Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* $URL: $
* $Id: 120353 2013-02-21 15:58:11Z [email protected] $
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 The Sakai Foundation
* Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.SecurityAdvisor;
import org.sakaiproject.authz.api.SecurityService;
import org.sakaiproject.component.cover.ServerConfigurationService;
import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentCollection;
import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentCollectionEdit;
import org.sakaiproject.content.api.ContentResource;
import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.Entity;
import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourceProperties;
import org.sakaiproject.entity.api.ResourcePropertiesEdit;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.IdUnusedException;
import org.sakaiproject.exception.PermissionException;
import org.sakaiproject.util.ResourceLoader;
import com.sun.syndication.feed.WireFeed;
import com.sun.syndication.feed.module.DCModuleImpl;
import com.sun.syndication.feed.module.itunes.EntryInformation;
import com.sun.syndication.feed.module.itunes.EntryInformationImpl;
import com.sun.syndication.feed.rss.Channel;
import com.sun.syndication.feed.rss.Description;
import com.sun.syndication.feed.rss.Enclosure;
import com.sun.syndication.feed.rss.Guid;
import com.sun.syndication.feed.rss.Item;
public class BasicPodfeedService implements PodfeedService {
/** MIME type for the global description of the feed **/
private static final String DESCRIPTION_CONTENT_TYPE = "text/plain";
/** The default feed type. Currently rss_2.0 **/
private static final String defaultFeedType = "rss_2.0";
/** The default language type. Currently 'en-us' **/
private static final String LANGUAGE = "en-us";
/** Used to get the global feed title which is a property of Podcasts folder **/
private final String PODFEED_TITLE = "podfeedTitle";
/** Used to grab the default feed title prefix */
private final String FEED_TITLE_STRING = "feed_title";
/** Used to get the global feed description which is a property of Podcasts folder **/
private final String PODFEED_DESCRIPTION = "podfeedDescription";
/** Used to pull copyright statement from file */
private final String FEED_COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT = "podfeed_copyrighttext";
/** Used to get the copyright statement if stored in Podcasts folder */
private final String PODFEED_COPYRIGHT = "feed_copyright";
/** Used to pull generator value from file */
private final String FEED_GENERATOR_STRING = "podfeed_generator";
/** Used to pull generator value from Podcasts folder */
private final String PODFEED_GENERATOR = "feed_generator";
/** Used to pull item author from file */
private final String FEED_ITEM_AUTHOR_STRING = "podfeed_author";
/** Used to get the default feed description pieces from the message bundle */
private final String FEED_DESC1_STRING = "feed_desc1";
private final String FEED_DESC2_STRING = "feed_desc2";
/** Used to pull message bundle */
private final String PODFEED_MESSAGE_BUNDLE = "org.sakaiproject.api.podcasts.bundle.Messages";
private ResourceLoader resbud = new ResourceLoader(PODFEED_MESSAGE_BUNDLE);
private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(BasicPodfeedService.class);
private PodcastService podcastService;
private PodcastPermissionsService podcastPermissionsService;
private SecurityService securityService;
private SiteService siteService;
* @param securityService
* The securityService to set.
public void setSecurityService(SecurityService securityService) {
this.securityService = securityService;
* @param podcastService
* The podcastService to set.
public void setPodcastService(PodcastService podcastService) {
this.podcastService = podcastService;
* @param siteService
* The siteService to set.
public void setSiteService(SiteService siteService) {
this.siteService = siteService;
public void setPodcastPermissionsService(PodcastPermissionsService podcastPermissionsService) {
this.podcastPermissionsService = podcastPermissionsService;
public void init() {
checkSet(podcastService, "podcastService");
checkSet(podcastPermissionsService, "podcastPermissionsService");
checkSet(securityService, "securityService");
checkSet(siteService, "siteService");
* Gets the podcast folder collection ResourceProperties
* @param siteId
* The site id whose podcast folder ResourceProperties wanted
* @return ResourceProperties
* The ResourceProperties collection for the podcasts folder
private ResourceProperties getPodcastCollectionProperties(String siteId) {
ContentCollection contentCollection = null;
ResourceProperties rp = null;
try {
contentCollection = podcastService.getContentCollection(siteId);
rp = contentCollection.getProperties();
catch (Exception e) {
// catches IdUnusedException, PermissionException
LOG.error(e.getMessage() + " attempting to get feed title (getting podcast folder) "
+ "for site: " + siteId + ". " + e.getMessage(), e);
throw new PodcastException(e);
finally {
return rp;
* Returns the podfeed global title from content hosting via the podcastService
* @return String
* The global podfeed title
public String getPodfeedTitle() {
return getPodfeedTitle(podcastService.getSiteId());
* Gets the title for the feed from podcast folder's properties.
* @param siteId
* The site id
* @return String
* The global podfeed title
public String getPodfeedTitle(String siteId) {
String feedTitle = null;
try {
ResourceProperties rp = getPodcastCollectionProperties(siteId);
feedTitle = rp.getProperty(PODFEED_TITLE);
/* For site where not added to folder upon creation
* and has not been revised/updated */
if (feedTitle == null) {
feedTitle = siteService.getSite(siteId).getTitle() + getMessageBundleString(FEED_TITLE_STRING);"No saved feed title found for site: " + siteId + ". Using " + feedTitle);
catch (IdUnusedException e) {
LOG.error("IdUnusedException attempting to get feed title (getting podcast folder) "
+ "for site: " + siteId + ". " + e.getMessage(), e);
throw new PodcastException(e);
return feedTitle;
* Stores the title for the feed in the podcast folder's resources
* @param String
* The title for the feed
public void setPodfeedTitle(String feedTitle) {
setPodfeedTitle(feedTitle, podcastService.getSiteId());
* Stores the title for the feed in the podcast folder's resources. Used by
* the actual feed so need to pass in the siteId also.
* @param feedTitle
* The title for the feed
* @param siteId
* The siteId whose feed is being titled
public void setPodfeedTitle(String feedTitle, String siteId) {
storeProperty(PODFEED_TITLE, feedTitle, siteId);
* Returns the String of the global feed description
public String getPodfeedDescription() {
return getPodfeedDescription(podcastService.getSiteId());
* Returns the global feed description.
* @param siteId
* The site id to get the feed description from
* @return String
* The global feed description
public String getPodfeedDescription(String siteId) {
String feedDescription = null;
try {
ResourceProperties rp = getPodcastCollectionProperties(siteId);
feedDescription = rp.getProperty(PODFEED_DESCRIPTION);
/* For site where not added to folder upon creation
* and has not been revised/updated */
if (feedDescription == null) {
feedDescription = siteService.getSite(siteId).getTitle()
+ getMessageBundleString(FEED_DESC1_STRING)
+ getMessageBundleString(FEED_DESC2_STRING);"No feed description found for site: " + siteId + ". Using " + feedDescription);
catch (IdUnusedException e) {
LOG.error("IdUnusedException attempting to get feed title (getting podcast folder) "
+ "for site: " + siteId + ". " + e.getMessage(), e);
throw new PodcastException(e);
return feedDescription;
* Returns the global feed generator String.
public void setPodfeedDescription(String feedDescription) {
setPodfeedDescription(feedDescription, podcastService.getSiteId());
* Sets the description for the feed.
* @param feedDescription
* The String containing the feed description.
* @param siteId
* The siteId where to store the description
public void setPodfeedDescription(String feedDescription, String siteId) {
storeProperty(PODFEED_DESCRIPTION, feedDescription, siteId);
public String getPodfeedGenerator() {
return getPodfeedGenerator(podcastService.getSiteId());
* Returns the global feed generator string.
* @param siteId
* The site id to get the feed description from
* @return String
* The global feed generator string.
public String getPodfeedGenerator(String siteId) {
// Generator consists of 3 parts, first 2 pulled from
// ui.service - institution name
// version.service - version number for the instance
// last part is url of this instance
final String localSakaiName = ServerConfigurationService.getString("ui.service","Sakai"); //localsakainame
final String versionNumber = ServerConfigurationService.getString("version.service", "?");//dev
final String portalUrl = ServerConfigurationService.getPortalUrl(); //last part exactly http://
final String generatorString = localSakaiName + " " + versionNumber + " " +
portalUrl.substring(0, portalUrl.lastIndexOf("/")+1);
return generatorString;
public void setPodfeedGenerator(String feedGenerator) {
setPodfeedGenerator(feedGenerator, podcastService.getSiteId());
* Sets the description for the feed.
* @param feedDescription
* The String containing the feed description.
* @param siteId
* The siteId where to store the description
public void setPodfeedGenerator(String feedGenerator, String siteId) {
storeProperty(PODFEED_GENERATOR, feedGenerator, siteId);
public String getPodfeedCopyright() {
return getPodfeedCopyright(podcastService.getSiteId());
* Returns the global feed generator string.
* @param siteId
* The site id to get the feed description from
* @return String
* The global feed generator string.
public String getPodfeedCopyright(String siteId) {
String currentCopyright=retrievePropValue(PODFEED_COPYRIGHT, siteId, FEED_COPYRIGHT_STATEMENT);
Calendar rightNow = Calendar.getInstance();
int year = rightNow.get(Calendar.YEAR);
Object[] arguments = {
new Integer(year).toString()
MessageFormat form = new MessageFormat(currentCopyright);
String returnCopyright = form.format(arguments);
return returnCopyright;
* Sets feed copyright statement from within site.
public void setPodfeedCopyright(String feedCopyright) {
setPodfeedCopyright(feedCopyright, podcastService.getSiteId());
* Sets the description for the feed.
* @param feedDescription
* The String containing the feed description.
* @param siteId
* The siteId where to store the description
public void setPodfeedCopyright(String feedCopyright, String siteId) {
storeProperty(PODFEED_COPYRIGHT, feedCopyright, siteId);
* Returns the property value for the property requested if stored within the
* Podcasts folder resource of the site id passed in. If not stored, retrieves
* the value from the Message bundle.
* @param propName
* The name of the property wanted.
* @param siteId
* The id of the site wanted.
* @param bundleName
* The name within the Message bundle for the default string.
* @return
* String containing either the stored property or the default Message bundle one.
private String retrievePropValue(String propName, String siteId, String bundleName) {
String propValue = null;
ResourceProperties rp = getPodcastCollectionProperties(siteId);
propValue = rp.getProperty(propName);
/* For site where not added to folder upon creation
* and has not been revised/updated */
if (propValue == null || "".equals(propValue)) {
propValue = getMessageBundleString(bundleName);
return propValue;
* Stores the property propValue in the Podcasts folder resource under the name propName
* @param propName
* The name within the resource to store the value
* @param propValue
* The value to store
* @param siteId
* Which site's Podcasts folder to store this property within.
private void storeProperty(final String propName, String propValue, String siteId) {
ContentCollectionEdit contentCollection = null;
try {
contentCollection = podcastService.getContentCollectionEditable(siteId);
ResourcePropertiesEdit rp = contentCollection.getPropertiesEdit();
if (rp.getProperty(propName) != null) {
rp.addProperty(propName, propValue);
catch (Exception e) {
// catches IdUnusedException, PermissionException
LOG.error(e.getMessage() + " attempting to add property " + propName
+ " for site: " + siteId + ". " + e.getMessage(), e);
throw new PodcastException(e);
* This method generates the RSS feed
* @return String
* The feed XML file as a string
public String generatePodcastRSS() {
return generatePodcastRSS(podcastService.getSiteId(), null);
* This method generates the RSS feed
* @param siteID
* The site id whose feed needs to be generated
* @param ftyle
* The feed type (for potential future development) - currently rss 2.0
* @return String
* The feed document as a String
public String generatePodcastRSS(String siteId, String ftype) {
final String feedType = (ftype != null) ? ftype : defaultFeedType;
Date pubDate = null;
Date lastBuildDate = null;
// put each podcast entry/episode into a list
List entries = populatePodcastArray(siteId);
// Pull first entry if not null in order to establish publish date
// for entire feed. Pull the second to get lastBuildDate
if (entries != null) {
Iterator iter = entries.iterator();
if (iter.hasNext()) {
Item firstPodcast = (Item);
pubDate = firstPodcast.getPubDate();
if (iter.hasNext()) {
Item nextPodcast = (Item);
lastBuildDate = nextPodcast.getPubDate();
else {
// only one, so use the first podcast date
lastBuildDate = pubDate;
else {
// There are no podcasts to present, so use today
pubDate = new Date();
lastBuildDate = pubDate;
// pull global information for the feed into a Map so
// can be passed all at once
Map feedInfo = new HashMap();
feedInfo.put("title", getPodfeedTitle(siteId));
feedInfo.put("desc", getPodfeedDescription(siteId));
feedInfo.put("gen", getPodfeedGenerator(siteId));
// This is the URL for the actual feed.
feedInfo.put("url", ServerConfigurationService.getServerUrl()
+ Entity.SEPARATOR + "podcasts/site/" + siteId);
feedInfo.put("copyright", getPodfeedCopyright(siteId));
final WireFeed podcastFeed = doSyndication(feedInfo, entries, feedType,
pubDate, lastBuildDate);
final WireFeedOutput wireWriter = new WireFeedOutput();
try {
return wireWriter.outputString(podcastFeed);
} catch (FeedException e) {
"Feed exception while attempting to write out the final xml file. "
+ "for site: " + siteId + ". " + e.getMessage(), e);
throw new PodcastException(e);
* This pulls the podcasts from Resourses and stuffs it in a list to be
* added to the feed
* @param siteId
* The site to pull the individual podcasts from
* @return List The list of podcast entries from ContentHosting
private List populatePodcastArray(String siteId) {
List podEntries = null;
List entries = new ArrayList();
try {
if (podcastService.isPodcastFolderHidden(siteId)) {
return entries;
else {
// get the individual podcasts
podEntries = podcastService.getPodcasts(siteId);
// remove any that user cannot access
// need to popAdvisor since now group aware need to
// check if need to filter podcasts based on group membership
podEntries = podcastService.filterPodcasts(podEntries, siteId);
catch (PermissionException e) {
LOG.error("PermissionException getting podcasts in order to generate podfeed for site: "
+ siteId + ". " + e.getMessage(), e);
throw new PodcastException(e);
catch (Exception e) { + "for site: " + siteId, e);
throw new PodcastException(e);
finally {
if (podEntries != null) {
// get the iterator
Iterator podcastIter = podEntries.iterator();
while (podcastIter.hasNext()) {
// get its properties from ContentHosting
ContentResource podcastResource = (ContentResource);
ResourceProperties podcastProperties = podcastResource.getProperties();
// publish date for this particular podcast
// SAK-12052: need to compare for hidden using local time
// then grab GMT time when storing for podcast feed
Date publishDate = null;
Date compareDate = null;
try {
if (podcastResource.getReleaseDate() != null) {
compareDate = new Date(podcastResource.getReleaseDate().getTime());
publishDate = podcastService.getGMTdate(podcastResource.getReleaseDate().getTime());
else {
// need to put in GMT for the feed
compareDate = new Date(podcastProperties.getTimeProperty(PodcastService.DISPLAY_DATE).getTime());
publishDate = podcastService.getGMTdate(podcastProperties.getTimeProperty(PodcastService.DISPLAY_DATE).getTime());
catch (Exception e) {
// catches EntityPropertyNotDefinedException, EntityPropertyTypeException
LOG.warn(e.getMessage() + " generating podfeed getting DISPLAY_DATE for entry for site: "
+ siteId + "while building feed. SKIPPING... " + e.getMessage(), e);
// if getting the date generates an error, skip this podcast.
if (publishDate != null && ! hiddenInUI(podcastResource, compareDate)) {
try {
Map podcastMap = new HashMap();
podcastMap.put("date", publishDate);
podcastMap.put("title", podcastProperties.getPropertyFormatted(ResourceProperties.PROP_DISPLAY_NAME));
String fileUrl = podcastService.getPodcastFileURL(podcastResource.getId());
podcastMap.put("guid", fileUrl);
final String podcastFolderId = podcastService.retrievePodcastFolderId(siteId);
// if site Display to Site, need to access actual podcasts thru Dav servlet
// so change item URLs to do so
if (!podcastService.isPublic(podcastFolderId)) {
fileUrl = convertToDavUrl(fileUrl);
podcastMap.put("url", fileUrl);
podcastMap.put("author", podcastProperties.getPropertyFormatted(ResourceProperties.PROP_CREATOR));
podcastMap.put("len", Long.parseLong(podcastProperties.getProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_CONTENT_LENGTH)));
podcastMap.put("type", podcastProperties.getProperty(ResourceProperties.PROP_CONTENT_TYPE));
catch (PermissionException e) {
// Problem with this podcast file - LOG and skip
LOG.error("PermissionException generating podfeed while adding entry for site: "
+ siteId + ". SKIPPING... " + e.getMessage(), e);
catch (IdUnusedException e) {
// Problem with this podcast file - LOG and skip
LOG.warn("IdUnusedException generating podfeed while adding entry for site: "
+ siteId + ". SKIPPING... " + e.getMessage(), e);
return entries;
* This add a particular podcast to the feed.
* @param title
* The title for this podcast
* @param mp3link
* The URL where the podcast is stored
* @param date
* The publish date for this podcast
* @param blogContent
* The description of this podcast
* @param cat
* The category of entry this is (Podcast)
* @param author
* The author of this podcast
* @return
* A SyndEntryImpl for this podcast
private Item addPodcast(Map values)
final Item item = new Item();
// set title for this podcast
item.setTitle((String) values.get("title"));
// Replace all occurrences of pattern (ie, spaces) in input
// with hex equivalent (%20)
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(" ");
String url = (String) values.get("url");
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(url);
url = matcher.replaceAll("%20");
// Set Publish date for this podcast/episode
// NOTE: date has local time, but when feed rendered,
// converts it to GMT
item.setPubDate((Date) values.get("date"));
// Set description for this podcast/episode
final Description itemDescription = new Description();
itemDescription.setValue((String) values.get("description"));
// Set guid for this podcast/episode
item.setGuid(new Guid());
item.getGuid().setValue((String) values.get("guid"));
// This creates the enclosure so podcatchers (iTunes) can
// find the podcasts
List enclosures = new ArrayList();
final Enclosure enc = new Enclosure();
enc.setType((String) values.get("type"));
enc.setLength((Long) values.get("len"));
// Currently uses 2 modules:
// iTunes for podcasting
// DCmodule since validators want email with author tag,
// so use dc:creator instead
List modules = new ArrayList();
// Generate the iTunes tags
final EntryInformation iTunesModule = new EntryInformationImpl();
iTunesModule.setSummary((String) values.get("description"));
// Set dc:creator tag
final DCModuleImpl dcModule = new DCModuleImpl();
dcModule.setCreator((String) values.get("author"));
return item;
* This puts the pieces together to generate the actual feed.
* @param title
* The global title for the podcast
* @param link
* The URL for the feed
* @param description_loc
* Global description of the feed
* @param copyright
* Copyright information
* @param entries
* The list of individual podcasts
* @param feedTyle
* The output feed type (for potential future development). Set to rss_2.0
* @param pubDate
* The date to set the publish date for this feed
* @eturn SyndFeed
* The entire podcast stuffed into a SyndFeed object
private Channel doSyndication(Map feedInfo, List entries,
String feedType, Date pubDate, Date lastBuildDate) {
final Channel channel = new Channel();
// FUTURE: How to determine what podcatcher supports and feed that to them
channel.setTitle((String) feedInfo.get("title"));
channel.setLink((String) feedInfo.get("url"));
channel.setDescription((String) feedInfo.get("desc"));
channel.setCopyright((String) feedInfo.get("copyright"));
channel.setGenerator((String) feedInfo.get("gen"));
// Used to remove the dc: tags from the channel level info
List modules = new ArrayList();
return channel;
* Establish a security advisor to allow the "embedded" azg work to occur
* with no need for additional security permissions.
protected void enablePodfeedSecurityAdvisor() {
// put in a security advisor so we can do our podcast work without need
// of further permissions
securityService.pushAdvisor(new SecurityAdvisor() {
public SecurityAdvice isAllowed(String userId, String function,
String reference) {
return SecurityAdvice.ALLOWED;
* Returns podcast folder id using either 'podcasts' or 'Podcasts'. If it
* cannot find or is denied access, it will return null.
* @param siteId
* The site to search
* @return String
* Contains the complete id for the podcast folder
public String retrievePodcastFolderId(String siteId) {
String podcastFolderId = null;
try {
podcastFolderId = podcastService.retrievePodcastFolderId(siteId);
catch (PermissionException e) {
// log and return null to indicate there was a problem generating
LOG.error("PermissionException while trying to retrieve Podcast folder Id string "
+ "while generating feed for site " + siteId + e.getMessage(), e);
finally {
return podcastFolderId;
* If site is Display to Site, need to retrieve files thru dav servlet.
* This converts a podcast URL to accomplish this.
* @param fileUrl
* The current file URL. Access is through content.
* @return String
* The changed URL that points to the dav servlet.
private String convertToDavUrl(String fileUrl) {
// Compile regular expression
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("access/content/group");
// Replace all occurrences of pattern in input
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(fileUrl);
fileUrl = matcher.replaceAll("dav");
return fileUrl;
* Determines if authenticated user has 'read' access to podcast collection folder
* @param id
* The id for the podcast collection folder
* @return
* TRUE - has read access, FALSE - does not
public boolean allowAccess(String id) {
return podcastPermissionsService.allowAccess(id);
* Returns whether podcast should be 'hidden' in UI. Conditions:
* Hidden property set
* Release date is in future
* Retract date is in past
* @param podcastResource
* The actual podcast to check
* @param tempDate
* Release date (if exists) or display date (older version)
private boolean hiddenInUI(ContentResource podcastResource, Date tempDate) {
return podcastPermissionsService.isResourceHidden(podcastResource, tempDate);
* Sets the Faces error message by pulling the message from the
* MessageBundle using the name passed in
* @param key
* The name in the MessageBundle for the message wanted
* @return String
* The string that is the value of the message
private String getMessageBundleString(String key) {
return resbud.getString(key);
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