scalax.collection.Graph.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalax.collection
import language.higherKinds
import collection.{SetLike, GenTraversableOnce, GenTraversable}
import collection.generic.GenericCompanion
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import GraphPredef.{EdgeLikeIn, Param, InParam, OutParam,
OuterNode, InnerNodeParam, OuterEdge, InnerEdgeParam}
import GraphEdge.{EdgeLike, EdgeCompanionBase, DiHyperEdgeLike, UnDiEdge, DiEdge, Keyed}
import generic.{GraphCompanion, GraphCoreCompanion}
import config.GraphConfig
import io._
* A template trait for graphs.
* This trait provides the common structure and operations of immutable graphs independently
* of their representation.
* If `E` inherits `DirectedEdgeLike` the graph is directed, otherwise it is undirected or mixed.
* @tparam N the user type of the nodes (vertices) in this graph.
* @tparam E the higher kinded type of the edges (links) in this graph.
* @tparam This the higher kinded type of the graph itself.
* @define REIMPLFACTORY Note that this method must be reimplemented in each module
* having its own factory methods such as `constrained` does.
* @define CONTGRAPH The `Graph` instance that contains `this`
* @author Peter Empen
trait GraphLike[N,
E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X],
+This[X, Y[X]<:EdgeLikeIn[X]]
<: GraphLike[X,Y,This] with AnySet[Param[X,Y]] with Graph[X,Y]]
extends SetLike [Param[N,E], This[N,E]]
with GraphTraversal[N,E]
with GraphBase [N,E]
with GraphDegree [N,E]
{ thisGraph: // This[N,E] => see https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/SCL-13199
This[N,E] with GraphLike[N,E,This] with AnySet[Param[N,E]] with Graph[N,E] =>
protected type ThisGraph = thisGraph.type
implicit val edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]]
def isDirected: Boolean = isDirectedT || edges.hasOnlyDiEdges
protected final val isDirectedT = classOf[DiHyperEdgeLike[_]].isAssignableFrom(edgeT.runtimeClass)
def isHyper: Boolean = isHyperT && edges.hasAnyHyperEdge
protected final val isHyperT = ! classOf[UnDiEdge[_]].isAssignableFrom(edgeT.runtimeClass)
def isMixed: Boolean = ! isDirectedT && edges.hasMixedEdges
def isMulti: Boolean = isMultiT || edges.hasAnyMultiEdge
protected final val isMultiT = classOf[Keyed].isAssignableFrom(edgeT.runtimeClass)
/** The companion object of `This`. */
val graphCompanion: GraphCompanion[This]
protected type Config <: GraphConfig
implicit def config: graphCompanion.Config with Config
override def stringPrefix: String = "Graph"
* Ensures sorted nodes/edges unless this `Graph` has more than 100 elements.
* See also `asSortedString` and `toSortedString`.
override def toString = if (size <= 100) toSortedString()()
else super.toString
* Sorts all nodes of this graph by `ordNode` followed by all edges sorted by `ordEdge`
* and concatinates their string representation `nodeSeparator` and `edgeSeparator`
* respectively.
* @param nodeSeparator to separate nodes by.
* @param edgeSeparator to separate edges by.
* @param nodesEdgesSeparator to separate nodes from edges by.
* @param withNodesEdgesPrefix whether the node and edge set should be prefixed.
* @param ordNode the node ordering defaulting to `defaultNodeOrdering`.
* @param ordEdge the edge ordering defaulting to `defaultEdgeOrdering`.
def asSortedString (nodeSeparator : String = GraphBase.defaultSeparator,
edgeSeparator : String = GraphBase.defaultSeparator,
nodesEdgesSeparator : String = GraphBase.defaultSeparator,
withNodesEdgesPrefix: Boolean = false)(
implicit ordNode : NodeOrdering = defaultNodeOrdering,
ordEdge : EdgeOrdering = defaultEdgeOrdering) =
{ val ns = if (withNodesEdgesPrefix) nodes.toSortedString(nodeSeparator)(ordNode)
else nodes.asSortedString(nodeSeparator)(ordNode)
val es = if (withNodesEdgesPrefix) edges.toSortedString(edgeSeparator)(ordEdge)
else edges.asSortedString(edgeSeparator)(ordEdge)
ns + (if (ns.length > 0 && es.length > 0) nodesEdgesSeparator
else "") +
/** Same as `asSortedString` but additionally prefixed and parenthesized by `stringPrefix`.
def toSortedString (nodeSeparator : String = GraphBase.defaultSeparator,
edgeSeparator : String = GraphBase.defaultSeparator,
nodesEdgesSeparator : String = GraphBase.defaultSeparator,
withNodesEdgesPrefix: Boolean = false)(
implicit ordNode : NodeOrdering = defaultNodeOrdering,
ordEdge : EdgeOrdering = defaultEdgeOrdering) =
{ stringPrefix +
"(" + asSortedString(nodeSeparator,
withNodesEdgesPrefix)(ordNode, ordEdge) +
* `Graph` instances are equal if their nodes and edges turned
* to outer nodes and outer edges are equal. Any `TraversableOnce`
* instance may also be equal to this graph if its set representation
* contains equalling outer nodes and outer edges. Thus the following
* expressions hold:
* {{{
* Graph(1~2, 3) == List(1~2, 3)
* Graph(1~2, 3) == List(1, 2, 2, 3, 2~1)
* }}}
* The first test is `false` because of the failing nodes `1` and `2`.
* The second is true because of duplicate elimination and undirected edge equivalence.
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: Graph[N,E] =>
(this eq that) ||
(this.order == that.order ) &&
(this.graphSize == that.graphSize) &&
{ val thatNodes = that.nodes.toOuter
try this.nodes forall (thisN => thatNodes(thisN.value))
catch { case _: ClassCastException => false } } &&
{ val thatEdges = that.edges.toOuter
try this.edges forall (thisE => thatEdges(thisE.toOuter))
catch { case _: ClassCastException => false } }
case that: TraversableOnce[_] =>
val thatSet = that.toSet
(this.size == thatSet.size) &&
{ val thatNodes = thatSet.asInstanceOf[Set[N]]
try this.nodes forall (thisN => thatNodes(thisN.value))
catch { case _: ClassCastException => false } } &&
{ val thatEdges = thatSet.asInstanceOf[Set[E[N]]]
try this.edges forall (thisE => thatEdges(thisE.toOuter))
catch { case _: ClassCastException => false } }
case _ =>
type NodeT <: InnerNode
trait InnerNode extends super.InnerNode with TraverserInnerNode {
this: NodeT =>
/** $CONTGRAPH inner edge. */
final def containingGraph: ThisGraph = thisGraph
protected abstract class NodeBase(override val value: N)
extends super.NodeBase
with InnerNodeParam[N]
with InnerNode {
this: NodeT =>
final def isContaining[N, E[X]<:EdgeLikeIn[X]](g: GraphBase[N,E]): Boolean =
g eq containingGraph
type NodeSetT <: NodeSet
trait NodeSet extends super.NodeSet {
protected def copy: NodeSetT
override final def -(node: NodeT): NodeSetT =
if (this contains node) { val c = copy; c minus node; c }
else this.asInstanceOf[NodeSetT]
* removes `node` from this node set leaving the edge set unchanged.
* @param node the node to be removed from the node set.
protected def minus(node: NodeT): Unit
* removes `node` either rippling or gently.
* @param node the node to be subtracted
* @param rippleDelete if `true`, `node` will be deleted with its incident edges;
* otherwise `node` will be only deleted if it has no incident edges or
* all its incident edges are hooks.
* @param minusNode implementation of node removal without considering incident edges.
* @param minusEdges implementation of removal of all incident edges.
* @return `true` if `node` has been removed.
protected[collection] final def subtract(node: NodeT,
rippleDelete: Boolean,
minusNode: (NodeT) => Unit,
minusEdges:(NodeT) => Unit ): Boolean = {
def minusNodeTrue = { minusNode(node); true }
def minusAllTrue = { minusEdges(node); minusNodeTrue }
if (contains(node))
if (node.edges.isEmpty) minusNodeTrue
else if (rippleDelete) minusAllTrue
else if (node.hasOnlyHooks) minusAllTrue
else handleNotGentlyRemovable
else false
protected def handleNotGentlyRemovable = false
trait InnerEdge extends super.InnerEdge {
this: EdgeT =>
/** $CONTGRAPH inner edge. */
final def containingGraph: ThisGraph = thisGraph
type EdgeT <: InnerEdgeParam[N,E,NodeT,E] with InnerEdge with Serializable
class EdgeBase(override val edge: E[NodeT]) extends InnerEdgeParam[N,E,NodeT,E] with InnerEdge {
this: EdgeT =>
override def iterator: Iterator[NodeT] = edge.iterator.asInstanceOf[Iterator[NodeT]]
override def stringPrefix = super.stringPrefix
type EdgeSetT <: EdgeSet
trait EdgeSet extends super.EdgeSet {
def hasOnlyDiEdges: Boolean
def hasOnlyUnDiEdges: Boolean
def hasMixedEdges: Boolean
def hasAnyHyperEdge: Boolean
def hasAnyMultiEdge: Boolean
/** Checks whether a given node or edge is contained in this graph.
* @param elem the node or edge the existence of which is to be checked
* @return true if `elem` is contained in this graph
def contains(elem: Param[N,E]) = elem match {
case in: InParam[N,E] => in match {
case n: OuterNode[N] => nodes contains newNode(n.value)
case e: OuterEdge[N,E] => edges contains newEdge(e.edge)
case out: OutParam[_,_] => out match {
case n: InnerNodeParam[N] => nodes contains
n.toNodeT[N,E,ThisGraph](thisGraph)(anyNode => newNode(anyNode.value)
case e: InnerEdgeParam[N,E,_,E] => edges contains
e.toEdgeT[N,E,ThisGraph](thisGraph)(anyEdge => newEdge(anyEdge.toOuter)
/** Iterates over all nodes and all edges.
* @return iterator containing all nodes and all edges
def iterator: Iterator[Param[N,E]] = nodes.toIterator ++ edges.toIterator
* Searches for an inner node equaling to `outerNode` in this graph.
* @param outerNode the outer node to search for in this graph.
* @return `Some` of the inner node found or `None`.
@inline final def find(outerNode: N): Option[NodeT] = nodes find outerNode
* Searches for an edge node equaling to `outerEdge` in this graph.
* @param outerEdge the outer edge to search for in this graph.
* @return `Some` of the inner edge found or `None`.
@inline final def find(outerEdge: E[N]): Option[EdgeT] = edges find outerEdge
* Searches for an inner node equaling to `outerNode` in this graph
* which must exist in this graph.
* @param outerNode the outer node to search for in this graph.
* @return the inner node if found. Otherwise NoSuchElementException is thrown.
@inline final def get (outerNode: N): NodeT = nodes get outerNode
* Searches for an inner edge equaling to `outerEdge` in this graph
* which must exist in this graph.
* @param outerEdge the outer edge to search for in this graph.
* @return the inner edge if found. Otherwise NoSuchElementException is thrown.
@inline final def get (outerEdge: E[N]) = find(outerEdge).get
* Searches for an inner node equaling to `outerNode` in this graph.
* @param outerNode the outer node to search for in this graph.
* @param default the inner node to return if `outerNode` is not contained.
* @return The inner node looked up or `default` if no inner node
* equaling to `outerNode` could be found.
@inline final def getOrElse(outerNode: N, default: NodeT) = find(outerNode).getOrElse(default)
* Searches for an inner edge equaling to `outerEdge` in this graph.
* @param outerEdge the outer edge to search for in this graph.
* @param default the inner edge to return if `outerEdge` cannot be found.
* @return the inner edge looked up or `default` if no inner edge
* equaling to `edge` could be found.
@inline final def getOrElse(outerEdge: E[N],default: EdgeT) =
/** Creates a new supergraph with an additional node, unless the node passed is
* already present.
* @param node the node to be added
* @return the new supergraph containing all nodes and edges of this graph and `node`
* additionally.
def +(node: N): This[N,E]
/** Creates a new supergraph with an additional edge, unless the edge passed is
* already present.
* @param edge the edge to be added
* @return the new supergraph containing all nodes and edges of this
* graph plus `edge`.
protected def +#(edge: E[N]): This[N,E]
/** Creates a new supergraph with an additional node or edge, unless the
* node or edge passed is already present.
* This method purely wraps `+(node: N)` respectively `+(edge: E[N])`
* granting the same behavior.
* @param elem the wrapped node or edge to be added; ; if `elem` is of type N,
* the wrapped object is added to the node set otherwise to the edge set.
* @return a new supergraph containing all nodes and edges of this graph
* plus `elem`.
def +(elem: Param[N,E]): This[N,E] = elem match {
case in: InParam[N,E] => in match {
case n: OuterNode[N] => this + n.value
case e: OuterEdge[N,E] => this +# e.edge
case out: OutParam[_,_] => out match {
case n: InnerNodeParam[N] => this + n.value
case e: InnerEdgeParam[N,E,_,E] => this +#
override def ++ (elems: GenTraversableOnce[Param[N,E]]) = bulkOp(elems, true)
override def -- (elems: GenTraversableOnce[Param[N,E]]) = bulkOp(elems, false)
/** Prepares and calls `plusPlus` or `minusMinus`. */
final protected def bulkOp(elems: GenTraversableOnce[Param[N,E]],
isPlusPlus: Boolean): This[N,E] = {
val p = partition(elems)
if (isPlusPlus) plusPlus (p.toOuterNodes, p.toOuterEdges)
else minusMinus(p.toOuterNodes, p.toOuterEdges)
final protected def partition(elems: GenTraversableOnce[Param[N,E]]) =
new Param.Partitions[N,E] (elems match {
case t: Traversable[Param[N,E]] => t
case g: GenTraversableOnce[Param[N,E]] => g.to[Traversable]
case _ => throw new MatchError("Traversable expected.")
/** Implements the heart of `++` calling the `from` factory method of the companion object.
protected def plusPlus(newNodes: Traversable[N], newEdges: Traversable[E[N]]): This[N,E] =
graphCompanion.from[N,E](nodes.toOuter ++ newNodes,
edges.toOuter ++ newEdges).asInstanceOf[This[N,E]]
/** Implements the heart of `--` calling the `from` factory method of the companion object.
protected def minusMinus(delNodes: Traversable[N], delEdges: Traversable[E[N]]): This[N,E] = {
val delNodesEdges = minusMinusNodesEdges(delNodes, delEdges)
graphCompanion.from[N,E](delNodesEdges._1, delNodesEdges._2).asInstanceOf[This[N,E]]
/** Calculates the `nodes` and `edges` arguments to be passed to a factory method
* when delNodes and delEdges are to be deleted by `--`.
protected def minusMinusNodesEdges(delNodes: Traversable[N], delEdges: Traversable[E[N]]) =
( nodes.toOuter -- delNodes,
{ val delNodeSet = delNodes.toSet
val restEdges =
for(e <- edges.toOuter if e forall (n =>
! (delNodeSet contains n))) yield e
restEdges -- delEdges
/** Creates a new subgraph consisting of all nodes and edges of this graph except `node`
* and those edges which `node` is incident with.
* @param node the node to be removed.
* @return the new subgraph of this graph after the "ripple" deletion of `node`.
def - (node: N): This[N,E]
/** Creates a new subgraph consisting of all nodes and edges of this graph but `node`
* which is conditionally removed from this graph. The removal only succeeds if the node
* is not incident with any edges or it is only incident with hooks.
* @param node the node to be gently removed.
* @return the new subgraph of this graph after the "gentle" deletion of `node`.
* If `node` could not be deleted, the new graph is a copy of this graph.
def -?(node: N): This[N,E]
/** Creates a new subgraph consisting of all nodes and edges of this graph but `edge`.
* The node set remains unchanged.
* @param edge the edge to be removed.
* @return a new subgraph of this graph that contains all nodes and edges of this graph
* except of `edge`.
protected def -#(edge: E[N]): This[N,E]
/** Creates a new subgraph consisting of all nodes and edges of this graph except `edge`
* and those nodes which are incident with `edge` and would become edge-less after deletion.
* @param edge the edge to be removed.
* @return a new subgraph of this graph after the "ripple" deletion of `edge` from
* this graph.
protected def -!#(edge: E[N]): This[N,E]
/** Creates a new subgraph consisting of all nodes and edges of this graph except `elem`.
* If `elem` is of type N, this method maps to `-(node: N)`. Otherwise the edge is deleted
* leaving the node set unchanged.
* @param elem node or edge to be removed.
* @return the new subgraph of this graph after the "ripple" deletion of the passed node
* or the simple deletion of the passed edge.
def - (elem: Param[N,E]): This[N,E] = elem match {
case in: InParam[N,E] => in match {
case n: OuterNode[N] => this - n.value
case e: OuterEdge[N,E] => this -# e.edge
case out: OutParam[_,_] => out match {
case n: InnerNodeParam[N] => this - n.value
case e: InnerEdgeParam[N,E,_,E] => this -# e.asEdgeT[N,E,ThisGraph](thisGraph).toOuter
/** Creates a new subgraph consisting of all nodes and edges of this graph except `elem`.
* If `elem` is of type N, this method maps to `-(node: N)`. Otherwise the edge is deleted
* along with those incident nodes which would become edge-less after deletion.
* @param elem node or edge to be removed.
* @return a new subgraph of this graph after the "ripple" deletion of the passed
* node or edge.
def -!(elem: Param[N,E]): This[N,E] = elem match {
case in: InParam[N,E] => in match {
case n: OuterNode[N] => this - n.value
case e: OuterEdge[N,E] => this -!# e.edge
case out: OutParam[_,_] => out match {
case n: InnerNodeParam[N] => this - n.value
case e: InnerEdgeParam[N,E,_,E] => this -!# e.asEdgeT[N,E,ThisGraph](thisGraph).toOuter
/** Creates a new subgraph consisting of all nodes and edges of this graph but the elements
* of `coll` which will be unconditionally removed. This operation differs from `--`
* in that edges are deleted along with those incident nodes which would become isolated
* after deletion.
* @param elems collection of nodes and/or edges to be removed; if the element type is N,
* it is removed from the node set otherwise from the edge set.
* See `-!(elem: Param[N,E])`.
* @return the new subgraph containing all nodes and edges of this graph
* after the "ripple" deletion of nodes and the simple deletion of edges in `coll` .
def --! (elems: GenTraversableOnce[Param[N,E]]): This[N,E] = {
val p = partition(elems)
val (delNodes, delEdges) = (p.toOuterNodes, p.toOuterEdges)
val unconnectedNodeCandidates = {
val edgeNodes = MSet.empty[N]
delEdges foreach (_ foreach (n => edgeNodes += n))
edgeNodes -- delNodes
val delEdgeSet = {
val edges = MSet.empty[EdgeT]
delEdges foreach (this find _ map (edges += _))
minusMinus(delNodes ++
(unconnectedNodeCandidates filter (
nc => this find nc map (n =>
n.edges forall (delEdgeSet contains _)) getOrElse false)),
* Provides a shortcut for predicates involving any graph element.
* In order to compute a subgraph of this graph, the result of this method
* may be passed to any graph-level method requiring a predicate such as
* `count`, `exists`, `filter`, `filterNot`, `forall` etc. For instance
* {{{
* val g = Graph(2~>3, 3~>1, 5)
* g filter g.having(nodes = _ >= 2) // yields Graph(2, 3, 5, 2~>3)
* }}}
* @param node The predicate that must hold for the nodes.
* @param edge The predicate that must hold for the edges. If omitted, all edges
* between nodes to be included by `nodes` will also be included.
* @return A partial function combining the passed predicates.
def having(node: NodeFilter = _ => false,
edge: EdgeFilter = null): PartialFunction[Param[N,E], Boolean] = {
val nodePred: PartialFunction[Param[N,E], Boolean] = {
case n: InnerNodeParam[N] => node(n.asNodeT[N,E,ThisGraph](thisGraph))
val edgePred: PartialFunction[Param[N,E], Boolean] =
if (edge eq null) {
case e: InnerEdgeParam[N,E,_,E] => e.asEdgeT[N,E,ThisGraph](thisGraph) forall (node(_))
} else {
case e: InnerEdgeParam[N,E,_,E] => edge(e.asEdgeT[N,E,ThisGraph](thisGraph))
nodePred orElse edgePred
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
* The main trait for immutable graphs bundling the functionality of traits concerned with
* specific aspects.
* @tparam N the type of the nodes (vertices) in this graph.
* @tparam E the kind of the edges in this graph.
* @author Peter Empen
trait Graph[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]]
extends AnySet[Param[N,E]]
with GraphLike[N,E,Graph]
override def empty: Graph[N,E] = Graph.empty[N,E]
* The main companion object for immutable graphs.
* @author Peter Empen
object Graph
extends GraphCoreCompanion[Graph]
override def newBuilder[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](implicit edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]],
config: Config) =
immutable.Graph.newBuilder[N,E](edgeT, config)
def empty[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](implicit edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]],
config: Config = defaultConfig): Graph[N,E] =
immutable.Graph.empty[N,E](edgeT, config)
def from [N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](nodes: Traversable[N] = Nil,
edges: Traversable[E[N]])
(implicit edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]],
config: Config = defaultConfig): Graph[N,E] =
immutable.Graph.from[N,E](nodes, edges)(
edgeT, config)
implicit def cbfUnDi[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](implicit edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]],
config: Config = defaultConfig) =
new GraphCanBuildFrom[N,E]()(edgeT, config).asInstanceOf[GraphCanBuildFrom[N,E]
with CanBuildFrom[Graph[_,UnDiEdge], Param[N,E], Graph[N,E]]]
implicit def cbfDi[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](implicit edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]],
config: Config = defaultConfig) =
new GraphCanBuildFrom[N,E]()(edgeT, config).asInstanceOf[GraphCanBuildFrom[N,E]
with CanBuildFrom[Graph[_,DiEdge], Param[N,E], Graph[N,E]]]
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