sangria.marshalling.MarshallingUtil.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package sangria.marshalling
object MarshallingUtil {
def convert[In: InputUnmarshaller, Out: ResultMarshallerForType](value: In): Out = {
val iu = implicitly[InputUnmarshaller[In]]
val rm = implicitly[ResultMarshallerForType[Out]].marshaller
val converted = value match {
case nil if !iu.isDefined(nil) => rm.nullNode
case map if iu.isMapNode(map) =>
val keys = iu.getMapKeys(map)
val builder = keys.foldLeft(rm.emptyMapNode(keys.toSeq)) { case (acc, key) =>
iu.getMapValue(map, key) match {
case Some(v) =>
rm.addMapNodeElem(acc, key, convert(v).asInstanceOf[rm.Node], optional = false)
case None => acc
case list if iu.isListNode(list) =>
rm.mapAndMarshal(iu.getListValue(list), (elem: In) => convert(elem).asInstanceOf[rm.Node])
case enums if iu.isEnumNode(enums) && iu.getScalaScalarValue(enums).isInstanceOf[String] =>
rm.enumNode(iu.getScalaScalarValue(enums).asInstanceOf[String], "Conversion")
case scalar if iu.isScalarNode(scalar) =>
rm.scalarNode(iu.getScalaScalarValue(scalar), "Conversion", Set.empty)
case variable if iu.isVariableNode(variable) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Variable '${iu.getVariableName(value)}' found in the input, but variables are not supported in conversion!")
case node =>
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unexpected node '$node'!")
implicit class MarshaledConverter[In: InputUnmarshaller](in: In) {
def convertMarshaled[Out: ResultMarshallerForType]: Out = convert(in)
implicit class ResultMarshallerOps(val m: ResultMarshaller) extends AnyVal {
def list(elements: ResultMarshaller#Node*): m.Node =
def map(elements: (String, ResultMarshaller#Node)*): m.Node =
m.mapNode(elements.foldLeft(m.emptyMapNode( { case (acc, (name, value)) =>
m.addMapNodeElem(acc, name, value.asInstanceOf[m.Node], optional = false)
def fromString(value: String): m.Node =
m.scalarNode(value, "String", Set.empty)
def fromEnumString(value: String): m.Node =
m.enumNode(value, "")
def fromInt(value: Int): m.Node =
m.scalarNode(value, "Int", Set.empty)
def fromLong(value: Long): m.Node =
m.scalarNode(value, "Long", Set.empty)
def fromBoolean(value: Boolean): m.Node =
m.scalarNode(value, "Long", Set.empty)
def fromFloat(value: Float): m.Node =
m.scalarNode(value, "Float", Set.empty)
def fromDouble(value: Double): m.Node =
m.scalarNode(value, "Float", Set.empty)
def fromBigInt(value: BigInt): m.Node =
m.scalarNode(value, "BigInt", Set.empty)
def fromBigInt(value: BigDecimal): m.Node =
m.scalarNode(value, "BigDecimal", Set.empty)
def fromInput[Input: InputUnmarshaller](value: Input): m.Node =