scalax.collection.mutable.SimpleArraySet.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalax.collection
package mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.{ExtHashSet, GrowableBuilder}
import scala.collection.{IterableFactory, IterableFactoryDefaults, SortedSet, StrictOptimizedIterableOps}
import scala.util.Random
import scalax.collection.immutable.SortedArraySet
/** A basic [[ArraySet]] implementation suitable for efficient add operations.
* Element removal could be optimized by another implementation.
* @param hints Optimization hints controlling the growth of the underlying
* [[scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer!]].
* @define OPT Optimized by use of unchecked insertions.
* @author Peter Empen
final class SimpleArraySet[A](override val hints: ArraySet.Hints)
extends ArraySet[A]
with StrictOptimizedIterableOps[A, SimpleArraySet, SimpleArraySet[A]]
with IterableFactoryDefaults[A, SimpleArraySet]
with Serializable {
override def iterableFactory: IterableFactory[SimpleArraySet] = SimpleArraySet
protected[collection] def newNonCheckingBuilder[B] = new SimpleArraySet.NonCheckingBuilder[A, B](this)
override def clone: ArraySet[A] = (newNonCheckingBuilder ++= this).result()
private var nextFree: Int = 0
private var arr: Array[A] = _
private var hashSet: ExtHashSet[A] = _
private def initialize(): Unit = {
val capacity = hints.nextCapacity(0)
if (capacity == 0) hashSet = ExtHashSet.empty[A]
else arr = new Array[AnyRef](capacity).asInstanceOf[Array[A]]
def capacity: Int = if (isHash) 0 else arr.length
@inline private def isHash: Boolean = arr eq null
@inline def isArray: Boolean = !isHash
protected[collection] def array: Array[A] = arr
protected[collection] def set: MSet[A] = hashSet
def addOne(elem: A) = { add(elem); this }
def subtractOne(elem: A) = {
if (isHash) hashSet -= elem
else removeIndex(indexOf(elem))
protected def removeIndex(i: Int): Unit =
if (i != -1) {
if (i + 1 < nextFree)
java.lang.System.arraycopy(arr, i + 1, arr, i, nextFree - i - 1)
nextFree -= 1
protected[collection] def +=!(elem: A): this.type = {
if (isHash) hashSet add elem
else {
if (nextFree == capacity)
if (resizedToHash) {
add(elem); return this
arr(nextFree) = elem
nextFree += 1
protected[collection] def map(xs: IterableOnce[A]): this.type = this
override def iterator: Iterator[A] =
if (isHash) hashSet.iterator
new scala.collection.AbstractIterator[A] {
private[this] var i = 0
private[this] var prevElm: A = _
def hasNext =
i < nextFree
def next() = {
if (i >= nextFree)
throw new NoSuchElementException
prevElm = arr(i)
i += 1
override def foreach[U](f: (A) => U): Unit =
if (isHash) hashSet foreach f
else {
var i = 0
while (i < nextFree) { f(arr(i)); i += 1 }
protected def resizeArray(fromCapacity: Int, toCapacity: Int): Unit = {
val newArr: Array[AnyRef] = new Array(toCapacity)
java.lang.System.arraycopy(arr, 0, newArr, 0, math.min(fromCapacity, toCapacity))
arr = newArr.asInstanceOf[Array[A]]
protected def setToArray(set: Iterable[A], size: Int): Unit = {
arr = new Array[AnyRef](size).asInstanceOf[Array[A]]
nextFree = 0
set foreach { elem =>
arr(nextFree) = elem
nextFree += 1
hashSet = null
def compact(): Unit =
if (isHash) {
val _size = size
if (_size < hints.hashTableThreshold)
setToArray(hashSet, _size)
} else if (
hints.compactUpToUsed match {
case perc if perc == 0 => false
case perc if perc == 100 => nextFree < capacity
case perc => perc >= nextFree * 100 / capacity
resizeArray(capacity, nextFree)
protected def indexOf[B](elem: B, pred: (A, B) => Boolean): Int = {
var i = 0
while (i < nextFree)
if (pred(arr(i), elem)) return i
else i += 1
/* Optimized 'arr contains c'. */
protected def indexOf(elem: A): Int = {
var i = 0
while (i < nextFree)
if (arr(i) == elem) return i
else i += 1
override def contains(elem: A): Boolean =
if (isHash) hashSet contains elem
else indexOf(elem) >= 0
def find(elem: A): Option[A] =
if (isHash) hashSet find (_ == elem)
else {
val i = indexOf(elem)
if (i >= 0) Some(arr(i)) else None
override def add(elem: A): Boolean =
if (isHash) hashSet add elem
else {
if (nextFree == capacity)
if (resizedToHash)
return add(elem)
var i = 0
while (i < nextFree)
if (arr(i) == elem) return false
else i += 1
arr(nextFree) = elem
nextFree += 1
protected def resizedToHash: Boolean = {
val newCapacity = hints.nextCapacity(capacity)
if (newCapacity == 0) {
hashSet = ExtHashSet.empty[A]
hashSet sizeHint capacity
hashSet ++= iterator
arr = null
} else {
resizeArray(capacity, newCapacity)
override def size = if (isHash) hashSet.size else nextFree
protected[collection] def upsert(elem: A with AnyRef): Boolean =
if (isHash) hashSet upsert elem
else {
val i = indexOf(elem)
val isUpdate = i >= 0
if (isUpdate) arr(i) = elem
else add(elem)
/** $OPT */
override def filter(p: (A) => Boolean) =
if (isHash) super.filter(p)
else {
val b = newNonCheckingBuilder[A]
for (x <- this)
if (p(x)) b += x
/** Faster mapping in case the caller ensures to insert no duplicates. */
protected[collection] def mapUnchecked[B, That](f: A => B): SimpleArraySet[B] =
if (isHash) super.map(f)
else {
val b = newNonCheckingBuilder[B]
for (x <- this) b += f(x)
/** $OPT */
override def partition(p: A => Boolean) =
if (isHash) super.partition(p)
else {
val l, r = newNonCheckingBuilder[A]
for (x <- this) (if (p(x)) l else r) += x
(l.result(), r.result())
def sorted(implicit ord: Ordering[A]): SortedSet[A] =
if (isHash)
else {
val newArr: Array[AnyRef] = new Array(nextFree)
java.lang.System.arraycopy(arr, 0, newArr, 0, nextFree)
new SortedArraySet(newArr.asInstanceOf[Array[A]])
def findElem[B](other: B, correspond: (A, B) => Boolean): A =
if (isHash) hashSet findElem (other, correspond)
else {
val idx = indexOf(other, (a: A, b: B) => a.hashCode == b.hashCode && correspond(a, b))
(if (idx < 0) null else arr(idx)).asInstanceOf[A]
def draw(random: Random): A =
if (isHash) hashSet draw random
else arr(random.nextInt(size))
override def clear(): Unit =
for (elem <- this.toList)
this -= elem
/** @define FROM The [[ArraySet]] instance an operation of which this builder is invoked on.
object SimpleArraySet extends IterableFactory[SimpleArraySet] {
/** Returns an empty set with default hints. */
override def empty[A]: SimpleArraySet[A] = new SimpleArraySet[A](ArraySet.Hints())
/** Returns an empty set with custom hints. */
def emptyWithHints[A](implicit hints: ArraySet.Hints): SimpleArraySet[A] =
new SimpleArraySet[A](hints)
/** Returns an empty set with hints propagated from `arraySet`. */
def emptyWithPropagatedHints[A, B](arraySet: ArraySet[A]): SimpleArraySet[B] =
/** Default `ArraySet` builder preventing duplicates. The hints passed are propagated
* such that `initial size == from.size`.
* @param from $FROM
protected class CheckingBuilder[A](from: ArraySet[A])
extends GrowableBuilder[A, SimpleArraySet[A]](emptyWithPropagatedHints(from))
/** An `ArraySet` builder without duplicate checking.
* @param from $FROM
protected class NonCheckingBuilder[A, B](from: ArraySet[A])
extends GrowableBuilder[B, SimpleArraySet[B]](emptyWithPropagatedHints[A, B](from)) {
override def addOne(x: B): this.type = { elems +=! x; this }
override def from[A](source: IterableOnce[A]) = empty ++= source
override def newBuilder[A]: GrowableBuilder[A, SimpleArraySet[A]] = new GrowableBuilder[A, SimpleArraySet[A]](empty)
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