scalax.collection.generic.AnyOrdering.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalax.collection.generic
import runtime._
import collection.immutable.WrappedString
/** Ordering for Any with the following rules:
* numerical > string > any other reference type.
* If a reference type is not a subclass of Ordered, it will be ordered according
* to its toString value.
* @author Peter Empen
class AnyOrdering[N] extends Ordering[N] {
sealed protected trait Type
sealed protected case class IntegerType(value: RichLong) extends Type
sealed protected case class FloatType(value: RichDouble) extends Type
sealed protected case class StringType(value: WrappedString) extends Type
sealed protected case class RefType(value: AnyRef) extends Type
protected def typeOf(x: Any) = x match {
case b: Byte => IntegerType(new RichLong(b))
case s: Short => IntegerType(new RichLong(s))
case i: Int => IntegerType(new RichLong(i))
case l: Long => IntegerType(new RichLong(l))
case f: Float => FloatType(new RichDouble(f))
case d: Double => FloatType(new RichDouble(d))
case _: Char | _: Unit | _: Boolean | _: String => StringType(new WrappedString(x.toString))
case r: AnyRef => RefType(r)
def compare(a: N, b: N): Int = (typeOf(a), typeOf(b)) match {
case (IntegerType(a), IntegerType(b)) => a.compare(b.self)
case (IntegerType(a), FloatType(b)) => a.toDouble.compare(b.self)
case (IntegerType(_), StringType(_)) | (IntegerType(_), RefType(_)) => -1
case (FloatType(a), FloatType(b)) => a.compare(b.self)
case (FloatType(a), IntegerType(b)) => a.compare(b.self)
case (FloatType(_), StringType(_)) | (FloatType(_), RefType(_)) => -1
case (StringType(a), StringType(b)) => a.toString.compare(b.toString)
case (StringType(_), IntegerType(_)) | (StringType(_), FloatType(_)) => 1
case (StringType(_), RefType(_)) => -1
case (RefType(a), RefType(b)) =>
def fallback = a.toString.compare(b.toString)
(a, b) match {
case (a: Ordered[_], b: Ordered[_]) =>
try a.asInstanceOf[Ordered[AnyRef]].compare(b.asInstanceOf[AnyRef with Ordered[AnyRef]])
catch {
case e: ClassCastException => fallback
case _ => fallback
case (RefType(_), IntegerType(_)) | (RefType(_), FloatType(_)) | (RefType(_), StringType(_)) => 1