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sangria.schema.Schema.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package sangria.schema

import sangria.execution.FieldTag
import sangria.marshalling.FromInput.{InputObjectResult, CoercedScalaResult}
import sangria.marshalling._

import language.{implicitConversions, existentials}

import sangria.{introspection, ast}
import sangria.validation.{ConflictingTypeDefinitionViolation, EnumValueCoercionViolation, EnumCoercionViolation, Violation}
import sangria.introspection.{SchemaMetaField, TypeMetaField, TypeNameMetaField, IntrospectionTypesByName}

import scala.annotation.implicitNotFound
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import sangria.util.tag._

sealed trait Type

sealed trait InputType[+T] extends Type

sealed trait OutputType[+T] extends Type

sealed trait LeafType extends Type with Named
sealed trait CompositeType[T] extends Type with Named with OutputType[T]
sealed trait AbstractType extends Type with Named {
  def name: String

  def typeOf[Ctx](value: Any, schema: Schema[Ctx, _]): Option[ObjectType[Ctx, _]] =
    schema.possibleTypes get name flatMap (_.find(_ isInstanceOf value).asInstanceOf[Option[ObjectType[Ctx, _]]])

sealed trait NullableType
sealed trait UnmodifiedType

sealed trait Named {
  def name: String
  def description: Option[String]

object Named {
  private val NameRegexp = """^[_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*$""".r

  private[sangria] def doCheckNonEmptyFields(fields: Seq[Named]): Unit =
    if (fields.isEmpty)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("No fields provided! You need to provide at least one field to a Type.")

  private[sangria] def doCheckUniqueFields(fields: Seq[Named]): Unit =
    if ( != fields.size)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("All fields within a Type should have unique names!")

  private[sangria] def doCheckFieldNames(fields: Seq[Named]): Unit =
    fields.foreach(f ⇒ checkName(

  private[sangria] def checkObjFields[T <: Seq[Named]](fields: T): T = {

  private[sangria] def checkIntFields[T <: Seq[Named]](fields: T): T = {

  private[sangria] def checkObjFieldsFn[T <: Seq[Named]](fields: T): () ⇒ T = {
    () ⇒ fields

  private[sangria] def checkIntFieldsFn[T <: Seq[Named]](fields: T): () ⇒ T = {
    () ⇒ fields

  private[sangria] def checkObjFields[T <: Seq[Named]](fieldsFn: () ⇒ T): () ⇒ T =
    () ⇒ checkObjFields(fieldsFn())

  private[sangria] def checkIntFields[T <: Seq[Named]](fieldsFn: () ⇒ T): () ⇒ T =
    () ⇒ checkIntFields(fieldsFn())

  private[sangria] def checkName(name: String) = {
    if (!NameRegexp.pattern.matcher(name).matches())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Name '$name' is not valid GraphQL name! Valid name should satisfy following regex: /$NameRegexp/.")



  * Defines a GraphQL scalar value type.
  * `coerceOutput` is allowed to return following scala values:
  *   - String
  *   - Boolean
  *   - Int
  *   - Long
  *   - Float
  *   - Double
  *   - scala.BigInt
  *   - scala.BigDecimal
  *   - sangria.ast.Value (it would be converted to raw scala value before given to a marshalling API)
  * It may also return other values as well as long as underlying marshalling library supports them.
  * You can provide additional meta-information to marshalling API with `scalarInfo`.
case class ScalarType[T](
  name: String,
  description: Option[String] = None,
  coerceUserInput: Any ⇒ Either[Violation, T],
  coerceOutput: (T, Set[MarshallerCapability]) ⇒ Any,
  coerceInput: ast.Value ⇒ Either[Violation, T],
  complexity: Double = 0.0D,
  scalarInfo: Set[ScalarValueInfo] = Set.empty) extends InputType[T @@ CoercedScalaResult] with OutputType[T] with LeafType with NullableType with UnmodifiedType with Named

sealed trait ObjectLikeType[Ctx, Val] extends OutputType[Val] with CompositeType[Val] with NullableType with UnmodifiedType with Named {
  def interfaces: List[InterfaceType[Ctx, _]]

  def fieldsFn: () ⇒ List[Field[Ctx, Val]]

  lazy val ownFields = fieldsFn().toVector

  def removeDuplicates[T, E](list: Vector[T], valueFn: T ⇒ E) =
    list.foldLeft((Vector.empty, Vector.empty): (Vector[E], Vector[T])) {
      case (a @ (visited, acc), e) if visited contains valueFn(e) ⇒ a
      case ((visited, acc), e) ⇒ (visited :+ valueFn(e), acc :+ e)

  lazy val allInterfaces: Vector[InterfaceType[Ctx, _]] =
    removeDuplicates(interfaces.toVector.flatMap(i ⇒ i +: i.allInterfaces), (i: InterfaceType[Ctx, _]) ⇒

  lazy val fields: Vector[Field[Ctx, _]] = ownFields ++ interfaces.flatMap(i ⇒ i.fields.asInstanceOf[Vector[Field[Ctx, _]]])

  lazy val uniqueFields: Vector[Field[Ctx, _]] = removeDuplicates(fields, (e: Field[Ctx, _]) ⇒

  private lazy val fieldsByName = fields groupBy (

  def getField(schema: Schema[_, _], fieldName: String): Vector[Field[Ctx, _]] =
    if (sangria.introspection.MetaFieldNames contains fieldName)
      if (fieldName == && name == Vector(SchemaMetaField.asInstanceOf[Field[Ctx, _]])
      else if (fieldName == && name == Vector(TypeMetaField.asInstanceOf[Field[Ctx, _]])
      else if (fieldName == Vector(TypeNameMetaField.asInstanceOf[Field[Ctx, _]])
      else Vector.empty
    else fieldsByName.getOrElse(fieldName, Vector.empty)

case class ObjectType[Ctx, Val: ClassTag] private[sangria] (
  name: String,
  description: Option[String],
  fieldsFn: () ⇒ List[Field[Ctx, Val]],
  interfaces: List[InterfaceType[Ctx, _]]
) extends ObjectLikeType[Ctx, Val] {
  def isInstanceOf(value: Any) = implicitly[ClassTag[Val]].runtimeClass.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass)

object ObjectType {
  def apply[Ctx, Val: ClassTag](name: String, fields: List[Field[Ctx, Val]]): ObjectType[Ctx, Val] =
    ObjectType(Named.checkName(name), None, fieldsFn = Named.checkObjFieldsFn(fields), Nil)
  def apply[Ctx, Val: ClassTag](name: String, description: String, fields: List[Field[Ctx, Val]]): ObjectType[Ctx, Val] =
    ObjectType(Named.checkName(name), Some(description), fieldsFn = Named.checkObjFieldsFn(fields), Nil)
  def apply[Ctx, Val: ClassTag](name: String, interfaces: List[PossibleInterface[Ctx, Val]], fields: List[Field[Ctx, Val]]): ObjectType[Ctx, Val] =
    ObjectType(Named.checkName(name), None, fieldsFn = Named.checkObjFieldsFn(fields), interfaces map (_.interfaceType))
  def apply[Ctx, Val: ClassTag](name: String, description: String, interfaces: List[PossibleInterface[Ctx, Val]], fields: List[Field[Ctx, Val]]): ObjectType[Ctx, Val] =
    ObjectType(Named.checkName(name), Some(description), fieldsFn = Named.checkObjFieldsFn(fields), interfaces map (_.interfaceType))

  def apply[Ctx, Val: ClassTag](name: String, fieldsFn: () ⇒ List[Field[Ctx, Val]]): ObjectType[Ctx, Val] =
    ObjectType(Named.checkName(name), None, Named.checkObjFields(fieldsFn), Nil)
  def apply[Ctx, Val: ClassTag](name: String, description: String, fieldsFn: () ⇒ List[Field[Ctx, Val]]): ObjectType[Ctx, Val] =
    ObjectType(Named.checkName(name), Some(description), Named.checkObjFields(fieldsFn), Nil)
  def apply[Ctx, Val: ClassTag](name: String, interfaces: List[PossibleInterface[Ctx, Val]], fieldsFn: () ⇒ List[Field[Ctx, Val]]): ObjectType[Ctx, Val] =
    ObjectType(Named.checkName(name), None, Named.checkObjFields(fieldsFn), interfaces map (_.interfaceType))
  def apply[Ctx, Val: ClassTag](name: String, description: String, interfaces: List[PossibleInterface[Ctx, Val]], fieldsFn: () ⇒ List[Field[Ctx, Val]]): ObjectType[Ctx, Val] =
    ObjectType(Named.checkName(name), Some(description), Named.checkObjFields(fieldsFn), interfaces map (_.interfaceType))

  def createFromMacro[Ctx, Val: ClassTag](name: String, description: Option[String], interfaces: List[InterfaceType[Ctx, _]], fieldsFn: () ⇒ List[Field[Ctx, Val]]) =
    ObjectType(Named.checkName(name), description, Named.checkObjFields(fieldsFn), interfaces)

  implicit def acceptUnitCtx[Ctx, Val](objectType: ObjectType[Unit, Val]): ObjectType[Ctx, Val] =
    objectType.asInstanceOf[ObjectType[Ctx, Val]]

case class InterfaceType[Ctx, Val] private[sangria] (
  name: String,
  description: Option[String] = None,
  fieldsFn: () ⇒ List[Field[Ctx, Val]],
  interfaces: List[InterfaceType[Ctx, _]],
  manualPossibleTypes: () ⇒ List[ObjectType[_, _]]
) extends ObjectLikeType[Ctx, Val] with AbstractType {
  def withPossibleTypes(possible: PossibleObject[Ctx, Val]*) = copy(manualPossibleTypes = () ⇒ possible.toList map (_.objectType))
  def withPossibleTypes(possible: () ⇒ List[PossibleObject[Ctx, Val]]) = copy(manualPossibleTypes = () ⇒ possible() map (_.objectType))

object InterfaceType {
  val emptyPossibleTypes: () ⇒ List[ObjectType[_, _]] = () ⇒ Nil

  def apply[Ctx, Val](name: String, fields: List[Field[Ctx, Val]]): InterfaceType[Ctx, Val] =
    InterfaceType(Named.checkName(name), None, fieldsFn = Named.checkIntFieldsFn(fields), Nil, emptyPossibleTypes)
  def apply[Ctx, Val](name: String, description: String, fields: List[Field[Ctx, Val]]): InterfaceType[Ctx, Val] =
    InterfaceType(Named.checkName(name), Some(description), fieldsFn = Named.checkIntFieldsFn(fields), Nil, emptyPossibleTypes)
  def apply[Ctx, Val](name: String, fields: List[Field[Ctx, Val]], interfaces: List[PossibleInterface[Ctx, Val]]): InterfaceType[Ctx, Val] =
    InterfaceType(Named.checkName(name), None, fieldsFn = Named.checkIntFieldsFn(fields), interfaces map (_.interfaceType), emptyPossibleTypes)
  def apply[Ctx, Val](name: String, description: String, fields: List[Field[Ctx, Val]], interfaces: List[PossibleInterface[Ctx, Val]]): InterfaceType[Ctx, Val] =
    InterfaceType(Named.checkName(name), Some(description), fieldsFn = Named.checkIntFieldsFn(fields), interfaces map (_.interfaceType), emptyPossibleTypes)

  def apply[Ctx, Val](name: String, fieldsFn: () ⇒ List[Field[Ctx, Val]]): InterfaceType[Ctx, Val] =
    InterfaceType(Named.checkName(name), None, Named.checkIntFields(fieldsFn), Nil, emptyPossibleTypes)
  def apply[Ctx, Val](name: String, description: String, fieldsFn: () ⇒ List[Field[Ctx, Val]]): InterfaceType[Ctx, Val] =
    InterfaceType(Named.checkName(name), Some(description), Named.checkIntFields(fieldsFn), Nil, emptyPossibleTypes)
  def apply[Ctx, Val](name: String, fieldsFn: () ⇒ List[Field[Ctx, Val]], interfaces: List[PossibleInterface[Ctx, Val]]): InterfaceType[Ctx, Val] =
    InterfaceType(Named.checkName(name), None, Named.checkIntFields(fieldsFn), interfaces map (_.interfaceType), emptyPossibleTypes)
  def apply[Ctx, Val](name: String, description: String, fieldsFn: () ⇒ List[Field[Ctx, Val]], interfaces: List[PossibleInterface[Ctx, Val]]): InterfaceType[Ctx, Val] =
    InterfaceType(Named.checkName(name), Some(description), Named.checkIntFields(fieldsFn), interfaces map (_.interfaceType), emptyPossibleTypes)

case class PossibleInterface[Ctx, Concrete](interfaceType: InterfaceType[Ctx, _])

object PossibleInterface extends PossibleInterfaceLowPrioImplicits {
  implicit def apply[Ctx, Abstract, Concrete](interface: InterfaceType[Ctx, Abstract])(implicit ev: PossibleType[Abstract, Concrete]): PossibleInterface[Ctx, Concrete] =
    PossibleInterface[Ctx, Concrete](interface)

trait PossibleInterfaceLowPrioImplicits {
  implicit def applyUnit[Ctx, Abstract, Concrete](interface: InterfaceType[Ctx, Abstract])(implicit ev: PossibleType[Abstract, Concrete]): PossibleInterface[Unit, Concrete] =
    PossibleInterface[Unit, Concrete](interface.asInstanceOf[InterfaceType[Unit, Abstract]])

case class PossibleObject[Ctx, Abstract](objectType: ObjectType[Ctx, _])

object PossibleObject {
  implicit def apply[Ctx, Abstract, Concrete](obj: ObjectType[Ctx, Concrete])(implicit ev: PossibleType[Abstract, Concrete]): PossibleObject[Ctx, Abstract] =
    PossibleObject[Ctx, Abstract](obj)

  implicit def applyUnit[Ctx, Abstract, Concrete](obj: ObjectType[Unit, Concrete])(implicit ev: PossibleType[Abstract, Concrete]): PossibleObject[Ctx, Abstract] =
    PossibleObject[Ctx, Abstract](obj.asInstanceOf[ObjectType[Ctx, Concrete]])

trait PossibleType[AbstrType, ConcreteType]

object PossibleType {
  private object SingletonPossibleType extends PossibleType[AnyRef, AnyRef]

  def create[AbstrType, ConcreteType] = SingletonPossibleType.asInstanceOf[PossibleType[AbstrType, ConcreteType]]

  implicit def InheritanceBasedPossibleType[Abstract, Concrete](implicit ev: Concrete <:< Abstract): PossibleType[Abstract, Concrete] =
    create[Abstract, Concrete]

case class UnionType[Ctx](
  name: String,
  description: Option[String] = None,
  types: List[ObjectType[Ctx, _]]) extends OutputType[Any] with CompositeType[Any] with AbstractType with NullableType with UnmodifiedType

case class Field[Ctx, Val] private[sangria] (
    name: String,
    fieldType: OutputType[_],
    description: Option[String],
    arguments: List[Argument[_]],
    resolve: Context[Ctx, Val] ⇒ Action[Ctx, _],
    deprecationReason: Option[String],
    tags: List[FieldTag],
    complexity: Option[(Ctx, Args, Double) ⇒ Double],
    manualPossibleTypes: () ⇒ List[ObjectType[_, _]]) extends Named with HasArguments {
  def withPossibleTypes(possible: PossibleObject[Ctx, Val]*) = copy(manualPossibleTypes = () ⇒ possible.toList map (_.objectType))
  def withPossibleTypes(possible: () ⇒ List[PossibleObject[Ctx, Val]]) = copy(manualPossibleTypes = () ⇒ possible() map (_.objectType))

object Field {
  def apply[Ctx, Val, Res, Out](
      name: String,
      fieldType: OutputType[Out],
      description: Option[String] = None,
      arguments: List[Argument[_]] = Nil,
      resolve: Context[Ctx, Val] ⇒ Action[Ctx, Res],
      possibleTypes: ⇒ List[PossibleObject[_, _]] = Nil,
      tags: List[FieldTag] = Nil,
      complexity: Option[(Ctx, Args, Double) ⇒ Double] = None,
      deprecationReason: Option[String] = None)(implicit ev: ValidOutType[Res, Out]) =
    Field[Ctx, Val](Named.checkName(name), fieldType, description, arguments, resolve, deprecationReason, tags, complexity, () ⇒ possibleTypes map (_.objectType))

@implicitNotFound(msg = "${Res} is invalid type for the resulting GraphQL type ${Out}.")
trait ValidOutType[-Res, +Out]

object ValidOutType extends LowPrioValidOutType {
  implicit def validSubclass[Res, Out](implicit ev: Res <:< Out) = valid.asInstanceOf[ValidOutType[Res, Out]]
  implicit def validNothing[Out] = valid.asInstanceOf[ValidOutType[Nothing, Out]]
  implicit def validOption[Res, Out](implicit ev: Res <:< Out) = valid.asInstanceOf[ValidOutType[Res, Option[Out]]]


trait LowPrioValidOutType {
  val valid = new ValidOutType[Any, Any] {}

  implicit def validSeq[Res, Out](implicit ev: Res <:< Out) = valid.asInstanceOf[ValidOutType[Res, Seq[Out]]]

trait InputValue[T] {
  def name: String
  def inputValueType: InputType[_]
  def description: Option[String]
  def defaultValue: Option[(_, ToInput[_, _])]

case class Argument[T] private[sangria] (
    name: String,
    argumentType: InputType[_],
    description: Option[String],
    defaultValue: Option[(_, ToInput[_, _])],
    fromInput: FromInput[_]) extends InputValue[T] with Named {

  if (!argumentType.isInstanceOf[OptionInputType[_]] && defaultValue.isDefined)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Argument '$name' is has NotNull type and defines a default value, which is not allowed! You need to either make this argument nullable or remove the default value.")

  def inputValueType = argumentType

object Argument {
  def apply[T, Default](
      name: String,
      argumentType: InputType[T],
      description: String,
      defaultValue: Default)(implicit toInput: ToInput[Default, _], fromInput: FromInput[T], res: ArgumentType[T]): Argument[res.Res] =
    Argument(Named.checkName(name), argumentType, Some(description), Some(defaultValue → toInput), fromInput)

  def apply[T, Default](
      name: String,
      argumentType: InputType[T],
      defaultValue: Default)(implicit toInput: ToInput[Default, _], fromInput: FromInput[T], res: ArgumentType[T]): Argument[res.Res] =
    Argument(Named.checkName(name), argumentType, None, Some(defaultValue → toInput), fromInput)

  def apply[T](
      name: String,
      argumentType: InputType[T],
      description: String)(implicit fromInput: FromInput[T], res: WithoutInputTypeTags[T]): Argument[res.Res] =
    Argument(Named.checkName(name), argumentType, Some(description), None, fromInput)

  def apply[T](
      name: String,
      argumentType: InputType[T])(implicit fromInput: FromInput[T], res: WithoutInputTypeTags[T]): Argument[res.Res] =
    Argument(Named.checkName(name), argumentType, None, None, fromInput)

  def createWithoutDefault[T](
      name: String,
      argumentType: InputType[T],
      description: Option[String])(implicit fromInput: FromInput[T], res: ArgumentType[T]): Argument[res.Res] =
    Argument(Named.checkName(name), argumentType, description, None, fromInput)

  def createWithDefault[T, Default](
      name: String,
      argumentType: InputType[T],
      description: Option[String],
      defaultValue: Default)(implicit toInput: ToInput[Default, _], fromInput: FromInput[T], res: ArgumentType[T]): Argument[res.Res] =
    Argument(Named.checkName(name), argumentType, description, Some(defaultValue → toInput), fromInput)

trait WithoutInputTypeTags[T] {
  type Res

object WithoutInputTypeTags extends WithoutInputTypeTagsLowPrio {
  implicit def coercedArgTpe[T] = new WithoutInputTypeTags[T @@ CoercedScalaResult] {
    type Res = T

  implicit def coercedOptArgTpe[T] = new WithoutInputTypeTags[Option[T @@ CoercedScalaResult]] {
    type Res = Option[T]

  implicit def coercedSeqOptArgTpe[T] = new WithoutInputTypeTags[Seq[Option[T @@ CoercedScalaResult]]] {
    type Res = Seq[Option[T]]

  implicit def coercedOptSeqArgTpe[T] = new WithoutInputTypeTags[Option[Seq[T @@ CoercedScalaResult]]] {
    type Res = Option[Seq[T]]

  implicit def coercedOptSeqOptArgTpe[T] = new WithoutInputTypeTags[Option[Seq[Option[T @@ CoercedScalaResult]]]] {
    type Res = Option[Seq[Option[T]]]

  implicit def ioArgTpe[T] = new WithoutInputTypeTags[T @@ InputObjectResult] {
    type Res = T

  implicit def ioOptArgTpe[T] = new WithoutInputTypeTags[Option[T @@ InputObjectResult]] {
    type Res = Option[T]

  implicit def ioSeqOptArgTpe[T] = new WithoutInputTypeTags[Seq[Option[T @@ InputObjectResult]]] {
    type Res = Seq[Option[T]]

  implicit def ioOptSeqArgTpe[T] = new WithoutInputTypeTags[Option[Seq[T @@ InputObjectResult]]] {
    type Res = Option[Seq[T]]

  implicit def ioOptSeqOptArgTpe[T] = new WithoutInputTypeTags[Option[Seq[Option[T @@ InputObjectResult]]]] {
    type Res = Option[Seq[Option[T]]]

trait WithoutInputTypeTagsLowPrio {
  implicit def defaultArgTpe[T] = new WithoutInputTypeTags[T] {
    type Res = T

trait ArgumentType[T] {
  type Res

object ArgumentType extends ArgumentTypeLowPrio {
  implicit def coercedArgTpe[T] = new ArgumentType[T @@ CoercedScalaResult] {
    type Res = T

  implicit def coercedOptArgTpe[T] = new ArgumentType[Option[T @@ CoercedScalaResult]] {
    type Res = T

  implicit def coercedSeqOptArgTpe[T] = new ArgumentType[Seq[Option[T @@ CoercedScalaResult]]] {
    type Res = Seq[Option[T]]

  implicit def coercedOptSeqArgTpe[T] = new ArgumentType[Option[Seq[T @@ CoercedScalaResult]]] {
    type Res = Seq[T]

  implicit def coercedOptSeqOptArgTpe[T] = new ArgumentType[Option[Seq[Option[T @@ CoercedScalaResult]]]] {
    type Res = Seq[Option[T]]

  implicit def ioArgTpe[T] = new ArgumentType[T @@ InputObjectResult] {
    type Res = T

  implicit def ioOptArgTpe[T] = new ArgumentType[Option[T @@ InputObjectResult]] {
    type Res = T

  implicit def ioSeqOptArgTpe[T] = new ArgumentType[Seq[Option[T @@ InputObjectResult]]] {
    type Res = Seq[Option[T]]

  implicit def ioOptSeqArgTpe[T] = new ArgumentType[Option[Seq[T @@ InputObjectResult]]] {
    type Res = Seq[T]

  implicit def ioOptSeqOptArgTpe[T] = new ArgumentType[Option[Seq[Option[T @@ InputObjectResult]]]] {
    type Res = Seq[Option[T]]

trait ArgumentTypeLowPrio extends ArgumentTypeLowestPrio {
  implicit def optionArgTpe[T] = new ArgumentType[Option[T]] {
    type Res = T

trait ArgumentTypeLowestPrio {
  implicit def defaultArgTpe[T] = new ArgumentType[T] {
    type Res = T

case class EnumType[T](
    name: String,
    description: Option[String] = None,
    values: List[EnumValue[T]]) extends InputType[T @@ CoercedScalaResult] with OutputType[T] with LeafType with NullableType with UnmodifiedType with Named {
  lazy val byName = values groupBy ( mapValues (_.head)
  lazy val byValue = values groupBy (_.value) mapValues (_.head)

  def coerceUserInput(value: Any): Either[Violation, (T, Boolean)] = value match {
    case name: String ⇒ byName get name map (v ⇒ Right(v.value → v.deprecationReason.isDefined)) getOrElse Left(EnumValueCoercionViolation(name))
    case v if byValue exists (_._1 == v) ⇒ Right(v.asInstanceOf[T] → byValue(v.asInstanceOf[T]).deprecationReason.isDefined)
    case _ ⇒ Left(EnumCoercionViolation)

  def coerceInput(value: ast.Value): Either[Violation, (T, Boolean)] = value match {
    case ast.EnumValue(name, _) ⇒ byName get name map (v ⇒ Right(v.value → v.deprecationReason.isDefined)) getOrElse Left(EnumValueCoercionViolation(name))
    case _ ⇒ Left(EnumCoercionViolation)

  def coerceOutput(value: T): String = byValue(value).name

case class EnumValue[+T](
  name: String,
  description: Option[String] = None,
  value: T,
  deprecationReason: Option[String] = None) extends Named

case class InputObjectType[T] private[sangria] (
  name: String,
  description: Option[String] = None,
  fieldsFn: () ⇒ List[InputField[_]]
) extends InputType[T @@ InputObjectResult] with NullableType with UnmodifiedType with Named {
  lazy val fields = fieldsFn()
  lazy val fieldsByName = fields groupBy( mapValues(_.head)

object InputObjectType {
  type DefaultInput = Map[String, Any]

  def apply[T](name: String, fields: List[InputField[_]])(implicit res: InputObjectDefaultResult[T]): InputObjectType[res.Res] =
    InputObjectType(Named.checkName(name), None, fieldsFn = Named.checkIntFieldsFn(fields))
  def apply[T](name: String, description: String, fields: List[InputField[_]])(implicit res: InputObjectDefaultResult[T]): InputObjectType[res.Res] =
    InputObjectType(Named.checkName(name), Some(description), fieldsFn = Named.checkIntFieldsFn(fields))

  def apply[T](name: String, fieldsFn: () ⇒ List[InputField[_]])(implicit res: InputObjectDefaultResult[T]): InputObjectType[res.Res] =
    InputObjectType(Named.checkName(name), None, Named.checkIntFields(fieldsFn))
  def apply[T](name: String, description: String, fieldsFn: () ⇒ List[InputField[_]])(implicit res: InputObjectDefaultResult[T]): InputObjectType[res.Res] =
    InputObjectType(Named.checkName(name), Some(description), Named.checkIntFields(fieldsFn))

  def createFromMacro[T](name: String, description: Option[String] = None, fieldsFn: () ⇒ List[InputField[_]]) =
    InputObjectType[T](Named.checkName(name), description, Named.checkIntFields(fieldsFn))

trait InputObjectDefaultResult[T] {
  type Res

object InputObjectDefaultResult extends InputObjectDefaultResultLowPrio {
  implicit def nothingResult = new InputObjectDefaultResult[Nothing] {
    override type Res = InputObjectType.DefaultInput

trait InputObjectDefaultResultLowPrio {
  implicit def defaultResult[T] = new InputObjectDefaultResult[T] {
    override type Res = T

case class InputField[T] private[sangria] (
  name: String,
  fieldType: InputType[T],
  description: Option[String],
  defaultValue: Option[(_, ToInput[_, _])]
) extends InputValue[T] with Named {
  if (!fieldType.isInstanceOf[OptionInputType[_]] && defaultValue.isDefined)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Input field '$name' is has NotNull type and defines a default value, which is not allowed! You need to either make this fields nullable or remove the default value.")

  def inputValueType = fieldType

object InputField {
  def apply[T, Default](name: String, fieldType: InputType[T], description: String, defaultValue: Default)(implicit toInput: ToInput[Default, _], res: WithoutInputTypeTags[T]): InputField[res.Res] =
    InputField(name, fieldType, Some(description), Some(defaultValue → toInput)).asInstanceOf[InputField[res.Res]]

  def apply[T, Default](name: String, fieldType: InputType[T], defaultValue: Default)(implicit toInput: ToInput[Default, _], res: WithoutInputTypeTags[T]): InputField[res.Res] =
    InputField(name, fieldType, None, Some(defaultValue → toInput)).asInstanceOf[InputField[res.Res]]

  def apply[T](name: String, fieldType: InputType[T], description: String)(implicit res: WithoutInputTypeTags[T]): InputField[res.Res] =
    InputField(name, fieldType, Some(description), None).asInstanceOf[InputField[res.Res]]

  def apply[T](name: String, fieldType: InputType[T])(implicit res: WithoutInputTypeTags[T]): InputField[res.Res] =
    InputField(name, fieldType, None, None).asInstanceOf[InputField[res.Res]]

  def createFromMacroWithDefault[T, Default](
    name: String, fieldType: InputType[T], description: Option[String], defaultValue: Default
  )(implicit toInput: ToInput[Default, _], res: WithoutInputTypeTags[T]): InputField[res.Res] =
    InputField(name, fieldType, description, Some(defaultValue → toInput)).asInstanceOf[InputField[res.Res]]

  def createFromMacroWithoutDefault[T](name: String, fieldType: InputType[T], description: Option[String])(implicit res: WithoutInputTypeTags[T]): InputField[res.Res] =
    InputField(name, fieldType, description, None).asInstanceOf[InputField[res.Res]]

case class ListType[T](ofType: OutputType[T]) extends OutputType[Seq[T]] with NullableType
case class ListInputType[T](ofType: InputType[T]) extends InputType[Seq[T]] with NullableType

case class OptionType[T](ofType: OutputType[T]) extends OutputType[Option[T]]
case class OptionInputType[T] (ofType: InputType[T]) extends InputType[Option[T]]

sealed trait HasArguments {
  def arguments: List[Argument[_]]

object DirectiveLocation extends Enumeration {
  val  Query, Mutation, Subscription, Field, FragmentDefinition, FragmentSpread, InlineFragment = Value

  def fromString(location: String): DirectiveLocation.Value = location match {
    case "QUERY" ⇒ Query
    case "MUTATION" ⇒ Mutation
    case "SUBSCRIPTION" ⇒ Subscription
    case "FIELD" ⇒ Field
    case "FRAGMENT_DEFINITION" ⇒ FragmentDefinition
    case "FRAGMENT_SPREAD" ⇒ FragmentSpread
    case "INLINE_FRAGMENT" ⇒ InlineFragment

case class Directive(
  name: String,
  description: Option[String] = None,
  arguments: List[Argument[_]] = Nil,
  locations: Set[DirectiveLocation.Value] = Set.empty,
  shouldInclude: DirectiveContext ⇒ Boolean) extends HasArguments

case class Schema[Ctx, Val](
    query: ObjectType[Ctx, Val],
    mutation: Option[ObjectType[Ctx, Val]] = None,
    subscription: Option[ObjectType[Ctx, Val]] = None,
    additionalTypes: List[Type with Named] = Nil,
    directives: List[Directive] = BuiltinDirectives,
    validationRules: List[SchemaValidationRule] = SchemaValidationRule.default) {
  lazy val types: Map[String, (Int, Type with Named)] = {
    def sameType(t1: Type, t2: Type) =
      t1.getClass.getSimpleName == t2.getClass.getSimpleName

    def typeConflict(name: String, t1: Type, t2: Type, parentInfo: String) =
      throw SchemaValidationException(ConflictingTypeDefinitionViolation(
        name, t1.getClass.getSimpleName :: t2.getClass.getSimpleName :: Nil, parentInfo) :: Nil)

    def updated(priority: Int, name: String, tpe: Type with Named, result: Map[String, (Int, Type with Named)], parentInfo: String) =
      result get name match {
        case Some(found) if !sameType(found._2, tpe) ⇒ typeConflict(name, found._2, tpe, parentInfo)
        case Some(_) ⇒ result
        case None ⇒ result.updated(name, priority → tpe)

    def collectTypes(parentInfo: String, priority: Int, tpe: Type, result: Map[String, (Int, Type with Named)]): Map[String, (Int, Type with Named)] = {
      tpe match {
        case null ⇒ throw new IllegalStateException(
          s"A `null` value was provided instead of type for $parentInfo.\n" +
          "This can happen if you have recursive type definition or circular references within your type graph.\n" +
          "Please use no-arg function to provide fields for such types.\n" +
          "You can find more info in the docs:")
        case t: Named if result contains ⇒
          result get match {
            case Some(found) if !sameType(found._2, t) ⇒ typeConflict(, found._2, t, parentInfo)
            case _ ⇒ result
        case OptionType(ofType) ⇒ collectTypes(parentInfo, priority, ofType, result)
        case OptionInputType(ofType) ⇒ collectTypes(parentInfo, priority, ofType, result)
        case ListType(ofType) ⇒ collectTypes(parentInfo, priority, ofType, result)
        case ListInputType(ofType) ⇒ collectTypes(parentInfo, priority, ofType, result)

        case t @ ScalarType(name, _, _, _, _, _, _) ⇒ updated(priority, name, t, result, parentInfo)
        case t @ EnumType(name, _, _) ⇒ updated(priority, name, t, result, parentInfo)
        case t @ InputObjectType(name, _, _) ⇒
          t.fields.foldLeft(updated(priority, name, t, result, parentInfo)) {
            case (acc, field) ⇒
              collectTypes(s"a field '${}' of '$name' input object type", priority, field.fieldType, acc)
        case t: ObjectLikeType[_, _] ⇒
          val own = t.fields.foldLeft(updated(priority,, t, result, parentInfo)) {
            case (acc, field) ⇒
              val fromArgs = field.arguments.foldLeft(collectTypes(s"a field '${}' of '${}' type", priority, field.fieldType, acc)) {
                case (aacc, arg) ⇒ collectTypes(s"an argument '${}' defined in field '${}' of '${}' type", priority, arg.argumentType, aacc)

              field.manualPossibleTypes().foldLeft(fromArgs) {
                case (acc, objectType) ⇒ collectTypes(s"a manualPossibleType defined in '${}' type", priority, objectType, acc)

          val withPossible = t match {
            case i: InterfaceType[_, _] ⇒
              i.manualPossibleTypes().foldLeft(own) {
                case (acc, objectType) ⇒ collectTypes(s"a manualPossibleType defined in '${}' type", priority, objectType, acc)
            case _ ⇒ own

          t.interfaces.foldLeft(withPossible) {
            case (acc, interface) ⇒ collectTypes(s"an interface defined in '${}' type", priority, interface, acc)
        case t @ UnionType(name, _, types) ⇒
          types.foldLeft(updated(priority, name, t, result, parentInfo)) {case (acc, tpe) ⇒ collectTypes(s"a '$name' type", priority, tpe, acc)}

    val schemaTypes = collectTypes("a '__Schema' type", 30, introspection.__Schema, Map(BuiltinScalars map (s ⇒ → (40 → s)): _*))
    val queryTypes = collectTypes("a query type", 20, query, schemaTypes)
    val queryTypesWithAdditions = queryTypes ++ ⇒ → (10 → t))
    val queryAndSubTypes = mutation map (collectTypes("a mutation type", 10, _, queryTypesWithAdditions)) getOrElse queryTypesWithAdditions
    val queryAndSubAndMutTypes = subscription map (collectTypes("a subscription type", 10, _, queryAndSubTypes)) getOrElse queryAndSubTypes


  lazy val typeList = types.values.toList.sortBy(t ⇒ t._1 +
  lazy val availableTypeNames = typeList map (

  lazy val allTypes = types collect {case (name, (_, tpe)) ⇒ name → tpe}
  lazy val inputTypes = types collect {case (name, (_, tpe: InputType[_])) ⇒ name → tpe}
  lazy val outputTypes = types collect {case (name, (_, tpe: OutputType[_])) ⇒ name → tpe}
  lazy val scalarTypes = types collect {case (name, (_, tpe: ScalarType[_])) ⇒ name → tpe}
  lazy val unionTypes: Map[String, UnionType[_]] =

  lazy val directivesByName = directives groupBy ( mapValues (_.head)

  def getInputType(tpe: ast.Type): Option[InputType[_]] = tpe match {
    case ast.NamedType(name, _) ⇒ inputTypes get name map (OptionInputType(_))
    case ast.NotNullType(ofType, _) ⇒ getInputType(ofType) collect {case OptionInputType(ot) ⇒ ot}
    case ast.ListType(ofType, _) ⇒ getInputType(ofType) map (t ⇒ OptionInputType(ListInputType(t)))

  def getOutputType(tpe: ast.Type, topLevel: Boolean = false): Option[OutputType[_]] = tpe match {
    case ast.NamedType(name, _) ⇒ outputTypes get name map (ot ⇒ if (topLevel) ot else OptionType(ot))
    case ast.NotNullType(ofType, _) ⇒ getOutputType(ofType) collect {case OptionType(ot) ⇒ ot}
    case ast.ListType(ofType, _) ⇒ getOutputType(ofType) map (ListType(_))

  lazy val directImplementations: Map[String, List[ObjectLikeType[_, _]]] = {
      .collect{case objectLike: ObjectLikeType[_, _] ⇒ objectLike}
      .flatMap(objectLike ⇒ objectLike.interfaces map ( → objectLike))
      .mapValues(_ map (_._2))

  lazy val implementations: Map[String, List[ObjectType[_, _]]] = {
    def findConcreteTypes(tpe: ObjectLikeType[_, _]): List[ObjectType[_, _]] = tpe match {
      case obj: ObjectType[_, _] ⇒ obj :: Nil
      case interface: InterfaceType[_, _] ⇒ directImplementations( flatMap findConcreteTypes

    directImplementations map {
      case (name, directImpls) ⇒ name → directImpls.flatMap(findConcreteTypes).groupBy(

  lazy val possibleTypes: Map[String, List[ObjectType[_, _]]] =
    implementations ++ ⇒ → ut.types)

  def isPossibleType(baseTypeName: String, tpe: ObjectType[_, _]) =
    possibleTypes get baseTypeName exists (_ exists ( ==

  val validationErrors = validationRules flatMap (_.validate(this))

  if (validationErrors.nonEmpty) throw SchemaValidationException(validationErrors)

object Schema {
  def isBuiltInType(typeName: String) =
    BuiltinScalarsByName.contains(typeName) || IntrospectionTypesByName.contains(typeName)

  def isIntrospectionType(typeName: String) =

  def getBuiltInType(typeName: String): Option[Type with Named] =
    BuiltinScalarsByName.get(typeName) orElse IntrospectionTypesByName.get(typeName)

    * Build a `Schema` for use by client tools.
    * Given the result of a client running the introspection query, creates and
    * returns a `Schema` instance which can be then used with all sangria
    * tools, but cannot be used to execute a query, as introspection does not
    * represent the "resolver", "parse" or "serialize" functions or any other
    * server-internal mechanisms.
    * @param introspectionResult the result of introspection query
  def buildFromIntrospection[T : InputUnmarshaller](introspectionResult: T) =

    * Build a `Schema` for use by client tools.
    * Given the result of a client running the introspection query, creates and
    * returns a `Schema` instance which can be then used with all sangria
    * tools, but cannot be used to execute a query, as introspection does not
    * represent the "resolver", "parse" or "serialize" functions or any other
    * server-internal mechanisms.
    * @param introspectionResult the result of introspection query
    * @param logic custom schema logic that would be used for all materialized fields. By default `MaterializedSchemaException` would be thrown.
  def buildFromIntrospection[Ctx, T : InputUnmarshaller](introspectionResult: T, logic: MaterializationLogic[Ctx]) =
    IntrospectionSchemaMaterializer.buildSchema[Ctx, T](introspectionResult, logic)

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