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scalax.collection.State.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package scalax.collection

import language.{higherKinds, postfixOps}

import GraphPredef.EdgeLikeIn
import mutable.ExtBitSet

/** Adds bit fields to the graph and its nodes facilitating fast storage and retrieval of
 *  traversal-specific flags as a decoupled implementation trait. These flags are often used
 *  to keep track of visited nodes.
 *  Traversals (algorithms) acquire handles by calling `withHandle`. Then,
 *  in `withHandle`'s code block, `node.visited` or `node.bit` is called with the supplied
 *  handle as an implicit parameter to set or get a node's flag.
 *  @author Peter Empen
protected trait State[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]] {
  this: GraphTraversalImpl[N,E] =>

  import State._
  /** Flags in `inUse` refer to required but unclosed handles. */
  private var inUse = new FlagStore
  /** Flags in `dirty` refer to released handles with dirty flags at the nodes. */
  private var dirty = new FlagStore
  private val monitor = new Object with Serializable

  protected def dump(store: FlagStore): ExtBitSet = {
    val words = store.flagsExt.cloneWords
    val dump = new Array[Long](words.length + 1)
    dump(0) = store.flags
    Array.copy(words, 0, dump, 1, words.length)
    new ExtBitSet(dump)
  /** Returns a copy of the current `inUse`-flags for dump purposes. */
  def dumpInUse: ExtBitSet = dump(inUse)
  /** Returns a copy of the current `dirty`-flags for dump purposes. */
  def dumpDirty: ExtBitSet = dump(dirty)

  /** Avoid calling this directly, prefer `withHandle` instead. */
  protected def nextHandle: Handle = monitor.synchronized {
    def clearNodes(hasDirtyExt: Boolean) {
                      if (hasDirtyExt) dirty.flagsExt else null)
      dirty.flags = 0
      if (hasDirtyExt) dirty.flagsExt.clear
    val free = ~(inUse.flags | dirty.flags)
    val nrDirtyFlags = java.lang.Long.bitCount(dirty.flags)
    val newHandle: Handle =
      if (free != 0) {
        val nextFree = java.lang.Long.lowestOneBit(free)
        new Handle(singleWord, nextFree)
      } else if (nrDirtyFlags >= minBitsForClear) {
        val nextFree = java.lang.Long.lowestOneBit(~inUse.flags)
        new Handle(singleWord, nextFree)
      } else inUse.flagsExt.onOrFindUnset(dirty.flagsExt) map { handle =>
      } getOrElse { // no free flag in flagsExt
        if (nrDirtyFlags + dirty.flagsExt.size >= minBitsForClearExt) {
          val handle = dirty.flagsExt.lowestOneBit.get
        } else { // we expand flagsExt
          val handle = new Handle(inUse.flagsExt.nrWords, 1)
    inUse(newHandle) = true
  /** Avoid calling this directly, prefer `withHandle` instead. */
  protected def releaseHandle(handle: Handle) = monitor.synchronized {
    inUse(handle) = false
    dirty(handle) = true
  /** Executes a code block in the context of a new or reused state handler.
   *  @return The result of the code block executed.
  protected def withHandle[T](reuse: Option[Handle] = None)(
                              block: Handle => T          ): T = {
    val thisHandler = reuse getOrElse nextHandle
    val res = block(thisHandler)
    if (reuse isEmpty) releaseHandle(thisHandler)
  /** Executes a code block in the context `nr` new state handlers
   *  or alternatively in the context of the state handlers `reuse`.
   *  @return The result of the code block executed.
  protected def withHandles[T](nr:    Int,
                               reuse: Array[Handle] = Array.empty[Handle])(
                               block: Array[Handle] => T): T = {
    val newHandlers = reuse isEmpty
    val theseHandles =
      if (newHandlers) Array.fill(nr)(nextHandle)
      else reuse
    val res = block(theseHandles)
    if (newHandlers) theseHandles foreach releaseHandle
  trait InnerNodeState {
    protected[State] var flags: FlagWord = 0
    protected[State] var flagsExt: FlagWords = null
    @inline final protected def withFlagsExt[T](block: (ExtBitSet) => T): T =
      block {
        if (flagsExt eq null) flagsExt = initFlagSet

    def dumpState: Array[Long] = {      
      val dump = new Array[Long]( 1 + (if (flagsExt eq null) 0 else flagsExt.nrWords))
      dump(0) = flags
      if (flagsExt ne null)
        Array.copy(flagsExt.cloneWords, 0, dump, 1, flagsExt.nrWords)
    @inline final protected[collection]
    def bit[T](implicit handle: Handle): Boolean =
      if (handle.index == singleWord) (flags & handle.mask) != 0L
      else withFlagsExt(_.apply(handle.index, handle.mask))

    /** Whether this node is marked as visited with respect to `handle`. */
    @inline final protected[collection]
    def visited(implicit handle: Handle): Boolean =

    @inline final protected[collection]
    def bit_=[T](isSet: Boolean)(implicit handle : Handle) {
      monitor.synchronized {
        if (handle.index == singleWord)
          flags = if (isSet) flags |  handle.mask
                  else       flags & ~handle.mask
        else withFlagsExt(_.update(handle.index, handle.mask, isSet))
    /** Sets this node to `visited` with respect to to `handle`. */
    @inline final protected[collection]
    def visited_= (visited: Boolean)(implicit handle: Handle) {
      bit_= (visited)(handle)

  protected def clearNodeStates(flags: FlagWord, flagsExt: ExtBitSet) {
    val clear = ~flags
    val doClearExt = flagsExt != null
    val clearExt = if(doClearExt) ~flagsExt else null
    nodes foreach {n =>
      n.flags &= clear
      if (doClearExt && (n.flagsExt ne null)) n.flagsExt &= clearExt
object State {
  /** Word of flags, that is unit of bitwise boolean state information.
   *  These flags are mainly used to store whether a node counts as visited
   *  with respect to a given traversal where each traversal is represented by a `Handle`. */
  type FlagWord = Long
  protected val nrOfFlagWordBits = 64
  protected val minBitsForClear = nrOfFlagWordBits >> 2 
  /** Growable collection for storing bitwise boolean state information
   *  as an extension of `FlagsWord`. */
  type FlagWords = ExtBitSet
  protected val minBitsForClearExt = nrOfFlagWordBits
  require(minBitsForClear < minBitsForClearExt)

  /** state accessor with respect to a given traversal. */
  class Handle (val index: Int, val mask: FlagWord)
  val singleWord = -1      
  def emptyHandle = new Handle(singleWord, 0)
  def initFlagSet = new ExtBitSet

  protected final class FlagStore(var flags:    FlagWord = 0,
                                  var flagsExt: ExtBitSet = initFlagSet) extends Serializable {

    /** Whether `store` is set with respect to `handle`. */
    def apply(handle: Handle): Boolean =
      if (handle.index == singleWord)
        (flags & handle.mask) != 0
        flagsExt(handle.index, handle.mask)
    /** Sets `store` to `isSet` with respect to `handle`. */
    def update(handle: Handle,
                       isSet:  Boolean) {
      if (handle.index == singleWord)
        flags = if (isSet) flags |  handle.mask
                      else flags & ~handle.mask
        flagsExt(handle.index, handle.mask) = isSet
  /** Dumps the state flags of a `node`. */
  def dump[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](node: Graph[N,E]#NodeT): ExtBitSet =
    node.containingGraph match {
      case g: State[_,_] => node match {
        case n: g.InnerNode with g.InnerNodeState => new ExtBitSet(n.dumpState)
  /** Represents state flags of a graph for dump purposes. */
  class GraphDump(val inUse: ExtBitSet, val dirty: ExtBitSet) {
    override def toString = "inUse = %s%ndirty = %s%n".format(
      inUse.toString, dirty.toString)
  /** Dumps the state flags of a `graph`. */
  def dump[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](graph: Graph[N,E]): GraphDump = graph match {
    case g: State[_,_] => new GraphDump(g.dumpInUse, g.dumpDirty)

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