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 * Copyright (c) 2003-2017 The Apereo Foundation
 * Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.create.CreateIndexRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.create.CreateIndexResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.delete.DeleteIndexRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.exists.indices.IndicesExistsRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.exists.indices.IndicesExistsResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.refresh.RefreshRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.refresh.RefreshResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.status.IndexStatus;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.status.IndicesStatusRequest;
import org.elasticsearch.action.admin.indices.status.IndicesStatusResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkItemResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkRequestBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.action.bulk.BulkResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.count.CountResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteRequestBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.action.delete.DeleteResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexResponse;
import org.elasticsearch.client.Client;
import org.elasticsearch.common.collect.Sets;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
import org.elasticsearch.common.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.loader.JsonSettingsLoader;
import org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.BoolQueryBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilder;
import org.elasticsearch.indices.IndexAlreadyExistsException;
import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.SecurityAdvisor;
import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.SecurityService;
import org.sakaiproject.component.api.ServerConfigurationService;
import org.sakaiproject.event.api.Event;
import org.sakaiproject.event.api.EventTrackingService;
import org.sakaiproject.event.api.Notification;
import org.sakaiproject.event.api.NotificationService;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import static org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentFactory.jsonBuilder;
import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilders.missingFilter;
import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilders.orFilter;
import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.FilterBuilders.termFilter;
import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders.boolQuery;
import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders.filteredQuery;
import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders.matchAllQuery;
import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders.matchQuery;
import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders.termQuery;
import static org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders.termsQuery;
import static;

public abstract class BaseElasticSearchIndexBuilder implements ElasticSearchIndexBuilder {

    protected static final String DEFAULT_FACET_NAME = "tag";
    protected static final String DEFAULT_SUGGESTION_MATCHING_FIELD_NAME = SearchService.FIELD_TITLE;

     * Key in the "validation map" built up by {@link #validateAddResourceEvent(Event)} (specifically
     * {@link #validateResourceName(Event, Map)}.
    protected static final String ADD_RESOURCE_VALIDATION_KEY_ENTITY_ID = "ENTITY_ID";

    protected static final String DELETE_RESOURCE_KEY_DOCUMENT_ID = "DOCUMENT_ID";

    protected final static SecurityAdvisor allowAllAdvisor =
            (userId, function, reference) -> SecurityAdvisor.SecurityAdvice.ALLOWED;

    protected SecurityService securityService;
    protected ServerConfigurationService serverConfigurationService;
    protected EventTrackingService eventTrackingService;

     * ES Client, with access to any indexes in the cluster.
    protected Client client;

     * the ES indexname
    protected String indexName;

     * Logical, well-known name, possibly distinct from the physical ES {@link #indexName}
    protected String name;

     * set to true to force an index rebuild at startup time, defaults to false.  This is probably something
     * you never want to use, other than in development or testing
    protected boolean rebuildIndexOnStartup = false;

    protected boolean useSuggestions = true;

     * max number of suggestions to return when looking for suggestions (this populates the autocomplete drop down in the UI)
    protected int maxNumberOfSuggestions = 10;

    protected String suggestionMatchingFieldName = DEFAULT_SUGGESTION_MATCHING_FIELD_NAME;

    protected String[] suggestionResultFieldNames;

    protected String[] searchResultFieldNames;

    protected SearchItemFilter filter;

    protected boolean useFacetting = true;

    protected String facetName = DEFAULT_FACET_NAME;

     *  N most frequent terms
    protected int facetTermSize = 10;

     * Number of documents to index at a time for each run of the context indexing task (defaults to 500).
     * Setting this too low will slow things down, setting it to high won't allow all nodes in the cluster
     * to share the load.
    protected int contentIndexBatchSize = 500;

     * Number of actions to send in one elasticsearch bulk index call
     * defaults to 10.  Setting this
     * to too high a number will have memory implications as you'll be keeping
     * more content in memory until the request is executed.
    protected int bulkRequestSize = 10;

     * number seconds of wait after startup before starting the BulkContentIndexerTask (defaults to 3 minutes)
    protected int delay = 180;

     * how often the BulkContentIndexerTask runs in seconds (defaults to 1 minute)
    protected int period = 60;

    protected long startTime;

    protected long lastLoad;

     * this turns off the threads and does indexing inline.  DO NOT enable this in prod.
     * It is meant for testing, especially unit tests only.
    protected boolean testMode = false;

    protected String defaultMappingResource = "/org/sakaiproject/search/elastic/bundle/mapping.json";

     * by default the mapping in configured in the mapping.json file.  This can be overridden by injecting
     * json into this property.
     * See {@link elasticsearch mapping reference } for
     * more information on configuration that is available.  For example, if you want to change the analyzer config for
     * a particular field this is the place to do it.
    protected String mapping = null;

     * Combination of {@link #mapping}, its fallback read from {@link #defaultMappingResource}, and any overrides
     * implemented in {@link #initializeElasticSearchMapping(String)}. (Currently there are no such overrides in that
     * method... just the fallback resource lookup. And historically the mapping config was stored exclusively in
     * {@link #mapping}. This new {@code mappingMerged} field was added for symmetry with {@link #indexSettingsMerged}).
    protected String mappingMerged = null;

    protected String defaultIndexSettingsResource = "/org/sakaiproject/search/elastic/bundle/indexSettings.json";

     * Expects a JSON string of ElasticSearch index settings.  You can set this in your
     * files and inject a value using the [email protected]
     * property.  By default this value is configured by the indexSettings.json files.
     * See {@link elasticsearch index modules}
     * for more information on configuration that is available.
    protected String indexSettings = null;

     * Combination of {@link #indexSettings}, its fallback read from {@link #defaultIndexSettingsResource} and
     * overrides read in from {@code ServerConfigurationService}. This is the operational set of index configs.
     * {@link #indexSettings} is just preserved for reference.
    protected Map indexSettingsMerged = new HashMap();

    protected String indexedDocumentType = null;

     * indexing thread that performs loading the actual content into the index.
    protected Timer backgroundScheduler = null;

    protected Set producers = Sets.newConcurrentHashSet();

    protected Set triggerFunctions = Sets.newHashSet();

    protected ElasticSearchIndexBuilderEventRegistrar eventRegistrar;

    public boolean isEnabled() {
        return serverConfigurationService.getBoolean("search.enable", false);

    public void destroy() {
        this.client = null;
        this.eventRegistrar = null;

    public void initialize(ElasticSearchIndexBuilderEventRegistrar eventRegistrar, Client client) {

        if (!isEnabled()) {
            getLog().debug("ElasticSearch is not enabled. Skipping initialization of index builder ["
                    + getName() + "]. Set search.enable=true to change that.");

        if ( testMode ) {
            getLog().warn("IN TEST MODE for index builder [" + getName() + "]. DO NOT enable this in production !!!");

        getLog().info("Initializing ElasticSearch index builder [" + getName() + "]...");

        this.eventRegistrar = eventRegistrar;
        this.client = client;



        this.mappingMerged = initializeElasticSearchMapping(this.mapping);
        this.indexSettingsMerged = initializeElasticSearchIndexSettings(this.indexSettings);


        this.backgroundScheduler = initializeBackgroundScheduler();
        backgroundScheduler.schedule(initializeContentQueueProcessingTask(), (delay * 1000), (period * 1000));



     * Gives subclasses a chance to initialize configuration prior to reading/processing any
     * ES configs. May be important for setting up defaults, for example, or for ensuring
     * subclass-specific configs are in place before any background tasks are in place.
     * (Though the latter would be better factored into {@link #beforeBackgroundSchedulerInitialization()}
    protected abstract void beforeElasticSearchConfigInitialization();

    protected void requireConfiguration() {
        Assert.hasText(name, "Must specify a logical name for this index builder");
        Assert.hasText(indexName, "Must specify a physical index name for this index builder");
        Assert.hasText(indexedDocumentType, "Must specify an indexed document type for this index builder");

     * Called after all ES config has been processed but before the background scheduler has been set up
     * and before any index startup ops have been invoked ({@link #initializeIndex()}. I.e. this is a
     * subclass's last chance to set up any configs on which background jobs and/or index maintenance
     * in general might depend.
    protected abstract void beforeBackgroundSchedulerInitialization();

    protected String initializeElasticSearchMapping(String injectedConfig) {
        // if there is a value here its been overridden by injection, we will use the overridden configuration
        String mappingConfig = injectedConfig;
        if (org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isEmpty(injectedConfig)) {
            try {
                StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
                IOUtils.copy(getClass().getResourceAsStream(this.defaultMappingResource), writer, "UTF-8");
                mappingConfig = writer.toString();
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                getLog().error("Failed to load mapping config: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
        getLog().debug("ElasticSearch mapping will be configured as follows for index builder ["
                + getName() + "]:" + mappingConfig);
        return mappingConfig;

    protected Map initializeElasticSearchIndexSettings(String injectedConfig) {
        String defaultConfig = injectedConfig;
        if (org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isEmpty(injectedConfig)) {
            try {
                StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
                IOUtils.copy(getClass().getResourceAsStream(this.defaultIndexSettingsResource), writer, "UTF-8");
                defaultConfig = writer.toString();
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                getLog().error("Failed to load indexSettings config from ["+  this.defaultIndexSettingsResource
                        + "] for index builder [" + getName() + "]", ex);

        JsonSettingsLoader loader = new JsonSettingsLoader();
        Map mergedConfig = null;

        try {
            mergedConfig = loader.load(defaultConfig);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            getLog().error("Problem loading indexSettings for index builder [" + getName() + "]", e);

        // Set these here so we don't have to do this string concatenation
        // and comparison every time through the upcoming 'for' loop
        final boolean IS_DEFAULT = SearchIndexBuilder.DEFAULT_INDEX_BUILDER_NAME.equals(getName());
        final String DEFAULT_INDEX = ElasticSearchConstants.CONFIG_PROPERTY_PREFIX + "index.";
        final String LOCAL_INDEX = String.format("%s%s%s.",ElasticSearchConstants.CONFIG_PROPERTY_PREFIX,"index_",getName(),".");

        // load anything set into the ServerConfigurationService that starts with "elasticsearch.index."  this will
        // override anything set in the indexSettings config
        for (ServerConfigurationService.ConfigItem configItem : serverConfigurationService.getConfigData().getItems()) {
            String propertyName = configItem.getName();
            if (IS_DEFAULT && (propertyName.startsWith(DEFAULT_INDEX))) {
                propertyName = propertyName.replaceFirst(DEFAULT_INDEX, "index.");
                mergedConfig.put(propertyName, (String) configItem.getValue());
            } else if (propertyName.startsWith(LOCAL_INDEX)) {
                propertyName = propertyName.replaceFirst(LOCAL_INDEX, "index.");
                mergedConfig.put(propertyName, (String) configItem.getValue());

        if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
            for (Map.Entry entry : mergedConfig.entrySet()) {
                getLog().debug("Index property '" + entry.getKey() + "' set to: " + entry.getValue()
                        + "' for index builder '" + getName() + "'");

        return mergedConfig;

    protected Timer initializeBackgroundScheduler() {
        // name is historical
        return new Timer("[elasticsearch content indexer " + getName() + "]", true);

    protected TimerTask initializeContentQueueProcessingTask() {
        return testMode ? new NoOpTask() : newBulkContentIndexerTask();

    protected static class NoOpTask extends TimerTask {
        public void run() {
            // nothing to do

     * This is the task that searches for any docs in the search index that do not have content yet,
     * digests the content and loads it into the index.  Any docs with empty content will be removed from
     * the index.  This timer task is run by the timer thread based on the period configured elsewhere
    protected class BulkContentIndexerTask extends TimerTask {
        public void run() {
            try {
                getLog().debug("Running content indexing task for index builder [" + getName() + "]");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                getLog().error("Content indexing failure for index builder [" + getName() + "]", e);
            } finally {

    protected TimerTask newBulkContentIndexerTask() {
        return new BulkContentIndexerTask();

    protected class RebuildIndexTask extends TimerTask {
         * Rebuild the index from the entities own stored state {@inheritDoc}
        public void run() {
            // let's not hog the whole CPU just in case you have lots of sites with lots of data this could take a bit
            Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1);

    protected TimerTask newRebuildIndexTask() {
        return new RebuildIndexTask();

     * Searches for any docs in the search index that have not been indexed yet,
     * digests the content and loads it into the index.  Any docs with empty content will be removed from
     * the index.
    protected void processContentQueue() {
        startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        // If there are a lot of docs queued up this could take awhile we don't want
        // to eat up all the CPU cycles.
        Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY - 1);

        if (getPendingDocuments() == 0) {
            getLog().trace("No pending docs for index builder [" + getName() + "]");

        SearchResponse response = findContentQueue();

        SearchHit[] hits = response.getHits().hits();
        List noContentExceptions = new ArrayList();
        getLog().debug(getPendingDocuments() + " pending docs for index builder [" + getName() + "]");

        BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequest = newContentQueueBulkUpdateRequestBuilder();

        for (SearchHit hit : hits) {

            if (bulkRequest.numberOfActions() < bulkRequestSize) {
                try {
                    processContentQueueEntry(hit, bulkRequest);
                } catch ( NoContentException e ) {
            } else {
                bulkRequest = newContentQueueBulkUpdateRequestBuilder();

        // execute any remaining bulks requests not executed yet
        if (bulkRequest.numberOfActions() > 0) {

        // remove any docs without content, so we don't try to index them again
        if (!noContentExceptions.isEmpty()) {
            for (NoContentException noContentException : noContentExceptions) {

        lastLoad = System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (hits.length > 0) {
            getLog().info("Finished indexing " + hits.length + " docs in " +
                    ((lastLoad - startTime)) + " ms for index builder " + getName());


    protected void processContentQueueEntry(SearchHit hit, BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequest) throws NoContentException {
        String reference = getFieldFromSearchHit(SearchService.FIELD_REFERENCE, hit);
        EntityContentProducer ecp = newEntityContentProducer(reference);

        if (ecp != null) {
            //updating was causing issues without a _source, so doing delete and re-add
            try {
                bulkRequest.add(prepareIndex(reference, ecp, true));
            } catch (NoContentException e) {
                throw e;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                getLog().error("Failed to process content queue entry with id [" + hit.getId() + "] in index builder ["
                        + getName() + "]", e);
        } else {
            noContentProducerForContentQueueEntry(hit, reference);

    protected void executeBulkRequest(BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequest) {
        BulkResponse bulkResponse = bulkRequest.execute().actionGet();

        getLog().info("Bulk request of batch size: " + bulkRequest.numberOfActions() + " took "
                + bulkResponse.getTookInMillis() + " ms in index builder: " + getName());

        for (BulkItemResponse response : bulkResponse.getItems()) {
            if (response.getResponse() instanceof DeleteResponse) {
                DeleteResponse deleteResponse = response.getResponse();

                if (response.isFailed()) {
                    getLog().error("Problem deleting doc: " + response.getId() + " in index builder: " + getName()
                            + " error: " + response.getFailureMessage());
                } else if (!deleteResponse.isFound()) {
                    getLog().debug("ES could not find a doc with id: " + deleteResponse.getId()
                            + " to delete in index builder: " + getName());
                } else {
                    getLog().debug("ES deleted a doc with id: " + deleteResponse.getId() + " in index builder: "
                            + getName());
            } else if (response.getResponse() instanceof IndexResponse) {
                IndexResponse indexResponse = response.getResponse();

                if (response.isFailed()) {
                    getLog().error("Problem updating content for doc: " + response.getId() + " in index builder: "
                            + getName() + " error: " + response.getFailureMessage());
                } else {
                    getLog().debug("ES indexed content for doc with id: " + indexResponse.getId()
                            + " in index builder: " + getName());

    protected void noContentProducerForContentQueueEntry(SearchHit hit, String reference) throws NoContentException {
        // if there is no content to index remove the doc, its pointless to have it included in the index
        // and we will just waste cycles looking at it again everytime this thread runs, and will probably
        // never finish because of it.
        throw new NoContentException(hit.getId(), reference, null);

    protected BulkRequestBuilder newContentQueueBulkUpdateRequestBuilder() {
        return client.prepareBulk();

    protected SearchResponse findContentQueue() {
        SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder = prepareFindContentQueue();
        return findContentQueueWithRequest(searchRequestBuilder);

    protected SearchRequestBuilder prepareFindContentQueue() {
        SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder = newFindContentQueueRequestBuilder();
        searchRequestBuilder = addFindContentQueueRequestParams(searchRequestBuilder);
        searchRequestBuilder = completeFindContentQueueRequestBuilder(searchRequestBuilder);
        return searchRequestBuilder;

    protected SearchRequestBuilder newFindContentQueueRequestBuilder() {
        return client.prepareSearch(indexName);

    protected SearchRequestBuilder addFindContentQueueRequestParams(SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder) {
        return searchRequestBuilder
                .setPostFilter( orFilter(
                        termFilter(SearchService.FIELD_INDEXED, false)))
                .addFields(SearchService.FIELD_REFERENCE, SearchService.FIELD_SITEID);

    protected abstract SearchRequestBuilder completeFindContentQueueRequestBuilder(SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder);

    protected SearchResponse findContentQueueWithRequest(SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder) {
        return searchRequestBuilder.execute().actionGet();

    protected void deleteDocument(SearchHit searchHit) {
        final Map deleteParams = extractDeleteDocumentParams(searchHit);

    protected void deleteDocument(NoContentException noContentException) {
        final Map deleteParams = extractDeleteDocumentParams(noContentException);

    protected void deleteDocumentWithParams(Map deleteParams) {
        final DeleteRequestBuilder deleteRequestBuilder = prepareDeleteDocument(deleteParams);
        final DeleteResponse deleteResponse = deleteDocumentWithRequest(deleteRequestBuilder);

        if (getLog().isDebugEnabled()) {
            if (!deleteResponse.isFound()) {
                getLog().debug("Could not delete doc with by id: " + deleteParams.get(DELETE_RESOURCE_KEY_DOCUMENT_ID)
                        + " in index builder [" + getName() + "] because the document wasn't found");
            } else {
                getLog().debug("ES deleted a doc with id: " + deleteResponse.getId() + " in index builder ["
                        + getName() + "]");

    protected DeleteRequestBuilder prepareDeleteDocument(Map deleteParams) {
        DeleteRequestBuilder deleteRequestBuilder = newDeleteRequestBuilder(deleteParams);
        deleteRequestBuilder = completeDeleteRequestBuilder(deleteRequestBuilder, deleteParams);
        return deleteRequestBuilder;

    protected abstract DeleteRequestBuilder completeDeleteRequestBuilder(DeleteRequestBuilder deleteRequestBuilder,
                                                                         Map deleteParams);

    protected DeleteResponse deleteDocumentWithRequest(DeleteRequestBuilder deleteRequestBuilder) {
        return deleteRequestBuilder.execute().actionGet();

    private DeleteRequestBuilder newDeleteRequestBuilder(Map deleteParams) {
        return client.prepareDelete(indexName, indexedDocumentType, (String)deleteParams.get(DELETE_RESOURCE_KEY_DOCUMENT_ID));

    protected Map extractDeleteDocumentParams(SearchHit searchHit) {
        final Map params = Maps.newHashMap();
        params.put(DELETE_RESOURCE_KEY_DOCUMENT_ID, searchHit.getId());
        return params;

    protected Map extractDeleteDocumentParams(NoContentException noContentException) {
        final Map params = Maps.newHashMap();
        params.put(DELETE_RESOURCE_KEY_DOCUMENT_ID, noContentException.getId());
        params.put(DELETE_RESOURCE_KEY_ENTITY_REFERENCE, noContentException.getReference());
        return params;

    protected void initializeIndex() {
        // init index and kick off rebuild if necessary
        if (rebuildIndexOnStartup) {
        } else {

     * creates a new index if one does not exist
    protected void assureIndex() {
        IndicesExistsResponse response = client.admin().indices().exists(new IndicesExistsRequest(indexName)).actionGet();
        if (!response.isExists()) {

     * creates a new index, does not check if the exist exists
    protected void createIndex() {
        try {
            CreateIndexResponse createResponse = client.admin().indices().create(new CreateIndexRequest(indexName)
                    .settings(indexSettingsMerged).mapping(indexedDocumentType, mappingMerged)).actionGet();
            if (!createResponse.isAcknowledged()) {
                getLog().error("Index wasn't created for index builder [" + getName() + "], can't rebuild");
        } catch (IndexAlreadyExistsException e) {
            getLog().warn("Index already created for index builder [" + getName() + "]");

     * removes any existing index and creates a new one
    protected void recreateIndex() {
        IndicesExistsResponse response = client.admin().indices().exists(new IndicesExistsRequest(indexName)).actionGet();
        if (response.isExists()) {
            client.admin().indices().delete(new DeleteIndexRequest(indexName)).actionGet();

        // create index

     * Removes any existing index, creates a new index, and rebuilds the index from the entities own stored state {@inheritDoc}
    public void rebuildIndex() {

        if (testMode) {

        backgroundScheduler.schedule(newRebuildIndexTask(), 0);

    protected abstract void rebuildIndexImmediately();

     * refresh the index from the current stored state {@inheritDoc}
    public void refreshIndex() {
        RefreshResponse response = client.admin().indices().refresh(new RefreshRequest(indexName)).actionGet();

     * @param resourceName
     * @param ecp
     * @return
    protected IndexRequestBuilder prepareIndex(String resourceName, EntityContentProducer ecp, boolean includeContent)
            throws IOException, NoContentException {
        IndexRequestBuilder requestBuilder = newIndexRequestBuilder(resourceName, ecp, includeContent);
        final XContentBuilder requestContentSource = buildIndexRequestContentSource(resourceName, ecp, includeContent);
        requestBuilder = requestBuilder.setSource(requestContentSource);
        return completeIndexRequestBuilder(requestBuilder, resourceName, ecp, includeContent);

    protected IndexRequestBuilder newIndexRequestBuilder(String resourceName, EntityContentProducer ecp,
                                                         boolean includeContent)
            throws IOException {
        return client.prepareIndex(indexName, indexedDocumentType, ecp.getId(resourceName));

    protected abstract IndexRequestBuilder completeIndexRequestBuilder(IndexRequestBuilder requestBuilder,
                                                    String resourceName, EntityContentProducer ecp,
                                                    boolean includeContent)
            throws IOException;

    protected  XContentBuilder buildIndexRequestContentSource(String resourceName, EntityContentProducer ecp,
                                                              boolean includeContent)
            throws NoContentException, IOException {
        XContentBuilder requestBuilder = newIndexRequestContentSourceBuilder(resourceName, ecp, includeContent);
        requestBuilder = addFields(requestBuilder, resourceName, ecp, includeContent);
        requestBuilder = addCustomProperties(requestBuilder, resourceName, ecp, includeContent);
        requestBuilder = addContent(requestBuilder, resourceName, ecp, includeContent);
        return completeIndexRequestContentSourceBuilder(requestBuilder, resourceName, ecp, includeContent);

    protected XContentBuilder newIndexRequestContentSourceBuilder(String resourceName, EntityContentProducer ecp,
                                                                  boolean includeContent) throws IOException {
        return jsonBuilder().startObject();

    protected abstract XContentBuilder addFields(XContentBuilder contentSourceBuilder, String resourceName,
                                                 EntityContentProducer ecp, boolean includeContent) throws IOException;

    protected XContentBuilder addCustomProperties(XContentBuilder contentSourceBuilder, String resourceName,
                                                  EntityContentProducer ecp,
                                                  boolean includeContent) throws IOException {
        Map> properties = extractCustomProperties(resourceName, ecp);
        for (Map.Entry> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
            contentSourceBuilder = contentSourceBuilder.field(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        return contentSourceBuilder;

    protected XContentBuilder addContent(XContentBuilder contentSourceBuilder, String resourceName,
                                         EntityContentProducer ecp,
                                         boolean includeContent) throws NoContentException, IOException {
        if (includeContent || testMode) {
            String content = ecp.getContent(resourceName);
            // some of the ecp impls produce content with nothing but whitespace, its waste of time to index those
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(content)) {
                return contentSourceBuilder
                        // cannot rely on ecp for providing something reliable to maintain index state
                        // indexed indicates if the document was indexed
                        .field(SearchService.FIELD_INDEXED, true)
                        .field(SearchService.FIELD_CONTENTS, content);
            } else {
                return noContentForIndexRequest(contentSourceBuilder, resourceName, ecp, includeContent);
        return contentSourceBuilder;

    protected abstract XContentBuilder noContentForIndexRequest(XContentBuilder contentSourceBuilder,
                                                                String resourceName, EntityContentProducer ecp,
                                                                boolean includeContent)
            throws NoContentException ;

    protected XContentBuilder completeIndexRequestContentSourceBuilder(XContentBuilder contentSourceBuilder,
                                                                       String resourceName, EntityContentProducer ecp,
                                                                       boolean includeContent) throws IOException {
        return contentSourceBuilder.endObject();

     * @param resourceName
     * @param ecp
     * @return
    protected void prepareIndexAdd(String resourceName, EntityContentProducer ecp, boolean includeContent) throws NoContentException {
        try {
            prepareIndex(resourceName, ecp, includeContent).execute().actionGet();
        } catch (NoContentException e) {
            throw e;
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            getLog().error("Error: trying to register resource " + resourceName
                    + " in index builder: " + getName(), t);


     * schedules content for indexing.
     * @param resourceName
     * @param ecp
     * @return
    protected void indexAdd(String resourceName, EntityContentProducer ecp) {
        try {
            prepareIndexAdd(resourceName, ecp, false);
        } catch (NoContentException e) {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            getLog().error("Problem updating content indexing in index builder: " + getName()
                    + " for entity: " + resourceName, e);

    public int getPendingDocuments() {
        try {
            CountResponse response = client.prepareCount(indexName)
                    .setQuery(filteredQuery(matchAllQuery(), orFilter(
                            termFilter(SearchService.FIELD_INDEXED, false))))
            return (int) response.getCount();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            getLog().error("Problem getting pending docs for index builder [" + getName() + "]", e);
        return 0;

    public boolean isBuildQueueEmpty() {
        return getPendingDocuments() == 0;

    public void addResource(Notification notification, Event event) {
        getLog().debug("Add resource " + notification + "::" + event + " in index builder " + getName());

        final Map validationContext;
        try {
            validationContext = validateAddResourceEvent(event);
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            // Only debug level b/c almost all runtime validation failures will be uninteresting.
            // In almost all cases they'll be caused by either the absence of a capable SearchableContentHandler,
            // and actually that can be expected to happen *a lot* since the historical EntityContentProducer
            // registration mechanism set events of interest on the search *service*, not on the index builder to
            // which it (the producer) was actually bound. And that registration does not include a pointer back to the
            // registering producer. So without modifying all providers in the wild, index builders will just have
            // to deal with event storms they don't care about.
            getLog().debug("Skipping index for event " + event + " in index builder [" + getName()
                    + "] because it did not validate", e);


    protected Map validateAddResourceEvent(Event event)
            throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException {
        final Map validationContext = Maps.newHashMap();
        validateServiceEnabled(event, validationContext);
        validateResourceName(event, validationContext);
        validateContentProducer(event, validationContext);
        validateIndexable(event, validationContext);
        validateIndexAction(event, validationContext);
        completeAddResourceEventValidations(event, validationContext);
        return validationContext;

    protected void validateServiceEnabled(Event event, Map validationContext)
            throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException {
        if (!isEnabled()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("ElasticSearch is not enabled. Set search.enable=true to change that.");

    protected void validateResourceName(Event event, Map validationContext)
            throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException {
        String resourceName = event.getResource();
        if (resourceName == null) {
            // default if null (historical behavior)
            resourceName = "";
        if (resourceName.length() > 255) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entity Reference is longer than 255 characters. Reference="
                    + resourceName);
        validationContext.put(ADD_RESOURCE_VALIDATION_KEY_RESOURCE_NAME, resourceName);

    protected void validateContentProducer(Event event, Map validationContext)
            throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException {
        final EntityContentProducer ecp = newEntityContentProducer(event);

        if (ecp == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No registered SearchableContentProducer for event [" + event
                    + "] in indexBuilder [" + getName() + "]");
        validationContext.put(ADD_RESOURCE_VALIDATION_KEY_CONTENT_PRODUCER, ecp);

    protected void validateIndexable(Event event, Map validationContext)
            throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException {
        final EntityContentProducer ecp = (EntityContentProducer)validationContext.get(ADD_RESOURCE_VALIDATION_KEY_CONTENT_PRODUCER);
        final String resourceName = (String)validationContext.get(ADD_RESOURCE_VALIDATION_KEY_RESOURCE_NAME);
        final String id = ecp.getId(resourceName);
        if ( StringUtils.isEmpty(id) ) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Entity ID could not be derived from resource name [" + resourceName
                    + "] for event [" + event + "] in index builder [" + getName() + "]");
        validationContext.put(ADD_RESOURCE_VALIDATION_KEY_ENTITY_ID, id);

    protected void validateIndexAction(Event event, Map validationContext)
            throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException, UnsupportedOperationException {
        final EntityContentProducer ecp = (EntityContentProducer)validationContext.get(ADD_RESOURCE_VALIDATION_KEY_CONTENT_PRODUCER);
        final IndexAction action = IndexAction.getAction(ecp.getAction(event));
        if ( !(isSupportedIndexAction(action)) ) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Event [" + event
                    + "] resolved to an unsupported IndexAction [" + action + "] in index builder [" + getName() + "]");
        validationContext.put(ADD_RESOURCE_VALIDATION_KEY_INDEX_ACTION, action);

    protected boolean isSupportedIndexAction(IndexAction action) {
        return IndexAction.ADD.equals(action) || IndexAction.DELETE.equals(action);

    protected abstract void completeAddResourceEventValidations(Event event, Map validationContext)
            throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException;

    protected void dispatchValidatedAddResource(Map validationContext) {
        final IndexAction indexAction = (IndexAction)validationContext.get(ADD_RESOURCE_VALIDATION_KEY_INDEX_ACTION);
        final String resourceName = (String)validationContext.get(ADD_RESOURCE_VALIDATION_KEY_RESOURCE_NAME);
        final EntityContentProducer ecp = (EntityContentProducer)validationContext.get(ADD_RESOURCE_VALIDATION_KEY_CONTENT_PRODUCER);
        getLog().debug("Action on '" + resourceName + "' detected as " + + " in index builder "
                + getName());

        switch (indexAction) {
            case ADD:
                indexAdd(resourceName, ecp);
            case DELETE:
                // Should never happen if validation process was implemented correctly
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException(indexAction + " is not supported in index builder " + getName());

    protected Map extractDeleteDocumentParams(Map validationContext) {
        final Map params = Maps.newHashMap();
        return params;

     * Extract properties from the given {@link EntityContentProducer}

* The {@link EntityContentProducer#getCustomProperties(String)} method returns a map of different kind of elements. * To avoid casting and calls to {@code instanceof}, extractCustomProperties does all the work and returns a formated * map containing only {@link Collection}. *

* * @param resourceName affected resource * @param contentProducer producer providing properties for the given resource * @return a formated map of {@link Collection} */ protected Map> extractCustomProperties(String resourceName, EntityContentProducer contentProducer) { Map m = contentProducer.getCustomProperties(resourceName); if (m == null) return Collections.emptyMap(); Map> properties = new HashMap>(m.size()); for (Map.Entry propertyEntry : m.entrySet()) { String propertyName = propertyEntry.getKey(); Object propertyValue = propertyEntry.getValue(); Collection values; //Check for basic data type that could be provided by the EntityContentProducer //If the data type can't be defined, nothing is stored. The toString method could be called, but some values //could be not meant to be indexed. if (propertyValue instanceof String) values = Collections.singleton((String) propertyValue); else if (propertyValue instanceof String[]) values = Arrays.asList((String[]) propertyValue); else if (propertyValue instanceof Collection) values = (Collection) propertyValue; else { if (propertyValue != null) getLog().warn("Couldn't find what the value for '" + propertyName + "' was. It has been ignored. " + propertyName.getClass()); values = Collections.emptyList(); } //If this property was already present there (this shouldn't happen, but if it does everything must be stored if (properties.containsKey(propertyName)) { getLog().warn("Two properties had a really similar name and were merged. This shouldn't happen! " + propertyName); getLog().debug("Merged values '" + properties.get(propertyName) + "' with '" + values); values = new ArrayList(values); values.addAll(properties.get(propertyName)); } properties.put(propertyName, values); } return properties; } @Override public SearchResponse search(String searchTerms, List references, List siteIds, int start, int end) { final Pair searchBuilders = prepareSearchRequest(searchTerms, references, siteIds, start, end); final SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder = searchBuilders.getLeft(); final QueryBuilder queryBuilder = searchBuilders.getRight(); getLog().debug("Search request from index builder [" + getName() + "]: " + searchRequestBuilder.toString()); SearchResponse response = searchRequestBuilder.execute().actionGet(); getLog().debug("Search request from index builder [" + getName() + "] took: " + response.getTook().format());, SearchService.EVENT_SEARCH_REF + queryBuilder.toString(), true, NotificationService.PREF_IMMEDIATE)); return response; } @Override public SearchResponse search(String searchTerms, List references, List siteIds, int start, int end, Map additionalSearchInformation) { //The additional information will be used in specific indexes, so this method can be overrided in the index // to make use of that field. return search(searchTerms,references,siteIds,start,end); } protected Pair prepareSearchRequest(String searchTerms, List references, List siteIds, int start, int end) { // All this Pair business b/c: // a) Legacy eventing in search() needs the QueryBuilder, not just the SearchRequestBuilder, and // b) SiteId handling entails manipulation of both objects, so presumably completeSearchRequestBuilders() // would as well // c) There is no getQuery() on SearchRequestBuilder Pair builders = newSearchRequestAndQueryBuilders(searchTerms, references, siteIds); builders = addSearchCoreParams(builders, searchTerms, references, siteIds); builders = addSearchQuery(builders, searchTerms, references, siteIds); builders = pairOf(addSearchResultFields(builders.getLeft()), builders.getRight()); builders = pairOf(addSearchPagination(builders.getLeft(), start, end), builders.getRight()); builders = pairOf(addSearchFacetting(builders.getLeft()), builders.getRight()); return completeSearchRequestBuilders(builders, searchTerms, references, siteIds); } protected Pair newSearchRequestAndQueryBuilders(String searchTerms, List references, List siteIds) { return pairOf(client.prepareSearch(indexName), boolQuery()); } protected Pair addSearchCoreParams(Pair builders, String searchTerms, List references, List siteIds) { final SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder = builders.getLeft(); return pairOf(searchRequestBuilder.setSearchType(SearchType.QUERY_THEN_FETCH).setTypes(indexedDocumentType), builders.getRight()); } protected Pair addSearchQuery(Pair builders, String searchTerms, List references, List siteIds) { builders = addSearchTerms(builders, searchTerms); builders = addSearchReferences(builders, references); builders = addSearchSiteIds(builders, siteIds); return pairOf(builders.getLeft().setQuery(builders.getRight()), builders.getRight()); } protected Pair addSearchTerms(Pair builders, String searchTerms) { BoolQueryBuilder query = (BoolQueryBuilder)builders.getRight(); if (searchTerms.contains(":")) { String[] termWithType = searchTerms.split(":"); String termType = termWithType[0]; String termValue = termWithType[1]; // little fragile but seems like most providers follow this convention, there isn't a nice way to get the type // without a handle to a reference. query = query.must(termQuery(SearchService.FIELD_TYPE, "sakai:" + termType)); query = query.must(matchQuery(SearchService.FIELD_CONTENTS, termValue)); } else { query = query.must(matchQuery(SearchService.FIELD_CONTENTS, searchTerms)); } return pairOf(builders.getLeft(), query); } protected Pair addSearchReferences(Pair builders, List references) { BoolQueryBuilder query = (BoolQueryBuilder)builders.getRight(); if (references.size() > 0){ query = query.must(termsQuery(SearchService.FIELD_REFERENCE, references.toArray(new String[references.size()]))); } return pairOf(builders.getLeft(), query); } protected abstract Pair addSearchSiteIds(Pair builders, List siteIds); protected SearchRequestBuilder addSearchResultFields(SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder) { if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(searchResultFieldNames)) { return searchRequestBuilder; } return searchRequestBuilder.addFields(searchResultFieldNames); } protected SearchRequestBuilder addSearchPagination(SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder, int start, int end) { return searchRequestBuilder.setFrom(start).setSize(end - start); } protected SearchRequestBuilder addSearchFacetting(SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder) { if(useFacetting) { return searchRequestBuilder.addFacet(termsFacet(facetName).field("contents.lowercase").size(facetTermSize)); } return searchRequestBuilder; } protected abstract Pair completeSearchRequestBuilders(Pair builders, String searchTerms, List references, List siteIds); @Override public String[] searchSuggestions(String searchString, String currentSite, boolean allMySites) { if (!useSuggestions) { return new String[0]; } final Pair builders = prepareSearchSuggestionsRequest(searchString, currentSite, allMySites); final SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder = builders.getLeft(); getLog().debug("Search request from index builder [" + getName() + "]: " + searchRequestBuilder); SearchResponse response = searchRequestBuilder.execute().actionGet(); getLog().debug("Search request from index builder [" + getName() + "] took: " + response.getTook().format()); List suggestions = Lists.newArrayList(); for (SearchHit hit : response.getHits()) { suggestions.add(getFieldFromSearchHit(suggestionMatchingFieldName, hit)); } return suggestions.toArray(new String[suggestions.size()]); } protected Pair prepareSearchSuggestionsRequest(String searchString, String currentSite, boolean allMySites) { Pair builders = newSearchSuggestionsRequestAndQueryBuilders(searchString, currentSite, allMySites); builders = addSearchSuggestionsCoreParams(builders, searchString, currentSite, allMySites); builders = addSearchSuggestionsQuery(builders, searchString, currentSite, allMySites); builders = pairOf(addSearchSuggestionResultFields(builders.getLeft()), builders.getRight()); builders = pairOf(addSearchSuggestionsPagination(builders.getLeft()), builders.getRight()); return completeSearchSuggestionsRequestBuilders(builders, searchString, currentSite, allMySites); } protected abstract Pair completeSearchSuggestionsRequestBuilders(Pair builders, String searchString, String currentSite, boolean allMySites); protected Pair newSearchSuggestionsRequestAndQueryBuilders(String searchString, String currentSite, boolean allMySites) { return pairOf(client.prepareSearch(indexName), termQuery(suggestionMatchingFieldName, searchString)); } protected Pair addSearchSuggestionsCoreParams(Pair builders, String searchString, String currentSite, boolean allMySites) { final SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder = builders.getLeft(); return pairOf(searchRequestBuilder.setSearchType(SearchType.QUERY_THEN_FETCH).setTypes(indexedDocumentType), builders.getRight()); } protected Pair addSearchSuggestionsQuery(Pair builders, String searchString, String currentSite, boolean allMySites) { builders = addSearchSuggestionsTerms(builders, searchString); builders = addSearchSuggestionsSites(builders, currentSite, allMySites); return pairOf(builders.getLeft().setQuery(builders.getRight()), builders.getRight()); } protected abstract Pair addSearchSuggestionsTerms(Pair builders, String searchString); protected abstract Pair addSearchSuggestionsSites(Pair builders, String currentSite, boolean allMySites); protected SearchRequestBuilder addSearchSuggestionResultFields(SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder) { if (ArrayUtils.isEmpty(suggestionResultFieldNames)) { return searchRequestBuilder; } return searchRequestBuilder.addFields(suggestionResultFieldNames); } protected SearchRequestBuilder addSearchSuggestionsPagination(SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder) { return searchRequestBuilder.setSize(maxNumberOfSuggestions); } public StringBuilder getStatus(StringBuilder into) { assureIndex(); IndicesStatusResponse response = client.admin().indices().status(new IndicesStatusRequest(indexName)).actionGet(); IndexStatus status = response.getIndices().get(indexName); long pendingDocs = getPendingDocuments(); into.append("Index builder: ").append(getName()); if (pendingDocs != 0) { into.append(" active. " + pendingDocs + " pending items in queue. "); } else { into.append(" idle. "); } into.append("Index Size: " + roundTwoDecimals(status.getStoreSize().getGbFrac()) + " GB" + " Refresh Time: " + status.getRefreshStats().getTotalTimeInMillis() + "ms" + " Flush Time: " + status.getFlushStats().getTotalTimeInMillis() + "ms" + " Merge Time: " + status.getMergeStats().getTotalTimeInMillis() + "ms"); return into; } protected double roundTwoDecimals(double d) { DecimalFormat twoDForm = new DecimalFormat("#.##"); return Double.valueOf(twoDForm.format(d)); } @Override public int getNDocs() { assureIndex(); CountResponse response = client.prepareCount(indexName) .setQuery(filteredQuery(matchAllQuery(),termFilter(SearchService.FIELD_INDEXED, true))) .execute() .actionGet(); return (int) response.getCount(); } @Override public SearchStatus getSearchStatus() { final String lastLoadStr = new Date(lastLoad).toString(); final String loadTimeStr = String.valueOf((double) (0.001 * lastLoad)); final String pdocs = String.valueOf(getPendingDocuments()); final String ndocs = String.valueOf(getNDocs()); return new SearchStatus() { public String getLastLoad() { return lastLoadStr; } public String getLoadTime() { return loadTimeStr; } public String getCurrentWorker() { return null; } public String getCurrentWorkerETC() { return null; } public List getWorkerNodes() { return Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } public String getNDocuments() { return ndocs; } public String getPDocuments() { return pdocs; } }; } /** * Find a {@link EntityContentProducer} capable of handling the given entity reference, or null if no * such producer has been registered. * * @param ref the entity reference */ @Override public EntityContentProducer newEntityContentProducer(String ref) { final Optional producer = matchEntityContentProducer(p -> p.matches(ref)); if ( producer.isPresent() ) { getLog().debug("Matched content producer " + producer.get() + " for reference " + ref + " in index builder " + getName()); return producer.get(); } getLog().debug("Failed to match any content producer for reference " + ref + " in index builder " + getName()); return null; } /** * Find a {@link EntityContentProducer} capable of handling the given {@code Event}, or null if no * such producer has been registered. * * @param event * @return */ @Override public EntityContentProducer newEntityContentProducer(Event event) { final Optional producer = matchEntityContentProducer(p -> p.matches(event)); if ( producer.isPresent() ) { getLog().debug("Matched content producer " + producer.get() + " for event " + event + " in index builder " + getName()); return producer.get(); } getLog().debug("Failed to match any content producer for event " + event + " in index builder " + getName()); return null; } protected Optional matchEntityContentProducer(Predicate matcher) { return; } /** * get all the producers registered, as a clone to avoid concurrent * modification exceptions * * @return */ @Override public List getContentProducers() { return Lists.newArrayList(producers); } /** * register an entity content producer to provide content to the search * engine {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void registerEntityContentProducer(EntityContentProducer ecp) { getLog().debug("register " + ecp); // no synchronization here b/c: // a) producers collection internally threadsafe, and // b) event registrations are append-only and order isn't important, so interleaved updateEventsFor() calls // will result in the same functional end state // c) we know the updateEventsFor() impl will serialize invocations anyway producers.add(ecp); if ( eventRegistrar != null ) { eventRegistrar.updateEventsFor(this); } } @Override public Set getContentFunctions() { return .filter(ecp -> ecp instanceof EntityContentProducerEvents) .flatMap(ecp -> ((EntityContentProducerEvents)ecp).getTriggerFunctions().stream()) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); } /** * Establish a security advisor to allow the "embedded" work to occur with no need for additional security permissions. */ protected void enableAzgSecurityAdvisor() { // put in a security advisor so we can do our work without need of further permissions securityService.pushAdvisor(allowAllAdvisor); } /** * Disable the security advisor. */ protected void disableAzgSecurityAdvisor() { SecurityAdvisor popped = securityService.popAdvisor(allowAllAdvisor); if (!allowAllAdvisor.equals(popped)) { if (popped == null) { getLog().debug("Someone has removed our advisor."); } else { getLog().debug("Removed someone elses advisor, adding it back."); securityService.pushAdvisor(popped); } } } /** * loads the field from the SearchHit. Loads from field not from source since * we aren't storing the source. * @param field * @param hit * @return */ @Override public String getFieldFromSearchHit(String field, SearchHit hit) { if (hit != null && hit.getFields() != null && hit.getFields().get(field) != null) { return hit.getFields().get(field).value(); } return null; } protected Pair pairOf(L left, R right) { return new ImmutablePair<>(left,right); } @Override public List getAllSearchItems() { return null; } public void setIndexedDocumentType(String indexedDocumentType){ this.indexedDocumentType = indexedDocumentType; } public void setTestMode(boolean testMode) { this.testMode = testMode; } public void setRebuildIndexOnStartup(boolean rebuildIndexOnStartup) { this.rebuildIndexOnStartup = rebuildIndexOnStartup; } @Override public boolean getUseFacetting() { return this.useFacetting; } public void setUseFacetting(boolean useFacetting) { this.useFacetting = useFacetting; } public void setFacetName(String facetName) { this.facetName = facetName; } public void setMaxNumberOfSuggestions(int maxNumberOfSuggestions) { this.maxNumberOfSuggestions = maxNumberOfSuggestions; } public void setUseSuggestions(boolean useSuggestions) { this.useSuggestions = useSuggestions; } public void setSuggestionResultFieldNames(String[] suggestionResultFieldNames) { this.suggestionResultFieldNames = suggestionResultFieldNames; } public void setSuggestionMatchingFieldName(String suggestionMatchingFieldName) { this.suggestionMatchingFieldName = suggestionMatchingFieldName; } public void setSearchResultFieldNames(String[] searchResultFieldNames) { this.searchResultFieldNames = searchResultFieldNames; } public void setFilter(SearchItemFilter filter) { this.filter = filter; } @Override public SearchItemFilter getFilter() { return filter; } @Override public String getFacetName() { return facetName; } public void setFacetTermSize(int facetTermSize) { this.facetTermSize = facetTermSize; } @Override public String getName() { return; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public void setIndexName(String indexName) { //elasticsearch wants lowers case index names this.indexName = indexName.toLowerCase(); } public void setDefaultIndexSettingsResource(String defaultIndexSettingsResource) { this.defaultIndexSettingsResource = defaultIndexSettingsResource; } public void setMapping(String mapping) { this.mapping = mapping; } public void setIndexSettings(String indexSettings) { this.indexSettings = indexSettings; } public void setDefaultMappingResource(String defaultMappingResource) { this.defaultMappingResource = defaultMappingResource; } public void setDelay(int delay) { this.delay = delay; } public void setPeriod(int period) { this.period = period; } public void setContentIndexBatchSize(int contentIndexBatchSize) { this.contentIndexBatchSize = contentIndexBatchSize; } public void setBulkRequestSize(int bulkRequestSize) { this.bulkRequestSize = bulkRequestSize; } public void setSecurityService(SecurityService securityService) { this.securityService = securityService; } public void setServerConfigurationService(ServerConfigurationService serverConfigurationService) { this.serverConfigurationService = serverConfigurationService; } public void setEventTrackingService(EventTrackingService eventTrackingService) { this.eventTrackingService = eventTrackingService; } public void setTriggerFunctions(Collection triggerFunctions) { this.triggerFunctions = (triggerFunctions instanceof Set) ? (Set)triggerFunctions : Sets.newHashSet(triggerFunctions); } @Override public Set getTriggerFunctions() { return triggerFunctions; } @Override public List getGlobalMasterSearchItems() { return Collections.emptyList(); } protected abstract Logger getLog(); public enum IndexAction { /** * Action Unknown, usually because the record has just been created */ UNKNOWN(SearchBuilderItem.ACTION_UNKNOWN), /** * Action ADD the record to the search engine, if the doc ID is set, then * remove first, if not set, check its not there. */ ADD(SearchBuilderItem.ACTION_ADD), /** * Action DELETE the record from the search engine, once complete delete the * record */ DELETE(SearchBuilderItem.ACTION_DELETE), /** * The action REBUILD causes the indexer thread to rebuild the index from * scratch, re-fetching all entities This should only ever appear on the * master record */ REBUILD(SearchBuilderItem.ACTION_REBUILD), /** * The action REFRESH causes the indexer thread to refresh the search index * from the current set of entities. If a Rebuild is in progress, the * refresh will not override the rebuild */ REFRESH(SearchBuilderItem.ACTION_REFRESH); private final int itemAction; private IndexAction(int itemAction) { this.itemAction = itemAction; } /** * Generate an IndexAction based on an action ID provided by the Search API * * @param itemActionId action ID used by the Search API * @return IndexAction matching the given ID, null if nothing has been found */ public static IndexAction getAction(int itemActionId) { for (IndexAction indexAction : values()) { if (indexAction.getItemAction() == itemActionId) return indexAction; } return null; } public int getItemAction() { return itemAction; } } }

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