scalax.collection.generic.Graph.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalax.collection
package generic
import language.higherKinds
import annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
import collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import collection.mutable.{Builder, ListBuffer}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import GraphEdge.{EdgeLike, EdgeCompanionBase}
import GraphPredef.{EdgeLikeIn, Param, OuterNode}
import config.{GraphConfig, CoreConfig}
import mutable.GraphBuilder
* Methods common to `Graph` companion objects in the core module.
* @tparam CC the kind of type of the graph that is to become the companion class/trait
* of the object extending this trait.
* @define DUPLEXCL Duplicate exclusion takes place on the basis of values
* returned by `hashCode` of the supplied nodes and edges. The hash-code
* value of an edge is determined by its ends and optionally by other
* edge components such as `weight` or `label`. To include non-node edge
* components in the hash-code of an edge make use of any of the predefined
* key-weighted/key-labeled edges or mix `ExtendedKey` into your custom
* edge class.
* @define EDGES all edges to be included in the edge set of the graph to be
* created. Edge ends will be added to the node set automatically.
* @define INNODES The isolated (and optionally any other) outer nodes that the node set of
* this graph is to be populated with. This parameter may be used as an alternative
* or in addition to `nodeStreams`.
* @define INEDGES The outer edges that the edge set of this graph is to be populated with.
* Nodes being the end of any of these edges will be added to the node set.
* This parameter is meant be used as an alternative or in addition to `edgeStreams`.
* @author Peter Empen
trait GraphCompanion[+CC[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]] <: Graph[N,E] with GraphLike[N,E,CC]]
/** Type of configuration required for a specific `Graph` companion. */
type Config <: GraphConfig
/** The default configuration to be used in absence of a user-supplied configuration. */
def defaultConfig: Config
protected[this] type Coll = CC[_,Nothing]
/** Creates an empty `Graph` instance. */
def empty[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](implicit edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]],
config: Config): CC[N,E]
/** Creates a `Graph` with a node set built from all nodes in `elems` including
* edge ends and with an edge set containing all edges in `elems`.
* @param elems sequence of nodes and/or edges in an arbitrary order
* @return A new graph instance containing the nodes and edges derived from `elems`.
def apply[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](elems: Param[N,E]*)
(implicit edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]],
config: Config): CC[N,E] =
(newBuilder[N,E] ++= elems).result
* Produces a graph with a node set containing all `nodes` and edge ends in `edges`
* and with an edge set containing all `edges` but duplicates.
* @param nodes the isolated and optionally any other non-isolated nodes to
* be included in the node set of the graph to be created.
* @param edges $EDGES
* @return A new graph instance containing `nodes` and all edge ends
* and `edges`.
def from [N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](nodes: Traversable[N] = Nil,
edges: Traversable[E[N]])
(implicit edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]],
config: Config): CC[N,E]
* Produces a graph containing the results of some element computation a number of times.
* @param nr the number of elements to be contained in the graph.
* @param elem the element computation returning nodes or edges `nr` times.
* @return A graph that contains the results of `nr` evaluations of `elem`.
def fill[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]] (nr: Int)(elem: => Param[N,E])
(implicit edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]],
config: Config): CC[N,E] = {
val gB = newBuilder[N,E].asInstanceOf[GraphBuilder[N,E,CC]]
var i = 0
while (i < nr) {
gB += elem
i += 1
def newBuilder[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](implicit edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]],
config: Config): Builder[Param[N,E], CC[N,E]] =
new GraphBuilder[N,E,CC](this)
class GraphCanBuildFrom[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](implicit edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]],
config: Config)
extends CanBuildFrom[Coll @uncheckedVariance, Param[N,E], CC[N,E] @uncheckedVariance]
def apply(from: Coll @uncheckedVariance) = newBuilder[N,E]
def apply() = newBuilder[N,E]
/** `GraphCompanion` extended to work with `CoreConfig`. */
trait GraphCoreCompanion[+CC[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]] <: Graph[N,E] with GraphLike[N,E,CC]]
extends GraphCompanion[CC]
type Config = CoreConfig
def defaultConfig = CoreConfig()
def empty[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](implicit edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]],
config: Config = defaultConfig): CC[N,E]
def apply[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](elems: Param[N,E]*)
(implicit edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]],
config: Config = defaultConfig): CC[N,E] =
super.apply(elems: _*)(edgeT, config)
def from [N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](nodes: Traversable[N] = Nil,
edges: Traversable[E[N]])
(implicit edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]],
config: Config = defaultConfig): CC[N,E]
def fill[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]] (nr: Int)(elem: => Param[N,E])
(implicit edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]],
config: Config = defaultConfig): CC[N,E] =
super.fill(nr)(elem)(edgeT, config)
trait ImmutableGraphCompanion[+CC[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]] <:
immutable.Graph[N,E] with GraphLike[N,E,CC]]
extends GraphCoreCompanion[CC]
trait MutableGraphCompanion[+CC[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]] <:
mutable.Graph[N,E] with mutable.GraphLike[N,E,CC]]
extends GraphCoreCompanion[CC]
override def newBuilder[N, E[X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]]
(implicit edgeT: ClassTag[E[N]],
config: Config): Builder[Param[N,E], CC[N,E] @uncheckedVariance] =
new GraphBuilder[N,E,CC](this)(edgeT, config)
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