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sangria.introspection.package.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

package sangria

import sangria.parser.QueryParser
import sangria.schema._

import scala.util.Success

package object introspection {
  object TypeKind extends Enumeration {
    val Scalar, Object, Interface, Union, Enum, InputObject, List, NonNull = Value

    def fromString(kind: String): TypeKind.Value = kind match {
      case "SCALAR" ⇒ Scalar
      case "OBJECT" ⇒ Object
      case "INTERFACE" ⇒ Interface
      case "UNION" ⇒ Union
      case "ENUM" ⇒ Enum
      case "INPUT_OBJECT" ⇒ InputObject
      case "LIST" ⇒ List
      case "NON_NULL" ⇒ NonNull

  val __TypeKind = EnumType("__TypeKind", Some("An enum describing what kind of type a given `__Type` is."), List(
    EnumValue("SCALAR", value = TypeKind.Scalar, description = Some("Indicates this type is a scalar.")),
    EnumValue("OBJECT", value = TypeKind.Object, description = Some(
      "Indicates this type is an object. " +
      "`fields` and `interfaces` are valid fields.")),
    EnumValue("INTERFACE", value = TypeKind.Interface, description = Some(
      "Indicates this type is an interface. " +
      "`fields` and `possibleTypes` are valid fields.")),
    EnumValue("UNION", value = TypeKind.Union, description = Some(
      "Indicates this type is a union. " +
      "`possibleTypes` is a valid field.")),
    EnumValue("ENUM", value = TypeKind.Enum, description = Some(
      "Indicates this type is an enum. " +
      "`enumValues` is a valid field.")),
    EnumValue("INPUT_OBJECT", value = TypeKind.InputObject, description = Some(
      "Indicates this type is an input object. " +
      "`inputFields` is a valid field.")),
    EnumValue("LIST", value = TypeKind.List, description = Some(
      "Indicates this type is a list. " +
      "`ofType` is a valid field.")),
    EnumValue("NON_NULL", value = TypeKind.NonNull, description = Some(
      "Indicates this type is a non-null. " +
      "`ofType` is a valid field."))

  val __DirectiveLocation = EnumType("__DirectiveLocation",
    Some("A Directive can be adjacent to many parts of the GraphQL language, a " +
         "__DirectiveLocation describes one such possible adjacencies."),
      EnumValue("QUERY", value = DirectiveLocation.Query,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to a query operation.")),
      EnumValue("MUTATION", value = DirectiveLocation.Mutation,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to a mutation operation.")),
      EnumValue("SUBSCRIPTION", value = DirectiveLocation.Subscription,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to a subscription operation.")),
      EnumValue("FIELD", value = DirectiveLocation.Field,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to a field.")),
      EnumValue("FRAGMENT_DEFINITION", value = DirectiveLocation.FragmentDefinition,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to a fragment definition.")),
      EnumValue("FRAGMENT_SPREAD", value = DirectiveLocation.FragmentSpread,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to a fragment spread.")),
      EnumValue("INLINE_FRAGMENT", value = DirectiveLocation.InlineFragment,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to an inline fragment.")),

      EnumValue("SCHEMA", value = DirectiveLocation.Schema,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to a schema definition.")),
      EnumValue("SCALAR", value = DirectiveLocation.Scalar,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to a scalar definition.")),
      EnumValue("OBJECT", value = DirectiveLocation.Object,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to an object type definition.")),
      EnumValue("FIELD_DEFINITION", value = DirectiveLocation.FieldDefinition,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to a field definition.")),
      EnumValue("ARGUMENT_DEFINITION", value = DirectiveLocation.ArgumentDefinition,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to an argument definition.")),
      EnumValue("INTERFACE", value = DirectiveLocation.Interface,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to an interface definition.")),
      EnumValue("UNION", value = DirectiveLocation.Union,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to a union definition.")),
      EnumValue("ENUM", value = DirectiveLocation.Enum,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to an enum definition.")),
      EnumValue("ENUM_VALUE", value = DirectiveLocation.EnumValue,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to an enum value definition.")),
      EnumValue("INPUT_OBJECT", value = DirectiveLocation.InputObject,
        description = Some("INPUT_OBJECT")),
      EnumValue("INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION", value = DirectiveLocation.InputFieldDefinition,
        description = Some("Location adjacent to an input object field definition."))))

  val __Field = ObjectType(
    name = "__Field",
    description =
      "Object and Interface types are described by a list of Fields, each of " +
      "which has a name, potentially a list of arguments, and a return type.",
    fieldsFn = () ⇒ List[Field[Unit, Field[_, _]]](
      Field("name", StringType, resolve =,
      Field("description", OptionType(StringType), resolve = _.value.description),
      Field("args", ListType(__InputValue), resolve = _.value.arguments),
      Field("type", __Type, resolve = false → _.value.fieldType),
      Field("isDeprecated", BooleanType, resolve = _.value.deprecationReason.isDefined),
      Field("deprecationReason", OptionType(StringType), resolve = _.value.deprecationReason))

  val includeDeprecated = Argument("includeDeprecated", OptionInputType(BooleanType), false)

  private def getKind(value: (Boolean, Type)) = {
    def identifyKind(t: Type, optional: Boolean): TypeKind.Value = t match {
      case OptionType(ofType) ⇒ identifyKind(ofType, true)
      case OptionInputType(ofType) ⇒ identifyKind(ofType, true)
      case _ if !optional ⇒ TypeKind.NonNull
      case _: ScalarType[_] ⇒ TypeKind.Scalar
      case _: ObjectType[_, _] ⇒ TypeKind.Object
      case _: InterfaceType[_, _] ⇒ TypeKind.Interface
      case _: UnionType[_] ⇒ TypeKind.Union
      case _: EnumType[_] ⇒ TypeKind.Enum
      case _: InputObjectType[_] ⇒ TypeKind.InputObject
      case _: ListType[_] | _: ListInputType[_] ⇒ TypeKind.List

    val (fromTypeList, tpe) = value

    identifyKind(tpe, fromTypeList)

  private def findNamed(tpe: Type): Option[Type with Named] = tpe match {
    case o: OptionType[_] ⇒ findNamed(o.ofType)
    case o: OptionInputType[_] ⇒ findNamed(o.ofType)
    case l: ListType[_] ⇒ findNamed(l.ofType)
    case l: ListInputType[_] ⇒ findNamed(l.ofType)
    case n: Type with Named ⇒ Some(n)
    case _ ⇒ None

  private def findListType(tpe: Type): Option[Type] = tpe match {
    case o: OptionType[_] ⇒ findListType(o.ofType)
    case o: OptionInputType[_] ⇒ findListType(o.ofType)
    case l: ListType[_] ⇒ Some(l.ofType)
    case l: ListInputType[_] ⇒ Some(l.ofType)
    case _ ⇒ None

  val __Type: ObjectType[Unit, (Boolean, Type)] = ObjectType(
    name = "__Type",
    description =
      "The fundamental unit of any GraphQL Schema is the type. There are " +
      "many kinds of types in GraphQL as represented by the `__TypeKind` enum." +
      "\n\nDepending on the kind of a type, certain fields describe " +
      "information about that type. Scalar types provide no information " +
      "beyond a name and description, while Enum types provide their values. " +
      "Object and Interface types provide the fields they describe. Abstract " +
      "types, Union and Interface, provide the Object types possible " +
      "at runtime. List and NonNull types compose other types.",
    fieldsFn = () ⇒ List[Field[Unit, (Boolean, Type)]](
      Field("kind", __TypeKind, resolve = ctx ⇒ getKind(ctx.value)),
      Field("name", OptionType(StringType), resolve = ctx ⇒ getKind(ctx.value) match {
        case TypeKind.NonNull | TypeKind.List ⇒ None
        case _ ⇒ findNamed(ctx.value._2) map (
      Field("description", OptionType(StringType), resolve = ctx ⇒ getKind(ctx.value) match {
        case TypeKind.NonNull | TypeKind.List ⇒ None
        case _ ⇒ findNamed(ctx.value._2) flatMap (_.description)
      Field("fields", OptionType(ListType(__Field)),
        arguments = includeDeprecated :: Nil,
        resolve = ctx ⇒ {
          val incDep = ctx.arg(includeDeprecated)
          val (_, tpe) = ctx.value

          tpe match {
            case t: ObjectLikeType[_, _] if incDep ⇒ Some(t.uniqueFields.asInstanceOf[Vector[Field[_, _]]])
            case t: ObjectLikeType[_, _] ⇒ Some(t.uniqueFields.asInstanceOf[Vector[Field[_, _]]].filter(_.deprecationReason.isEmpty))
            case _ ⇒ None
      Field("interfaces", OptionType(ListType(__Type)), resolve = _.value._2 match {
        case t: ObjectType[_, _] ⇒ Some(t.allInterfaces.asInstanceOf[Vector[Type]] map (true → _))
        case _ ⇒ None
      Field("possibleTypes", OptionType(ListType(__Type)), resolve = ctx ⇒ ctx.value._2 match {
        case t: AbstractType ⇒ ctx.schema.possibleTypes.get( map { tpe ⇒
          t match {
            case _: UnionType[_] ⇒ tpe map (true → _)
            case _ ⇒ tpe sortBy ( map (true → _)
        case _ ⇒ None
      Field("enumValues", OptionType(ListType(__EnumValue)),
        arguments = includeDeprecated :: Nil,
        resolve = ctx ⇒ {
          val incDep = ctx.arg(includeDeprecated)

          ctx.value._2 match {
            case enum: EnumType[_] if incDep ⇒ Some(enum.values)
            case enum: EnumType[_] ⇒ Some(enum.values.filter(_.deprecationReason.isEmpty))
            case _ ⇒ None
      Field("inputFields", OptionType(ListType(__InputValue)), resolve = _.value._2 match {
        case io: InputObjectType[_] ⇒ Some(io.fields)
        case _ ⇒ None
      Field("ofType", OptionType(__Type), resolve = ctx ⇒ getKind(ctx.value) match {
        case TypeKind.NonNull ⇒ Some(true → ctx.value._2)
        case TypeKind.List ⇒ findListType(ctx.value._2) map (false → _)
        case _ ⇒ None

  val __InputValue: ObjectType[Unit, InputValue[_]] = ObjectType(
    name = "__InputValue",
    description =
      "Arguments provided to Fields or Directives and the input fields of an " +
      "InputObject are represented as Input Values which describe their type " +
      "and optionally a default value.",
    fields = List[Field[Unit, InputValue[_]]](
      Field("name", StringType, resolve =,
      Field("description", OptionType(StringType), resolve = _.value.description),
      Field("type", __Type, resolve = false → _.value.inputValueType),
      Field("defaultValue", OptionType(StringType),
        description = Some("A GraphQL-formatted string representing the default value for this input value."),
        resolve = ctx ⇒, ctx.value.inputValueType)))

  val __EnumValue: ObjectType[Unit, EnumValue[_]] = ObjectType(
    name = "__EnumValue",
    description =
      "One possible value for a given Enum. Enum values are unique values, not " +
      "a placeholder for a string or numeric value. However an Enum value is " +
      "returned in a JSON response as a string.",
    fields = List[Field[Unit, EnumValue[_]]](
      Field("name", StringType, resolve =,
      Field("description", OptionType(StringType), resolve = _.value.description),
      Field("isDeprecated", BooleanType, resolve = _.value.deprecationReason.isDefined),
      Field("deprecationReason", OptionType(StringType), resolve = _.value.deprecationReason)

  val __Directive = ObjectType(
    name = "__Directive",
    description =
      "A Directive provides a way to describe alternate runtime execution and " +
      "type validation behavior in a GraphQL document." +
      "\n\nIn some cases, you need to provide options to alter GraphQL’s " +
      "execution behavior in ways field arguments will not suffice, such as " +
      "conditionally including or skipping a field. Directives provide this by " +
      "describing additional information to the executor.",
    fields = fields[Unit, Directive](
      Field("name", StringType, resolve =,
      Field("description", OptionType(StringType), resolve = _.value.description),
      Field("locations", ListType(__DirectiveLocation), resolve = _.value.locations.toVector.sortBy(_.toString)),
      Field("args", ListType(__InputValue), resolve = _.value.arguments),
      Field("onOperation", BooleanType,
        deprecationReason = Some("Use `locations`."),
        resolve = c ⇒
          c.value.locations.contains(DirectiveLocation.Query) ||
          c.value.locations.contains(DirectiveLocation.Mutation) ||
      Field("onFragment", BooleanType,
        deprecationReason = Some("Use `locations`."),
        resolve = c ⇒
          c.value.locations.contains(DirectiveLocation.FragmentDefinition) ||
          c.value.locations.contains(DirectiveLocation.FragmentSpread) ||
      Field("onField", BooleanType,
        deprecationReason = Some("Use `locations`."),
        resolve = _.value.locations.contains(DirectiveLocation.Field))

  val __Schema = ObjectType(
    name = "__Schema",
    description =
      "A GraphQL Schema defines the capabilities of a GraphQL " +
      "server. It exposes all available types and directives on " +
      "the server, as well as the entry points for query, mutation, and subscription operations.",
    fields = List[Field[Unit, Schema[Any, Any]]](
      Field("types", ListType(__Type), Some("A list of all types supported by this server."),
        resolve = _.value.typeList map (true → _)),
      Field("queryType", __Type, Some("The type that query operations will be rooted at."),
        resolve = true → _.value.query),
      Field("mutationType", OptionType(__Type),
        Some("If this server supports mutation, the type that mutation operations will be rooted at."),
        resolve = _.value.mutation map (true → _)),
      Field("subscriptionType", OptionType(__Type),
        Some("If this server support subscription, the type that subscription operations will be rooted at."),
        resolve = _.value.subscription map (true → _)),
      Field("directives", ListType(__Directive),
        Some("A list of all directives supported by this server."), resolve = _.value.directives)))

  val SchemaMetaField: Field[Unit, Unit] = Field(
    name = "__schema",
    fieldType = __Schema,
    description = Some("Access the current type schema of this server."),
    resolve = _.schema.asInstanceOf[Schema[Any, Any]])

  val TypeMetaField: Field[Unit, Unit] = Field(
    name = "__type",
    fieldType = OptionType(__Type),
    description = Some("Request the type information of a single type."),
    arguments = Argument("name", StringType) :: Nil,
    resolve = ctx ⇒ ctx.schema.types get ctx.arg[String]("name") map (true → _._2))

  val TypeNameMetaField: Field[Unit, Unit] = Field(
    name = "__typename",
    fieldType = StringType,
    description = Some("The name of the current Object type at runtime."),
    resolve = ctx ⇒

  val MetaFieldNames = Set(,,

  val IntrospectionTypes: List[Type with Named] =
    __Schema :: __TypeKind :: __DirectiveLocation :: __Type :: __Field :: __InputValue :: __EnumValue :: __Directive :: Nil

  val IntrospectionTypesByName: Map[String, Type with Named] =

  lazy val Success(introspectionQuery) = QueryParser.parse(
      |query IntrospectionQuery {
      |  __schema {
      |    queryType { name }
      |    mutationType { name }
      |    subscriptionType { name }
      |    types {
      |      ...FullType
      |    }
      |    directives {
      |      name
      |      description
      |      locations
      |      args {
      |        ...InputValue
      |      }
      |    }
      |  }
      |fragment FullType on __Type {
      |  kind
      |  name
      |  description
      |  fields(includeDeprecated: true) {
      |    name
      |    description
      |    args {
      |      ...InputValue
      |    }
      |    type {
      |      ...TypeRef
      |    }
      |    isDeprecated
      |    deprecationReason
      |  }
      |  inputFields {
      |    ...InputValue
      |  }
      |  interfaces {
      |    ...TypeRef
      |  }
      |  enumValues(includeDeprecated: true) {
      |    name
      |    description
      |    isDeprecated
      |    deprecationReason
      |  }
      |  possibleTypes {
      |    ...TypeRef
      |  }
      |fragment InputValue on __InputValue {
      |  name
      |  description
      |  type { ...TypeRef }
      |  defaultValue
      |fragment TypeRef on __Type {
      |  kind
      |  name
      |  ofType {
      |    kind
      |    name
      |    ofType {
      |      kind
      |      name
      |      ofType {
      |        kind
      |        name
      |        ofType {
      |          kind
      |          name
      |          ofType {
      |            kind
      |            name
      |            ofType {
      |              kind
      |              name
      |              ofType {
      |                kind
      |                name
      |              }
      |            }
      |          }
      |        }
      |      }
      |    }
      |  }

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