org.scaladebugger.api.pipelines.Pipeline.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.scaladebugger.api.pipelines
import scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce
import scala.concurrent.{Promise, Future}
import scala.util.Try
* Represents a pipeline of instructions used to perform a series of operations
* over an arbitrary collection of data.
* @tparam A The incoming data type
* @tparam B The outgoing data type
* @param operation The operation to apply to incoming data
* @param closeFunc The function to invoke to close the pipeline
* @param metadataMap The map of metadata to hold in the pipeline instance
class Pipeline[A, B] private[pipelines] (
val operation: Operation[A, B],
private[pipelines] val closeFunc: Pipeline.CloseFunctionWithData,
private val metadataMap: Pipeline.Metadata
) extends Closeable {
* Creates a new instance of the pipeline with the specified operation. The
* close function is considered a no-op on this pipeline. The metadata is an
* empty map for this pipeline.
* @param operation The operation to apply to incoming data
* @return The new pipeline instance
private[pipelines] def this(operation: Operation[A, B]) =
this(operation, Pipeline.DefaultCloseFunc, Pipeline.DefaultMetadataMap)
* Creates a new instance of the pipeline with the specified operation and
* close function. The metadata is an empty map for this pipeline.
* @param operation The operation to apply to incoming data
* @param closeFunc The function to invoke to close the pipeline
* @return The new pipeline instance
private[pipelines] def this(
operation: Operation[A, B],
closeFunc: Pipeline.CloseFunctionWithData
) = this(operation, closeFunc, Pipeline.DefaultMetadataMap)
* Creates a new instance of the pipeline with the specified operation and
* close function. The metadata is an empty map for this pipeline.
* @param operation The operation to apply to incoming data
* @param closeFunc The function to invoke to close the pipeline
* @return The new pipeline instance
private[pipelines] def this(
operation: Operation[A, B],
closeFunc: Pipeline.CloseFunction
) = this(operation, (_) => closeFunc(), Pipeline.DefaultMetadataMap)
* Creates a new instance of the pipeline with the specified operation and
* metadata. The close function is considered a no-op on this pipeline.
* @param operation The operation to apply to incoming data
* @param metadataMap The map of metadata to hold in the pipeline instance
* @return The new pipeline instance
private[pipelines] def this(
operation: Operation[A, B],
metadataMap: Pipeline.Metadata
) = this(operation, Pipeline.DefaultCloseFunc, metadataMap)
* Creates a new instance of the pipeline with the specified operation and
* close function. The metadata is an empty map for this pipeline.
* @param operation The operation to apply to incoming data
* @param closeFunc The function to invoke to close the pipeline
* @param metadataMap The map of metadata to hold in the pipeline instance
* @return The new pipeline instance
private[pipelines] def this(
operation: Operation[A, B],
closeFunc: Pipeline.CloseFunction,
metadataMap: Pipeline.Metadata
) = this(operation, (_) => closeFunc(), metadataMap)
/** Any child pipelines whose input is the output of this pipeline. */
@volatile private var _children: Seq[Pipeline[B, _]] = Nil
/** Failure route at this stage in the pipeline. */
private lazy val _failure = newPipeline(new NoOperation[Throwable])
/** Metadata route at this stage in the pipeline. */
private lazy val _metadata = map(data => (data, currentMetadata))
* Retrieves the metadata route of the current pipeline stage.
* @return The pipeline to process the metadata for the pipeline, containing
* the data and metadata as a tuple
def metadata: Pipeline[B, (B, Pipeline.Metadata)] = _metadata
* Retrieves the current metadata at this stage in the pipeline.
* @return The map of metadata
def currentMetadata: Pipeline.Metadata = metadataMap
* Adds additional metadata by creating a new stage in the pipeline with the
* additional metadata merged with the existing metadata.
* @param metadataMap The new metadata to add to future pipeline stages
* @return The resulting pipeline instance with the updated metadata
def withMetadata(metadataMap: Pipeline.Metadata): Pipeline[B, B] = {
val childPipeline = newPipeline(
new NoOperation[B],
currentMetadata ++ metadataMap
* Retrieves the failure route of the current pipeline stage.
* @return The pipeline to process the throwable from the failure
def failed: Pipeline[Throwable, Throwable] = _failure
* Retrieves the collection of children pipelines for the current pipeline.
* @return The collection of pipelines that are children to this pipeline
def children: Seq[Pipeline[B, _]] = _children
* Adds the specified pipeline as a child of this pipeline.
* @param childPipeline The pipeline to add as a child
* @tparam C The outgoing type of the child pipeline
* @return The added child pipeline
protected def addChildPipeline[C](
childPipeline: Pipeline[B, C]
): Pipeline[B, C] = {
_children :+= childPipeline
* Creates a new pipeline using the given operation. This is used to generate
* pipelines within the pipeline itself and can be overridden to generate
* a different kind of pipeline. It is recommended to override this method
* when subclassing pipeline.
* @param operation The operation to provide to the new pipeline
* @param closeFunc The function used to close the new pipeline
* @param metadataMap The map of metadata to hold in the pipeline instance
* @tparam C The input type of the new pipeline
* @tparam D The output type of the new pipeline
* @return The new pipeline
protected def newPipeline[C, D](
operation: Operation[C, D],
closeFunc: Pipeline.CloseFunctionWithData,
metadataMap: Pipeline.Metadata
): Pipeline[C, D] = new Pipeline[C, D](operation, closeFunc, metadataMap)
* Creates a new pipeline using the given operation. This is used to generate
* pipelines within the pipeline itself and can be overridden to generate
* a different kind of pipeline. It is recommended to override this method
* when subclassing pipeline.
* @note This implementation passes down the current pipeline's
* close function and metadata map.
* @param operation The operation to provide to the new pipeline
* @tparam C The input type of the new pipeline
* @tparam D The output type of the new pipeline
* @return The new pipeline
protected def newPipeline[C, D](operation: Operation[C, D]): Pipeline[C, D] =
newPipeline[C, D](operation, closeFunc, metadataMap)
* Processes the provided data through this specific pipeline instance and
* all subsequent children of this pipeline instance. No parent pipeline
* instance will be used during the processing of the data.
* @param data The data to process
* @return If successful, the transformed collection of data at this
* specific pipeline instance, otherwise the thrown exception
def process(data: A*): Try[Seq[B]] = {
val results = Try(operation.process(data))
// If successful, continue down children paths
results.foreach(r => children.foreach(_.process(r: _*)))
// If failed, continue down failure path
results.failed.foreach(throwable => failed.process(throwable))
* Transforms the output of this pipeline using the provided operation.
* @note Inherits the close function of the pipeline.
* @param operation The operation to use to transform the output of this
* pipeline instance
* @tparam C The resulting type of the output from the operation
* @return The resulting pipeline instance from applying the operation
def transform[C](operation: Operation[B, C]): Pipeline[B, C] = {
val childPipeline = newPipeline(operation)
* Maps the output of this pipeline instance to new values.
* @note Inherits the close function of the pipeline.
* @param f The function to use for mapping data to new values
* @tparam C The resulting type of the new values
* @return The resulting pipeline instance with the mapped data
def map[C](f: (B) => C): Pipeline[B, C] = {
transform(new MapOperation(f))
* Maps the output of this pipeline instance to new values and then flattens
* the results.
* @param f The function to use for mapping data to new values that will
* be flattened
* @tparam C The resulting type of the new values
* @return The resulting pipeline instance with the mapped and flattened data
def flatMap[C](f: (B) => GenTraversableOnce[C]): Pipeline[B, C] = {
transform(new FlatMapOperation(f))
* Filters the output of this pipeline instance.
* @param f The function to use for filtering data (only true results will
* remain in output)
* @return The resulting pipeline instance with the filtered data
def filter(f: (B) => Boolean): Pipeline[B, B] = {
transform(new FilterOperation(f))
* Filters the output of this pipeline instance.
* @param f The function to use for filtering data (only false results will
* remain in output)
* @return The resulting pipeline instance with the filtered data
def filterNot(f: (B) => Boolean): Pipeline[B, B] = {
transform(new FilterNotOperation(f))
* Applies the provided function to the output of this pipeline, returning
* nothing from the function.
* @param f The function to apply
def foreach(f: (B) => Unit): Unit = {
transform(new ForeachOperation(f))
* Unions this pipeline with another pipeline that has the same input such
* that input from either pipeline is used for both.
* @param other The other pipeline whose input to union together
* @return The unioned pipeline
def unionInput(other: Pipeline[A, _]): Pipeline[A, A] = {
val parentPipeline = newPipeline(
new NoOperation[A],
* Unions this pipeline with another pipeline that has the same output such
* that output from either pipeline flows through the union.
* @param other The other pipeline to whose output to union together
* @return The unioned pipeline
def unionOutput(other: Pipeline[_, B]): Pipeline[B, B] = {
val childPipeline = newPipeline(new NoOperation[B], (data) => {
val result1 = Try(this.close(now = true, data = data.orNull))
val result2 = Try(other.close(now = true, data = data.orNull))
// Throw the exceptions if they occur AFTER processing both closes
}, this.currentMetadata ++ other.currentMetadata)
* Applies a no-op on the current pipeline.
* @return The pipeline after a no-op has been applied
def noop(): Pipeline[B, B] = transform(new NoOperation[B])
* Closes the pipeline.
* @param now If true, should perform the closing action immediately rather
* than on the next data fed through the pipeline
* @param data Any data to be provided to the close function
def close(now: Boolean = true, data: Any = null): Unit = {
if (now) closeFunc(Option(data))
else transform(new CloseOperation(() => closeFunc(Option(data))))
* Closes the pipeline immediately. No data is provided.
def close(): Unit = close(now = true, data = null)
* Transforms the pipeline into a future that will be evaluated once and then
* closes the underlying pipeline.
* @return The future representing this pipeline
def toFuture: Future[B] = {
val pipelinePromise = Promise[B]()
foreach(value => {
failed.foreach(throwable => {
* Contains helper utilities for pipeline creation.
object Pipeline {
/** Represents a pipeline whose input and output types are the same. */
type IdentityPipeline[A] = Pipeline[A, A]
/** Represents the metadata for a pipeline. */
type Metadata = Map[String, Any]
/** Represents a close function with data. */
type CloseFunctionWithData = (Option[Any]) => Unit
/** Represents a close function with no data. */
type CloseFunction = () => Unit
/** Default close function. Does nothing. */
val DefaultCloseFunc: CloseFunctionWithData = (_) => {}
/** Default metadata map. Is empty. */
val DefaultMetadataMap: Metadata = Map()
* Creates an empty pipeline expecting data of the specified type. The
* associated close function is equivalent to a no-op.
* @tparam A The type of incoming data
* @param klass The class representing the input of the new pipeline
* @return The new pipeline
def newPipeline[A](klass: Class[A]): IdentityPipeline[A] =
new Pipeline(new NoOperation[A])
* Creates an empty, closeable pipeline expecting data of the specified type.
* @tparam A The type of incoming data
* @param klass The class representing the input of the new pipeline
* @param closeFunc The function to invoke when closing the pipeline
* @return The new pipeline
def newPipeline[A](
klass: Class[A],
closeFunc: CloseFunction
): Pipeline[A, A] = new Pipeline(new NoOperation[A], closeFunc)
* Creates an empty, closeable pipeline expecting data of the specified type.
* @tparam A The type of incoming data
* @param klass The class representing the input of the new pipeline
* @param closeFunc The function to invoke when closing the pipeline
* @return The new pipeline
def newPipeline[A](
klass: Class[A],
closeFunc: CloseFunctionWithData
): Pipeline[A, A] = new Pipeline(new NoOperation[A], closeFunc)
* Creates an empty pipeline expecting data of the specified type and
* containing the provided metadata. The associated close function is
* equivalent to a no-op.
* @tparam A The type of incoming data
* @param klass The class representing the input of the new pipeline
* @param metadataMap The map of metadata to hold in the pipeline instance
* @return The new pipeline instance
def newPipeline[A](
klass: Class[A],
metadataMap: Pipeline.Metadata
): Pipeline[A, A] = new Pipeline(new NoOperation[A], metadataMap)
* Creates an empty pipeline expecting data of the specified type and
* containing the provided metadata.
* @tparam A The type of incoming data
* @param klass The class representing the input of the new pipeline
* @param closeFunc The function to invoke when closing the pipeline
* @param metadataMap The map of metadata to hold in the pipeline instance
* @return The new pipeline instance
def newPipeline[A](
klass: Class[A],
closeFunc: CloseFunction,
metadataMap: Pipeline.Metadata
): Pipeline[A, A] = new Pipeline(new NoOperation[A], closeFunc, metadataMap)
* Creates an empty pipeline expecting data of the specified type and
* containing the provided metadata.
* @tparam A The type of incoming data
* @param klass The class representing the input of the new pipeline
* @param closeFunc The function to invoke when closing the pipeline
* @param metadataMap The map of metadata to hold in the pipeline instance
* @return The new pipeline instance
def newPipeline[A](
klass: Class[A],
closeFunc: CloseFunctionWithData,
metadataMap: Pipeline.Metadata
): Pipeline[A, A] = new Pipeline(new NoOperation[A], closeFunc, metadataMap)
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