(String name)
m_groupTableName = name;
/** contains a map of the database dependent handlers. */
protected Map databaseBeans;
/** The db handler we are using. */
protected ContentServiceSql contentServiceSql;
private boolean addNewColumnsCompleted = false;
public void setDatabaseBeans(Map databaseBeans)
this.databaseBeans = databaseBeans;
public ContentServiceSql getContentServiceSql()
return contentServiceSql;
* sets which bean containing database dependent code should be used depending on the database vendor.
public void setContentServiceSql(String vendor)
this.contentServiceSql = (databaseBeans.containsKey(vendor) ? databaseBeans.get(vendor) : databaseBeans.get("default"));
* Init and Destroy
* Final initialization, once all dependencies are set.
public void init()
if (m_sqlService == null) {
M_log.error("init(): no sqlService found");
// system property to manually set conversion completion status.
filesizeColumnReady = m_serverConfigurationService.getBoolean("content.filesizeColumnReady", true);
// if we are auto-creating our schema, check and create
if (m_autoDdl)
m_sqlService.ddl(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "sakai_content");
// add the delete table
m_sqlService.ddl(this.getClass().getClassLoader(), "sakai_content_delete");
// Check for the existence of the FILE_SIZE column
filesizeColumnExists = filesizeColumnExists();
if (!filesizeColumnExists)
//See KNL-487 - DH
//if the columns don't exist we need to exit - updat needs to be run
M_log.error("The filesize column doesn't exit. Please make sure you ran the 2.4-2.5 DB Conversion");
throw new Error("The filesize column doesn't exit. Please make sure you ran the 2.4-2.5 DB Conversion");
if (filesizeColumnExists && !readyToUseFilesizeColumn())
// if the convert flag is set to add CONTEXT and FILE_SIZE columns
// start doing the conversion
if (convertToContextQueryForCollectionSize)
catch (Exception ex)
M_log.fatal("Check on Database Failed ", ex);
.fatal("WARNING \n"
+ " The connection from this instance of Sakai to the database\n"
+ " has been tested and found to corrupt UTF-8 Data. \n"
+ " In order for Sakai to operate correctly you must ensure that your \n"
+ " database setup is correct for UTF-8 data. This includes both the \n"
+ " JDBC connection to the database and the underlying storage in the \n"
+ " database.\n"
+ " The test that was performed on your database create a table\n"
+ " wrote some data to that table and read it back again. On reading \n"
+ " that data back it found some form of corruption, reported above.\n"
+ "\n"
+ " More information on database setup for sakai can be found at \n"
+ " https://confluence.sakaiproject.org/display/I18N/Common+UTF-8+Problems \n"
+ "\n"
+ " Sakai Startup will continue but you might want to address this issue ASAP.\n");
if ( migrateData ) {
M_log.info("Migration of data to the Binary format will be performed by this node ");
} else {
M_log.info("Migration of data to the Binary format will NOT be performed by this node ");
// If CHH resolvers are turned off in sakai.properties, unset the resolver property.
// This MUST happen before super.init() calls newStorage()
// (since that's when obj refs to the contentHostingHandlerResovler are passed around).
if (!m_serverConfigurationService.getBoolean(CHH_ENABLE_FLAG,false))
this.contentHostingHandlerResolver = null;
// convert to filesystem storage?
if (m_convertToFile)
m_convertToFile = false;
//Check that there is a valid file system handler
if (m_bodyPath != null && fileSystemHandler == null)
throw new IllegalStateException("There is no FileSystemHandler set for the ContentService!");
M_log.info("init(): tables: " + m_collectionTableName + " " + m_resourceTableName + " " + m_resourceBodyTableName + " "
+ m_groupTableName + " locks-in-db: " + m_locksInDb + " bodyPath: " + m_bodyPath + " storage: " + m_storage);
catch (Exception t)
M_log.error("init(): ", t);
* Runs tests of the getResourcesOfType() method. Steps are:
* 1) Add 26 site-level resource collections ("/group/site_A/" through "/group/site_Z/")
* and 676 resources of type "org.sakaiproject.content.mock.resource-type".
* 2) Invoke the getResourcesOfType() method with page-size 64 and compare
* the resource-id's with the resource-id's that would be returned if the
* method works correctly.
* 3) Remove the mock resources and collections created in step 1.
* A list of the resource-id's is created in step 1 and used in steps 2 and 3.
* Verbose logging in step 2 is intended to help with troubleshooting. It would
* help to reduce the amount of logging and target it better. Verbose logging also
* occurs in step 3 because the no realms are created for the collections in step 1,
* resulting in informational messages when an attempt is made to remove the realms.
protected void testResourceByTypePaging()
// test
List collectionIdList = new ArrayList();
List resourceIdList = new ArrayList();
String collectionId = "/group/";
String siteid = "site_";
String fileid = "image_";
String extension = "jpg";
String resourceType = "org.sakaiproject.content.mock.resource-type";
String contentType = "image/jpeg";
byte[] content = new byte[(Byte.MAX_VALUE - Byte.MIN_VALUE) * 4];
int index = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 4 && index < content.length; i++)
for(byte b = Byte.MIN_VALUE; b <= Byte.MAX_VALUE && index < content.length; b++)
content[index] = b;
Session s = sessionManager.getCurrentSession();
for(char ch = 'A'; ch <= 'Z'; ch++)
String name = siteid + ch;
ContentCollectionEdit collection = this.addCollection(collectionId, name);
ResourcePropertiesEdit props = collection.getPropertiesEdit();
props.addProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, name);
for(char ch1 = 'a'; ch1 <= 'z'; ch1++)
String resourceName = fileid + ch1;
ContentResourceEdit resource = this.addResource(collection.getId(), resourceName, extension, MAXIMUM_ATTEMPTS_FOR_UNIQUENESS);
ResourcePropertiesEdit properties = resource.getPropertiesEdit();
properties.addProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME, resourceName);
catch(Exception e)
M_log.error("TEMPORARY LOG MESSAGE WITH STACK TRACE: Failed to create all resources; ch1 = " + ch1, e);
catch(Exception e)
M_log.error("TEMPORARY LOG MESSAGE WITH STACK TRACE: Failed to create all collections; ch = " + ch, e);
int successCount = 0;
int failCount = 0;
int pageSize = 64;
for(int p = 0; p * pageSize < resourceIdList.size(); p++)
Collection page = this.getResourcesOfType(resourceType, pageSize, p);
int r = 0;
for(ContentResource cr : page)
if(p * pageSize + r >= resourceIdList.size())
M_log.info("TEMPORARY LOG MESSAGE: test failed ====> p = " + p + " r = " + r + " index out of range: p * pageSize + r = " + (p * pageSize + r) + " resourceIdList.size() = " + resourceIdList.size());
else if(cr.getId().equals(resourceIdList.get(p * pageSize + r)))
M_log.info("TEMPORARY LOG MESSAGE: test failed ====> p = " + p + " r = " + r + " resource-id doesn't match: cr.getId() = " + cr.getId() + " resourceIdList.get(p * pageSize + r) = resourceIdList.get(" + (p * pageSize + r) + ") = " + resourceIdList.get(p * pageSize + r));
M_log.info("TEMPORARY LOG MESSAGE: Testing getResourcesOfType() completed page " + p + " of " + (resourceIdList.size() / pageSize));
M_log.info("TEMPORARY LOG MESSAGE: Testing getResourcesOfType() SUCCEEDED: " + successCount + " FAILED: " + failCount);
for(String resourceId : resourceIdList)
ContentResourceEdit edit = this.editResource(resourceId);
M_log.info("TEMPORARY LOG MESSAGE: Will delete 26 collections and 676 resources. Some log messages will appear. This block of code will be removed in trunk within a few days and the log messages will disappear.");
for(String collId : collectionIdList)
ContentCollectionEdit edit = this.editCollection(collId);
catch(Exception e)
protected long filesizeColumnCheckExpires = 0L;
public boolean migrateData = true;
protected static final long TWENTY_MINUTES = 20L * 60L * 1000L;
protected boolean filesizeColumnExists()
boolean ok = false;
ok = m_autoDdl || addNewColumnsCompleted;
String sql = contentServiceSql.getFilesizeColumnExistsSql();
List list = m_sqlService.dbRead(sql);
ok = list != null && ! list.isEmpty();
return ok;
public boolean readyToUseFilesizeColumn()
if (filesizeColumnExists && !filesizeColumnReady)
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(now > filesizeColumnCheckExpires)
// cached value has expired -- time to renew
filesizeColumnCheckExpires = now + TWENTY_MINUTES;
M_log.debug("Conversion of the ContentHostingService database tables is needed to improve performance");
String highlight = "\n====================================================\n====================================================\n";
M_log.info(highlight + "Conversion of the ContentHostingService database tables is complete.\nUsing new filesize column" + highlight);
filesizeColumnReady = true;
return filesizeColumnReady;
protected boolean hasNullFilesizeValues()
String sql = contentServiceSql.getFilesizeExistsSql();
List list = m_sqlService.dbRead(sql);
return (list != null && !list.isEmpty());
protected int countQuery(String sql, String param) throws IdUnusedException
Object[] fields = new Object[1];
fields[0] = param;
List list = m_sqlService.dbRead(sql, fields, null);
if (list != null)
Object val = null;
int rv = 0;
Iterator iter = list.iterator();
if (iter.hasNext())
val = iter.next();
rv = Integer.parseInt((String) val);
catch (Exception ignore)
M_log.warn("Exception parsing integer from count query: " + val);
return rv;
throw new IdUnusedException(param);
public int getCollectionSize(String id) throws IdUnusedException, TypeException, PermissionException
* Note: Content Hosting Handler This will only count local collection information For the moment its only used by setPriority
String wildcard;
if (id.endsWith("/"))
wildcard = id + "%";
wildcard = id + "/%";
int fileCount = countQuery(contentServiceSql.getNumContentResources1Sql(), wildcard);
int folderCount = countQuery(contentServiceSql.getNumContentResources2Sql(), wildcard);
return fileCount + folderCount;
* UUID Support
* For a given id, return its UUID (creating it if it does not already exist)
public String getUuid(String id)
* Note: Content Hosting Handler This will only operate on local resources The only thing that may not work is move.
String uuid = null;
uuid = findUuid(id);
if (uuid != null) return uuid;
// UUID not found, so create one and store it
IdManager uuidManager = (IdManager) ComponentManager.get(IdManager.class);
uuid = uuidManager.createUuid();
setUuidInternal(id, uuid);
return uuid;
* @param id
* id of the resource to set the UUID for
* @param uuid
* the new UUID of the resource
* @throws IdInvalidException
* if the given resource already has a UUID set
public void setUuid(String id, String uuid) throws IdInvalidException
String existingUuid = findUuid(id);
if (existingUuid != null)
throw new IdInvalidException(id);
setUuidInternal(id, uuid);
protected void setUuidInternal(String id, String uuid)
// get a connection for the updates
Connection connection = null;
connection = m_sqlService.borrowConnection();
boolean wasCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
// set any existing one to null
String sql = contentServiceSql.getUpdateContentResource1Sql();
Object[] fields = new Object[2];
fields[0] = null;
fields[1] = uuid;
m_sqlService.dbWrite(connection, sql, fields);
sql = contentServiceSql.getUpdateContentResource2Sql();
fields = new Object[2];
fields[0] = uuid;
fields[1] = id;
m_sqlService.dbWrite(connection, sql, fields);
} catch (SQLException e) {
M_log.warn("setUuid: failed: " + e);
finally {
if (connection != null)
* private utility method to search for UUID for given id
protected String findUuid(String id)
String sql = contentServiceSql.getResourceUuidSql();
Object[] fields = new Object[1];
fields[0] = id;
String uuid = null;
List result = m_sqlService.dbRead(sql, fields, null);
if (result != null)
Iterator iter = result.iterator();
if (iter.hasNext())
uuid = (String) iter.next();
return uuid;
* For a given UUID, attempt to lookup and return the corresponding id (URI)
public String resolveUuid(String uuid)
String id = null;
String sql = contentServiceSql.getResourceId1Sql();
Object[] fields = new Object[1];
fields[0] = uuid;
List result = m_sqlService.dbRead(sql, fields, null);
if (result != null)
Iterator iter = result.iterator();
if (iter.hasNext())
id = (String) iter.next();
return id;
* BaseContentService extensions
* Construct a Storage object.
* @return The new storage object.
protected Storage newStorage()
EntityReaderAdapter cera = new EntityReaderAdapter();
CollectionStorageUser csu = new CollectionStorageUser();
EntityReaderAdapter rera = new EntityReaderAdapter();
ResourceStorageUser rsu = new ResourceStorageUser();
Storage storage = new DbStorage(csu, rsu, (m_bodyPath != null), contentHostingHandlerResolver);
if ( contentHostingHandlerResolver != null ) {
return storage;
} // newStorage
* Storage implementation
protected class DbStorage implements Storage
/** A storage for collections. */
protected DbSingleStorage m_collectionStore = null;
/** A storage for resources. */
protected DbSingleStorage m_resourceStore = null;
/** htripath- Storage for resources delete.*/
protected DbSingleStorage m_resourceDeleteStore = null;
protected ContentHostingHandlerResolverImpl resolver = null;
private ThreadLocal stackMarker = new ThreadLocal();
private String m_collectionStorageFields;
private String m_resourceStorageFields;
* Construct.
* @param collectionUser
* The StorageUser class to call back for creation of collection objects.
* @param resourceUser
* The StorageUser class to call back for creation of resource objects.
public DbStorage(SingleStorageUser collectionUser, SingleStorageUser resourceUser, boolean bodyInFile, ContentHostingHandlerResolverImpl resolver)
this.resolver = resolver;
if (resolver != null)
Connection connection = null;
Statement statement = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
PreparedStatement updateStatement = null;
PreparedStatement selectStatement = null;
boolean binaryCollection = false;
boolean xmlCollection = true;
boolean binaryResource = false;
boolean xmlResource = true;
boolean binaryDelete = false;
boolean xmlDelete = true;
try {
connection = m_sqlService.borrowConnection();
statement = connection.createStatement();
try {
statement.execute("select BINARY_ENTITY from CONTENT_COLLECTION where COLLECTION_ID = 'does-not-exist' " );
binaryCollection = true;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
binaryCollection = false;
try {
statement.execute("select XML from CONTENT_COLLECTION where COLLECTION_ID = 'does-not-exist' ");
xmlCollection = true;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
xmlCollection = false;
try {
statement.execute("select BINARY_ENTITY from CONTENT_RESOURCE where RESOURCE_ID = 'does-not-exist' " );
binaryResource = true;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
binaryResource = false;
try {
statement.execute("select XML from CONTENT_RESOURCE where RESOURCE_ID = 'does-not-exist' ");
xmlResource = true;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
xmlResource = false;
try {
statement.execute("select BINARY_ENTITY from CONTENT_RESOURCE_DELETE where RESOURCE_ID = 'does-not-exist' " );
binaryDelete = true;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
binaryDelete = false;
try {
statement.execute("select XML from CONTENT_RESOURCE_DELETE where RESOURCE_ID = 'does-not-exist' ");
xmlDelete= true;
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
xmlDelete = false;
if ( migrateData && binaryCollection && xmlCollection ) {
// migrate the base XML entities
Type1BlobCollectionConversionHandler t1ch = new Type1BlobCollectionConversionHandler();
selectStatement = connection.prepareStatement("select XML from CONTENT_COLLECTION where BINARY_ENTITY IS NULL AND COLLECTION_ID = ? ");
updateStatement = connection.prepareStatement("update CONTENT_COLLECTION set XML = NULL, BINARY_ENTITY = ? where COLLECTION_ID = ? ");
for ( String collectionid : BASE_COLLECTION_IDS ) {
selectStatement.setString(1, collectionid);
rs = selectStatement.executeQuery();
if ( rs.next() ) {
String xml = rs.getString(1);
boolean bnull = rs.wasNull();
if ( !bnull && xml != null ) {
if ( t1ch.convertSource(collectionid, xml, updateStatement) ) {
} else {
M_log.info("XML Pase failed "+collectionid);
} else {
if ( !migrateData && binaryCollection ) {
rs = statement.executeQuery("select count(*) from CONTENT_COLLECTION where BINARY_ENTITY IS NOT NULL ");
int n = 0;
if ( rs.next() ) {
n = rs.getInt(1);
if ( n != 0 ) {
M_log.fatal("\n" +
"There are migrated content collection entries in the \n" +
"BINARY_ENTITY column of CONTENT_COLLECTION you must ensure that this \n" +
"data is not required and set all entries to null before starting \n" +
"up with migrate data disabled. Failure to do this could loose \n" +
"updates since this database was upgraded \n");
M_log.fatal("STOP ============================================");
/*we need to close these here otherwise the system exit will lead them to being left open
* While this may be harmful is bad practice and prevents us identifying real issues
cleanup(connection, statement, rs, selectStatement, updateStatement);
if ( !migrateData && binaryResource ) {
rs = statement.executeQuery("select count(*) from CONTENT_RESOURCE where BINARY_ENTITY IS NOT NULL ");
int n = 0;
if ( rs.next() ) {
n = rs.getInt(1);
if ( n != 0 ) {
M_log.fatal("\n" +
"There are migrated content collection entries in the \n" +
"BINARY_ENTITY column of CONTENT_RESOURCE you must ensure that this \n" +
"data is not required and set all entries to null before starting \n" +
"up with migrate data disabled. Failure to do this could loose \n" +
"updates since this database was upgraded \n");
M_log.fatal("STOP ============================================");
/*we need to close these here otherwise the system exit will lead them to being left open
* While this may be harmful is bad practice and prevents us identifying real issues
cleanup(connection, statement, rs, selectStatement, updateStatement);
if ( !migrateData && binaryResource ) {
rs = statement.executeQuery("select count(*) from CONTENT_RESOURCE_DELETE where BINARY_ENTITY IS NOT NULL ");
int n = 0;
if ( rs.next() ) {
n = rs.getInt(1);
if ( n != 0 ) {
M_log.fatal("\n" +
"There are migrated content collection entries in the \n" +
"BINARY_ENTITY column of CONTENT_RESOURCE_DELETE you must ensure that this \n" +
"data is not required and set all entries to null before starting \n" +
"up with migrate data disabled. Failure to do this could loose \n" +
"updates since this database was upgraded \n");
M_log.fatal("STOP ============================================");
/*we need to close these here otherwise the system exit will lead them to being left open
* While this may be harmful is bad practice and prevents us identifying real issues
cleanup(connection, statement, rs, selectStatement, updateStatement);
throw new KernelConfigurationError("There are migrated content collection entries in the \n" +
"BINARY_ENTITY column of CONTENT_RESOURCE_DELETE you must ensure that this \n" +
"data is not required and set all entries to null before starting \n" +
"up with migrate data disabled. Failure to do this could loose \n" +
"updates since this database was upgraded");
} catch (SQLException e) {
M_log.error("Unable to get database statement: " + e, e);
} finally {
cleanup(connection, statement, rs, selectStatement, updateStatement);
if (migrateData && binaryCollection && xmlCollection) {
// build the collection store - a single level store
m_collectionStore = new BaseDbDualSingleStorage(m_collectionTableName, "COLLECTION_ID", COLLECTION_FIELDS, m_locksInDb, "collection",
collectionUser, m_sqlService);
m_collectionStorageFields = BaseDbDualSingleStorage.STORAGE_FIELDS;
} else if ( migrateData && binaryCollection) {
// build the collection store - a single level store
m_collectionStore = new BaseDbBinarySingleStorage(m_collectionTableName, "COLLECTION_ID", COLLECTION_FIELDS, m_locksInDb, "collection",
collectionUser, m_sqlService);
m_collectionStorageFields = BaseDbBinarySingleStorage.STORAGE_FIELDS;
} else {
// build the collection store - a single level store
m_collectionStore = new BaseDbSingleStorage(m_collectionTableName, "COLLECTION_ID", COLLECTION_FIELDS, m_locksInDb, "collection",
collectionUser, m_sqlService);
m_collectionStorageFields = BaseDbSingleStorage.STORAGE_FIELDS;
if ( migrateData && binaryResource && xmlResource) {
// build the resources store - a single level store
m_resourceStore = new BaseDbDualSingleStorage(m_resourceTableName, "RESOURCE_ID",
m_locksInDb, "resource", resourceUser, m_sqlService);
m_resourceStorageFields = BaseDbDualSingleStorage.STORAGE_FIELDS;
} else if ( migrateData && binaryResource) {
// build the resources store - a single level store
m_resourceStore = new BaseDbBinarySingleStorage(m_resourceTableName, "RESOURCE_ID",
m_locksInDb, "resource", resourceUser, m_sqlService);
m_resourceStorageFields = BaseDbBinarySingleStorage.STORAGE_FIELDS;
} else {
// build the resources store - a single level store
m_resourceStore = new BaseDbSingleStorage(m_resourceTableName, "RESOURCE_ID",
m_locksInDb, "resource", resourceUser, m_sqlService);
m_resourceStorageFields = BaseDbSingleStorage.STORAGE_FIELDS;
if ( migrateData && xmlDelete && binaryDelete ) {
// htripath-build the resource for store of deleted record-single
// level store
m_resourceDeleteStore = new BaseDbDualSingleStorage(m_resourceDeleteTableName, "RESOURCE_ID",
m_locksInDb, "resource", resourceUser, m_sqlService, m_resourceStore); // support for SAK-12874
} else if ( migrateData && binaryDelete) {
// htripath-build the resource for store of deleted record-single
// level store
m_resourceDeleteStore = new BaseDbBinarySingleStorage(m_resourceDeleteTableName, "RESOURCE_ID",
m_locksInDb, "resource", resourceUser, m_sqlService, m_resourceStore); // support for SAK-12874
} else {
// htripath-build the resource for store of deleted record-single
// level store
m_resourceDeleteStore = new BaseDbSingleStorage(m_resourceDeleteTableName, "RESOURCE_ID",
m_locksInDb, "resource", resourceUser, m_sqlService, m_resourceStore); // support for SAK-12874
} // DbStorage
* Cleanup the resultset, statements, and connection in the finally block or as needed
* @param connection
* @param statement
* @param rs
* @param selectStatement
* @param updateStatement
private void cleanup(Connection connection, Statement statement, ResultSet rs,
PreparedStatement selectStatement, PreparedStatement updateStatement) {
try {
if (rs != null) {
} catch (SQLException ex) {
M_log.error("Failed to close resultset: " + ex, ex);
try {
if (statement != null) {
} catch (SQLException ex) {
M_log.error("Failed to close statement: " + ex, ex);
try {
if (selectStatement != null) {
} catch (SQLException ex) {
M_log.error("Failed to close selectStatement: " + ex, ex);
try {
if (updateStatement != null) {
} catch (SQLException ex) {
M_log.error("Failed to close updateStatement: " + ex, ex);
* Open and be ready to read / write.
public void open()
} // open
* Close.
public void close()
} // close
private class StackRef
protected int count = 0;
* increase the stack counter and return true if this is the top of the stack
* @return
private boolean in()
StackRef r = (StackRef) stackMarker.get();
if (r == null)
r = new StackRef();
return r.count <= 1;// johnf@caret -- used to permit no self-recurses; now permits 0 or 2 (r.count == 1);
* decrement the stack counter on the thread
private void out()
StackRef r = (StackRef) stackMarker.get();
if (r == null)
r = new StackRef();
if (r.count < 0)
r.count = 0;
/** Collections * */
public boolean checkCollection(String id)
if (id == null || id.trim().length() == 0)
return false;
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
return resolver.checkCollection(id);
return m_collectionStore.checkResource(id);
public ContentCollection getCollection(String id)
if (id == null || id.trim().length() == 0)
return null;
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
return resolver.getCollection(id);
return (ContentCollection) m_collectionStore.getResource(id);
* Get a list of all getCollections within a collection.
public List getCollections(ContentCollection collection)
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
return resolver.getCollections(collection);
// limit to those whose reference path (based on id) matches
// the
// collection id
final String target = collection.getId();
* // read all the records, then filter them to accept only those in this collection // Note: this is not desirable, as the read
* is linear to the database site -ggolden List rv = m_collectionStore.getSelectedResources( new Filter() { public boolean
* accept(Object o) { // o is a String, the collection id return StringUtil.referencePath((String) o).equals(target); } } );
List collections = (List) threadLocalManager.get("getCollections@" + target);
if (collections == null)
collections = m_collectionStore.getAllResourcesWhere("IN_COLLECTION", target);
if(collections != null && collections.size() > 0 && isSiteLevelDropbox(target))
Map updateTimes = getMostRecentUpdate(collection.getId());
Iterator it = collections.iterator();
BaseCollectionEdit dropbox = (BaseCollectionEdit) it.next();
Long update = updateTimes.get(dropbox.getId());
if(update != null)
ResourcePropertiesEdit props = dropbox.getPropertiesEdit();
Time time = timeService.newTime(update);
props.addProperty(PROP_DROPBOX_CHANGE_TIMESTAMP, time.toString());
threadLocalManager.set("getCollections@" + target, collections);
// read the records with a where clause to let the database
// select
// those in this collection
return collections;
} // getCollections
public ContentCollectionEdit putCollection(String id)
if (id == null || id.trim().length() == 0)
return null;
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
return (ContentCollectionEdit) resolver.putCollection(id);
return (ContentCollectionEdit) m_collectionStore.putResource(id, null);
public ContentCollectionEdit editCollection(String id)
if (id == null || id.trim().length() == 0)
return null;
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
return (ContentCollectionEdit) resolver.editCollection(id);
return (ContentCollectionEdit) m_collectionStore.editResource(id);
// protected String externalResourceDeleteFileName(ContentResource resource)
// {
// return m_bodyPath + "/delete/" + ((BaseResourceEdit) resource).m_filePath;
// }
// htripath -end
public void cancelResource(ContentResourceEdit edit)
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
// clear the memory image of the body
byte[] body = ((BaseResourceEdit) edit).m_body;
((BaseResourceEdit) edit).m_body = null;
public void commitCollection(ContentCollectionEdit edit)
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
if(isInsideIndividualDropbox(edit.getId()) || isIndividualDropbox(edit.getId()))
public void cancelCollection(ContentCollectionEdit edit)
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
public void removeCollection(ContentCollectionEdit edit)
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
/** Resources * */
public boolean checkResource(String id)
if (id == null || id.trim().length() == 0)
return false;
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
return resolver.checkResource(id);
return m_resourceStore.checkResource(id);
public ContentResource getResource(String id)
if (id == null || id.trim().length() == 0)
return null;
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
return (ContentResource) resolver.getResource(id);
return (ContentResource) m_resourceStore.getResource(id);
public List getResources(ContentCollection collection)
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
return resolver.getResources(collection);
// limit to those whose reference path (based on id) matches
// the
// collection id
final String target = collection.getId();
* // read all the records, then filter them to accept only those in this collection // Note: this is not desirable, as the read
* is linear to the database site -ggolden List rv = m_resourceStore.getSelectedResources( new Filter() { public boolean
* accept(Object o) { // o is a String, the resource id return StringUtil.referencePath((String) o).equals(target); } } );
List resources = (List) threadLocalManager.get("getResources@" + target);
if (resources == null)
resources = m_resourceStore.getAllResourcesWhere("IN_COLLECTION", target);
threadLocalManager.set("getResources@" + target, resources);
// read the records with a where clause to let the database
// select
// those in this collection
return resources;
} // getResources
public List getFlatResources(String collectionId)
List rv = null;
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
rv = resolver.getFlatResources(collectionId);
rv = m_resourceStore.getAllResourcesWhereLike("IN_COLLECTION", collectionId + "%");
return rv;
public ContentResourceEdit putResource(String id)
if (id == null || id.trim().length() == 0)
return null;
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
return (ContentResourceEdit) resolver.putResource(id);
return (ContentResourceEdit) m_resourceStore.putResource(id, null);
protected void insertIndividualDropboxRecord(String individualDropboxId)
String sql = contentServiceSql.getInsertIndividualDropboxChangeSql();
Object[] fields = null;
fields = new Object[6];
fields[0] = individualDropboxId;
fields[1] = individualDropboxId;
fields[2] = isolateContainingId(individualDropboxId);
fields[3] = Long.toString(timeService.newTime().getTime());
fields[4] = isolateContainingId(individualDropboxId);
fields[5] = Long.toString(timeService.newTime().getTime());
else if("hsqldb".equalsIgnoreCase(m_sqlService.getVendor()))
fields = new Object[3];
fields[0] = individualDropboxId;
fields[1] = isolateContainingId(individualDropboxId);
fields[2] = Long.toString(timeService.newTime().getTime());
fields = new Object[5];
fields[0] = individualDropboxId;
fields[1] = isolateContainingId(individualDropboxId);
fields[2] = Long.toString(timeService.newTime().getTime());
fields[3] = isolateContainingId(individualDropboxId);
fields[4] = Long.toString(timeService.newTime().getTime());
boolean ok = m_sqlService.dbWrite(sql, fields);
catch(Exception e)
M_log.error("sql == " + sql, e);
protected void updateIndividualDropboxRecord(String individualDropboxId)
String sql = contentServiceSql.getUpdateIndividualDropboxChangeSql();
Object[] fields = new Object[3];
fields[0] = isolateContainingId(individualDropboxId);
fields[1] = Long.toString(timeService.newTime().getTime());
fields[2] = individualDropboxId;
boolean ok = m_sqlService.dbWrite(sql, fields);
public ContentResourceEdit editResource(String id)
if (id == null || id.trim().length() == 0)
return null;
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
return (ContentResourceEdit) resolver.editResource(id);
return (ContentResourceEdit) m_resourceStore.editResource(id);
public void commitResource(ContentResourceEdit edit) throws ServerOverloadException
// keep the body out of the XML
boolean goin = in();
String message = "failed to write file ";
if (resolver != null && goin)
BaseResourceEdit redit = (BaseResourceEdit) edit;
boolean ok = true;
* https://jira.sakaiproject.org/browse/KNL-817
* If the reference copy flag is set then we do NOT actually do the content data copy (in the else below)
* Instead, we modify the in DB resource table to point at the new resource id
String referenceResourceId = redit.referenceCopy;
if (referenceResourceId != null) {
// special handling for reference commits
if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("Making resource ("+redit.getId()+") reference copy of DB resource ("+referenceResourceId+"), body/contentStream is ignored");
if (m_bodyPath == null) {
/* SPECIAL handling for a reference copy of a resource,
* for reference we just move the binary data location to point at the new one
// the DB write could fail so we do a count check first (still not a guarantee)
String sqlExists = "select count(*) from " + m_resourceBodyTableName + " where RESOURCE_ID=?";
List sqlExistsResult = m_sqlService.dbRead(sqlExists, new Object[] { referenceResourceId }, null);
if (sqlExistsResult != null && Long.parseLong(sqlExistsResult.get(0)) == 1l) {
// the resource exists already so we proceed to redirect
String sql = "update "+m_resourceBodyTableName+" set RESOURCE_ID=? where RESOURCE_ID=?";
// this write could fail if we try to move it to a taken resource_id, no way to recover if it does
ok = m_sqlService.dbWrite(sql, new Object[] {redit.getId(), referenceResourceId});
if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("Moving RESOURCE_ID ("+redit.getId()+") to ("+referenceResourceId+") for DB stored content data ("+m_resourceBodyTableName+"), success="+ok);
} else {
ok = false;
if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("Moving RESOURCE_ID ("+redit.getId()+") to ("+referenceResourceId+") for DB stored content data ("+m_resourceBodyTableName+") failed because the referenceResourceId ("+referenceResourceId+") does not exist in the table");
if (!ok) {
// cannot recover so we will flip this over and do a normal content copy
M_log.warn("Moving RESOURCE_ID ("+redit.getId()+") to ("+referenceResourceId+") for DB stored content data ("+m_resourceBodyTableName+") failed... we will do a normal content copy as a fallback");
referenceResourceId = null;
if (referenceResourceId == null) {
// normal handling (write the resource content data)
if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("Normal resource ("+redit.getId()+") body/contentStream storage");
if (redit.m_body == null)
if (redit.m_contentStream == null)
// no body and no stream -- may result from edit in which body is not accessed or modified
M_log.debug("ContentResource committed with no change to contents (i.e. no body and no stream for content): "
+ edit.getReference());
message += "from stream ";
// if we have been configured to use an external file system
if (m_bodyPath != null)
message += "to file";
ok = putResourceBodyFilesystem(edit, redit.m_contentStream, m_bodyPath);
// otherwise use the database
message += "to database";
ok = putResourceBodyDb(edit, redit.m_contentStream, m_resourceBodyTableName);
message += "from byte-array ";
byte[] body = ((BaseResourceEdit) edit).m_body;
((BaseResourceEdit) edit).m_body = null;
// update the resource body
if (body != null)
// if we have been configured to use an external file
// system
if (m_bodyPath != null)
message += "to file";
ok = putResourceBodyFilesystem(edit, new ByteArrayInputStream(body), m_bodyPath);
// otherwise use the database
message += "to database";
ok = putResourceBodyDb(edit, body, m_resourceBodyTableName);
if (!ok)
ServerOverloadException e = new ServerOverloadException(message);
// may be overkill, but let's make sure stack trace gets to log
M_log.error(message, e);
throw e;
/** return deleted resource for the given id */
public ContentResourceEdit editDeletedResource(String id)
if (id == null || id.trim().length() == 0)
return null;
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
return null; //return (ContentResourceEdit) resolver.editDeletedResource(id);
return (ContentResourceEdit) m_resourceDeleteStore.editResource(id);
public void cancelDeletedResource(ContentResourceEdit edit)
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
// We don't support deleted resources in resolver at the moment.
// clear the memory image of the body
((BaseResourceEdit) edit).m_body = null;
/** return deleted resource for the given id */
public void removeDeletedResource(ContentResourceEdit edit)
// delete the body
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
// if we have been configured to use an external file system
if (m_bodyPath != null)
delResourceBodyFilesystem(m_bodyPathDeleted, edit);
// otherwise use the database
delResourceBodyDb(edit, m_resourceBodyDeleteTableName);
// clear the memory image of the body
byte[] body = ((BaseResourceEdit) edit).m_body;
((BaseResourceEdit) edit).m_body = null;
/** return a list of deleted resource for the given collection id */
public List getDeletedResources(ContentCollection collection)
List rv = null;
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
// rv = resolver.getDeletedResources(collectionId);
rv = m_resourceDeleteStore.getAllResourcesWhereLike("IN_COLLECTION", collection.getId() + "%");
return rv;
// htripath - start
/** Add resource to content_resouce_delete table for user deleted resources */
public ContentResourceEdit putDeleteResource(String id, String uuid, String userId)
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
return (ContentResourceEdit) resolver.putDeleteResource(id, uuid, userId);
return (ContentResourceEdit) m_resourceDeleteStore.putDeleteResource(id, uuid, userId, null);
* update xml and store the body of file TODO storing of body content is not used now.
public void commitDeletedResource(ContentResourceEdit edit, String uuid) throws ServerOverloadException
if (m_bodyPathDeleted == null) {
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
resolver.commitDeletedResource(edit, uuid);
String message = "failed to write file ";
BaseResourceEdit redit = (BaseResourceEdit) edit;
boolean ok = true;
if (redit.m_body == null)
if (redit.m_contentStream == null)
// no body and no stream -- may result from edit in which body is not accessed or modified
M_log.debug("ContentResource committed with no change to contents (i.e. no body and no stream for content): " + edit.getReference());
message += "from stream ";
// if we have been configured to use an external file system
if (m_bodyPath != null)
message += "to file";
ok = putResourceBodyFilesystem(edit, redit.m_contentStream, m_bodyPathDeleted);
// otherwise use the database
message += "to database";
ok = putResourceBodyDb(edit, redit.m_contentStream, m_resourceBodyDeleteTableName);
message += "from byte-array ";
byte[] body = ((BaseResourceEdit) edit).m_body;
((BaseResourceEdit) edit).m_body = null;
// update the resource body
if (body != null)
// if we have been configured to use an external file
// system
if (m_bodyPath != null)
message += "to file";
ok = putResourceBodyFilesystem(edit, new ByteArrayInputStream(body), m_bodyPathDeleted);
// otherwise use the database
message += "to database";
ok = putResourceBodyDb(edit, body, m_resourceBodyDeleteTableName);
if (!ok)
ServerOverloadException e = new ServerOverloadException(message);
// may be overkill, but let's make sure stack trace gets to log
M_log.error(message, e);
throw e;
// update properties in xml and delete locks
m_resourceDeleteStore.commitDeleteResource(edit, uuid);
public void removeResource(ContentResourceEdit edit)
removeResource(edit, true);
public void removeResource(ContentResourceEdit edit, boolean removeContent)
// delete the body
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
if (m_bodyPath != null)
// if we have been configured to use an external file system
if (removeContent) {
M_log.info("Removing resource ("+edit.getId()+") content: "+m_bodyPath);
delResourceBodyFilesystem(m_bodyPath, edit);
} else {
M_log.info("Removing original resource reference ("+edit.getId()+") without removing the actual content: "+m_bodyPath);
// otherwise use the database
if (removeContent) {
delResourceBodyDb(edit, m_resourceBodyTableName);
M_log.info("Removing resource ("+edit.getId()+") DB content");
} else {
M_log.info("Removing original resource reference ("+edit.getId()+") without removing the actual DB content");
// clear the memory image of the body
((BaseResourceEdit) edit).m_body = null;
* Read the resource's body.
* @param resource
* The resource whose body is desired.
* @return The resources's body content as a byte array.
* @exception ServerOverloadException
* if the server is configured to save the resource body in the filesystem and an error occurs while accessing the server's
* filesystem, or
* if the server is configured to save the resource body in the database, and the resource cannot be read back from
* the database.
public byte[] getResourceBody(ContentResource resource) throws ServerOverloadException
long contentLength = ((BaseResourceEdit) resource).m_contentLength;
// If there is not supposed to be data in the file - simply return zero length byte array
if (contentLength == 0)
return new byte[0];
if (contentLength > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new ServerOverloadException("content too large to read from body to byte");
//This is guaranteed to not be too big from above
byte body[] = new byte[(int)contentLength];
byte buffer[] = new byte[512];
int totalBytes = 0;
int bytesRead = 0;
InputStream in = null;
try {
in = streamResourceBody(resource);
if (in == null) {
M_log.warn("Cannot retrieve body for resource " + resource.getId() +". Reset content to empty text.");
Arrays.fill(body, (byte)' '); // fill body with spaces
return body;
} else {
while ((bytesRead = in.read(buffer)) != -1 && totalBytes < contentLength) {
System.arraycopy(buffer, 0, body, totalBytes, bytesRead);
totalBytes += bytesRead;
catch (IOException ioe)
// If we have a non-zero body length and reading failed, it is an error worth of note
M_log.warn(": failed to read resource: " + resource.getId() + " len: " + contentLength + " : " + ioe);
throw new ServerOverloadException("failed to read resource");
// return null;
if (in != null) {
try { in.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) {
M_log.warn(": failed to close file stream: ");
return body;
// the body is already in the resource for this version of storage
public InputStream streamDeletedResourceBody(ContentResource resource) throws ServerOverloadException
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
return resolver.streamResourceBody(resource);
long length = ((BaseResourceEdit) resource).m_contentLength;
if (length <= 0)
if (length < 0)
M_log.warn("streamDeletedResourceBody(): negative content length: " + length + " id: "
+ resource.getId());
return null;
return null;
// if we have been configured to use an external file system
if (m_bodyPath != null)
return streamResourceBodyFilesystem(m_bodyPathDeleted,resource);
// otherwise use the database
return streamResourceBodyDb(resource, m_resourceBodyDeleteTableName);
// the body is already in the resource for this version of storage
public InputStream streamResourceBody(ContentResource resource) throws ServerOverloadException
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
return resolver.streamResourceBody(resource);
long length = ((BaseResourceEdit) resource).m_contentLength;
if (length <= 0)
if (length < 0)
M_log.warn("streamResourceBody(): negative content length: " + ((BaseResourceEdit) resource).m_contentLength + " id: "
+ resource.getId());
return null;
return new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]);
// if we have been configured to use an external file system
if (m_bodyPath != null)
return streamResourceBodyFilesystem(m_bodyPath,resource);
// otherwise use the database
return streamResourceBodyDb(resource, m_resourceBodyTableName);
* Return a URI containing a direct link to the asset.
* @param rootFolder
* @param resource
* @return URI representing a direct link to the asset or null
public URI getDirectLink(ContentResource resource)
try {
// SAK-30325 - HTML items not being BaseResourceEdits causes a
// ClassCastException here, which gets swallowed and turned into a 404.
// This is an ugly hack because of the necessary casting here (to get m_filePath).
// This is another case where the nested classes and fuzzy boundaries causes
// rather sloppy object orientation. A more complete treatment would reevaluate
// the interfaces, remove the Edits, and extract these classes and casts.
ContentResource rawResource = (resource instanceof WrappedContentResource) ?
((WrappedContentResource) resource).wrapped : resource;
if (!(rawResource instanceof BaseResourceEdit)) {
return null;
return fileSystemHandler.getAssetDirectLink(((BaseResourceEdit) rawResource).m_id, m_bodyPath, ((BaseResourceEdit) rawResource).m_filePath);
catch (IOException e) {
M_log.debug("No direct link available for resource: " + resource.getId());
return null;
* Return an input stream.
* @param resource the resource to resolve to a stream
* It is a non-fatal error for the file not to be readible as long as the resource's expected length is
* zero. In this case, a null stream is returned. Otherwise, attempt to prepare a stream for reading the
* file body and fail with an exception on error.
protected InputStream streamResourceBodyFilesystem(String rootFolder, ContentResource resource) throws ServerOverloadException
if (((BaseResourceEdit) resource).m_contentLength == 0)
// Zero-length files are not written, so don't bother checking the filesystem.
return null;
return fileSystemHandler.getInputStream(((BaseResourceEdit) resource).m_id, rootFolder, ((BaseResourceEdit) resource).m_filePath);
catch (IOException e)
// If we have a non-zero body length and reading failed, it is an error worth of note
M_log.error("Failed to read resource: " + resource.getId() + " len: " + ((BaseResourceEdit) resource).m_contentLength, e);
throw new ServerOverloadException("Failed to read resource body", e);
* When resources are stored, zero length bodys are not placed in the table hence this routine will return a null when the particular resource
* body is not found
* @param resourceBodyTableName The table to pull the resource body from.
protected InputStream streamResourceBodyDb(ContentResource resource, String resourceBodyTableName) throws ServerOverloadException
// get the resource from the db
String sql = contentServiceSql.getBodySql(resourceBodyTableName);
Object[] fields = new Object[1];
fields[0] = resource.getId();
// get the stream, set expectations that this could be big
InputStream in = m_sqlService.dbReadBinary(sql, fields, true);
return in;
* Write the resource body to the database table.
* @param resource
* The resource whose body is being written.
* @param body
* The body bytes to write. If there is no body or the body is zero bytes, no entry is inserted into the table.
* @return true if the resource body is written successfully, false otherwise.
protected boolean putResourceBodyDb(ContentResourceEdit resource, byte[] body, String resourceBodyTableName)
if ((body == null) || (body.length == 0)) return true;
if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("Making resource ("+resource.getId()+") copy of DB resource body");
// delete the old
String statement = contentServiceSql.getDeleteContentSql(resourceBodyTableName);
Object[] fields = new Object[1];
fields[0] = resource.getId();
m_sqlService.dbWrite(statement, fields);
// add the new
statement = contentServiceSql.getInsertContentSql(resourceBodyTableName);
boolean success = m_sqlService.dbWriteBinary(statement, fields, body, 0, body.length);
if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("putResourceBodyDb: resource ("+resource.getId()+") put success="+success);
return success;
* %%% BLOB code // read the record's blob and update statement = "select body from " + m_resourceTableName + " where ( resource_id = '" +
* Validator.escapeSql(resource.getId()) + "' ) for update"; Sql.dbReadBlobAndUpdate(statement, ((BaseResource)resource).m_body);
* @param edit
* @param stream
* @return true if the resource body is written successfully, false otherwise.
protected boolean putResourceBodyDb(ContentResourceEdit edit, InputStream stream, String resourceBodyTableName)
// Do not create the files for resources with zero length bodies
if ((stream == null)) return true;
ByteArrayOutputStream bstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
long byteCount = 0;
// chunk
byte[] chunk = new byte[STREAM_BUFFER_SIZE];
int lenRead;
while ((lenRead = stream.read(chunk)) != -1)
bstream.write(chunk, 0, lenRead);
byteCount += lenRead;
ResourcePropertiesEdit props = edit.getPropertiesEdit();
props.addProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_CONTENT_LENGTH, Long.toString(byteCount));
if (edit.getContentType() != null)
props.addProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_CONTENT_TYPE, edit.getContentType());
catch (IOException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
M_log.error("IOException ", e);
if (stream != null)
catch (IOException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
M_log.error("IOException ", e);
if (byteCount > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
M_log.warn("Attempted to write file of size > 2G to database content store");
return false;
boolean ok = true;
if (bstream != null && bstream.size() > 0)
ok = putResourceBodyDb(edit, bstream.toByteArray(), resourceBodyTableName);
return ok;
* @param edit
* @param stream
* @return true if the resource body is written successfully, false otherwise.
private boolean putResourceBodyFilesystem(ContentResourceEdit resource, InputStream stream, String rootFolder)
long byteCount = fileSystemHandler.saveInputStream(((BaseResourceEdit) resource).m_id, rootFolder, ((BaseResourceEdit) resource).m_filePath, stream);
ResourcePropertiesEdit props = resource.getPropertiesEdit();
props.addProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_CONTENT_LENGTH, Long.toString(byteCount));
if (resource.getContentType() != null)
props.addProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_CONTENT_TYPE, resource.getContentType());
return true;
catch (IOException e)
M_log.error("IOException", e);
return false;
* Write the resource body to the external file system. The file name is the m_bodyPath with the resource id appended.
* @param resource
* The resource whose body is being written.
* @param body
* The body bytes to write. If there is no body or the body is zero bytes, no entry is inserted into the filesystem.
* @return true if the resource body is written successfully, false otherwise.
protected boolean putResourceBodyFilesystem(ContentResourceEdit resource, byte[] body)
// Do not create the files for resources with zero length bodies
if (body == null) return true;
return putResourceBodyFilesystem(resource, new ByteArrayInputStream(body), m_bodyPath);
* Delete the resource body from the database table.
* @param resource
* The resource whose body is being deleted.
* @param resourceBodyTableName The table in which the deleted resource bodies are stored.
protected void delResourceBodyDb(ContentResourceEdit resource, String resourceBodyTableName)
if (resource.getContentLength() > 0) {
// delete the record
String statement = contentServiceSql.getDeleteContentSql(resourceBodyTableName);
Object[] fields = new Object[1];
fields[0] = resource.getId();
m_sqlService.dbWrite(statement, fields);
* Delete the resource body from the external file system. The file name is the m_bodyPath with the resource id appended.
* @param resource
* The resource whose body is being written.
protected void delResourceBodyFilesystem(String rootFolder, ContentResourceEdit resource)
fileSystemHandler.delete(((BaseResourceEdit) resource).m_id, rootFolder, ((BaseResourceEdit) resource).m_filePath);
public int getMemberCount(String collectionId)
if (collectionId == null || collectionId.trim().length() == 0)
return 0;
boolean goin = in();
if (resolver != null && goin)
return resolver.getMemberCount(collectionId);
int fileCount = 0;
fileCount = countQuery(contentServiceSql.getNumContentResources3Sql(), collectionId);
catch (IdUnusedException e)
// ignore -- means this is not a collection or the collection contains no files, so zero is right answer
int folderCount = 0;
folderCount = countQuery(contentServiceSql.getNumContentResources4Sql(), collectionId);
catch (IdUnusedException e)
// ignore -- means this is not a collection or the collection contains no folders, so zero is right answer
return fileCount + folderCount;
public Collection getMemberCollectionIds(String collectionId)
List list = null;
String sql = contentServiceSql.getCollectionIdSql(m_collectionTableName);
Object[] fields = new Object[1];
fields[0] = collectionId;
list = m_sqlService.dbRead(sql, fields, null);
return (Collection) list;
public Collection getMemberResourceIds(String collectionId)
List list = null;
String sql = contentServiceSql.getResourceId3Sql(m_resourceTableName);
Object[] fields = new Object[1];
fields[0] = collectionId;
list = m_sqlService.dbRead(sql, fields, null);
return (Collection) list;
public Collection getResourcesOfType(String resourceType, int pageSize, int page)
if(pageSize > MAXIMUM_PAGE_SIZE)
String key = "getResourcesOfType@" + resourceType + ":" + pageSize + ":" + page;
List resources = (List) threadLocalManager.get(key);
if (resources == null) {
resources = this.m_resourceStore.getAllResourcesWhere("RESOURCE_TYPE_ID", resourceType, "RESOURCE_ID", page * pageSize, pageSize);
if (resources != null) {
threadLocalManager.set(key, resources);
return resources;
public Collection getContextResourcesOfType(String resourceType, Set contextIds)
if ( resourceType == null || contextIds == null || contextIds.size() == 0 )
return null;
ArrayList resources = new ArrayList();
StringBuilder sqlWhere = new StringBuilder("WHERE RESOURCE_TYPE_ID = '"+resourceType+"' AND CONTEXT IN (");
int numContext = 0;
for ( Iterator it=contextIds.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
sqlWhere.append( (String)it.next() );
if ( numContext+1 0) ||
(numContext+1 == contextIds.size()) )
resources.addAll( this.m_resourceStore.getSelectedResourcesWhere( sqlWhere.toString() ) );
sqlWhere = new StringBuilder("WHERE RESOURCE_TYPE_ID = '"+resourceType+"' AND CONTEXT IN (");
return resources;
public class EntityReader implements SqlReader
public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result)
BaseResourceEdit edit = null;
Object clob = null;
clob = result.getObject(1);
if(clob != null && clob instanceof byte[])
edit = new BaseResourceEdit();
resourceSerializer.parse(edit, (byte[]) clob);
catch(SQLException e)
// ignore?
M_log.debug("SqlException unable to read entity");
catch(EntityParseException e)
M_log.warn("EntityParseException unable to parse entity");
if(edit == null)
String xml = result.getString(2);
if (xml == null)
M_log.warn("EntityReader: null xml : " );
return null;
// read the xml
Document doc = Xml.readDocumentFromString(xml);
if (doc == null)
M_log.warn("EntityReader: null xml doc : " );
return null;
// verify the root element
Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
if (!root.getTagName().equals("resource"))
M_log.warn("EntityReader: XML root element not resource: " + root.getTagName());
return null;
edit = new BaseResourceEdit(root);
catch(SQLException e)
M_log.debug("SqlException problem with results");
return edit;
* @return the m_collectionStorageFields
public String getCollectionStorageFields()
return m_collectionStorageFields;
* @return the m_resourceStorageFields
public String getResourceStorageFields()
return m_resourceStorageFields;
} // DbStorage
public Map getMostRecentUpdate(String id)
Map map = new HashMap();
String sql = contentServiceSql.getSiteDropboxChangeSql();
Object[] fields = new Object[1];
fields[0] = id;
List list = m_sqlService.dbRead(sql, fields, new TimeReader());
for(TimeEntry entry : list)
if(entry == null)
map.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return map;
/** We allow these characters to go un-escaped into the file name. */
static protected final String VALID_CHARS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.";
* Return file system safe escaped name, that's also unique if the initial id is unique. * Use only the name, not the path part of the id
* @param value
* The id to escape.
* @return value escaped.
protected String escapeResourceName(String id)
if (id == null) return null;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < id.length(); i++)
char c = id.charAt(i);
// if not valid, escape
if (VALID_CHARS.indexOf(c) == -1)
// the escape character
// the character value.
String rv = buf.toString();
return rv;
catch (Exception e)
M_log.error("escapeResourceName: ", e);
return id;
* Create a file system body binary for any content_resource record that has a null file_path.
protected void convertToFile()
//final Pattern contextPattern = Pattern.compile("\\A/group/(.+?)/");
// get a connection for the updates
final Connection connection = m_sqlService.borrowConnection();
boolean wasCommit = connection.getAutoCommit();
// get a connection for reading binary
final Connection sourceConnection = m_sqlService.borrowConnection();
final Counter count = new Counter();
// read content_resource records that have null file path
String sql = contentServiceSql.getResourceIdXmlSql();
m_sqlService.dbRead(sql, null, new SqlReader()
public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result)
String id = null;
BaseResourceEdit edit = null;
Object clob = result.getObject(3);
if(clob != null && clob instanceof byte[])
edit = new BaseResourceEdit();
resourceSerializer.parse(edit, (byte[]) clob);
catch(SQLException e)
// ignore?
M_log.debug("convertToFile(): SqlException unable to read entity");
edit = null;
catch(EntityParseException e)
M_log.warn("convertToFile(): EntityParseException unable to parse entity");
edit = null;
if(edit == null)
String xml = result.getString(2);
if (xml == null)
M_log.warn("convertToFile(): null xml : " );
return null;
// read the xml
Document doc = Xml.readDocumentFromString(xml);
if (doc == null)
M_log.warn("convertToFile(): null xml doc : " );
return null;
// verify the root element
Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
if (!root.getTagName().equals("resource"))
M_log.warn("convertToFile(): XML root element not resource: " + root.getTagName());
return null;
edit = new BaseResourceEdit(root);
catch(SQLException e)
M_log.debug("convertToFile(): SqlException problem with results");
if(edit == null)
return null;
// zero length?
if (edit.getContentLength() == 0)
M_log.warn("convertToFile(): zero length body ");
id = edit.getId();
if(id == null)
return null;
// is resource body in db there?
String sql = contentServiceSql.getResourceId2Sql();
Object[] fields = new Object[1];
fields[0] = id;
List found = m_sqlService.dbRead(sourceConnection, sql, fields, null);
if ((found == null) || (found.size() == 0))
// not found
M_log.warn("convertToFile(): body not found in source : " + id);
// get the creation date (or modified date, or now)
Time created = null;
created = edit.getProperties().getTimeProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_CREATION_DATE);
catch (Exception any)
created = edit.getProperties().getTimeProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_MODIFIED_DATE);
catch (Exception e)
created = timeService.newTime();
// form the file name
// read the body from the source
sql = contentServiceSql.getBodySql(m_resourceBodyTableName);
InputStream stream = m_sqlService.dbReadBinary(sql, fields, true);
//byte[] body = new byte[edit.m_contentLength];
//m_sqlService.dbReadBinary(sourceConnection, sql, fields, body);
// write the body to the file
boolean ok = ((DbStorage) m_storage).putResourceBodyFilesystem(edit, stream, m_bodyPath);
if (!ok)
M_log.warn("convertToFile: body file failure : " + id + " file: " + edit.m_filePath);
return null;
catch (ServerOverloadException e)
M_log.debug("convertToFile(): ServerOverloadException moving resource body for " + id);
return null;
// write resource back to db, now with file path set
// regenerate the serialization
byte[] serialization = resourceSerializer.serialize(edit);
Matcher contextMatcher = contextPattern.matcher(id);
String context = null;
String root = contextMatcher.group(1);
context = contextMatcher.group(2);
if(! root.equals("group/"))
context = "~" + context;
// update the record
sql = contentServiceSql.getUpdateContentResource3Sql();
fields = new Object[6];
fields[0] = edit.m_filePath;
fields[1] = serialization;
fields[2] = context;
fields[3] = Long.valueOf(edit.m_contentLength);
fields[4] = edit.getResourceType();
fields[5] = id;
m_sqlService.dbWrite(connection, sql, fields);
// m_logger.info(" ** converted: " + id + " size: " +
// edit.m_contentLength);
if ((count.value % 1000) == 0)
M_log.info(" ** converted: " + count.value);
return null;
catch (EntityParseException e)
M_log.debug("convertToFile(): EntityParseException for " + id);
return null;
catch (SQLException e) {
M_log.info(" ** exception converting : " + id + " : ", e);
return null;
M_log.info("convertToFile: converted resources: " + count.value);
catch (Exception t)
M_log.warn("convertToFile: failed: " + t);
M_log.info("convertToFile: done");
* Counter is is a counter that can be marked final.
public class Counter
public int value = 0;
public Collection getLocks(String id)
return m_lockManager.getLocks(id);
public void lockObject(String id, String lockId, String subject, boolean system)
if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("lockObject has been called on: " + id);
m_lockManager.lockObject(id, lockId, subject, system);
catch (Exception e)
M_log.warn("lockObject failed: " + e);
if (M_log.isDebugEnabled()) M_log.debug("lockObject succeeded");
public void removeLock(String id, String lockId)
m_lockManager.removeLock(id, lockId);
public boolean isLocked(String id)
return m_lockManager.isLocked(id);
public boolean containsLockedNode(String id)
throw new RuntimeException("containsLockedNode has not been implemented");
public void removeAllLocks(String id)
protected List getFlatResources(String parentId)
return m_storage.getFlatResources(parentId);
public ContentHostingHandlerResolverImpl getContentHostingHandlerResolver()
return contentHostingHandlerResolver;
public void setContentHostingHandlerResolver(ContentHostingHandlerResolverImpl contentHostingHandlerResolver)
this.contentHostingHandlerResolver = contentHostingHandlerResolver;
public boolean isContentHostingHandlersEnabled()
return (this.contentHostingHandlerResolver != null);
public class TimeEntry implements Map.Entry
protected String key;
protected Long value;
* @param key
* @param value
public TimeEntry(String key, Long value)
this.key = key;
this.value = value;
public String getKey()
return key;
public Long getValue()
return value;
public void setKey(String arg0)
this.key = arg0;
public Long setValue(Long arg0)
this.value = arg0;
return this.value;
public class TimeReader implements SqlReader
public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result)
String individualDropboxId = result.getString(1);
long time = result.getLong(2);
return new TimeEntry(individualDropboxId, Long.valueOf(time));
catch(Exception e)
M_log.warn("TimeReader.readSqlResultRecord(): " + result.toString() + " exception: " + e);
return null;
public void populateNewColumns()
String sql1 = contentServiceSql.getAccessResourceIdAndXmlSql(m_resourceTableName);
m_sqlService.dbRead(sql1, null, new ContextAndFilesizeReader(m_resourceTableName));
String sql2 = contentServiceSql.getAccessResourceIdAndXmlSql(m_resourceDeleteTableName);
m_sqlService.dbRead(sql2, null, new ContextAndFilesizeReader(m_resourceDeleteTableName));
public class ContextAndFilesizeReader implements SqlReader
protected IdManager uuidManager = (IdManager) ComponentManager.get(IdManager.class);
protected Pattern filesizePattern1 = Pattern.compile("\\scontent-length=\"(\\d+)\"\\s");
protected Pattern filesizePattern2 = Pattern.compile("\\s*DAV:getcontentlength\\s+(\\d+)\\s*");
protected Pattern typeidPattern1 = Pattern.compile("\\sresource-type=\"([0-9A-Za-z.]+)\"\\s");
protected Pattern typeidPattern2 = Pattern.compile("\\s+%(.*)\\s+");
protected String table;
public ContextAndFilesizeReader(String table)
this.table = table;
public Object readSqlResultRecord(ResultSet result)
boolean addingUuid = false;
String resourceId = result.getString(1);
String uuid = result.getString(2);
String xml = result.getString(3);
if(uuid == null)
addingUuid = true;
uuid = uuidManager.createUuid();
String context = null;
int filesize = 0;
String resourceType = null;
String sql = contentServiceSql.getContextFilesizeValuesSql(table, addingUuid);
Matcher contextMatcher = contextPattern.matcher(resourceId);
if(xml == null)
ResultSetMetaData rsmd = result.getMetaData();
int numberOfColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount();
if(numberOfColumns > 3)
Blob binary_entity = result.getBlob(4);
// this is meant to match against the binary-entity value in cases where
// xml is null (meaning xml may have already been converted).
// Matcher filesizeMatcher = filesizePattern2.matcher(xml);
// if(filesizeMatcher.find())
// {
// try
// {
// filesize = Integer.parseInt(filesizeMatcher.group(1));
// }
// catch(Exception e)
// {
// // do nothing
// }
// }
// Matcher typeidMatcher = typeidPattern2.matcher(xml);
// if(typeidMatcher.find())
// {
// resourceType = typeidMatcher.group(1);
// }
// Do nothing. The binary-entity value is not available here.
// Best to skip the record until we provide a query that gets
// the binary-entity value in this context.
Matcher filesizeMatcher = filesizePattern1.matcher(xml);
filesize = Integer.parseInt(filesizeMatcher.group(1));
catch(Exception e)
// do nothing
Matcher typeidMatcher = typeidPattern1.matcher(xml);
resourceType = typeidMatcher.group(1);
String root = contextMatcher.group(1);
context = contextMatcher.group(2);
if(! root.equals("group/"))
context = "~" + context;
M_log.info("adding new field values: resourceId == \"" + resourceId + "\" uuid == \"" + uuid + "\" context == \"" + context + "\" filesize == \"" + filesize + "\" addingUuid == " + addingUuid);
// "update " + table + " set CONTEXT = ?, FILE_SIZE = ?, RESOURCE_TYPE_ID = ?, RESOURCE_UUID = ? where RESOURCE_ID = ?"
// update the record
Object [] fields = new Object[5];
fields[0] = context;
fields[1] = Integer.valueOf(filesize);
fields[2] = resourceType;
fields[3] = uuid;
fields[4] = resourceId;
m_sqlService.dbWrite(sql, fields);
// "update " + table + " set CONTEXT = ?, FILE_SIZE = ?, RESOURCE_TYPE_ID = ? where RESOURCE_UUID = ?"
// update the record
Object [] fields = new Object[4];
fields[0] = context;
fields[1] = Integer.valueOf(filesize);
fields[2] = resourceType;
fields[3] = uuid;
m_sqlService.dbWrite(sql, fields);
catch(Exception e)
M_log.error("ContextAndFilesizeReader.readSqlResultRecord() failed. result skipped", e);
return null;
protected long getSizeForContext(String context)
long size = 0L;
String sql = contentServiceSql.getQuotaQuerySql();
Object [] fields = new Object[] {context.startsWith(COLLECTION_DROPBOX)?context+"%":context};
if (context.startsWith(COLLECTION_DROPBOX)) {
if (context.split(Entity.SEPARATOR).length == 4) {
// User Folder
sql = contentServiceSql.getDropBoxQuotaQuerySql();
} else {
// Root Folder - KNL-1084, SAK-22169
fields = new Object[] {context+"%",context,context};
sql = contentServiceSql.getDropBoxRootQuotaQuerySql();
List list = m_sqlService.dbRead(sql, fields, null);
if(list != null && ! list.isEmpty())
String result = (String) list.get(0);
size = Float.valueOf(result).longValue();
catch(Exception e)
M_log.warn("getSizeForContext() unable to parse long from \"" + result + "\" for context \"" + context + "\"");
return size;
* @throws Exception
private void validateUTF8Db() throws Exception
Connection connection = m_sqlService.borrowConnection();
public void testUTF8Transport(Connection connection) throws Exception
* byte[] b = new byte[102400]; byte[] b2 = new byte[102400]; byte[] b3 =
* new byte[102400]; char[] cin = new char[102400]; Random r = new
* Random(); r.nextBytes(b);
byte[] bin = new byte[1024];
char[] cin = new char[1024];
byte[] bout = new byte[1024];
int i = 0;
for (int bx = 0; i < bin.length; bx++)
bin[i++] = (byte) bx;
ByteStorageConversion.toChar(bin, 0, cin, 0, cin.length);
String sin = new String(cin);
char[] cout = sin.toCharArray();
ByteStorageConversion.toByte(cout, 0, bout, 0, cout.length);
for (int i = 0; i < bin.length; i++)
if (bin[i] != bout[i])
throw new Exception("Internal Byte conversion failed at " + bin[i] + "=>"
+ (int) cin[i] + "=>" + bout[i]);
PreparedStatement statement = null;
PreparedStatement statement2 = null;
PreparedStatement statement3 = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
statement3 = connection
.prepareStatement("delete from CONTENT_RESOURCE where RESOURCE_ID = ?");
statement3.setString(1, UTF8TESTID);
statement = connection
.prepareStatement("insert into CONTENT_RESOURCE ( RESOURCE_ID, XML ) values ( ?, ? )");
statement.setString(1, UTF8TESTID);
statement.setString(2, sin);
statement2 = connection
.prepareStatement("select XML from CONTENT_RESOURCE where RESOURCE_ID = ? ");
statement2.setString(1, UTF8TESTID);
rs = statement2.executeQuery();
String sout = null;
if (rs.next())
sout = rs.getString(1);
statement3.setString(1, UTF8TESTID);
if (sout != null) {
cout = sout.toCharArray();
ByteStorageConversion.toByte(cout, 0, bout, 0, cout.length);
if (sout != null) {
if (sin.length() != sout.length())
throw new Exception(
"UTF-8 Data was lost communicating with the database, please "
+ "check connection string and default table types (Truncation/Expansion)");
for (int i = 0; i < bin.length; i++)
if (bin[i] != bout[i])
throw new Exception(
"UTF-8 Data was corrupted communicating with the database, "
+ "please check connectionstring and default table types (Conversion)"
+ "" + bin[i] + "=>" + (int) cin[i] + "=>" + bout[i]);
catch (Exception ex)
catch (Exception ex)
catch (Exception ex)
catch (Exception ex)
* @return the migrateData
public boolean isMigrateData()
return migrateData;
* @param migrateData the migrateData to set
public void setMigrateData(boolean migrateData)
this.migrateData = migrateData;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Collection getContextResourcesOfType(String resourceType, Set contextids)
return m_storage.getContextResourcesOfType(resourceType, contextids);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Collection getResourcesOfType(String resourceType, int pageSize, int page)
return m_storage.getResourcesOfType(resourceType, pageSize, page);
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