scalax.collection.edge.Base.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalax.collection.edge
import language.implicitConversions
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scalax.collection.GraphEdge._, scalax.collection.GraphPredef._
import scalax.collection.{Graph, GraphBase}
/** Base traits for weighted edges.
* @author Peter Empen
object WBase {
trait WEdge[+N] { this: EdgeLike[N] =>
override protected def attributesToString = WEdge.wPrefix + weight.toString
object WEdge {
val wPrefix = " %"
type WHyperEdgeBound[+N] = EdgeLikeIn[N] with HyperEdge[N] with WEdge[N] with Serializable
/** Everything common to weighted hyperedge companion objects. */
trait WHyperEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: WHyperEdgeBound[X]] extends EdgeCompanionBase[E] {
@inline final def apply[N](node_1: N, node_2: N, nodes: N*)(weight: Double)(implicit kind: CollectionKind = Bag) =
newEdge[N](NodeProduct(node_1, node_2, nodes: _*), weight)
@inline final def apply[N](nodes: Iterable[N])(weight: Double)(implicit kind: CollectionKind) =
newEdge[N](NodeProduct(nodes), weight)
@inline final protected[collection] def from[N](nodes: Product)(weight: Double)(implicit kind: CollectionKind) =
newEdge[N](nodes, weight)
protected def newEdge[N](nodes: Product, weight: Double)(implicit kind: CollectionKind): E[N] with EdgeCopy[E]
@inline final def unapply[N](e: E[N]): Option[(Iterable[N], Double)] = Some((e.sources, e.weight))
type WEdgeBound[+N] = WHyperEdgeBound[N] with UnDiEdge[N]
/** Everything common to weighted edge companion objects. */
trait WEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: WEdgeBound[X]] extends EdgeCompanionBase[E] {
@inline final def apply[N](node_1: N, node_2: N)(weight: Double) =
newEdge[N](NodeProduct(node_1, node_2), weight)
@inline final def apply[N](nodes: (N, N))(weight: Double) =
newEdge[N](nodes, weight)
@inline final protected[collection] def from[N](nodes: Product)(weight: Double) =
newEdge[N](nodes, weight)
protected def newEdge[N](nodes: Product, weight: Double): E[N] with EdgeCopy[E]
@inline final def unapply[N](e: E[N]): Option[(N, N, Double)] = Some(e._1, e._2, e.weight)
/** Base traits for key-weighted edges. */
object WkBase {
import WBase._
trait WkEdge[+N] extends WEdge[N] with Keyed {
this: EdgeLike[N] with Eq =>
override protected def equals(other: EdgeLike[_]) =
this.weight == other.weight && (other match {
case wkEdge: WkEdge[_] => baseEquals(wkEdge)
case _ => false
override def hashCode = baseHashCode ^ weight.##
type WkHyperEdgeBound[+N] = WHyperEdgeBound[N] with WkEdge[N]
/** Everything common to key-weighted hyperedge companion objects. */
trait WkHyperEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: WkHyperEdgeBound[X]] extends WHyperEdgeCompanion[E]
type WkEdgeBound[+N] = WkHyperEdgeBound[N] with UnDiEdge[N]
/** Everything common to key-weighted edge companion objects. */
trait WkEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: WkEdgeBound[X]] extends WEdgeCompanion[E]
/** Base traits for labeled edges. */
object LBase {
trait LEdge[+N] { this: EdgeLike[N] =>
type L1
override def label: L1 = throw new IllegalArgumentException
override protected def attributesToString = LEdge.lPrefix + label
object LEdge {
val lPrefix = " '"
val lkPrefix = " `"
type LHyperEdgeBound[+N] = EdgeLikeIn[N] with HyperEdge[N] with LEdge[N] with Serializable
/** Everything common to labeled hyperedge companion objects. */
trait LHyperEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: LHyperEdgeBound[X]] extends EdgeCompanionBase[E] {
@inline final def apply[N, L](node_1: N, node_2: N, nodes: N*)(label: L)(implicit kind: CollectionKind = Bag) =
newEdge[N, L](NodeProduct(node_1, node_2, nodes: _*), label)
@inline final def apply[N, L](nodes: Iterable[N])(label: L)(implicit kind: CollectionKind) =
newEdge[N, L](NodeProduct(nodes), label)
@inline final protected[collection] def from[N, L](nodes: Product)(label: L)(implicit kind: CollectionKind) =
newEdge[N, L](nodes, label)
protected def newEdge[N, L](nodes: Product, label_1: L)(
implicit kind: CollectionKind): E[N] with EdgeCopy[E] { type L1 = L }
@inline final def unapply[N](e: E[N]): Option[(Iterable[N], E[N]#L1)] =
Some((e.sources, e.label))
// type LEdgeBound[N, +E[+X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]] = LHyperEdgeBound[N, E] with UnDiEdge[N]
type LEdgeBound[+N] = LHyperEdgeBound[N] with UnDiEdge[N]
/** Everything common to predefined edge labeled edge companion objects. */
trait LEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: LEdgeBound[X]] extends EdgeCompanionBase[E] {
@inline final def apply[N, L](node_1: N, node_2: N)(label: L) =
newEdge[N, L](NodeProduct(node_1, node_2), label)
@inline final def apply[N, L](nodes: Tuple2[N, N])(label: L) =
newEdge[N, L](nodes, label)
@inline final protected[collection] def from[N, L](nodes: Product)(label: L) =
newEdge[N, L](nodes, label)
protected def newEdge[N, L](nodes: Product, label_1: L): E[N] with EdgeCopy[E] { type L1 = L }
@inline final def unapply[N](e: E[N]): Option[(N, N, E[N]#L1)] =
Some((e._1, e._2, e.label))
/** Implicit conversions from an outer labeled edge to its label.
* @tparam UL type of the user label.
abstract class OuterLEdgeImplicits[UL: ClassTag] {
/** Lets implicitly convert a labeled outer edge to its label:
case class MyLabel(val i: Int)
val eOuter = LUnDiEdge(1,3)(MyLabel(4))
object MyLabelConversion extends OuterLEdgeImplicits[MyLabel]
import MyLabelConversion._
val four = eOuter.i
implicit def outerLEdge2UserLabel[N](edge: LEdge[N] { type L1 = UL }): UL = edge.label
/** Lets implicitly convert a label to its user type:
case class MyLabel(val i: Int)
val eOuter = LUnDiEdge(1,3)(MyLabel(4))
object MyLabelConversion extends OuterLEdgeImplicits[MyLabel]
import MyLabelConversion._
val label: MyLabel = eOuter.label
As this conversion is not type safe, the user has to ensure that `label`
is of the type `UL`.
implicit def toUserLabel[N, E[+X] <: LEdge[X]](label: E[N]#L1): UL =
try label.asInstanceOf[UL]
catch {
case e: ClassCastException => handle(label)
protected def handle(label: Any) = throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"Expected label type: ${implicitly[ClassTag[UL]].runtimeClass.getName}, found: ${label match {
case r: AnyRef => r.getClass.getName
case a => a.toString
/** Implicit conversions from an inner or outer labeled edge to its label.
* In case of inner edges, this trait works for [[scalax.collection.Graph]] only.
* For other graph types see [[scalax.collection.edge.LBase.TypedLEdgeImplicits]].
* @tparam UL type of the user label.
abstract class LEdgeImplicits[UL: ClassTag] extends OuterLEdgeImplicits[UL] {
/** Lets implicitly convert a labeled inner edge to its label:
case class MyLabel(val i: Int)
val g = Graph(LUnDiEdge(1,3)(MyLabel(4)))
val eInner = g.edges.head
object MyLabelConversion extends LEdgeImplicits[MyLabel]
import MyLabelConversion._
val four_2 = eInner.i
As this conversion is not type safe, the user has to ensure that `innerEdge`
is of appropriate type.
implicit def innerEdge2UserLabel[N, E[+X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](innerEdge: Graph[N, E]#EdgeT): UL =
try innerEdge.edge.label.asInstanceOf[UL]
catch {
case e: ClassCastException => handle(innerEdge)
/** Implicit conversions from an inner or outer labeled edge to its label
* for any graph type.
* @tparam G kind of type of graph.
* @tparam UL type of the user label.
abstract class TypedLEdgeImplicits[G[N, E[+X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]] <: GraphBase[N, E], UL: ClassTag]
extends OuterLEdgeImplicits[UL] {
/** Lets implicitly convert a labeled inner edge to its label:
import scalax.collection.mutable.{Graph => MGraph}
case class MyLabel(val i: Int)
val g = MGraph(LUnDiEdge(1,3)(MyLabel(4)))
val eInner = g.edges.head
object MyLabelConversion extends TypedLEdgeImplicits[MGraph, MyLabel]
import MyLabelConversion._
val four_2 = eInner.i
As this conversion is not type safe, the user has to ensure that `innerEdge`
is of appropriate type.
implicit def innerEdge2UserLabel[N, E[+X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X]](innerEdge: G[N, E]#EdgeT): UL =
try innerEdge.edge.label.asInstanceOf[UL]
catch {
case e: ClassCastException => handle(innerEdge)
/** Base traits for key-labeled edges. */
object LkBase {
import LBase._
/** Everything common to all predefined labeled edge classes with a label being a key attribute.
* Such labeled and keyed edge classes are named `LkEdge` by convention.
trait LkEdge[+N] extends LEdge[N] with Keyed {
this: EdgeLike[N] with Eq =>
override protected def equals(other: EdgeLike[_]) = other match {
case that: LkEdge[_] =>
this.label == that.label &&
case _ => false
override def hashCode = baseHashCode ^ label.##
type LkHyperEdgeBound[+N] = LHyperEdgeBound[N] with LkEdge[N]
/** Everything common to key-weighted hyperedge companion objects. */
trait LkHyperEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: LkHyperEdgeBound[X]] extends LHyperEdgeCompanion[E]
type LkEdgeBound[+N] = LkHyperEdgeBound[N] with UnDiEdge[N]
/** Everything common to key-weighted edge companion objects. */
trait LkEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X] with LkEdgeBound[X]] extends LEdgeCompanion[E]
/** Base traits for weighted and labeled edges. */
object WLBase {
import WBase._, LBase._
/** Everything common to predefined weighted and labeled edge classes.
* Such edge classes are prefixed with `WL` by convention.
trait WLEdge[+N] extends WEdge[N] with LEdge[N] { this: EdgeLike[N] =>
override protected def attributesToString = WEdge.wPrefix + weight.toString +
LEdge.lPrefix + label.toString
type WLHyperEdgeBound[+N] = EdgeLikeIn[N] with HyperEdge[N] with WLEdge[N] with Serializable
/** Everything common to predefined weighted and labeled hyperedge companion objects. */
trait WLHyperEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: WLHyperEdgeBound[X]] extends EdgeCompanionBase[E] {
@inline final def apply[N, L](node_1: N, node_2: N, nodes: N*)(weight: Double, label: L)(
implicit kind: CollectionKind = Bag) =
newEdge[N, L](NodeProduct(node_1, node_2, nodes: _*), weight, label)
@inline final def apply[N, L](nodes: Iterable[N])(weight: Double, label: L)(implicit kind: CollectionKind) =
newEdge[N, L](NodeProduct(nodes), weight, label)
@inline final protected[collection] def from[N, L](nodes: Product)(weight: Double, label: L)(
implicit kind: CollectionKind) =
newEdge[N, L](nodes, weight, label)
protected def newEdge[N, L](nodes: Product, weight: Double, label_1: L)(
implicit kind: CollectionKind): E[N] with EdgeCopy[E]
@inline final def unapply[N](e: E[N]): Option[(Iterable[N], Double, E[N]#L1)] =
Some((e.sources, e.weight, e.label))
type WLEdgeBound[+N] = WLHyperEdgeBound[N] with UnDiEdge[N]
/** Everything common to predefined weighted and labeled edge companion objects. */
trait WLEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: WLEdgeBound[X]] extends EdgeCompanionBase[E] {
@inline final def apply[N, L](node_1: N, node_2: N)(weight: Double, label: L) =
newEdge[N, L](NodeProduct(node_1, node_2), weight, label)
@inline final def apply[N, L](nodes: Tuple2[N, N])(weight: Double, label: L) =
newEdge[N, L](nodes, weight, label)
@inline final protected[collection] def from[N, L](nodes: Product)(weight: Double, label: L) =
newEdge[N, L](nodes, weight, label)
protected def newEdge[N, L](nodes: Product, weight: Double, label_1: L): E[N] with EdgeCopy[E]
@inline final def unapply[N](e: E[N]): Option[(N, N, Double, E[N]#L1)] =
Some((e._1, e._2, e.weight, e.label))
/** Base traits for key-weighted and labeled edges. */
object WkLBase {
import WkBase._, WLBase._
type WkLHyperEdgeBound[+N] = WLHyperEdgeBound[N] with WLEdge[N] with WkEdge[N]
/** Everything common to key-weighted, labeled hyperedge companion objects. */
trait WkLHyperEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: WkLHyperEdgeBound[X]] extends WLHyperEdgeCompanion[E]
type WkLEdgeBound[+N] = WkLHyperEdgeBound[N] with UnDiEdge[N]
/** Everything common to key-weighted, labeled edge companion objects. */
trait WkLEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: WkLEdgeBound[X]] extends WLEdgeCompanion[E]
/** Base traits for weighted and key-labeled edges. */
object WLkBase {
import WBase._, LBase._, LkBase._, WLBase._
trait WLkEdge[+N] extends WEdge[N] with LkEdge[N] { this: EdgeLike[N] with Eq =>
override protected def attributesToString = WEdge.wPrefix + weight.toString +
LEdge.lkPrefix + label.toString
type WLkHyperEdgeBound[+N] = WLHyperEdgeBound[N] with WLkEdge[N]
/** Everything common to weighted, key-labeled hyperedge companion objects. */
trait WLkHyperEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: WLkHyperEdgeBound[X]] extends WLHyperEdgeCompanion[E]
type WLkEdgeBound[+N] = WLkHyperEdgeBound[N] with UnDiEdge[N]
/** Everything common to weighted, key-labeled edge companion objects. */
trait WLkEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: WLkEdgeBound[X]] extends WLEdgeCompanion[E]
/** Base traits for key-weighted and key-labeled edges. */
object WkLkBase {
import WLBase._
trait WkLkEdge[+N] extends WLEdge[N] { this: EdgeLike[N] with Eq =>
override protected def equals(other: EdgeLike[_]) = other match {
case that: WkLkEdge[_] =>
this.weight == that.weight &&
this.label == that.label &&
case _ => false
override def hashCode =
baseHashCode ^ (weight.hashCode) ^ label.hashCode
type WkLkHyperEdgeBound[+N] = WLHyperEdgeBound[N] with WkLkEdge[N]
/** Everything common to weighted, key-labeled hyperedge companion objects. */
trait WkLkHyperEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X] with WkLkHyperEdgeBound[X]] extends WLHyperEdgeCompanion[E]
type WkLkEdgeBound[+N] = WkLkHyperEdgeBound[N] with UnDiEdge[N]
/** Everything common to weighted, key-labeled edge companion objects. */
trait WkLkEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X] with WkLkEdgeBound[X]] extends WLEdgeCompanion[E]
/** Base traits for custom edges - hence the `C` prefix. Note that custom edges need only
* to mix in `CBase.Attributes` when importing by `fromJson`.
object CBase {
/** To be mixed in by the custom edge class. */
trait Attributes[+N] { this: EdgeLike[N] =>
/** To be set to `.P`. */
type P <: Product
/** Must return an instance of `Tuple` with `n` being the number of
* custom attributes. Custom attributes are defined by the constructor parameters
* excluding those representing nodes. */
def attributes: P
type CHyperEdgeBound[+N] = EdgeLikeIn[N] with HyperEdge[N] with Attributes[N] with Serializable
trait CEdgeCompanionBase[E[+X] <: EdgeLikeIn[X] with CHyperEdgeBound[X]] extends EdgeCompanionBase[E] {
protected[collection] type P <: Product
/** To be mixed in by custom hyperedge companion objects. */
trait CHyperEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: CHyperEdgeBound[X]] extends CEdgeCompanionBase[E] {
@inline final def apply[N](node_1: N, node_2: N, nodes: N*)(attr: P)(implicit kind: CollectionKind = Bag) =
newEdge[N](NodeProduct(node_1, node_2, nodes: _*), attr)
@inline final def apply[N](nodes: Iterable[N], attr: P)(implicit kind: CollectionKind) =
newEdge[N](NodeProduct(nodes), attr)
@inline final protected[collection] def from[N](nodes: Product, attr: P)(implicit kind: CollectionKind) =
newEdge[N](nodes, attr)
/** Must return an instance of the custom edge which is achieved by projecting the elements
* of `attr` and passing them as single arguments to the custom edge constructor. */
protected def newEdge[N](nodes: Product, attr: P)(implicit kind: CollectionKind = Bag): E[N] with EdgeCopy[E]
type CEdgeBound[+N] = CHyperEdgeBound[N] with UnDiEdge[N]
/** To be mixed in by custom edge companion objects. */
trait CEdgeCompanion[E[+X] <: CEdgeBound[X]] extends CEdgeCompanionBase[E] {
@inline final def apply[N](node_1: N, node_2: N, attr: P) =
newEdge[N](NodeProduct(node_1, node_2), attr)
@inline final def apply[N](nodes: Tuple2[N, N], attr: P) =
newEdge[N](nodes, attr)
@inline final protected[collection] def from[N](nodes: Product, attr: P) =
newEdge[N](nodes, attr)
/** Must return an instance of the custom edge which is achieved by projecting the elements
* of `attr` and passing them as single arguments to the custom edge constructor. */
protected def newEdge[N](nodes: Product, attr: P): E[N] with EdgeCopy[E]