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sangria.ast.QueryAst.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package sangria.ast

import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap

/** A complete GraphQL request operated on by a GraphQL service.
  * @param definitions
  *   The definitions, which primarily constitute the document.
  * @see
  *   [[]]
case class Document(
    definitions: Vector[Definition],
    override val trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    override val location: Option[AstLocation] = None,
    sourceMapper: Option[SourceMapper] = None)
    extends AstNode
    with WithTrailingComments {

  /** Map of operation name to its definition. */
  lazy val operations: Map[Option[String], OperationDefinition] = Map(definitions.collect {
    case op: OperationDefinition => -> op
  }: _*)

  /** Map of fragment name to its definition. */
  lazy val fragments: Map[String, FragmentDefinition] = Map(definitions.collect {
    case fragment: FragmentDefinition => -> fragment
  }: _*)

  lazy val source: Option[String] =

  def operationType(operationName: Option[String] = None): Option[OperationType] =

  /** Return the operation for the given name.
    * @return
    *   `None`, if no operations are defined or if the given name is ambiguous
  def operation(operationName: Option[String] = None): Option[OperationDefinition] =
    if (operationName.isEmpty && operations.size != 1)
    else if (operationName.isEmpty && operations.size == 1)
        .flatMap(opName => operations.get(Some(opName)))
        ) // FIXME This appears to return the first operation if the named one doesn't exist?

  def withoutSourceMapper: Document = copy(sourceMapper = None)

  override def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[Document]

  /** Merges two documents. The `sourceMapper`s are combined. */
  def merge(other: Document): Document = Document.merge(Vector(this, other))

  /** An alias for `merge`
  def +(other: Document): Document = merge(other)

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case that: Document =>
      that.canEqual(this) &&
      definitions == that.definitions &&
      location == that.location
    case _ => false

  private[this] lazy val hash =
    Seq(definitions, location).map(_.hashCode()).foldLeft(0)((a, b) => 31 * a + b)

  override def hashCode(): Int = hash

object Document {

  /** Provided a collection of ASTs, presumably each from different files, concatenate the ASTs
    * together into batched AST, useful for validating many GraphQL source files which together
    * represent one conceptual application.
    * The result `Document` will retain correlation to the original `sourceMapper`s.
  def merge(documents: Iterable[Document]): Document = {
    val originalSourceMappers = documents.flatMap(_.sourceMapper)
    val sourceMapper =
      if (originalSourceMappers.nonEmpty) Some(AggregateSourceMapper.merge(originalSourceMappers))
      else None

    Document(documents.toVector.flatMap(_.definitions), sourceMapper = sourceMapper)

  /** The most basic, but valid document with a stub `Query` type
  val emptyStub: Document =
          Vector(FieldDefinition("stub", NamedType("String"), Vector.empty)))))

case class InputDocument(
    values: Vector[Value],
    trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None,
    sourceMapper: Option[SourceMapper] = None)
    extends AstNode
    with WithTrailingComments {
  lazy val source: Option[String] =

  /** Merges two documents. The `sourceMapper` is lost along the way.
  def merge(other: InputDocument): InputDocument = InputDocument.merge(Vector(this, other))

  /** An alias for `merge`
  def +(other: InputDocument): InputDocument = merge(other)

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case that: InputDocument =>
      that.canEqual(this) &&
      values == that.values &&
      location == that.location
    case _ => false

  override def hashCode(): Int =
    Seq(values, location).map(_.hashCode()).foldLeft(0)((a, b) => 31 * a + b)

object InputDocument {
  def merge(documents: Iterable[InputDocument]): InputDocument =

sealed trait ConditionalFragment extends AstNode {
  def typeConditionOpt: Option[NamedType]

sealed trait WithComments extends AstNode {
  def comments: Vector[Comment]

sealed trait WithDescription extends AstNode {
  def description: Option[StringValue]

sealed trait WithTrailingComments {
  def trailingComments: Vector[Comment]

/** A GraphQL AST node that contains [[Selection selections]].
  * Most typically, this is a [[Field field]] that is of a composite type.
sealed trait SelectionContainer extends AstNode with WithComments with WithTrailingComments {

  /** The selection set contained within this node, if any. */
  def selections: Vector[Selection]
  def location: Option[AstLocation]

/** A definition in a [[Document GraphQL document]].
  * A GraphQL document consists primarily of definitions, which are either executable or
  * representative of a GraphQL type system. The executable definitions are
  * [[OperationDefinition operation]] and [[FragmentDefinition fragment definitions]]; those that
  * represent a type system fall into [[TypeSystemDefinition definition]] or
  * [[TypeSystemExtensionDefinition extension]] categories.
  * @see
  *   [[]]
sealed trait Definition extends AstNode

/** A definition of a GraphQL operation.
  * Every GraphQL request invokes a specific operation, possibly with values to substitute into the
  * operation's variables.
  * @param name
  *   The name of the operation. Optional only if there is only one operation in the
  *   [[Document document]]. Used for selecting the specific operation to invoke in a GraphQL
  *   request.
  * @param variables
  *   The variables that must be substituted into the operation. Values for these must be provided
  *   either by their defaults or with the GraphQL request.
  * @see
  *   [[]]
case class OperationDefinition(
    operationType: OperationType = OperationType.Query,
    name: Option[String] = None,
    variables: Vector[VariableDefinition] = Vector.empty,
    override val directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    override val selections: Vector[Selection],
    override val comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    override val trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    override val location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends Definition
    with WithDirectives
    with SelectionContainer

case class FragmentDefinition(
    name: String,
    typeCondition: NamedType,
    directives: Vector[Directive],
    selections: Vector[Selection],
    variables: Vector[VariableDefinition] = Vector.empty,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends Definition
    with ConditionalFragment
    with WithDirectives
    with SelectionContainer {
  lazy val typeConditionOpt: Option[NamedType] = Some(typeCondition)

/** A definition of a variable to an [[OperationDefinition operation]].
  * @param name
  *   Name of the variable being defined.
  * @param defaultValue
  *   Value that the variable should assume in an operation if none was provided with the GraphQL
  *   request.
  * @see
  *   [[]]
case class VariableDefinition(
    name: String,
    tpe: Type,
    defaultValue: Option[Value],
    override val directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    override val comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    override val location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends AstNode
    with WithComments
    with WithDirectives

sealed trait Type extends AstNode {
  def namedType: NamedType = {
    def loop(tpe: Type): NamedType = tpe match {
      case NotNullType(ofType, _) => loop(ofType)
      case ListType(ofType, _) => loop(ofType)
      case named: NamedType => named


case class NamedType(name: String, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends Type
case class NotNullType(ofType: Type, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends Type
case class ListType(ofType: Type, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends Type

sealed trait WithArguments extends AstNode {
  def arguments: Vector[Argument]

/** A component of information to be queried and returned.
  * Most typically a selection is a [[Field field]].
  * @see
  *   [[]]
sealed trait Selection extends AstNode with WithDirectives with WithComments

/** @see
  *   [[]]
case class Field(
    alias: Option[String],
    name: String,
    arguments: Vector[Argument],
    directives: Vector[Directive],
    override val selections: Vector[Selection],
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends Selection
    with SelectionContainer
    with WithArguments {
  lazy val outputName: String = alias.getOrElse(name)

case class FragmentSpread(
    name: String,
    directives: Vector[Directive],
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends Selection

case class InlineFragment(
    typeCondition: Option[NamedType],
    directives: Vector[Directive],
    selections: Vector[Selection],
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends Selection
    with ConditionalFragment
    with SelectionContainer {
  def typeConditionOpt: Option[NamedType] = typeCondition

sealed trait NameValue extends AstNode with WithComments {
  def name: String
  def value: Value

sealed trait WithDirectives extends AstNode {
  def directives: Vector[Directive]

case class Directive(
    name: String,
    arguments: Vector[Argument] = Vector.empty,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends AstNode
    with WithArguments
case class Argument(
    name: String,
    value: Value,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends NameValue

/** A value that can be substituted into a GraphQL operation [[VariableDefinition variable]].
  * Called "input values" in the GraphQL spec. Input values can be [[ScalarValue scalars]],
  * [[EnumValue enumeration values]], [[ListValue lists]], [[ObjectValue objects]], or
  * [[NullValue null values]].
  * @see
  *   [[]]
  * @group value
sealed trait Value extends AstNode with WithComments

/** @group scalar
sealed trait ScalarValue extends Value

/** @group scalar
case class IntValue(
    value: Int,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends ScalarValue

/** @group scalar
case class BigIntValue(
    value: BigInt,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends ScalarValue

/** @group scalar
case class FloatValue(
    value: Double,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends ScalarValue

/** @group scalar
case class BigDecimalValue(
    value: BigDecimal,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends ScalarValue

/** @group scalar
case class StringValue(
    value: String,
    block: Boolean = false,
    blockRawValue: Option[String] = None,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends ScalarValue

/** @group scalar
case class BooleanValue(
    value: Boolean,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends ScalarValue

/** @group value
case class EnumValue(
    value: String,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends Value

/** @group value
case class ListValue(
    values: Vector[Value],
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends Value

/** @group value
case class VariableValue(
    name: String,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends Value

/** @group value
case class NullValue(comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty, location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends Value

/** @group value
case class ObjectValue(
    fields: Vector[ObjectField],
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends Value {
  lazy val fieldsByName: Map[String, Value] =
    fields.foldLeft(ListMap.empty[String, Value]) { case (acc, field) =>
      acc + ( -> field.value)

/** @group value
object ObjectValue {
  def apply(fields: (String, Value)*): ObjectValue = ObjectValue( => ObjectField(f._1, f._2)))

case class ObjectField(
    name: String,
    value: Value,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends NameValue

case class Comment(text: String, location: Option[AstLocation] = None) extends AstNode

// Schema Definition

/** @group typesystem
case class ScalarTypeDefinition(
    name: String,
    directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    description: Option[StringValue] = None,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends TypeDefinition
    with WithDescription {
  def rename(newName: String): ScalarTypeDefinition = copy(name = newName)

/** @see
  *   [[]]
  * @group typesystem
case class FieldDefinition(
    name: String,
    fieldType: Type,
    arguments: Vector[InputValueDefinition],
    directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    description: Option[StringValue] = None,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends SchemaAstNode
    with WithDirectives
    with WithDescription

/** @group typesystem
case class InputValueDefinition(
    name: String,
    valueType: Type,
    defaultValue: Option[Value],
    directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    description: Option[StringValue] = None,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends SchemaAstNode
    with WithDirectives
    with WithDescription

/** @see
  *   [[]]
  * @group typesystem
case class ObjectTypeDefinition(
    name: String,
    interfaces: Vector[NamedType],
    fields: Vector[FieldDefinition],
    directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    description: Option[StringValue] = None,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends TypeDefinition
    with WithTrailingComments
    with WithDescription {
  def rename(newName: String): ObjectTypeDefinition = copy(name = newName)

/** @group typesystem
case class InterfaceTypeDefinition(
    name: String,
    fields: Vector[FieldDefinition],
    interfaces: Vector[NamedType],
    directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    description: Option[StringValue] = None,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends TypeDefinition
    with WithTrailingComments
    with WithDescription {
  def rename(newName: String): InterfaceTypeDefinition = copy(name = newName)

object InterfaceTypeDefinition {

  def apply(
      name: String,
      fields: Vector[FieldDefinition],
      directives: Vector[Directive],
      description: Option[StringValue],
      comments: Vector[Comment],
      trailingComments: Vector[Comment],
      location: Option[AstLocation]): InterfaceTypeDefinition = new InterfaceTypeDefinition(

/** @group typesystem
case class UnionTypeDefinition(
    name: String,
    types: Vector[NamedType],
    directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    description: Option[StringValue] = None,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends TypeDefinition
    with WithDescription {
  def rename(newName: String): UnionTypeDefinition = copy(name = newName)

/** @group typesystem
case class EnumTypeDefinition(
    name: String,
    values: Vector[EnumValueDefinition],
    directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    description: Option[StringValue] = None,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends TypeDefinition
    with WithTrailingComments
    with WithDescription {
  def rename(newName: String): EnumTypeDefinition = copy(name = newName)

/** @group typesystem
case class EnumValueDefinition(
    name: String,
    directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    description: Option[StringValue] = None,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends SchemaAstNode
    with WithDirectives
    with WithDescription

/** @group typesystem
case class InputObjectTypeDefinition(
    name: String,
    fields: Vector[InputValueDefinition],
    directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    description: Option[StringValue] = None,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends TypeDefinition
    with WithTrailingComments
    with WithDescription {
  def rename(newName: String): InputObjectTypeDefinition = copy(name = newName)

/** @group typesystem
case class ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition(
    name: String,
    interfaces: Vector[NamedType],
    fields: Vector[FieldDefinition],
    directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends ObjectLikeTypeExtensionDefinition
    with WithTrailingComments {
  def rename(newName: String): ObjectTypeExtensionDefinition = copy(name = newName)

/** @group typesystem
case class InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition(
    name: String,
    interfaces: Vector[NamedType],
    fields: Vector[FieldDefinition],
    directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends ObjectLikeTypeExtensionDefinition
    with WithTrailingComments {

  def rename(newName: String): InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition = copy(name = newName)

object InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition {
  def apply(name: String, fields: Vector[FieldDefinition]): InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition =
    new InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition(name, Vector.empty, fields)

  def apply(
      name: String,
      fields: Vector[FieldDefinition],
      directives: Vector[Directive]): InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition =
    new InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition(name, Vector.empty, fields, directives)

  def apply(
      name: String,
      fields: Vector[FieldDefinition],
      directives: Vector[Directive],
      comments: Vector[Comment],
      trailingComments: Vector[Comment],
      location: Option[AstLocation]): InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition =
    new InterfaceTypeExtensionDefinition(

/** @group typesystem
case class InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition(
    name: String,
    fields: Vector[InputValueDefinition],
    directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends TypeExtensionDefinition
    with WithTrailingComments {
  def rename(newName: String): InputObjectTypeExtensionDefinition = copy(name = newName)

/** @group typesystem
case class EnumTypeExtensionDefinition(
    name: String,
    values: Vector[EnumValueDefinition],
    directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends TypeExtensionDefinition
    with WithTrailingComments {
  def rename(newName: String): EnumTypeExtensionDefinition = copy(name = newName)

/** @group typesystem
case class UnionTypeExtensionDefinition(
    name: String,
    types: Vector[NamedType],
    directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends TypeExtensionDefinition {
  def rename(newName: String): UnionTypeExtensionDefinition = copy(name = newName)

/** @group typesystem
case class ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition(
    name: String,
    directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends TypeExtensionDefinition {
  def rename(newName: String): ScalarTypeExtensionDefinition = copy(name = newName)

/** @group typesystem
case class SchemaExtensionDefinition(
    operationTypes: Vector[OperationTypeDefinition],
    directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends TypeSystemExtensionDefinition
    with WithDirectives
    with WithTrailingComments

/** @group typesystem
case class DirectiveDefinition(
    name: String,
    arguments: Vector[InputValueDefinition],
    locations: Vector[DirectiveLocation],
    description: Option[StringValue] = None,
    repeatable: Boolean = false,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends TypeSystemDefinition
    with WithDescription

/** @group typesystem
case class DirectiveLocation(
    name: String,
    comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends SchemaAstNode

/** A definition of a GraphQL schema.
  * @param operationTypes
  *   The [[ root operations]]
  *   available in this schema.
  * @see
  *   [[]]
  * @group typesystem
case class SchemaDefinition(
    operationTypes: Vector[OperationTypeDefinition],
    override val directives: Vector[Directive] = Vector.empty,
    override val description: Option[StringValue] = None,
    override val comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    override val trailingComments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    override val location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends TypeSystemDefinition
    with WithDescription
    with WithTrailingComments
    with WithDirectives

/** @group typesystem
case class OperationTypeDefinition(
    operation: OperationType,
    tpe: NamedType,
    override val comments: Vector[Comment] = Vector.empty,
    override val location: Option[AstLocation] = None)
    extends SchemaAstNode

/** A node in the AST of a parsed GraphQL request document. */
sealed trait AstNode {

  /** Location at which this node lexically begins in the GraphQL request source code. */
  def location: Option[AstLocation]
  def cacheKeyHash: Int = System.identityHashCode(this)

/** @group typesystem
sealed trait SchemaAstNode extends AstNode with WithComments

/** @group typesystem
sealed trait TypeSystemDefinition extends SchemaAstNode with Definition

/** @group typesystem
sealed trait TypeSystemExtensionDefinition extends SchemaAstNode with Definition

/** @group typesystem
sealed trait TypeDefinition extends TypeSystemDefinition with WithDirectives with WithDescription {
  def name: String
  def rename(newName: String): TypeDefinition

/** @group typesystem
sealed trait TypeExtensionDefinition extends TypeSystemExtensionDefinition with WithDirectives {
  def name: String
  def rename(newName: String): TypeExtensionDefinition

/** @group typesystem
sealed trait ObjectLikeTypeExtensionDefinition extends TypeExtensionDefinition {
  def fields: Vector[FieldDefinition]

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