scalax.collection.ToString.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scalax.collection
import scalax.collection.generic.Edge
protected trait ToString[N, E <: Edge[N], +CC[X, Y <: Edge[X]] <: GraphLike[X, Y, CC] with AnyGraph[X, Y]] {
this: GraphLike[N, E, CC] =>
import ToString._
protected def className: String = "Graph"
/** Sorts nodes and edges as long as this `Graph` has at most 100 elements.
* See also `def render`.
override def toString: String = if (elementCount <= 100) render(SingleLine) else super.toString
/** Sorts all nodes of this graph by `ordNode` followed by all edges sorted by `ordEdge`
* and concatenates their string representation `nodeSeparator` and `edgeSeparator`
* respectively.
* @param nodeEdgeSetSeparator to separate the node set from the edge set.
* @param withInnerPrefix whether the node set and edge set should be prefixed.
* @param ordNode the node ordering defaulting to `defaultNodeOrdering`.
* @param ordEdge the edge ordering defaulting to `defaultEdgeOrdering`.
def render(
style: Style,
nodeSeparator: String = GraphBase.defaultSeparator,
edgeSeparator: String = GraphBase.defaultSeparator,
nodeEdgeSetSeparator: String = GraphBase.defaultSeparator,
withInnerPrefix: Boolean = true
)(implicit ordNode: NodeOrdering = defaultNodeOrdering, ordEdge: EdgeOrdering = defaultEdgeOrdering): String =
if (nodes.isEmpty) s"$className()"
else {
val sets = {
val setStyle: SetStyle = (style match {
case s: StyleWithIndent[_] => s.incremented
case s => s
nodes.render(setStyle, nodeSeparator, withInnerPrefix)(ordNode),
edges.render(setStyle, edgeSeparator, withInnerPrefix)(ordEdge)
sets.prefixed(style, className, nodeEdgeSetSeparator)
protected trait SetToString[A] extends AnySet[A] {
/** Sorts all nodes according to `ord`, concatenates them using `separator`,
* and prefixes and parenthesizes the result unless `prefix` is blank.
def render(style: SetStyle, separator: String = GraphBase.defaultSeparator, prefix: String = this.className)(
implicit ord: Ordering[A]
): String =
toList.sorted.prefixed(style, prefix, separator)
/** Sorts all nodes according to `ord`, concatenates them using `separator`,
* and prefixes and parenthesizes the result if `withPrefix` is `true`.
def render(style: SetStyle, separator: String, withPrefix: Boolean)(implicit
ord: Ordering[A]
): String =
render(style, separator, if (withPrefix) this.className else "")
protected trait NodeSetToString extends SetToString[NodeT] {
final override protected def className: String = "NodeSet"
protected trait EdgeSetToString extends SetToString[EdgeT] {
final override protected def className: String = "EdgeSet"
object ToString {
sealed trait Style {
def toSetStyle: SetStyle = this match {
case s: SetStyle => s
case _: SetsOnSeparateLines => SingleLine
sealed trait StyleWithIndent[C <: StyleWithIndent[C]] extends Style {
def indent: Int
def incremented: C
sealed trait SetStyle extends Style
object SingleLine extends SetStyle
final case class SetsOnSeparateLines(indent: Int = 0) extends StyleWithIndent[SetsOnSeparateLines] {
def incremented: SetsOnSeparateLines = copy(indent + 2)
final case class SetElemsOnSeparateLines(indent: Int = 0)
extends StyleWithIndent[SetElemsOnSeparateLines]
with SetStyle {
def incremented: SetElemsOnSeparateLines = copy(indent + 2)
private val lineSeparator = System.lineSeparator
implicit private class StringEnrichments(val it: Iterable[_]) extends AnyVal {
def prefixed(style: Style, prefix: String, separator: String): String = {
val (prefixOpeningBrace, closingBrace) =
if (prefix.isBlank) ("", "")
else (s"$prefix(", ")")
val (open, sep, close) =
style match {
case SingleLine =>
(prefixOpeningBrace, separator, closingBrace)
case style: StyleWithIndent[_] =>
def spaces(count: Int) = " " * count
val newLine = s"$lineSeparator${spaces(style.incremented.indent)}"
s"$prefixOpeningBrace${if (it.isEmpty) "" else if (prefix.isBlank) " " else newLine}",
it.mkString(open, sep, close)
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