scala.collection.mutable.ExtHashSet.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
/* Extended version of https://github.com/scala/scala/blob/2.13.x/src/library/scala/collection/mutable/ExtHashSet.scala
package scala.collection
package mutable
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.Stepper.EfficientSplit
import scala.collection.generic.DefaultSerializationProxy
import scala.util.Random
/** This class implements mutable sets using a hashtable.
* @see [[http://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/collections/concrete-mutable-collection-classes.html#hash-tables "Scala's Collection Library overview"]]
* section on `Hash Tables` for more information.
* @define Coll `mutable.ExtHashSet`
* @define coll mutable hash set
* @define mayNotTerminateInf
* @define willNotTerminateInf
final class ExtHashSet[A](initialCapacity: Int, loadFactor: Double)
extends AbstractSet[A]
with SetOps[A, ExtHashSet, ExtHashSet[A]]
with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[A, ExtHashSet, ExtHashSet[A]]
with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, ExtHashSet]
with ExtSetMethods[A]
with Serializable {
def this() =
this(ExtHashSet.defaultInitialCapacity, ExtHashSet.defaultLoadFactor)
import ExtHashSet.Node
/** The actual hash table. */
private[this] var table = new Array[Node[A]](tableSizeFor(initialCapacity))
/** The next size value at which to resize (capacity * load factor). */
private[this] var threshold: Int = newThreshold(table.length)
private[this] var contentSize = 0
override def size: Int = contentSize
/** Performs the inverse operation of improveHash. In this case, it happens to be identical to improveHash*/
@`inline` private[collection] def unimproveHash(improvedHash: Int): Int = improveHash(improvedHash)
/** Computes the improved hash of an original (`any.##`) hash. */
private[this] def improveHash(originalHash: Int): Int = {
// Improve the hash by xoring the high 16 bits into the low 16 bits just in case entropy is skewed towards the
// high-value bits. We only use the lowest bits to determine the hash bucket. This is the same improvement
// algorithm as in java.util.HashMap.
originalHash ^ (originalHash >>> 16)
/** Computes the improved hash of this element */
@`inline` private[this] def computeHash(o: A): Int = improveHash(o.##)
@`inline` private[this] def index(hash: Int) = hash & (table.length - 1)
override def contains(elem: A): Boolean = findNode(elem) ne null
@`inline` private[this] def findNode(elem: A): Node[A] = {
val hash = computeHash(elem)
table(index(hash)) match {
case null => null
case nd => nd.findNode(elem, hash)
override def sizeHint(size: Int): Unit = {
val target = tableSizeFor(((size + 1).toDouble / loadFactor).toInt)
if(target > table.length) growTable(target)
override def add(elem: A): Boolean = {
if (contentSize + 1 >= threshold) growTable(table.length * 2)
addElem(elem, computeHash(elem))
override def addAll(xs: IterableOnce[A]): this.type = {
xs match {
case hm: immutable.HashSet[A] =>
hm.foreachWithHash((k, h) => addElem(k, improveHash(h)))
case hm: ExtHashSet[A] =>
val iter = hm.nodeIterator
while (iter.hasNext) {
val next = iter.next()
addElem(next.key, next.hash)
case _ => super.addAll(xs)
override def subtractAll(xs: IterableOnce[A]): this.type = {
if (size == 0) {
return this
xs match {
case hs: immutable.HashSet[A] =>
hs.foreachWithHashWhile { (k, h) =>
remove(k, improveHash(h))
size > 0
case hs: ExtHashSet[A] =>
val iter = hs.nodeIterator
while (iter.hasNext) {
val next = iter.next()
remove(next.key, next.hash)
if (size == 0) return this
case _ => super.subtractAll(xs)
/** Adds an element to this set
* @param elem element to add
* @param hash the **improved** hash of `elem` (see computeHash)
private[this] def addElem(elem: A, hash: Int) : Boolean = {
val idx = index(hash)
table(idx) match {
case null =>
table(idx) = new Node(elem, hash, null)
case old =>
var prev: Node[A] = null
var n = old
while((n ne null) && n.hash <= hash) {
if(n.hash == hash && elem == n.key) return false
prev = n
n = n.next
if(prev eq null)
table(idx) = new Node(elem, hash, old)
prev.next = new Node(elem, hash, prev.next)
contentSize += 1
private[this] def remove(elem: A, hash: Int): Boolean = {
val idx = index(hash)
table(idx) match {
case null => false
case nd if nd.hash == hash && nd.key == elem =>
// first element matches
table(idx) = nd.next
contentSize -= 1
case nd =>
// find an element that matches
var prev = nd
var next = nd.next
while((next ne null) && next.hash <= hash) {
if(next.hash == hash && next.key == elem) {
prev.next = next.next
contentSize -= 1
return true
prev = next
next = next.next
override def remove(elem: A) : Boolean = remove(elem, computeHash(elem))
private[this] abstract class HashSetIterator[B] extends AbstractIterator[B] {
private[this] var i = 0
private[this] var node: Node[A] = null
private[this] val len = table.length
protected[this] def extract(nd: Node[A]): B
def hasNext: Boolean = {
if(node ne null) true
else {
while(i < len) {
val n = table(i)
i += 1
if(n ne null) { node = n; return true }
def next(): B =
if(!hasNext) Iterator.empty.next()
else {
val r = extract(node)
node = node.next
override def iterator: Iterator[A] = new HashSetIterator[A] {
override protected[this] def extract(nd: Node[A]): A = nd.key
/** Returns an iterator over the nodes stored in this ExtHashSet */
private[collection] def nodeIterator: Iterator[Node[A]] = new HashSetIterator[Node[A]] {
override protected[this] def extract(nd: Node[A]): Node[A] = nd
override def stepper[S <: Stepper[_]](implicit shape: StepperShape[A, S]): S with EfficientSplit = {
import convert.impl._
val s = shape.shape match {
case StepperShape.IntShape => new IntTableStepper[Node[A]] (size, table, _.next, _.key.asInstanceOf[Int], 0, table.length)
case StepperShape.LongShape => new LongTableStepper[Node[A]] (size, table, _.next, _.key.asInstanceOf[Long], 0, table.length)
case StepperShape.DoubleShape => new DoubleTableStepper[Node[A]](size, table, _.next, _.key.asInstanceOf[Double], 0, table.length)
case _ => shape.parUnbox(new AnyTableStepper[A, Node[A]](size, table, _.next, _.key, 0, table.length))
s.asInstanceOf[S with EfficientSplit]
private[this] def growTable(newlen: Int) = {
var oldlen = table.length
threshold = newThreshold(newlen)
if(size == 0) table = new Array(newlen)
else {
table = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(table, newlen)
val preLow: Node[A] = new Node(null.asInstanceOf[A], 0, null)
val preHigh: Node[A] = new Node(null.asInstanceOf[A], 0, null)
// Split buckets until the new length has been reached. This could be done more
// efficiently when growing an already filled table to more than double the size.
while(oldlen < newlen) {
var i = 0
while (i < oldlen) {
val old = table(i)
if(old ne null) {
preLow.next = null
preHigh.next = null
var lastLow: Node[A] = preLow
var lastHigh: Node[A] = preHigh
var n = old
while(n ne null) {
val next = n.next
if((n.hash & oldlen) == 0) { // keep low
lastLow.next = n
lastLow = n
} else { // move to high
lastHigh.next = n
lastHigh = n
n = next
lastLow.next = null
if(old ne preLow.next) table(i) = preLow.next
if(preHigh.next ne null) {
table(i + oldlen) = preHigh.next
lastHigh.next = null
i += 1
oldlen *= 2
override def filterInPlace(p: A => Boolean): this.type = {
if (nonEmpty) {
var bucket = 0
while (bucket < table.length) {
var head = table(bucket)
while ((head ne null) && !p(head.key)) {
head = head.next
contentSize -= 1
if (head ne null) {
var prev = head
var next = head.next
while (next ne null) {
if (p(next.key)) {
prev = next
} else {
prev.next = next.next
contentSize -= 1
next = next.next
table(bucket) = head
bucket += 1
private[mutable] def checkTable(): Unit = {
var i = 0
var count = 0
var prev: Node[A] = null
while(i < table.length) {
var n = table(i)
prev = null
while(n != null) {
count += 1
assert(index(n.hash) == i)
if(prev ne null) assert(prev.hash <= n.hash)
prev = n
n = n.next
i += 1
assert(contentSize == count)
private[this] def tableSizeFor(capacity: Int) =
(Integer.highestOneBit((capacity-1).max(4))*2).min(1 << 30)
private[this] def newThreshold(size: Int) = (size.toDouble * loadFactor).toInt
def clear(): Unit = {
java.util.Arrays.fill(table.asInstanceOf[Array[AnyRef]], null)
contentSize = 0
override def iterableFactory: IterableFactory[ExtHashSet] = ExtHashSet
@`inline` def addOne(elem: A): this.type = { add(elem); this }
@`inline` def subtractOne(elem: A): this.type = { remove(elem); this }
override def knownSize: Int = size
override def isEmpty: Boolean = size == 0
override def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = {
val len = table.length
var i = 0
while(i < len) {
val n = table(i)
if(n ne null) n.foreach(f)
i += 1
protected[this] def writeReplace(): AnyRef = new DefaultSerializationProxy(new ExtHashSet.DeserializationFactory[A](table.length, loadFactor), this)
override protected[this] def className = "ExtHashSet"
/* We don't deal with different number of elements in buckets.
* This means that the distribution is only uniform if all buckets happen to have the same number of elements.
* Elements in bigger than average buckets will be drawn less frequently.
override def draw(random: Random): A = {
val len = table.length
if (size * 50L > len) {
val bucket = table(LazyList.continually(random.nextInt(len)).iterator.dropWhile(table(_) eq null).next())
val keys = bucket.keys
} else if (size > 0) {
// since `table` is sparse forget about hitting an index randomly
} else
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot draw from empty set.")
private[this] def withBucket[B](hashCode: Int)(empty: => B)(body: Node[A] => B): B =
table(index(improveHash(hashCode))) match {
case null => empty
case node => body(node)
override def findElem[B](toMatch: B, correspond: (A, B) => Boolean): A = {
val hash = toMatch.##
@inline def nullAsA = null.asInstanceOf[A]
_.findNode(improveHash(hash), n => correspond(n.key, toMatch)) match {
case null => nullAsA
case n => n.key
/** Returns an `Iterator` over all entries having the passed `hashCode`.
protected[collection] def hashCodeIterator(hCode: Int): Iterator[A] =
/** Updates or inserts `elem`. An update is only meaningful for equalling mutable elements.
* @return `true` if an insertion took place.
def upsert(elem: A with AnyRef): Boolean = {
val hCode = elem.##
val improved = improveHash(hCode)
@inline def add = addElem(elem, improved)
) { bucket =>
if (bucket.hash == improved && bucket.key == elem) {
table(index(improved)) = new Node(elem, improved, bucket.next)
} else
bucket.findNode(n => {val next = n.next; (next ne null) && next.key == elem}) match {
case null =>
case prev =>
val update = prev.next
prev.next = new Node(elem, update.hash, update.next)
protected[mutable] def dump: Array[ArrayBuffer[Int]] = table map {
case null => ArrayBuffer.empty[Int]
case node => node.nodes.map(_.hash)
* $factoryInfo
* @define Coll `mutable.ExtHashSet`
* @define coll mutable hash set
object ExtHashSet extends IterableFactory[ExtHashSet] {
def from[B](it: scala.collection.IterableOnce[B]): ExtHashSet[B] = {
val k = it.knownSize
val cap = if(k > 0) ((k + 1).toDouble / defaultLoadFactor).toInt else defaultInitialCapacity
new ExtHashSet[B](cap, defaultLoadFactor) ++= it
def empty[A]: ExtHashSet[A] = new ExtHashSet[A]
def newBuilder[A]: Builder[A, ExtHashSet[A]] = newBuilder(defaultInitialCapacity, defaultLoadFactor)
def newBuilder[A](initialCapacity: Int, loadFactor: Double): Builder[A, ExtHashSet[A]] =
new GrowableBuilder[A, ExtHashSet[A]](new ExtHashSet[A](initialCapacity, loadFactor)) {
override def sizeHint(size: Int) = elems.sizeHint(size)
/** The default load factor for the hash table */
final def defaultLoadFactor: Double = 0.75
/** The default initial capacity for the hash table */
final def defaultInitialCapacity: Int = 16
private final class DeserializationFactory[A](val tableLength: Int, val loadFactor: Double) extends Factory[A, ExtHashSet[A]] with Serializable {
def fromSpecific(it: IterableOnce[A]): ExtHashSet[A] = new ExtHashSet[A](tableLength, loadFactor) ++= it
def newBuilder: Builder[A, ExtHashSet[A]] = ExtHashSet.newBuilder(tableLength, loadFactor)
private[collection] final class Node[K](_key: K, _hash: Int, private[this] var _next: Node[K]) {
def key: K = _key
def hash: Int = _hash
def next: Node[K] = _next
def next_= (n: Node[K]): Unit = _next = n
def findNode(k: K, h: Int): Node[K] =
if(h == _hash && k == _key) this
else if((_next eq null) || (_hash > h)) null
else _next.findNode(k, h)
def foreach[U](f: K => U): Unit = {
if(_next ne null) _next.foreach(f)
def findNode(h: Int, pred: Node[K] => Boolean): Node[K] =
if (h == _hash && pred(this)) this
else if ((_next eq null) || (_hash > h)) null
else _next.findNode(h, pred)
def findNode(pred: Node[K] => Boolean): Node[K] =
if (pred(this)) this
else if (_next eq null) null
else _next.findNode(pred)
def foreachNode[U](f: Node[K] => U): Unit = {
if (_next ne null) _next.foreachNode(f)
private[this] def toBuffer[U](f: Node[K] => U): ArrayBuffer[U] = {
val b = ArrayBuffer.empty[U]
foreachNode(n => b += f(n))
def nodes: ArrayBuffer[Node[K]] = toBuffer(identity)
def keys: ArrayBuffer[K] = toBuffer(_.key)
override def toString = s"Node($key, $hash) -> $next"
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