scalax.collection.generic.edgeEquality.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalax.collection
package generic
sealed protected[collection] trait Eq { this: Edge[_] =>
protected def baseEquals(other: Edge[_]): Boolean
protected def baseHashCode: Int
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
case that: Edge[_] =>
(this eq that) ||
(that canEqual this) &&
this.isDirected == that.isDirected &&
this.isInstanceOf[MultiEdge] == that.isInstanceOf[MultiEdge] &&
case _ => false
/** Preconditions:
* `this.directed == that.directed &&`
* `this.isInstanceOf[Keyed] == that.isInstanceOf[Keyed]`
protected def equals(other: Edge[_]): Boolean = baseEquals(other)
override def hashCode: Int = baseHashCode
protected[collection] object Eq {
/* Works for both sets and bags.
private def nrEqualingNodes(itA: OneOrMore[_], itB: OneOrMore[_], bLen: Int): Int = {
var nr = 0
val used = new Array[Boolean](bLen)
for (a <- itA) {
val bs = itB.iterator
var j = 0
while (j < bLen) {
val b =
if (!used(j) && a == b) {
nr += 1
used(j) = true
j = bLen
j += 1
def equalEnds(
left: Edge[_],
leftEnds: OneOrMore[_],
right: Edge[_],
rightEnds: OneOrMore[_]
): Boolean = {
val thisOrdered = left.isInstanceOf[OrderedEndpoints]
val thatOrdered = right.isInstanceOf[OrderedEndpoints]
thisOrdered == thatOrdered && (
if (thisOrdered) leftEnds == rightEnds
else {
val rightSize = rightEnds.size
Eq.nrEqualingNodes(leftEnds, rightEnds, rightSize) == rightSize
protected[collection] trait EqHyper extends Eq {
this: AnyHyperEdge[_] =>
override protected def baseEquals(other: Edge[_]): Boolean = {
val (thisArity, thatArity) = (arity, other.arity)
if (thisArity == thatArity)
Eq.equalEnds(this, this.ends.toOneOrMore, other, other.ends.toOneOrMore)
else false
override protected def baseHashCode: Int = ends.foldLeft(0)(_ ^ _.hashCode)
/** Equality for targets handled as a $BAG.
* Targets are equal if they contain the same nodes irrespective of their position.
protected[collection] trait EqDiHyper extends Eq {
this: AnyDiHyperEdge[_] =>
override protected def baseEquals(other: Edge[_]): Boolean = {
val (thisArity, thatArity) = (arity, other.arity)
if (thisArity == thatArity)
if (thisArity == 2)
this.sources.head == other.sources.head &&
this.targets.head == other.targets.head
other match {
case diHyper: AnyDiHyperEdge[_] =>
Eq.equalEnds(this, this.sources, diHyper, diHyper.sources) &&
Eq.equalEnds(this, this.targets, diHyper, diHyper.targets)
case _ => false
else false
override protected def baseHashCode: Int = {
var m = 4
def mul(i: Int): Int = { m += 3; m * i }
ends.foldLeft(0)((s: Int, n: Any) => s ^ mul(n.hashCode))
protected[collection] trait EqUnDi[+N] extends Eq {
this: AnyUnDiEdge[N] =>
@inline final protected def unDiBaseEquals(n1: Any, n2: Any): Boolean =
this.node1 == n1 && this.node2 == n2 ||
this.node1 == n2 && this.node2 == n1
override protected def baseEquals(other: Edge[_]): Boolean = other match {
case edge: AnyEdge[_] => unDiBaseEquals(edge.node1, edge.node2)
case hyper: AnyHyperEdge[_] if hyper.isUndirected && hyper.arity == 2 =>
unDiBaseEquals(hyper.node(0), hyper.node(1))
case _ => false
override protected def baseHashCode: Int = node1.## ^ node2.##
protected[collection] trait EqDi[+N] extends Eq {
this: AnyDiEdge[N] =>
@inline final protected def diBaseEquals(n1: Any, n2: Any): Boolean =
this.source == n1 && == n2
final override protected def baseEquals(other: Edge[_]): Boolean = other match {
case edge: AnyDiEdge[_] => diBaseEquals(edge.source,
case hyper: AnyDiHyperEdge[_] if hyper.arity == 2 => diBaseEquals(hyper.sources.head, hyper.targets.head)
case _ => false
override protected def baseHashCode: Int = 23 * node1.## ^ node2.##
/** Defines how to handle the ends of hyperedges, or the source/target ends of directed hyperedges,
* with respect to equality.
sealed abstract class CollectionKind(val duplicatesAllowed: Boolean, val orderSignificant: Boolean)
object CollectionKind {
protected[collection] def from(duplicatesAllowed: Boolean, orderSignificant: Boolean): CollectionKind =
if (duplicatesAllowed)
if (orderSignificant) Sequence else Bag
throw new IllegalArgumentException("'duplicatesAllowed == false' is not supported for endpoints kind.")
protected[collection] def from(s: String): CollectionKind =
if (s == Bag.toString) Bag
else if (s == Sequence.toString) Sequence
else throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected representation of '$s' for endpoints kind.")
protected[collection] def from(edge: Edge[_]): CollectionKind =
CollectionKind.from(duplicatesAllowed = true, orderSignificant = edge.isInstanceOf[OrderedEndpoints])
def unapply(kind: CollectionKind): Option[(Boolean, Boolean)] =
Some((kind.duplicatesAllowed, kind.orderSignificant))
/** Marks a hyperedge, $ORDIHYPER, to handle the endpoints
* as an unordered collection of nodes with duplicates allowed.
case object Bag extends CollectionKind(true, false)
/** Marks a hyperedge, $ORDIHYPER, to handle the endpoints
* as an ordered collection of nodes with duplicates allowed.
case object Sequence extends CollectionKind(true, true)
/** Marks (directed) hyperedge endpoints to have a significant order. */
protected[collection] trait OrderedEndpoints
/** Edge mixin for multigraph support.
* As a default, hashCode/equality of edges is determined by their ends.
* We say that edge ends are part of the edge key.
* Whenever your custom edge needs to be a multi-edge, meaning that your graph is allowed
* to connect some nodes by an instance of this edge even if those nodes are already connected,
* the edge key needs be extended by adding at least one more class member, constant or whatsoever to the edge key.
* For example edges representing flight connections between airports need be multi-edges to allow for different
* flights between the same airports.
* @author Peter Empen
trait MultiEdge { this: Edge[_] =>
/** Each element in this sequence references a class member of the custom edge that will be added to the edge key.
* The edge ends, like `source` and `target`, are always part of the key so don't add them here.
* Once you add class members to the edge key they automatically become part of the edge's hashCode/equality.
def extendKeyBy: OneOrMore[Any]
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
super.equals(other) && (other match {
case that: MultiEdge => this.extendKeyBy == that.extendKeyBy
case _ => false
override def hashCode: Int = super.hashCode + * 41).iterator.sum