scalax.collection.GraphTraversal.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalax.collection
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.{AbstractIterable, AbstractIterator, EqSetFacade, IndexedSeq}
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, Builder}
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.math.{max, min}
import scalax.collection.Compat.AbstractTraversable
import scalax.collection.GraphPredef.{EdgeLikeIn, OuterElem}
import scalax.collection.mutable.{EqHashMap, EqHashSet}
import scalax.collection.generic.GraphCoreCompanion
/** Graph-related functionality such as traversals, path finding, cycle detection etc.
* All algorithms including breadth-first, depth-first, white-gray-black search and
* Dijkstra's algorithm are tail recursive.
* Before starting a traversal a `Traverser` such as [[scalax.collection.GraphTraversal#InnerNodeTraverser]]
* is instantiated explicitly or implicitly. It holds settings like `maxDepth`, `subgraph` or `ordering`
* providing a fine-grained control of the traversal. `Traverser`s also extend
* `scala.collection.Iterable` meaning that you can process the visited nodes and edges
* in a functional way.
* @see [[http://www.scala-graph.org/guides/core-traversing]]
* @define INTOACC taking optional properties like
* subgraph restriction, ordering or maximum depth into account.
* @define EXTNODEVISITOR Alternatively, an instance of `ExtendedNodeVisitor`
* may be passed to obtain additional state information such as the current
* depth. The concrete type of the last argument, the informer
* depends on the underlying implementation so you need to match against it.
* @define ORD If a `NodeOrdering` or `EdgeOrdering` different from `NoOrdering` is supplied
* neighbor nodes will visited during the traversal according to this ordering.
* @define MAXWEIGHT An optional maximum weight that limits the scope of the traversal or search.
* If defined and the sum of edge weights between the root of the traversal and a node
* exceeds the given maximum, that node will no more be visited.
* @define CONSIDERING considering all traversal properties passed to the traverser
* factory method like [[scalax.collection.GraphTraversal#innerNodeTraverser]]
* or altered by any `with*` method.
* @define OPTVISITOR An optional function that is applied for its side-effect to
* every element visited during graph traversal.
* @define EXTENDSTYPE which extends `scala.collection.Iterable` with elements of type
* @define SETROOT and sets its `root` to this node
* @define TOSTART To start a traversal call one of the graph traversal methods or
* any appropriate method inherited from [[scala.collection.Iterable]] on this
* instance.
* @define ROOT The node where subsequent graph traversals start.
* @define PARAMETERS The properties controlling subsequent traversals.
* @define SUBGRAPHNODES Restricts subsequent graph traversals to visit only nodes
* holding this predicate.
* @define SUBGRAPHEDGES Restricts subsequent graph traversals to walk only along edges
* that hold this predicate.
* @define DOWNUPBOOLEAN where the `Boolean` parameter is `true` if the traversal takes
* place in downward and `false` if it takes place in upward direction.
* @define PATHSYNTAX `::= ''node'' { ''edge'' ''node'' }`
* @define WALKPATH A walk/path contains at least one node followed by any number of
* consecutive pairs of an edge and a node.
* The first element is the start node, the second is an edge with its source
* being the start node and its target being the third element etc.
* @define SANECHECK This optional check is sane if there is reasonable doubt
* about the correctness of some algorithm results.
* @define BUILDERADDS Nodes and edges may be added either alternating or node by node
* respectively edge by edge. Either way, the builder ensures that the added
* elements build a valid
* @define BUILDERREC It is recommended using `add` instead of `+=` to track failed
* additions.
* @define EDGESELECTOR Determines the edge to be selected between neighbor nodes
* if an edge is not supplied explicitly. This is only relevant in case of
* multigraphs.
* @define SEEFLUENT See `componentTraverser` for more control by means of `FluentProperties`.
* @define SORTVISITOR called for each inner node or inner edge visited during the sort.
* @author Peter Empen
trait GraphTraversal[N, E[+X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]] extends GraphBase[N, E] {
thisGraph =>
import GraphTraversal._
import Visitor._
/** Whether `this` graph is connected if it is undirected or
* weakly connected if it is directed.
def isConnected: Boolean = nodes.headOption forall {
_.innerNodeTraverser(Parameters(kind = DepthFirst, direction = AnyConnected)).size == nodes.size
/** Whether `this` graph has at least one cycle in any of its components.
@inline final def isCyclic: Boolean = findCycle().isDefined
/** Whether `this` graph has no cycle.
@inline final def isAcyclic: Boolean = !isCyclic
/** Finds a cycle in `this` graph in any of its components
* and calls `visitor` for each inner element visited during the search.
final def findCycle[U](implicit visitor: InnerElem => U = empty): Option[Cycle] =
/** Finds a cycle that contains `node`
* and calls `visitor` for each inner element visited during the search.
final def findCycleContaining[U](node: NodeT)(implicit visitor: InnerElem => U = empty): Option[Cycle] =
/** Represents a topological sort layer. */
case class Layer protected[collection] (index: Int, _nodes: IndexedSeq[NodeT]) {
def nodes(implicit ordering: NodeOrdering): IndexedSeq[NodeT] =
if (ordering.isDefined) _nodes sorted ordering
else _nodes
/** The result of a topological sort in the layered view. */
type Layers = Iterable[Layer]
/** Topologically ordered nodes or layers of a topological order of a graph or of an isolated graph component.
* @tparam A one of `NodeT`, `N`
* @tparam T one of `A` or `(Int, Iterable[A])`
* @define NEWFLAVOR Creates a new flavor of this `TopologicalOrder` or `LayeredTopologicalOrder` */
sealed abstract class AbstractTopologicalOrder[+A, +T] extends AbstractIterable[T] {
protected val layers: Layers
protected def toA: NodeT => A
def layerOrdering: NodeOrdering
/** The number of layers of this topological order. */
def nrOfLayers = layers.size
/** $NEWFLAVOR with nodes ordered by `newOrdering` within the layers.
* A layer ordering is also useful to ensure a stable topological order over graph instances. */
def withLayerOrdering(newOrdering: NodeOrdering): AbstractTopologicalOrder[A, T]
/** $NEWFLAVOR that is traversable for its inner nodes zipped with their layers. */
def toLayered: LayeredTopologicalOrder[A]
override def hashCode: Int = layers.##
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case that: AbstractTopologicalOrder[_, _] =>
(this.layers eq that.layers) ||
this.layers == that.layers
case _ => false
override def stringPrefix = getClass.getSimpleName
/** A traversable topological order of nodes of a graph or of an isolated graph component.
* @tparam A one of `NodeT`, `N` */
final class TopologicalOrder[+A] protected[collection] (
override protected val layers: Layers,
override protected val toA: NodeT => A)(implicit override val layerOrdering: NodeOrdering = NodeOrdering.None)
extends AbstractTopologicalOrder[A, A] {
override def iterator: Iterator[A] =
layers.view.flatMap(layer => layer.nodes).map(toA).iterator // 'view' with respect to Scala 2.12
def withLayerOrdering(newOrdering: NodeOrdering): TopologicalOrder[A] =
new TopologicalOrder(layers, toA)(newOrdering)
def toOuter: TopologicalOrder[N] =
new TopologicalOrder(layers, _.value)(layerOrdering)
def toLayered: LayeredTopologicalOrder[A] =
new LayeredTopologicalOrder[A](layers, toA)(layerOrdering)
/** Layers of a topological order of a graph or of an isolated graph component.
* The layers of a topological sort can roughly be defined as follows:
* a. layer 0 contains all nodes having no predecessors,
* a. layer n contains those nodes that have only predecessors in ancestor layers
* with at least one of them contained in layer n - 1
* @tparam A one of `NodeT`, `N` */
final class LayeredTopologicalOrder[+A] protected[collection] (
override protected val layers: Layers,
override protected val toA: NodeT => A)(implicit override val layerOrdering: NodeOrdering = NodeOrdering.None)
extends AbstractTopologicalOrder[A, (Int, Iterable[A])] {
override def iterator: Iterator[(Int, Iterable[A])] =
layers.view.map(layer => layer.index -> layer.nodes.map(toA)).iterator // 'view' with respect to Scala 2.12
def withLayerOrdering(newOrdering: NodeOrdering): LayeredTopologicalOrder[A] =
new LayeredTopologicalOrder(layers, toA)(newOrdering)
def toOuter: LayeredTopologicalOrder[N] =
new LayeredTopologicalOrder(layers, _.value)(layerOrdering)
def toLayered: LayeredTopologicalOrder[A] = this
/** Either a `Right` containing a valid topological order or a `Left` containing a node on a cycle. */
type CycleNodeOrTopologicalOrder = Either[NodeT, TopologicalOrder[NodeT]]
/** Sorts this graph topologically.
* @param visitor $SORTVISITOR
final def topologicalSort[U](implicit visitor: InnerElem => U = empty): CycleNodeOrTopologicalOrder =
/** Sorts every isolated component of this graph topologically.
* @param visitor $SORTVISITOR
final def topologicalSortByComponent[U](
implicit visitor: InnerElem => U = empty): Iterable[CycleNodeOrTopologicalOrder] =
@inline final protected def defaultPathSize: Int = min(256, nodes.size * 2)
/** Represents a walk in this graph where `walk` $PATHSYNTAX
* @define CUMWEIGHT The cumulated weight of all edges on this path/walk.
trait Walk extends Iterable[InnerElem] {
override def stringPrefix = "Walk"
/** All nodes on this path/walk in proper order. */
def nodes: Iterable[NodeT]
/** All edges of this path/walk in proper order. */
def edges: Iterable[EdgeT]
final def weight: Double = edges.foldLeft(0d)((sum, edge) => sum + edge.weight)
* @param f The weight function overriding edge weights. */
final def weight[T: Numeric](f: EdgeT => T): T = {
val num = implicitly[Numeric[T]]
import num._
edges.foldLeft(num.zero)((sum, edge) => sum + f(edge))
/** The number of edges on this path/walk. */
def length: Int = nodes.size - 1
/** The number of nodes and edges on this path/walk. */
override def size: Int = 2 * length + 1
def startNode: NodeT
def endNode: NodeT
override def iterator: Iterator[InnerElem] = new AbstractIterator[InnerElem] {
private[this] var start, edgeToFollow = true
private[this] val nodeIt = nodes.iterator
private[this] val firstNode = nodeIt.next
private[this] val edgeIt = edges.iterator
def hasNext: Boolean = start || !edgeToFollow || edgeIt.hasNext
def next(): InnerElem =
if (start) {
start = false
} else if (edgeToFollow) {
edgeToFollow = false
} else {
edgeToFollow = true
/** Returns whether the nodes and edges of this walk are valid with respect
* to this graph. $SANECHECK */
def isValid: Boolean = {
val valid = nodeValidator
nodes.headOption exists { startNode =>
val (nodesIt, edgesIt) = (nodes.tail.iterator, edges.iterator)
@tailrec def ok(prev: NodeT, count: Int): Boolean =
if (nodesIt.hasNext && edgesIt.hasNext) {
val node = nodesIt.next
if (valid(prev) &&
edgesIt.next.matches((n: NodeT) => n eq prev, (n: NodeT) => n eq node))
ok(node, count + 1)
else false
} else if (nodesIt.isEmpty && edgesIt.isEmpty) {
count > 0
} else false
ok(startNode, 0)
protected trait NodeValidator extends (NodeT => Boolean)
protected def nodeValidator: NodeValidator = _ => true
/** The `Graph` instance that contains `this` walk. */
final def containingGraph: thisGraph.type = thisGraph
object Walk {
protected[GraphTraversal] trait Zero {
this: Walk =>
protected def single: NodeT
val nodes = List(single)
def edges = Nil
def startNode = single
def endNode = single
override def isValid = true
/** A walk of zero length that is a single node. */
def zero(node: NodeT) =
new Walk with Zero {
final protected def single = node
/** A `Builder` for valid walks in this graph.
* A node addition fails if the node to be added is not a direct successor of the
* previously added node or of the target node of the previously added edge.
* An edge addition fails if the edge to be added is not an outgoing edge from the
* previously added node or of the target node of the previously added edge.
* @define ADDELEM Tries to add `elem` to the tail of the path/walk.
* @define ADDNODE Tries to add `node` to the tail of the path/walk.
* @define ADDEDGE Tries to add `edge` to the tail of the path/walk.
* @define ADDSUCCESS Whether the addition was successful.
trait WalkBuilder extends Builder[InnerElem, Walk] with Compat.Growable[InnerElem] {
/** The node this walk starts at. */
def start: NodeT
* @return $ADDSUCCESS */
@inline final def add(elem: InnerElem): Boolean = elem match {
case n: InnerNode => this add n.asNodeT[N, E, thisGraph.type](thisGraph)
case e: InnerEdge => this add e.asEdgeT[N, E, thisGraph.type](thisGraph)
* @return $ADDSUCCESS */
def add(node: NodeT): Boolean
* @return $ADDSUCCESS */
def add(edge: EdgeT): Boolean
/** $ADDELEM */
def addOne(elem: InnerElem): this.type = { add(elem); this }
/** $ADDNODE */
@inline final def +=(node: NodeT): this.type = { add(node); this }
/** $ADDEDGE */
@inline final def +=(edge: EdgeT): this.type = { add(edge); this }
/** Instantiates a [[WalkBuilder]] for this graph.
* @param start The node this walk starts at.
* @param sizeHint Expected maximum number of nodes on this walk.
* @param edgeSelector $EDGESELECTOR
def newWalkBuilder(start: NodeT)(implicit sizeHint: Int = defaultPathSize,
edgeSelector: (NodeT, NodeT) => Option[EdgeT] = anyEdgeSelector): WalkBuilder
/** Represents a path in this graph where
* `path` $PATHSYNTAX
* Nodes and edges on the path are distinct. $WALKPATH
trait Path extends Walk {
override def stringPrefix = "Path"
/** Returns whether the nodes and edges on this path are valid with respect
* to this graph. $SANECHECK
override def isValid: Boolean = super.isValid
override protected def nodeValidator: NodeValidator =
new NodeValidator {
private[this] val nodeSet = new EqHashMap[NodeT, Null](nodes.size)
def apply(node: NodeT): Boolean = nodeSet.put(node, null).isEmpty
object Path extends Serializable {
/** A path of zero length that is a single node. */
def zero(node: NodeT) =
new Path with Walk.Zero {
final protected def single = node
/** A `Builder` for valid paths in this graph.
* A node addition fails if either the node to be added is already contained or
* the node is not a direct successor of the previously added node or
* of the target node of the previously added edge.
* An edge addition fails if either the edge to be added is is already contained or
* the edge is not an outgoing edge from the previously added node or
* of the target node of the previously added edge.
trait PathBuilder extends WalkBuilder with Builder[InnerElem, Path]
/** Instantiates a [[PathBuilder]] for this graph.
* @param start The node this path starts at.
* @param sizeHint Expected maximum number of nodes on this path.
* @param edgeSelector $EDGESELECTOR
def newPathBuilder(start: NodeT)(implicit sizeHint: Int = defaultPathSize,
edgeSelector: (NodeT, NodeT) => Option[EdgeT] = anyEdgeSelector): PathBuilder
/** Represents a cycle in this graph listing the nodes and connecting edges on it
* with the following syntax:
* `cycle ::= ''start-end-node'' { ''edge'' ''node'' } ''edge'' ''start-end-node''`
* All nodes and edges on the path are distinct except the start and end nodes that
* are equal. A cycle contains at least a start node followed by any number of
* consecutive pairs of an edge and a node and the end node equaling to the start node.
* The first element is the start node, the second is an edge with its tail
* being the start node and its head being the third element etc.
trait Cycle extends Path {
override def stringPrefix = "Cycle"
override def endNode: NodeT = startNode
/** Same as `sameAs` but also comparing this cycle with any `Iterable`.
final def sameElements(that: Iterable[_]): Boolean =
this.size == that.size && {
val thisList = this.toList
// thisList.indexOf(that.head) may fail due to asymmetric equality
val idx = thisList.indexWhere(_ == that.head)
if (idx >= 0) {
val thisDoubled = thisList ++ thisList.tail
val thatList = that.toList
(thisDoubled startsWith (thatList, idx)) ||
(thisDoubled startsWith (thatList.reverse, idx))
} else false
/** Semantically compares `this` cycle with `that` cycle. While `==` returns `true`
* only if the cycles contain the same elements in the same order, this comparison
* returns also `true` if the elements of `that` cycle can be shifted and optionally
* reversed such that their elements have the same order. For instance, given
* `c1 = Cycle(1-2-3-1)`, `c2 = Cycle(2-3-1-2)` and `c3 = Cycle(2-1-3-2)`
* the following expressions hold:
* `c1 != c2`, `c1 != c3` but `c1 sameAs c2` and `c1 sameAs c3`.
final def sameAs(that: GraphTraversal[N, E]#Cycle): Boolean =
this == that || (that match {
case that: GraphTraversal[N, E]#Cycle => sameElements(that)
case _ => false
object Cycle {
def findLoop(node: NodeT): Option[Cycle] =
node.hook map { hook =>
new Cycle {
def nodes: Iterable[NodeT] = List(startNode, endNode)
def edges: Iterable[EdgeT] = List(hook)
def startNode: NodeT = node
protected[collection] def of(start: NodeT, mid: NodeT): Cycle =
new Cycle {
def nodes: Iterable[NodeT] = List(startNode, mid, endNode)
def edges: Iterable[EdgeT] = {
val out = {
val outSet = start outgoingTo mid
outSet find (_.directed) getOrElse outSet.head
val in = (mid outgoingTo start filterNot (_ eq out)).head
List(out, in)
def startNode: NodeT = start
/** Whether all nodes are pairwise adjacent.
* @return `true` if this graph is complete, `false` if this graph contains any
* independent nodes.
def isComplete = {
val orderLessOne = order - 1
nodes forall (_.diSuccessors.size == orderLessOne)
/** An arbitrary edge between `from` and `to` that is available most efficiently.
@inline final def anyEdgeSelector(from: NodeT, to: NodeT): Option[EdgeT] =
from findOutgoingTo to
/** Stores a value and an edge weight function
* for use in weight-based traversals that may be defined by `withMaxWeight`. */
class Weight(val value: Double, val edgeWeight: EdgeT => Double) {
val ordering = Edge weightOrdering edgeWeight
object Weight {
/** Creates a new `Weight` with the given `value` and weight function. */
def apply[W](value: W, edgeWeight: EdgeT => W)(implicit num: Numeric[W]): Weight = {
import num._
new Weight(toDouble(value), edgeWeight andThen toDouble)
/** Creates a new `Weight` with the given `value` and the default weight function returning `edge.weight`, */
def apply(value: Long) = new Weight(value, Edge.defaultWeight _ andThen (_.toDouble))
/** Template for extended node visitors.
* While the default node visitor of the type `NodeT => U`
* passes solely the inner node being visited, extended node visitors
* pass the following traversal state information:
* 1. the inner node currently visited as with a standard node visitor
* 1. the number of nodes visited so far and
* 1. the current depth in terms of the underlying algorithm and
* 1. a reference to a specific informer that may be pattern matched
* to collect even further data specific to the implementation.
trait ExtendedNodeVisitor[U] extends (NodeT => U) {
def apply(n: NodeT, cnt: Int, depth: Int, inf: => NodeInformer): U
def apply(node: NodeT) = apply(node, 0, 0, NodeInformer.empty)
object ExtendedNodeVisitor {
/** Instantiates an extended node visitor based on 'visitor'.
def apply[N, E[+X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X], U](visitor: (NodeT, Int, Int, => NodeInformer) => U) =
new ExtendedNodeVisitor[U] {
def apply(n: NodeT, cnt: Int, depth: Int, inf: => NodeInformer) =
visitor(n, cnt, depth, inf)
type NodeT <: TraverserInnerNode
trait TraverserInnerNode extends super.InnerNode { this: NodeT =>
/** Instantiates an [[InnerNodeTraverser]] $EXTENDSTYPE `NodeT` $SETROOT. $TOSTART
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS
@inline final def innerNodeTraverser(implicit parameters: Parameters = Parameters()) =
thisGraph.innerNodeTraverser(this, parameters)
/** Instantiates an [[OuterNodeTraverser]] $EXTENDSTYPE `N` $SETROOT. $TOSTART
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS
@inline final def outerNodeTraverser(implicit parameters: Parameters = Parameters()) =
thisGraph.outerNodeTraverser(this, parameters)
/** Instantiates an [[InnerEdgeTraverser]] $EXTENDSTYPE `EdgeT` $SETROOT. $TOSTART
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS
@inline final def innerEdgeTraverser(implicit parameters: Parameters = Parameters()) =
thisGraph.innerEdgeTraverser(this, parameters)
/** Instantiates an [[OuterEdgeTraverser]] $EXTENDSTYPE `E[N]` $SETROOT. $TOSTART
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS
@inline final def outerEdgeTraverser(implicit parameters: Parameters = Parameters()) =
thisGraph.outerEdgeTraverser(this, parameters)
/** Instantiates an [[InnerElemTraverser]] $EXTENDSTYPE `InnerElem` $SETROOT. $TOSTART
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS
@inline final def innerElemTraverser(implicit parameters: Parameters = Parameters()) =
thisGraph.innerElemTraverser(this, parameters)
/** Instantiates an [[OuterElemTraverser]] $EXTENDSTYPE `OuterElem` $SETROOT. $TOSTART
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS
@inline final def outerElemTraverser(implicit parameters: Parameters = Parameters()) =
thisGraph.outerElemTraverser(this, parameters)
/** Instantiates an [[InnerNodeDownUpTraverser]] $EXTENDSTYPE `(Boolean, NodeT)` $SETROOT.
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS
@inline final def innerNodeDownUpTraverser(implicit parameters: Parameters = Parameters()) =
thisGraph.innerNodeDownUpTraverser(this, parameters)
/** Instantiates an [[OuterNodeDownUpTraverser]] $EXTENDSTYPE `(Boolean, N)` $SETROOT.
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS
@inline final def outerNodeDownUpTraverser(implicit parameters: Parameters = Parameters()) =
thisGraph.outerNodeDownUpTraverser(this, parameters)
@transient object TraverserInnerNode {
/* The n parameter should be of type NodeT but then Scaladoc doesn't show implicit members
* as expected. So TraverserInnerNode is given instead with the drawback of a cast:(.
implicit def toDefaultTraverser(n: TraverserInnerNode): TraverserMethods[NodeT, InnerNodeTraverser] =
/** Properties controlling the scope of traversals. */
protected trait SubgraphProperties {
def subgraphNodes: NodeFilter
def subgraphEdges: EdgeFilter
protected object SubgraphProperties {
def apply[A](t: Iterable[A], nodeFilter: NodeFilter, edgeFilter: EdgeFilter) =
new AbstractTraversable[A] with SubgraphProperties {
final protected def sizeHint: Int = 64
def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = t foreach f
def subgraphNodes = nodeFilter
def subgraphEdges = edgeFilter
/** Properties controlling traversals. */
protected trait Properties extends SubgraphProperties {
/** $ROOT*/
def root: NodeT
def parameters: Parameters
/** $ORD */
def ordering: ElemOrdering
def maxWeight: Option[Weight] = None
/** [[Properties]] and methods for creating modified properties in a fluent-interface manner.
* @define UPDATED Creates a new [[FluentProperties]] based on `this` except for an updated
abstract protected class FluentProperties[+This <: FluentProperties[This]] {
this: This with Properties =>
protected def newTraverser: (NodeT, Parameters, NodeFilter, EdgeFilter, ElemOrdering, Option[Weight]) => This
/** $UPDATED `parameters`. */
final def withParameters(parameters: Parameters): This =
if (this.parameters == parameters) this
else newTraverser(root, parameters, subgraphNodes, subgraphEdges, ordering, maxWeight)
/** $UPDATED `subgraphNodes` and/or `subgraphEdges`. */
final def withSubgraph(nodes: NodeFilter = anyNode, edges: EdgeFilter = anyEdge): This =
if ((this.subgraphNodes eq nodes) &&
(this.subgraphEdges eq edges)) this
else newTraverser(root, parameters, nodes, edges, ordering, maxWeight)
/** $UPDATED `ordering`. */
final def withOrdering(ordering: ElemOrdering): This =
if (this.ordering eq ordering) this
else newTraverser(root, parameters, subgraphNodes, subgraphEdges, ordering, maxWeight)
/** $UPDATED `kind`. */
final def withKind(kind: Kind): This =
/** $UPDATED `direction`. Note that methods returning a Cycle or Path accept only `Successors`.*/
final def withDirection(direction: Direction): This =
/** $UPDATED `maxDepth`. */
final def withMaxDepth(maxDepth: Int): This =
/** $UPDATED `maxWeight`. */
def withMaxWeight(maxWeight: Option[Weight]): This =
if (this.maxWeight eq maxWeight) this
else newTraverser(root, parameters, subgraphNodes, subgraphEdges, ordering, maxWeight)
/** $UPDATED `maxWeight` having the given `max` value and the given weight function. */
final def withMaxWeight[W: Numeric](max: W, edgeWeight: EdgeT => W): This =
withMaxWeight(Some(Weight(max, edgeWeight)))
/** $UPDATED `maxWeight` having the given `max` and the default weight function returning `edge.weight`. */
final def withMaxWeight(max: Long): This =
final def toInnerElemTraverser(root: NodeT): InnerElemTraverser =
innerElemTraverser(root, parameters, subgraphNodes, subgraphEdges, ordering, maxWeight)
/** Represents a component of `this` graph.
* Edges and bridges are computed lazily.
* Components will be instantiated by [[componentTraverser]] or [[strongComponentTraverser]].
abstract class Component protected extends Properties {
def nodes: Set[NodeT]
final lazy val (edges: Set[EdgeT], frontierEdges: Set[EdgeT]) = {
val edges = new ArrayBuffer[EdgeT](graphSize / 2)
val bridges = new ArrayBuffer[EdgeT](if (mayHaveFrontierEdges) max(graphSize / 100, 16) else 0)
for (n <- nodes) n.edges.withFilter(subgraphEdges) foreach { e =>
if (nonBridge(e)) edges += e
else bridges += e
(new EqSetFacade(edges), new EqSetFacade(bridges))
final def frontierEdges(that: Component): Set[EdgeT] =
if (this.mayHaveFrontierEdges && that.mayHaveFrontierEdges) {
// optimize calls of 'contains' because EqSetFacade's is O(N)
def toEqSet(bridges: Set[EdgeT]) =
(new EqHashSet[EdgeT](bridges.size) /: bridges)((eqSet, e) => eqSet += e)
val (left, right) =
if (this.frontierEdges.size > that.frontierEdges.size) (this.frontierEdges, toEqSet(that.frontierEdges))
else (toEqSet(this.frontierEdges), that.frontierEdges)
new EqSetFacade(left intersect right)
} else Set.empty
final def to[
G[NN, EE[+X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]] <: Graph[NN, EE] with GraphLike[NN, EE, G]
](factory: GraphCoreCompanion[G]): G[N, E] = thisGraph match {
case g: Graph[N, E] =>
factory.from(edges = edges.map(_.toOuter))(g.edgeT, factory.defaultConfig)
protected def mayHaveFrontierEdges: Boolean
final private def nonBridge(e: EdgeT): Boolean = e.nodes forall nodes.contains
protected def stringPrefix: String
override def toString = s"$stringPrefix(${nodes mkString ", "})"
/** Controls the properties of graph traversals with no specific root and allows
* you to produce the (weakly) connected components by a traversal or
* call methods like `findCycle` that work component-wise.
abstract class ComponentTraverser protected
extends FluentProperties[ComponentTraverser]
with Properties
with Iterable[Component] {
def findCycle[U](implicit visitor: InnerElem => U = Visitor.empty): Option[Cycle]
/** See [[GraphTraversal#topologicalSort]]. */
def topologicalSort[U](implicit visitor: InnerElem => U = Visitor.empty): CycleNodeOrTopologicalOrder
/** See [[GraphTraversal#topologicalSortByComponent]]. */
def topologicalSortByComponent[U](
implicit visitor: InnerElem => U = Visitor.empty): Iterable[CycleNodeOrTopologicalOrder]
/** Creates a [[ComponentTraverser]] responsible for invoking graph traversal methods in all
* (weakly) connected components of this possibly disconnected graph.
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS
* @param subgraphNodes $SUBGRAPHNODES
* @param subgraphEdges $SUBGRAPHEDGES
* @param ordering $ORD
* @param maxWeight $MAXWEIGHT
def componentTraverser(parameters: Parameters = Parameters(),
subgraphNodes: NodeFilter = anyNode,
subgraphEdges: EdgeFilter = anyEdge,
ordering: ElemOrdering = NoOrdering,
maxWeight: Option[Weight] = None): ComponentTraverser
/** Controls the properties of graph traversals with no specific root and allows
* you to produce the strongly connected components by a traversal.
abstract class StrongComponentTraverser protected
extends FluentProperties[StrongComponentTraverser]
with Properties
with Iterable[Component]
/** Creates a [[StrongComponentTraverser]].
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS
* @param subgraphNodes $SUBGRAPHNODES
* @param subgraphEdges $SUBGRAPHEDGES
* @param ordering $ORD
* @param maxWeight $MAXWEIGHT
def strongComponentTraverser(parameters: Parameters = Parameters(),
subgraphNodes: NodeFilter = anyNode,
subgraphEdges: EdgeFilter = anyEdge,
ordering: ElemOrdering = NoOrdering,
maxWeight: Option[Weight] = None): StrongComponentTraverser
/** The `root`-related methods [[Traverser]] will inherit.
* @define SHORTESTPATH Finds the shortest path from `root` to `potentialSuccessor`
* $CONSIDERING The calculation is based on the weight of the edges on the path.
* Edges have a default weight of `1L` that can be overridden by custom edges.
* A weight function yielding any numeric type may also be passed to `shortestPathTo`.
* @define POTENTIALSUCC The node the shortest path is to be found to.
* @define SHORTESTPATHRET The shortest path to `potentialSuccessor` or `None` if either
* a. there exists no path to `potentialSuccessor` or
* a. there exists a path to `potentialSuccessor` but $DUETOSUBG
* @define DUETOSUBG due to withSubgraph settings this path was out of scope.
* @define VISITORDURING Function to be called for each inner node or inner edge visited during the
abstract protected class TraverserMethods[A, +This <: TraverserMethods[A, This]] extends FluentProperties[This] {
this: This with Properties =>
def root: NodeT
protected def nodeVisitor[U](f: A => U): (NodeT) => U
protected def edgeVisitor[U](f: A => U): (EdgeT) => U
/** $UPDATED `root`. */
final def withRoot(root: NodeT): This =
if (this.root eq root) this
else newTraverser(root, parameters, subgraphNodes, subgraphEdges, ordering, maxWeight)
protected def apply[U](pred: NodeFilter = noNode, visitor: A => U = empty): Option[NodeT]
final protected def requireSuccessors[A](block: => A): A = {
val direction = parameters.direction
require(direction eq Successors, s"Found $direction but only $Successors will be accepted.")
/** Finds a successor of `root` for which the predicate `pred` holds $CONSIDERING
* `root` itself does not count as a match. This is also true if it has a hook.
* If several successors holding `pred` exist any one of them may be returned.
* @param pred The predicate which must hold for the resulting node.
* @param visitor $OPTVISITOR
* @return A node with the predicate `pred` or `None` if either
* a. there is no node with `pred` or
* a. there exists no path to such a node or
* a. there exists a path to such a node but $DUETOSUBG
final def findSuccessor[U](pred: NodeFilter)(implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Option[NodeT] =
apply(pred, visitor)
/** Checks whether `potentialSuccessor` is a successor of this node $CONSIDERING
* Same as `isPredecessorOf`.
* @param potentialSuccessor The node which is potentially a successor of this node.
* @param visitor $OPTVISITOR
* @return `true` if a path exists from this node to `potentialSuccessor` and
* it had not to be excluded due to a `subgraph*` restriction.
@inline final def hasSuccessor[U](potentialSuccessor: NodeT)(implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Boolean =
findSuccessor(_ eq potentialSuccessor)(visitor).isDefined
/** Same as `hasSuccessor`. */
@inline final def isPredecessorOf[U](potentialSuccessor: NodeT)(implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Boolean =
/** Finds a predecessor of `root` for which the predicate `pred` holds $CONSIDERING
* `root` itself does not count as a match. This is also true if it has a hook.
* If several predecessors exist the algorithm selects the first of them found.
* @param pred The predicate which must hold true for the resulting node.
* @param visitor $OPTVISITOR
* @return A node with the predicate `pred` or `None` if either
* a. there is no node with `pred` or
* a. there exists no path from such a node to this node or
* a. there exists a path from such a node to `root` but $DUETOSUBG
final def findPredecessor[U](pred: NodeFilter)(implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Option[NodeT] =
withParameters(parameters.withDirection(Predecessors))(pred, visitor)
/** Checks whether `potentialPredecessor` is a predecessor of `root` $CONSIDERING
* Same as `isSuccessorOf`.
* @param potentialPredecessor The node which is potentially a predecessor of `root`.
* @param visitor $OPTVISITOR
* @return `true` if a path exists from `potentialPredecessor` to `root` and
* it had not to be excluded due to `subgraph` properties.
@inline final def hasPredecessor[U](potentialPredecessor: NodeT)(implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Boolean =
findPredecessor(_ eq potentialPredecessor)(visitor).isDefined
/** Same as `hasPredecessor`. */
@inline final def isSuccessorOf[U](potentialPredecessor: NodeT)(implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Boolean =
/** Finds a node connected with `root` by any number of edges with any direction
* for which the predicate `pred` holds $CONSIDERING
* For directed or mixed graphs the node to be found is weakly connected with this node.
* `root` itself does not count as a match. This is also true if it has a hook.
* If several connected nodes exist with `pred` the algorithm selects any one of these.
* @param pred The predicate which must hold true for the resulting node.
* @param visitor $OPTVISITOR
* @return A node with the predicate `pred` or `None` if either
* a. there is no node with `pred` or
* a. there exists no connection to such a node or
* a. there exists a connection to such a node but $DUETOSUBG
final def findConnected[U](pred: NodeFilter)(implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Option[NodeT] =
withParameters(parameters.withDirection(AnyConnected))(pred, visitor)
/** Checks whether `potentialConnected` is a node (not necessarily directly)
* connected with `root` by any number of edges with any direction $CONSIDERING
* For directed or mixed graphs it is satisfactory that `potentialConnected` is
* weakly connected with `root`.
* @param potentialConnected The node which is potentially connected with `root`.
* @param visitor $OPTVISITOR
* @return `true` if a path exists from this node to `potentialConnected` and
* it had not to be excluded due to `subgraph` properties.
@inline final def isConnectedWith[U](potentialConnected: NodeT)(implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Boolean =
findConnected(_ eq potentialConnected)(visitor).isDefined
/** Finds a path from `root` to a successor of `root` for which `pred` holds $CONSIDERING
* `root` itself does not count as a match. This is also true if it has a hook.
* If several successors exist the algorithm selects any one of these.
* @param pred The predicate which must hold true for the successor.
* @param visitor $OPTVISITOR
* @return A path to a node with the predicate `pred` or `None` if either
* a. there is no node with `pred` or
* a. there exists no path to such a node or
* a. there exists a path to such a node but $DUETOSUBG
def pathUntil[U](pred: NodeFilter)(implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Option[Path]
/** Finds a path from `root` to `potentialSuccessor` $CONSIDERING
* @param potentialSuccessor The node a path is to be found to.
* @param visitor $OPTVISITOR
* @return A path to `potentialSuccessor` or `None` if either
* a. there is no node with `pred` or
* a. there exists no path to such a node
final def pathTo[U](potentialSuccessor: NodeT)(implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Option[Path] = requireSuccessors {
if (potentialSuccessor eq root) Some(Path.zero(root))
else pathUntil(_ eq potentialSuccessor)(visitor)
* @param potentialSuccessor $POTENTIALSUCC
* @param visitor $OPTVISITOR
@inline final def shortestPathTo[U](potentialSuccessor: NodeT)(implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Option[Path] =
shortestPathTo(potentialSuccessor, Edge.defaultWeight, visitor)
* @param potentialSuccessor $POTENTIALSUCC
* @param weight Function to determine the weight of edges. If supplied, this function
* takes precedence over edge weights.
@inline final def shortestPathTo[T: Numeric](potentialSuccessor: NodeT, weight: EdgeT => T): Option[Path] =
shortestPathTo(potentialSuccessor, weight, empty)
* @param potentialSuccessor $POTENTIALSUCC
* @param weight Function to determine the weight of edges. If supplied, this function
* takes precedence over edge weights.
* @param visitor $OPTVISITOR
def shortestPathTo[T: Numeric, U](potentialSuccessor: NodeT, weight: EdgeT => T, visitor: A => U): Option[Path]
/** Finds a cycle starting the search at `root` $INTOACC, if any.
* The resulting cycle may start at any node connected with `this` node.
* @param visitor $OPTVISITOR
* @return A cycle or `None` if either
* a. there exists no cycle in the component depicting by `root` or
* a. there exists a cycle in the component but $DUETOSUBG
def findCycle[U](implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Option[Cycle]
/** Finds a cycle that contains `root` $INTOACC.
* Irrespective of the current setting for `kind`, `DepthFirst` is used internally.
* @param visitor $OPTVISITOR
* @return A cycle containing `root` or `None` if either
* a. there exists no cycle containing `root` or
* a. there exists such a cycle but $DUETOSUBG
def partOfCycle[U](implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Option[Cycle]
/** Sorts the component designated by this node topologically.
* Only nodes connected with this node will be included in the resulting topological order.
* If the graph is known to be connected choose [[GraphTraversal#topologicalSort]] instead.
* @param ignorePredecessors If `true`, the topological sort will be partial in that it will only
* include successors of `root`. `withSubgraph` restricts the successor nodes to
* be included but not predecessors that will be excluded in total.
* @param visitor $VISITORDURING sort.
def topologicalSort[U](ignorePredecessors: Boolean = false)(
implicit visitor: InnerElem => U = empty): CycleNodeOrTopologicalOrder
/** Determines the weak component that contains this node.
* @param visitor $VISITORDURING search.
def weakComponent[U](implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Component
/** Finds all strongly connected components reachable from this node.
* @param visitor $VISITORDURING search.
def strongComponents[U](implicit visitor: A => U = empty): Iterable[Component]
/** Controls the properties of consecutive graph traversals starting at a root node.
* Provides methods to refine the properties and to invoke traversals.
* Instances will be created by [[innerNodeTraverser]] etc.
trait Traverser[A, +This <: Traverser[A, This]]
extends TraverserMethods[A, This]
with Properties
with Traversable[A] {
this: This =>
def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit =
if (subgraphNodes(root))
apply(noNode, f)
/** Completes a traversal and creates a new connected graph populated with the
* elements visited.
final def toGraph: Graph[N, E] = thisGraph match {
case g: Graph[N, E] =>
val b = Graph.newBuilder(g.edgeT, Graph.defaultConfig)
b += root
val edgeTraverser = this match {
case e: InnerEdgeTraverser => e
case _ => innerEdgeTraverser(root, parameters, subgraphNodes, subgraphEdges, ordering)
edgeTraverser foreach { e: EdgeT =>
b += e
final protected def nonOverflowingOrderMultipliedBy_2(): Int =
if (order > (Int.MaxValue >> 1)) order else order << 1
/** Controls the properties of inner-node graph traversals. $TOSTART
abstract class InnerNodeTraverser extends Traverser[NodeT, InnerNodeTraverser] {
final protected def sizeHint: Int = order
/** Creates a [[InnerNodeTraverser]] based on `scala.collection.Iterable[NodeT]`.
* @param root $ROOT
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS
* @param subgraphNodes $SUBGRAPHNODES
* @param subgraphEdges $SUBGRAPHEDGES
* @param ordering $ORD
* @param maxWeight $MAXWEIGHT
def innerNodeTraverser(root: NodeT,
parameters: Parameters = Parameters(),
subgraphNodes: NodeFilter = anyNode,
subgraphEdges: EdgeFilter = anyEdge,
ordering: ElemOrdering = NoOrdering,
maxWeight: Option[Weight] = None): InnerNodeTraverser
/** Controls the properties of outer-node graph traversals. $TOSTART
abstract class OuterNodeTraverser extends Traverser[N, OuterNodeTraverser] {
final protected def sizeHint: Int = order
/** Creates a [[OuterNodeTraverser]] based on `scala.collection.Iterable[N]`.
* @param root $ROOT
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS
* @param subgraphNodes $SUBGRAPHNODES
* @param subgraphEdges $SUBGRAPHEDGES
* @param ordering $ORD
* @param maxWeight $MAXWEIGHT
def outerNodeTraverser(root: NodeT,
parameters: Parameters = Parameters(),
subgraphNodes: NodeFilter = anyNode,
subgraphEdges: EdgeFilter = anyEdge,
ordering: ElemOrdering = NoOrdering,
maxWeight: Option[Weight] = None): OuterNodeTraverser
/** Controls the properties of inner-edge graph traversals. $TOSTART
abstract class InnerEdgeTraverser extends Traverser[EdgeT, InnerEdgeTraverser] {
final protected def sizeHint: Int = graphSize
/** Creates a [[InnerEdgeTraverser]] based on `scala.collection.Iterable[EdgeT]`.
* @param root $ROOT
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS
* @param subgraphNodes $SUBGRAPHNODES
* @param subgraphEdges $SUBGRAPHEDGES
* @param ordering $ORD
def innerEdgeTraverser(root: NodeT,
parameters: Parameters = Parameters(),
subgraphNodes: NodeFilter = anyNode,
subgraphEdges: EdgeFilter = anyEdge,
ordering: ElemOrdering = NoOrdering,
maxWeight: Option[Weight] = None): InnerEdgeTraverser
/** Controls the properties of outer-edge graph traversals. $TOSTART
abstract class OuterEdgeTraverser extends Traverser[E[N], OuterEdgeTraverser] {
final protected def sizeHint: Int = graphSize
/** Creates a [[OuterEdgeTraverser]] based on `scala.collection.Iterable[E[N]]`.
* @param root $ROOT
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS
* @param subgraphNodes $SUBGRAPHNODES
* @param subgraphEdges $SUBGRAPHEDGES
* @param ordering $ORD
* @param maxWeight $MAXWEIGHT
def outerEdgeTraverser(root: NodeT,
parameters: Parameters = Parameters(),
subgraphNodes: NodeFilter = anyNode,
subgraphEdges: EdgeFilter = anyEdge,
ordering: ElemOrdering = NoOrdering,
maxWeight: Option[Weight] = None): OuterEdgeTraverser
/** Controls the properties of inner-element graph traversals. $TOSTART
abstract protected class InnerElemTraverser extends Traverser[InnerElem, InnerElemTraverser] {
final protected def sizeHint: Int = order + graphSize
/** Creates a [[InnerElemTraverser]] based on `scala.collection.Iterable[InnerElem]`.
* @param root $ROOT
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS
* @param subgraphNodes $SUBGRAPHNODES
* @param subgraphEdges $SUBGRAPHEDGES
* @param ordering $ORD
* @param maxWeight $MAXWEIGHT
def innerElemTraverser(root: NodeT,
parameters: Parameters = Parameters(),
subgraphNodes: NodeFilter = anyNode,
subgraphEdges: EdgeFilter = anyEdge,
ordering: ElemOrdering = NoOrdering,
maxWeight: Option[Weight] = None): InnerElemTraverser
/** Controls the properties of outer-element graph traversals. $TOSTART
trait OuterElemTraverser extends Traverser[OuterElem[N, E], OuterElemTraverser] {
final protected def sizeHint: Int = order + graphSize
/** Creates a [[OuterElemTraverser]] based on `scala.collection.Iterable[OuterElem]`.
* @param root $ROOT
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS
* @param subgraphNodes $SUBGRAPHNODES
* @param subgraphEdges $SUBGRAPHEDGES
* @param ordering $ORD
* @param maxWeight $MAXWEIGHT
def outerElemTraverser(root: NodeT,
parameters: Parameters = Parameters(),
subgraphNodes: NodeFilter = anyNode,
subgraphEdges: EdgeFilter = anyEdge,
ordering: ElemOrdering = NoOrdering,
maxWeight: Option[Weight] = None): OuterElemTraverser
/** Controls the properties of inner-node down-up graph traversals. $TOSTART
abstract class InnerNodeDownUpTraverser extends Traverser[(Boolean, NodeT), InnerNodeDownUpTraverser] {
final protected def sizeHint: Int = nonOverflowingOrderMultipliedBy_2
/** Creates a [[InnerNodeDownUpTraverser]] based on `scala.collection.Iterable[(Boolean, NodeT)]`
* @param root $ROOT
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS A `kind` different from `DepthFirst` will be ignored.
* @param subgraphNodes $SUBGRAPHNODES
* @param subgraphEdges $SUBGRAPHEDGES
* @param ordering $ORD
* @param maxWeight $MAXWEIGHT
def innerNodeDownUpTraverser(root: NodeT,
parameters: Parameters = Parameters(),
subgraphNodes: NodeFilter = anyNode,
subgraphEdges: EdgeFilter = anyEdge,
ordering: ElemOrdering = NoOrdering,
maxWeight: Option[Weight] = None): InnerNodeDownUpTraverser
/** Controls the properties of outer-node down-up graph traversals. $TOSTART
abstract class OuterNodeDownUpTraverser extends Traverser[(Boolean, N), OuterNodeDownUpTraverser] {
final protected def sizeHint: Int = nonOverflowingOrderMultipliedBy_2
/** Creates a [[OuterNodeDownUpTraverser]] based on `scala.collection.Iterable[(Boolean, N)]`
* @param root $ROOT
* @param parameters $PARAMETERS A `kind` different from `DepthFirst` will be ignored.
* @param subgraphNodes $SUBGRAPHNODES
* @param subgraphEdges $SUBGRAPHEDGES
* @param ordering $ORD
def outerNodeDownUpTraverser(root: NodeT,
parameters: Parameters = Parameters(),
subgraphNodes: NodeFilter = anyNode,
subgraphEdges: EdgeFilter = anyEdge,
ordering: ElemOrdering = NoOrdering,
maxWeight: Option[Weight] = None): OuterNodeDownUpTraverser
object Informer {
type Depth = Int
trait NodeElement {
def node: NodeT
/** Extended node visitor informer for depth first searches.
trait DfsInformer extends NodeInformer {
import DfsInformer._
def stackIterator: DfsStack
def pathIterator: DfsPath
object DfsInformer {
case class Element protected[collection] (node: NodeT, depth: Depth, cumWeight: Double = 0) extends NodeElement
object Element {
def apply(node: NodeT) = new Element(node, 0)
type DfsStack = Iterator[Element]
type DfsPath = Iterator[Element]
def unapply(inf: DfsInformer): Option[(DfsStack, DfsPath)] = Some(inf.stackIterator, inf.pathIterator)
case class CycleStackElem(node: NodeT, edges: Iterable[EdgeT]) extends NodeElement
object CycleStackElem {
def apply(node: NodeT) = new CycleStackElem(node, Nil)
/** Extended node visitor informer for cycle detecting.
* This informer always returns `0` for `depth`.
trait WgbInformer extends NodeInformer {
import WgbInformer._
def stackIterator: WgbStack
def pathIterator: WgbPath
object WgbInformer {
// exclude and multiEdges only needed for undirected edges
case class Element protected[collection] (node: NodeT,
predecessor: NodeT,
exclude: Boolean,
multiEdges: Iterable[EdgeT],
cumWeight: Double = 0)
extends NodeElement
type WgbStack = Iterator[Element]
type WgbPath = Iterator[CycleStackElem]
def unapply(inf: WgbInformer): Option[(WgbStack, WgbPath)] = Some(inf.stackIterator, inf.pathIterator)
/** Extended node visitor informer for breath first searches.
trait BfsInformer extends NodeInformer {
import BfsInformer._
def queueIterator: BfsQueue
object BfsInformer {
type Element = DfsInformer.Element
val Element = DfsInformer.Element
type BfsQueue = Iterator[Element]
def unapply(inf: BfsInformer): Option[BfsQueue] = Some(inf.queueIterator)
/** Extended node visitor informer for calculating shortest paths.
* This informer always returns `0` for `depth`.
abstract class DijkstraInformer[T: Numeric] extends NodeInformer {
import DijkstraInformer._
def queueIterator: DijkstraQueue[T]
def costsIterator: DijkstraCosts[T]
object DijkstraInformer {
case class Element[T: Numeric] protected[collection] (node: NodeT, cumWeight: T, depth: Depth) extends NodeElement
type DijkstraQueue[T] = Iterator[Element[T]]
type DijkstraCosts[T] = Iterator[(NodeT, T)]
def unapply[T: Numeric](inf: DijkstraInformer[T]): Option[(DijkstraQueue[T], DijkstraCosts[T])] =
Some(inf.queueIterator, inf.costsIterator)
/** Extended node visitor informer for Tarjan's algorithm.
abstract class TarjanInformer(val index: Int, val lowLink: Int) extends NodeInformer {
import TarjanInformer._
def stackIterator: TarjanStack
object TarjanInformer {
type TarjanStack = Iterator[Element]
case class Element protected[collection] (node: NodeT,
depth: Depth,
cumWeight: Double = 0,
index: Int = 0,
var lowLink: Int = 0)
extends NodeElement
def unapply[N](inf: TarjanInformer): Option[(Int, Int, TarjanStack)] =
Some((inf.index, inf.lowLink, inf.stackIterator))
/** Contains traversal parameter definitions such as direction constants.
* @define KIND The kind of traversal including breadth-first and depth-fist search.
* @define DIRECTION Determines which connected nodes the traversal has to follow.
* The default value is `Successors`.
* @define MAXDEPTH A positive value to limit the number of layers for BFS respectively
* the number of consecutive child visits before siblings are visited for DFS.
* `0` - the default - indicates that the traversal should have
* an unlimited depth.
* @author Peter Empen
object GraphTraversal {
/** Algebraic type to determine which connected nodes the traversal has to follow.
* The default value is `Successors`.
* Note that methods returning a Cycle or Path accept only `Successors`.
sealed trait Direction
/** Defines the traversal to follow successor nodes. */
case object Successors extends Direction
/** Defines the traversal to follow predecessor nodes. */
case object Predecessors extends Direction
/** Defines the traversal to follow successor and predecessor nodes alike. */
case object AnyConnected extends Direction
/** Marker trait for informers aimed at passing algorithmic-specific state
* to [[scalax.collection.GraphTraversal.ExtendedNodeVisitor]].
* Following informers are available:
* 1. [[scalax.collection.GraphTraversal#Informer.BfsInformer]]
* 1. [[scalax.collection.GraphTraversal#Informer.DfsInformer]]
* 1. [[scalax.collection.GraphTraversal#Informer.WgbInformer]]
* 1. [[scalax.collection.GraphTraversal#Informer.DijkstraInformer]]
* 1. [[scalax.collection.GraphTraversal#Informer.TarjanInformer]].
trait NodeInformer
object NodeInformer extends Serializable {
def empty = new NodeInformer {}
/** Algebraic type for the kind of traversal. */
trait Kind {
/** Whether 'this' kind equals to BreadthFirst. */
def isBsf = this eq BreadthFirst
/** Instructs the traverser to use a breadth first search
* (BSF, search layer-for-layer). */
case object BreadthFirst extends Kind
/** Instructs the traverser to use a depth first search (DFS). */
case object DepthFirst extends Kind
/** Parameters to control traversals.
* @param kind $KIND
* @param direction $DIRECTION
* @param maxDepth $MAXDEPTH
* @define UPDATED Creates a new `Parameters` based on `this` except for an updated
case class Parameters(kind: Kind = BreadthFirst, direction: Direction = Successors, maxDepth: Int = 0) {
/** $UPDATED `kind`. */
def withKind(kind: Kind): Parameters =
if (this.kind eq kind) this else copy(kind = kind)
/** $UPDATED `direction`. */
def withDirection(direction: Direction): Parameters =
if (this.direction == direction) this else copy(direction = direction)
/** $UPDATED `maxDepth`. */
def withMaxDepth(maxDepth: Int): Parameters =
if (this.maxDepth == maxDepth) this else copy(maxDepth = maxDepth)
object Parameters {
/** Default `Parameters`. */
def apply = new Parameters()
/** Creates `Parameters` of kind `BreadthFirst` with specific `direction` and `maxDepth`. */
def Bfs(direction: Direction = Successors, maxDepth: Int = 0) =
Parameters(direction = direction, maxDepth = maxDepth)
/** Creates `Parameters` of kind `DepthFirst` with specific `direction` and `maxDepth`. */
def Dfs(direction: Direction = Successors, maxDepth: Int = 0) =
Parameters(kind = DepthFirst, direction = direction, maxDepth = maxDepth)
/** Implements an empty visitor based on a value.
object Visitor {
final private val _empty: Any => Unit = null
@inline final def empty[A, U]: A => U = _empty.asInstanceOf[A => U]
@inline final def isEmpty[A, U](visitor: A => U) = visitor eq _empty
@inline final def isDefined[A, U](visitor: A => U) = visitor ne _empty