Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Scala.js (
* Copyright EPFL.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
import scala.annotation.switch
import Names._
import OriginalName.NoOriginalName
import Position.NoPosition
import Types._
object Trees {
/* The case classes for IR Nodes are sealed instead of final because making
* them final triggers bugs with Scala 2.12.{1-4}, in combination
* with their `implicit val pos`.
/** Base class for all nodes in the IR.
* Usually, one of the direct subclasses of `IRNode` should be used instead.
abstract sealed class IRNode {
def pos: Position
def show: String = {
val writer = new
val printer = new Printers.IRTreePrinter(writer)
/** Either a `Tree` or a `JSSpread`.
* This is the type of actual arguments to JS applications.
sealed trait TreeOrJSSpread extends IRNode
/** Node for a statement or expression in the IR. */
abstract sealed class Tree extends IRNode with TreeOrJSSpread {
val tpe: Type
// Identifiers
sealed case class LocalIdent(name: LocalName)(implicit val pos: Position)
extends IRNode
sealed case class LabelIdent(name: LabelName)(implicit val pos: Position)
extends IRNode
sealed case class SimpleFieldIdent(name: SimpleFieldName)(implicit val pos: Position)
extends IRNode
sealed case class FieldIdent(name: FieldName)(implicit val pos: Position)
extends IRNode
sealed case class MethodIdent(name: MethodName)(implicit val pos: Position)
extends IRNode
sealed case class ClassIdent(name: ClassName)(implicit val pos: Position)
extends IRNode
/** Tests whether the given name is a valid JavaScript identifier name.
* This test does *not* exclude keywords.
def isJSIdentifierName(name: String): Boolean = {
// scalastyle:off return
/* This method is called in the constructor of some IR node classes, such
* as JSGlobalRef; it should be fast.
val len = name.length()
if (len == 0)
return false
val c = name.charAt(0)
if (c != '$' && c != '_' && !Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart(c))
return false
var i = 1
while (i != len) {
val c = name.charAt(i)
if (c != '$' && !Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart(c))
return false
i += 1
// scalastyle:on return
// Definitions
sealed case class VarDef(name: LocalIdent, originalName: OriginalName,
vtpe: Type, mutable: Boolean, rhs: Tree)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
def ref(implicit pos: Position): VarRef = VarRef(name)(vtpe)
sealed case class ParamDef(name: LocalIdent, originalName: OriginalName,
ptpe: Type, mutable: Boolean)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends IRNode {
def ref(implicit pos: Position): VarRef = VarRef(name)(ptpe)
// Control flow constructs
sealed case class Skip()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
sealed class Block private (val stats: List[Tree])(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = stats.last.tpe
override def toString(): String =
stats.mkString("Block(", ",", ")")
object Block {
def apply(stats: List[Tree])(implicit pos: Position): Tree = {
val flattenedStats = stats flatMap {
case Skip() => Nil
case Block(subStats) => subStats
case other => other :: Nil
flattenedStats match {
case Nil => Skip()
case only :: Nil => only
case _ => new Block(flattenedStats)
def apply(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
apply(stats :+ expr)
def apply(stats: Tree*)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
def unapply(block: Block): Some[List[Tree]] = Some(block.stats)
sealed case class Labeled(label: LabelIdent, tpe: Type, body: Tree)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
sealed trait AssignLhs extends Tree
sealed case class Assign(lhs: AssignLhs, rhs: Tree)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
sealed case class Return(expr: Tree, label: LabelIdent)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = NothingType
sealed case class If(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree)(val tpe: Type)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
sealed case class While(cond: Tree, body: Tree)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
// cannot be in expression position, unless it is infinite
val tpe = cond match {
case BooleanLiteral(true) => NothingType
case _ => NoType
sealed case class ForIn(obj: Tree, keyVar: LocalIdent,
keyVarOriginalName: OriginalName, body: Tree)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = NoType
sealed case class TryCatch(block: Tree, errVar: LocalIdent,
errVarOriginalName: OriginalName, handler: Tree)(
val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
sealed case class TryFinally(block: Tree, finalizer: Tree)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = block.tpe
sealed case class Throw(expr: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = NothingType
/** A break-free switch (without fallthrough behavior).
* Unlike a JavaScript switch, it can be used in expression position.
* It supports alternatives explicitly (hence the `List[MatchableLiteral]`
* in cases), whereas in a switch one would use the fallthrough behavior to
* implement alternatives.
* (This is not a pattern matching construct like in Scala.)
* The selector must be either an `int` (`IntType`) or a `java.lang.String`.
* The cases can be any `MatchableLiteral`, even if they do not make sense
* for the type of the selecter (they simply will never match).
* Because `+0.0 === -0.0` in JavaScript, and because those semantics are
* used in a JS `switch`, we have to prevent the selector from ever being
* `-0.0`. Otherwise, it would be matched by a `case IntLiteral(0)`. At the
* same time, we must allow at least `int` and `java.lang.String` to support
* all switchable `match`es from Scala. Since the latter two have no common
* super type that does not allow `-0.0`, we really have to special-case
* those two types.
* This is also why we restrict `MatchableLiteral`s to `IntLiteral`,
* `StringLiteral` and `Null`. Allowing more cases would only make IR
* checking more complicated, without bringing any added value.
sealed case class Match(selector: Tree, cases: List[(List[MatchableLiteral], Tree)],
default: Tree)(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
sealed case class Debugger()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
// Scala expressions
sealed case class New(className: ClassName, ctor: MethodIdent,
args: List[Tree])(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = ClassType(className, nullable = false)
sealed case class LoadModule(className: ClassName)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
/* With Compliant moduleInits, `LoadModule`s are nullable!
* The linker components have dedicated code to consider `LoadModule`s as
* non-nullable depending on the semantics, but the `tpe` here must be
* nullable in the general case.
val tpe = ClassType(className, nullable = true)
sealed case class StoreModule()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
sealed case class Select(qualifier: Tree, field: FieldIdent)(val tpe: Type)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends AssignLhs
sealed case class SelectStatic(field: FieldIdent)(val tpe: Type)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends AssignLhs
sealed case class SelectJSNativeMember(className: ClassName, member: MethodIdent)(
implicit val pos: Position)
extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyType
/** Apply an instance method with dynamic dispatch (the default). */
sealed case class Apply(flags: ApplyFlags, receiver: Tree, method: MethodIdent,
args: List[Tree])(
val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
/** Apply an instance method with static dispatch (e.g., super calls). */
sealed case class ApplyStatically(flags: ApplyFlags, receiver: Tree,
className: ClassName, method: MethodIdent, args: List[Tree])(
val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
/** Apply a static method. */
sealed case class ApplyStatic(flags: ApplyFlags, className: ClassName,
method: MethodIdent, args: List[Tree])(
val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
/** Apply a static method via dynamic import. */
sealed case class ApplyDynamicImport(flags: ApplyFlags, className: ClassName,
method: MethodIdent, args: List[Tree])(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyType
/** Unary operation.
* The `Class_x` operations take a `jl.Class!` argument, i.e., a
* non-nullable `jl.Class`.
* `CheckNotNull` throws NPEs subject to UB.
* Otherwise, unary operations preserve pureness.
sealed case class UnaryOp(op: UnaryOp.Code, lhs: Tree)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = UnaryOp.resultTypeOf(op, lhs.tpe)
object UnaryOp {
/** Codes are raw Ints to be able to write switch matches on them. */
type Code = Int
final val Boolean_! = 1
// Widening conversions
final val CharToInt = 2
final val ByteToInt = 3
final val ShortToInt = 4
final val IntToLong = 5
final val IntToDouble = 6
final val FloatToDouble = 7
// Narrowing conversions
final val IntToChar = 8
final val IntToByte = 9
final val IntToShort = 10
final val LongToInt = 11
final val DoubleToInt = 12
final val DoubleToFloat = 13
// Long <-> Double (neither widening nor narrowing)
final val LongToDouble = 14
final val DoubleToLong = 15
// Long -> Float (neither widening nor narrowing), introduced in 1.6
final val LongToFloat = 16
// String.length, introduced in 1.11
final val String_length = 17
// Null check, introduced in 1.17
final val CheckNotNull = 18
// Class operations, introduced in 1.17
final val Class_name = 19
final val Class_isPrimitive = 20
final val Class_isInterface = 21
final val Class_isArray = 22
final val Class_componentType = 23
final val Class_superClass = 24
def isClassOp(op: Code): Boolean =
op >= Class_name && op <= Class_superClass
def resultTypeOf(op: Code, argType: Type): Type = (op: @switch) match {
case Boolean_! | Class_isPrimitive | Class_isInterface | Class_isArray =>
case IntToChar =>
case IntToByte =>
case IntToShort =>
case CharToInt | ByteToInt | ShortToInt | LongToInt | DoubleToInt | String_length =>
case IntToLong | DoubleToLong =>
case DoubleToFloat | LongToFloat =>
case IntToDouble | LongToDouble | FloatToDouble =>
case CheckNotNull =>
case Class_name =>
case Class_componentType | Class_superClass =>
ClassType(ClassClass, nullable = true)
/** Binary operation.
* All binary operations follow common evaluation steps:
* 1. Let `lhsValue` be the result of evaluating `lhs`.
* 2. Let `rhsValue` be the result of evaluating `rhs`.
* 3. Perform an operation that depends on `op`, `lhsValue` and `rhsValue`.
* Unless `lhsValue` throws, `rhsValue` will therefore always be evaluated,
* even if the operation `op` would throw based only on `lhsValue`.
* The integer dividing operators (`Int_/`, `Int_%`, `Long_/` and `Long_%`)
* throw an `ArithmeticException` when their right-hand-side is 0. That
* exception is not subject to undefined behavior.
* `String_charAt` throws a `StringIndexOutOfBoundsException`.
* The `Class_x` operations take a `jl.Class!` as lhs, i.e., a
* non-nullable `jl.Class`. `Class_isAssignableFrom` also takes a
* `jl.Class!` as rhs.
* - `Class_isInstance` and `Class_isAssignableFrom` are pure.
* - `Class_cast` throws a CCE if its second argument is non-null and
* not an instance of the class represented by its first argument.
* - `Class_newArray` throws a `NegativeArraySizeException` if its second
* argument is negative and an `IllegalArgumentException` if its first
* argument is `classOf[Unit]`.
* Otherwise, binary operations preserve pureness.
sealed case class BinaryOp(op: BinaryOp.Code, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = BinaryOp.resultTypeOf(op)
object BinaryOp {
/** Codes are raw Ints to be able to write switch matches on them. */
type Code = Int
final val === = 1
final val !== = 2
final val String_+ = 3
final val Boolean_== = 4
final val Boolean_!= = 5
final val Boolean_| = 6
final val Boolean_& = 7
final val Int_+ = 8
final val Int_- = 9
final val Int_* = 10
final val Int_/ = 11
final val Int_% = 12
final val Int_| = 13
final val Int_& = 14
final val Int_^ = 15
final val Int_<< = 16
final val Int_>>> = 17
final val Int_>> = 18
final val Int_== = 19
final val Int_!= = 20
final val Int_< = 21
final val Int_<= = 22
final val Int_> = 23
final val Int_>= = 24
final val Long_+ = 25
final val Long_- = 26
final val Long_* = 27
final val Long_/ = 28
final val Long_% = 29
final val Long_| = 30
final val Long_& = 31
final val Long_^ = 32
final val Long_<< = 33
final val Long_>>> = 34
final val Long_>> = 35
final val Long_== = 36
final val Long_!= = 37
final val Long_< = 38
final val Long_<= = 39
final val Long_> = 40
final val Long_>= = 41
final val Float_+ = 42
final val Float_- = 43
final val Float_* = 44
final val Float_/ = 45
final val Float_% = 46
final val Double_+ = 47
final val Double_- = 48
final val Double_* = 49
final val Double_/ = 50
final val Double_% = 51
final val Double_== = 52
final val Double_!= = 53
final val Double_< = 54
final val Double_<= = 55
final val Double_> = 56
final val Double_>= = 57
// New in 1.11
final val String_charAt = 58
// New in 1.17
final val Class_isInstance = 59
final val Class_isAssignableFrom = 60
final val Class_cast = 61
final val Class_newArray = 62
def isClassOp(op: Code): Boolean =
op >= Class_isInstance && op <= Class_newArray
def resultTypeOf(op: Code): Type = (op: @switch) match {
case === | !== |
Boolean_== | Boolean_!= | Boolean_| | Boolean_& |
Int_== | Int_!= | Int_< | Int_<= | Int_> | Int_>= |
Long_== | Long_!= | Long_< | Long_<= | Long_> | Long_>= |
Double_== | Double_!= | Double_< | Double_<= | Double_> | Double_>= |
Class_isInstance | Class_isAssignableFrom =>
case String_+ =>
case Int_+ | Int_- | Int_* | Int_/ | Int_% |
Int_| | Int_& | Int_^ | Int_<< | Int_>>> | Int_>> =>
case Long_+ | Long_- | Long_* | Long_/ | Long_% |
Long_| | Long_& | Long_^ | Long_<< | Long_>>> | Long_>> =>
case Float_+ | Float_- | Float_* | Float_/ | Float_% =>
case Double_+ | Double_- | Double_* | Double_/ | Double_% =>
case String_charAt =>
case Class_cast =>
case Class_newArray =>
sealed case class NewArray(typeRef: ArrayTypeRef, length: Tree)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = ArrayType(typeRef, nullable = false)
sealed case class ArrayValue(typeRef: ArrayTypeRef, elems: List[Tree])(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = ArrayType(typeRef, nullable = false)
sealed case class ArrayLength(array: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position)
extends Tree {
val tpe = IntType
sealed case class ArraySelect(array: Tree, index: Tree)(val tpe: Type)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends AssignLhs
sealed case class RecordValue(tpe: RecordType, elems: List[Tree])(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
sealed case class RecordSelect(record: Tree, field: SimpleFieldIdent)(
val tpe: Type)(
implicit val pos: Position)
extends AssignLhs
sealed case class IsInstanceOf(expr: Tree, testType: Type)(
implicit val pos: Position)
extends Tree {
val tpe = BooleanType
sealed case class AsInstanceOf(expr: Tree, tpe: Type)(
implicit val pos: Position)
extends Tree
sealed case class GetClass(expr: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position)
extends Tree {
val tpe = ClassType(ClassClass, nullable = true)
sealed case class Clone(expr: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position)
extends Tree {
// this is OK because our type system does not have singleton types
val tpe: Type = expr.tpe.toNonNullable
sealed case class IdentityHashCode(expr: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position)
extends Tree {
val tpe = IntType
sealed case class WrapAsThrowable(expr: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position)
extends Tree {
val tpe = ClassType(ThrowableClass, nullable = false)
sealed case class UnwrapFromThrowable(expr: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position)
extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyType
// JavaScript expressions
sealed case class JSNew(ctor: Tree, args: List[TreeOrJSSpread])(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyType
sealed case class JSPrivateSelect(qualifier: Tree, field: FieldIdent)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends AssignLhs {
val tpe = AnyType
sealed case class JSSelect(qualifier: Tree, item: Tree)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends AssignLhs {
val tpe = AnyType
sealed case class JSFunctionApply(fun: Tree, args: List[TreeOrJSSpread])(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyType
sealed case class JSMethodApply(receiver: Tree, method: Tree,
args: List[TreeOrJSSpread])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyType
/** Selects a property inherited from the given `superClass` on `receiver`.
* Given the non-native JS classes
* {{{
* class Bar extends js.Object
* class Foo extends Bar
* }}}
* The node
* {{{
* JSSuperBrackerSelect(LoadJSConstructor(ClassName("Bar")), qualifier, item)
* }}}
* which is printed as
* {{{
* super(constructorOf[Bar])::qualifier[item]
* }}}
* has the semantics of an ES6 super reference
* {{{
* super[item]
* }}}
* as if it were in an instance method of `Foo` with `qualifier` as the
* `this` value.
sealed case class JSSuperSelect(superClass: Tree, receiver: Tree, item: Tree)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends AssignLhs {
val tpe = AnyType
/** Calls a method inherited from the given `superClass` on `receiver`.
* Intuitively, this corresponds to
* {{{
* superClass.prototype[method].call(receiver, ...args)
* }}}
* but retains more structure at the IR level than using an explicit
* encoding of the above expression.
* Given the non-native JS classes
* {{{
* class Bar extends js.Object
* class Foo extends Bar
* }}}
* The node
* {{{
* JSSuperBrackerCall(LoadJSConstructor(ClassName("Bar")), receiver, method, args)
* }}}
* which is printed as
* {{{
* super(constructorOf[Bar])::receiver[method](...args)
* }}}
* has the following semantics:
* {{{
* Bar.prototype[method].call(receiver, ...args)
* }}}
* If this happens to be located in an instance method of `Foo`, *and*
* `receiver` happens to be `This()`, this is equivalent to the ES6
* statement
* {{{
* super[method](...args)
* }}}
sealed case class JSSuperMethodCall(superClass: Tree, receiver: Tree,
method: Tree, args: List[TreeOrJSSpread])(
implicit val pos: Position)
extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyType
/** Super constructor call in the constructor of a non-native JS class.
* Exactly one such node must appear in the constructor of a
* non-native JS class, at the top-level (possibly as a direct child
* of a top-level `Block`). Any other use of this node is invalid.
* Statements before this node, as well as the `args`, cannot contain any
* `This()` node. Statements after this node can use `This()`.
* After the execution of this node, it is guaranteed that all fields
* declared in the current class have been created and initialized. Up to
* that point, accessing any field declared in this class (e.g., through an
* overridden method called from the super constructor) is undefined
* behavior.
* All in all, the shape of a constructor is therefore:
* {{{
* {
* statementsNotUsingThis();
* JSSuperConstructorCall(...argsNotUsingThis);
* statementsThatMayUseThis()
* }
* }}}
* which currently translates to something of the following shape:
* {{{
* {
* statementsNotUsingThis();
* super(...argsNotUsingThis);
* this.privateField1 = 0;
* this["publicField2"] = false;
* statementsThatMayUseThis()
* }
* }}}
sealed case class JSSuperConstructorCall(args: List[TreeOrJSSpread])(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = NoType
/** JavaScript dynamic import of the form `import(arg)`.
* This form is its own node, rather than using something like
* {{{
* JSFunctionApply(JSImport())
* }}}
* because `import` is not a first-class term in JavaScript.
* `ImportCall` is a dedicated syntactic form that cannot be
* dissociated.
sealed case class JSImportCall(arg: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position)
extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyType // it is a JavaScript Promise
/** JavaScript meta-property ``.
* This form is its own node, rather than using something like
* {{{
* JSSelect(JSNew(), StringLiteral("target"))
* }}}
* because `new` is not a first-class term in JavaScript. ``
* is a dedicated syntactic form that cannot be dissociated.
sealed case class JSNewTarget()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyType
/** JavaScript meta-property `import.meta`.
* This form is its own node, rather than using something like
* {{{
* JSSelect(JSImport(), StringLiteral("meta"))
* }}}
* because `import` is not a first-class term in JavaScript. `import.meta`
* is a dedicated syntactic form that cannot be dissociated.
sealed case class JSImportMeta()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyType
/** Loads the constructor of a JS class (native or not).
* `className` must represent a non-trait JS class (native or not).
* This is used typically to instantiate a JS class, and most importantly
* if it is a non-native JS class. Given the class
* {{{
* class Foo(x: Int) extends js.Object
* }}}
* The instantiation `new Foo(1)` would be represented as
* {{{
* JSNew(LoadJSConstructor(ClassName("Foo")), List(IntLiteral(1)))
* }}}
* This node is also useful to encode `o.isInstanceOf[Foo]`:
* {{{
* JSBinaryOp(instanceof, o, LoadJSConstructor(ClassName("Foo")))
* }}}
* If `Foo` is non-native, the presence of this node makes it instantiable,
* and therefore reachable.
sealed case class LoadJSConstructor(className: ClassName)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyType
/** Like [[LoadModule]] but for a JS module class. */
sealed case class LoadJSModule(className: ClassName)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyType
/** `...items`, the "spread" operator of ECMAScript 6.
* @param items An Array whose items will be spread (not an arbitrary iterable)
sealed case class JSSpread(items: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position)
extends IRNode with TreeOrJSSpread
/** `delete qualifier[item]` */
sealed case class JSDelete(qualifier: Tree, item: Tree)(
implicit val pos: Position)
extends Tree {
val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
/** Unary operation (always preserves pureness).
* Operations which do not preserve pureness are not allowed in this tree.
* These are notably ++ and --
sealed case class JSUnaryOp(op: JSUnaryOp.Code, lhs: Tree)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = JSUnaryOp.resultTypeOf(op)
object JSUnaryOp {
/** Codes are raw Ints to be able to write switch matches on them. */
type Code = Int
final val + = 1
final val - = 2
final val ~ = 3
final val ! = 4
final val typeof = 5
def resultTypeOf(op: Code): Type =
/** Binary operation (always preserves pureness).
* Operations which do not preserve pureness are not allowed in this tree.
* These are notably +=, -=, *=, /= and %=
sealed case class JSBinaryOp(op: JSBinaryOp.Code, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = JSBinaryOp.resultTypeOf(op)
object JSBinaryOp {
/** Codes are raw Ints to be able to write switch matches on them. */
type Code = Int
final val === = 1
final val !== = 2
final val + = 3
final val - = 4
final val * = 5
final val / = 6
final val % = 7
final val | = 8
final val & = 9
final val ^ = 10
final val << = 11
final val >> = 12
final val >>> = 13
final val < = 14
final val <= = 15
final val > = 16
final val >= = 17
final val && = 18
final val || = 19
final val in = 20
final val instanceof = 21
// New in 1.12
final val ** = 22
def resultTypeOf(op: Code): Type = op match {
case === | !== =>
/* We assume that ECMAScript will never pervert `===` and `!==` to the
* point of them not returning a primitive boolean. This is important
* for the trees resulting from optimizing `BinaryOp.===` into
* `JSBinaryOp.===` to be well-typed.
case _ =>
sealed case class JSArrayConstr(items: List[TreeOrJSSpread])(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyNotNullType
sealed case class JSObjectConstr(fields: List[(Tree, Tree)])(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyNotNullType
sealed case class JSGlobalRef(name: String)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends AssignLhs {
import JSGlobalRef._
val tpe = AnyType
s"`$name` is not a valid global ref name")
object JSGlobalRef {
/** Set of identifier names that can never be accessed from the global
* scope.
* This set includes and is limited to:
* - All ECMAScript 2015 keywords;
* - Identifier names that are treated as keywords or reserved identifier
* names in ECMAScript 2015 Strict Mode;
* - The identifier `arguments`, because any attempt to refer to it always
* refers to the magical `arguments` pseudo-array from the enclosing
* function, rather than a global variable.
* This set does *not* contain `await`, although it is a reserved word
* within ES modules. It used to be allowed before 1.11.0, and even
* browsers do not seem to reject it. For compatibility reasons, we only
* warn about it at compile time, but the IR allows it.
final val ReservedJSIdentifierNames: Set[String] = Set(
"arguments", "break", "case", "catch", "class", "const", "continue",
"debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else", "enum", "export",
"extends", "false", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "implements",
"import", "in", "instanceof", "interface", "let", "new", "null",
"package", "private", "protected", "public", "return", "static",
"super", "switch", "this", "throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "var",
"void", "while", "with", "yield"
/** Tests whether the given name is a valid name for a `JSGlobalRef`.
* A name is valid iff it is a JavaScript identifier name (see
* [[isJSIdentifierName]]) *and* it is not reserved (see
* [[ReservedJSIdentifierNames]]).
def isValidJSGlobalRefName(name: String): Boolean =
isJSIdentifierName(name) && !ReservedJSIdentifierNames.contains(name)
sealed case class JSTypeOfGlobalRef(globalRef: JSGlobalRef)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyType
sealed case class JSLinkingInfo()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyType
// Literals
/** Marker for literals. Literals are always pure.
* All `Literal`s can be compared for equality. The equality does not take
* the `pos` into account.
sealed trait Literal extends Tree
/** Marker for literals that can be used in a [[Match]] case.
* Matchable literals are:
* - `IntLiteral`
* - `StringLiteral`
* - `Null`
* See [[Match]] for the rationale about that specific set.
sealed trait MatchableLiteral extends Literal
sealed case class Undefined()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
val tpe = UndefType
sealed case class Null()(implicit val pos: Position) extends MatchableLiteral {
val tpe = NullType
sealed case class BooleanLiteral(value: Boolean)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
val tpe = BooleanType
sealed case class CharLiteral(value: Char)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
val tpe = CharType
sealed case class ByteLiteral(value: Byte)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
val tpe = ByteType
sealed case class ShortLiteral(value: Short)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
val tpe = ShortType
sealed case class IntLiteral(value: Int)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends MatchableLiteral {
val tpe = IntType
sealed case class LongLiteral(value: Long)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
val tpe = LongType
sealed case class FloatLiteral(value: Float)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
val tpe = FloatType
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: FloatLiteral =>, that.value) == 0
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = java.lang.Float.hashCode(value)
sealed case class DoubleLiteral(value: Double)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
val tpe = DoubleType
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
case that: DoubleLiteral =>, that.value) == 0
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = java.lang.Double.hashCode(value)
sealed case class StringLiteral(value: String)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends MatchableLiteral {
val tpe = StringType
sealed case class ClassOf(typeRef: TypeRef)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
val tpe = ClassType(ClassClass, nullable = false)
// Atomic expressions
sealed case class VarRef(ident: LocalIdent)(val tpe: Type)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends AssignLhs
sealed case class This()(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position)
extends Tree
/** Closure with explicit captures.
* @param arrow
* If `true`, the closure is an Arrow Function (`=>`), which does not have
* an `this` parameter, and cannot be constructed (called with `new`).
* If `false`, it is a regular Function (`function`).
sealed case class Closure(arrow: Boolean, captureParams: List[ParamDef],
params: List[ParamDef], restParam: Option[ParamDef], body: Tree,
captureValues: List[Tree])(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyNotNullType
/** Creates a JavaScript class value.
* @param className
* Reference to the `ClassDef` for the class definition, which must have
* `jsClassCaptures.nonEmpty`
* @param captureValues
* Actual values for the captured parameters (in the `ClassDef`'s
* `jsClassCaptures.get`)
sealed case class CreateJSClass(className: ClassName,
captureValues: List[Tree])(
implicit val pos: Position)
extends Tree {
val tpe = AnyType
// Transient, a special one
/** A transient node for custom purposes.
* A transient node is never a valid input to the [[Serializers]] nor to the
* linker, but can be used in a transient state for internal purposes.
* @param value
* The payload of the transient node, without any specified meaning.
sealed case class Transient(value: Transient.Value)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
val tpe = value.tpe
object Transient {
/** Common interface for the values that can be stored in [[Transient]]
* nodes.
trait Value {
/** Type of this transient value. */
val tpe: Type
/** Traverses this transient value.
* Implementations should delegate traversal to contained trees.
def traverse(traverser: Traversers.Traverser): Unit
/** Transforms this transient value.
* Implementations should transform contained trees and potentially adjust the result.
def transform(transformer: Transformers.Transformer, isStat: Boolean)(
implicit pos: Position): Tree
/** Prints the IR representation of this transient node.
* This method is called by the IR printers when encountering a
* [[ Transient]] node.
* @param out
* The [[ IRTreePrinter]] to
* which the transient node must be printed. It can be used to print
* raw strings or nested IR nodes.
def printIR(out: Printers.IRTreePrinter): Unit
// Classes
final class ClassDef(
val name: ClassIdent,
val originalName: OriginalName,
val kind: ClassKind,
/** JS class captures.
* - If `kind != ClassKind.JSClass`, must be `None`.
* - Otherwise, if `None`, this is a top-level class, whose JS class
* value is unique in the world and can be loaded with
* `LoadJSConstructor`.
* - If `Some(params)`, this is a nested JS class. New class values for
* this class def can be created with `CreateJSClass`.
* `LoadJSConstructor` is not valid for such a class def, since it
* does not have a unique JS class value to load.
* Note that `Some(Nil)` is valid and is a nested JS class that happens
* to have no captures. It will still have zero to many JS class values
* created with `CreateJSClass`.
val jsClassCaptures: Option[List[ParamDef]],
val superClass: Option[ClassIdent],
val interfaces: List[ClassIdent],
/** If defined, an expression returning the JS class value of the super
* class.
* If `kind` is neither `ClassKind.JSClass` nor `ClassKind.JSModule`,
* this field must be `None`.
* The expression can depend on JS class captures.
* If empty for a non-native JS class, the JS super class value is
* implicitly `LoadJSConstructor(superClass.get)`. In that case the
* class def for `superClass` must have `jsClassCaptures.isEmpty`.
val jsSuperClass: Option[Tree],
val jsNativeLoadSpec: Option[JSNativeLoadSpec],
val fields: List[AnyFieldDef],
val methods: List[MethodDef],
val jsConstructor: Option[JSConstructorDef],
val jsMethodProps: List[JSMethodPropDef],
val jsNativeMembers: List[JSNativeMemberDef],
val topLevelExportDefs: List[TopLevelExportDef]
val optimizerHints: OptimizerHints
)(implicit val pos: Position) extends IRNode {
def className: ClassName =
object ClassDef {
def apply(
name: ClassIdent,
originalName: OriginalName,
kind: ClassKind,
jsClassCaptures: Option[List[ParamDef]],
superClass: Option[ClassIdent],
interfaces: List[ClassIdent],
jsSuperClass: Option[Tree],
jsNativeLoadSpec: Option[JSNativeLoadSpec],
fields: List[AnyFieldDef],
methods: List[MethodDef],
jsConstructor: Option[JSConstructorDef],
jsMethodProps: List[JSMethodPropDef],
jsNativeMembers: List[JSNativeMemberDef],
topLevelExportDefs: List[TopLevelExportDef])(
optimizerHints: OptimizerHints)(
implicit pos: Position): ClassDef = {
new ClassDef(name, originalName, kind, jsClassCaptures, superClass,
interfaces, jsSuperClass, jsNativeLoadSpec, fields, methods,
jsConstructor, jsMethodProps, jsNativeMembers, topLevelExportDefs)(
// Class members
/** Any member of a `ClassDef`.
* Partitioned into `AnyFieldDef`, `MethodDef`, `JSConstructorDef` and
* `JSMethodPropDef`.
sealed abstract class MemberDef extends IRNode {
val flags: MemberFlags
sealed trait VersionedMemberDef extends MemberDef {
val version: Version
sealed abstract class AnyFieldDef extends MemberDef {
// val name: Ident | Tree
val ftpe: Type
sealed case class FieldDef(flags: MemberFlags, name: FieldIdent,
originalName: OriginalName, ftpe: Type)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends AnyFieldDef
sealed case class JSFieldDef(flags: MemberFlags, name: Tree, ftpe: Type)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends AnyFieldDef
sealed case class MethodDef(flags: MemberFlags, name: MethodIdent,
originalName: OriginalName, args: List[ParamDef], resultType: Type,
body: Option[Tree])(
val optimizerHints: OptimizerHints, val version: Version)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends VersionedMemberDef {
def methodName: MethodName =
sealed case class JSConstructorDef(flags: MemberFlags,
args: List[ParamDef], restParam: Option[ParamDef], body: JSConstructorBody)(
val optimizerHints: OptimizerHints, val version: Version)(
implicit val pos: Position)
extends VersionedMemberDef
sealed case class JSConstructorBody(
beforeSuper: List[Tree], superCall: JSSuperConstructorCall, afterSuper: List[Tree])(
implicit val pos: Position)
extends IRNode {
val allStats: List[Tree] = beforeSuper ::: superCall :: afterSuper
sealed abstract class JSMethodPropDef extends VersionedMemberDef
sealed case class JSMethodDef(flags: MemberFlags, name: Tree,
args: List[ParamDef], restParam: Option[ParamDef], body: Tree)(
val optimizerHints: OptimizerHints, val version: Version)(
implicit val pos: Position)
extends JSMethodPropDef
sealed case class JSPropertyDef(flags: MemberFlags, name: Tree,
getterBody: Option[Tree], setterArgAndBody: Option[(ParamDef, Tree)])(
val version: Version)(
implicit val pos: Position)
extends JSMethodPropDef
sealed case class JSNativeMemberDef(flags: MemberFlags, name: MethodIdent,
jsNativeLoadSpec: JSNativeLoadSpec)(
implicit val pos: Position)
extends MemberDef
// Top-level export defs
sealed abstract class TopLevelExportDef extends IRNode {
import TopLevelExportDef._
def moduleID: String
final def topLevelExportName: String = this match {
case TopLevelModuleExportDef(_, name) => name
case TopLevelJSClassExportDef(_, name) => name
case TopLevelMethodExportDef(_, JSMethodDef(_, propName, _, _, _)) =>
val StringLiteral(name) = propName: @unchecked // unchecked is needed for Scala 3.2+
case TopLevelFieldExportDef(_, name, _) => name
s"`$topLevelExportName` is not a valid top-level export name")
object TopLevelExportDef {
def isValidTopLevelExportName(exportName: String): Boolean =
sealed case class TopLevelJSClassExportDef(moduleID: String, exportName: String)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends TopLevelExportDef
/** Export for a top-level object.
* This exports the singleton instance of the containing module class.
* The instance is initialized during ES module instantiation.
sealed case class TopLevelModuleExportDef(moduleID: String, exportName: String)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends TopLevelExportDef
sealed case class TopLevelMethodExportDef(moduleID: String,
methodDef: JSMethodDef)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends TopLevelExportDef
sealed case class TopLevelFieldExportDef(moduleID: String,
exportName: String, field: FieldIdent)(
implicit val pos: Position) extends TopLevelExportDef
// Miscellaneous
final class OptimizerHints private (private val bits: Int) extends AnyVal {
import OptimizerHints._
def inline: Boolean = (bits & InlineMask) != 0
def noinline: Boolean = (bits & NoinlineMask) != 0
def withInline(value: Boolean): OptimizerHints =
if (value) new OptimizerHints(bits | InlineMask)
else new OptimizerHints(bits & ~InlineMask)
def withNoinline(value: Boolean): OptimizerHints =
if (value) new OptimizerHints(bits | NoinlineMask)
else new OptimizerHints(bits & ~NoinlineMask)
override def toString(): String =
object OptimizerHints {
private final val InlineShift = 0
private final val InlineMask = 1 << InlineShift
private final val NoinlineShift = 1
private final val NoinlineMask = 1 << NoinlineShift
final val empty: OptimizerHints =
new OptimizerHints(0)
private[ir] def fromBits(bits: Int): OptimizerHints =
new OptimizerHints(bits)
private[ir] def toBits(hints: OptimizerHints): Int =
final class ApplyFlags private (private val bits: Int) extends AnyVal {
import ApplyFlags._
def isPrivate: Boolean = (bits & PrivateBit) != 0
def isConstructor: Boolean = (bits & ConstructorBit) != 0
def inline: Boolean = (bits & InlineBit) != 0
def noinline: Boolean = (bits & NoinlineBit) != 0
def withPrivate(value: Boolean): ApplyFlags =
if (value) new ApplyFlags((bits & ~ConstructorBit) | PrivateBit)
else new ApplyFlags(bits & ~PrivateBit)
def withConstructor(value: Boolean): ApplyFlags =
if (value) new ApplyFlags((bits & ~PrivateBit) | ConstructorBit)
else new ApplyFlags(bits & ~ConstructorBit)
def withInline(value: Boolean): ApplyFlags =
if (value) new ApplyFlags(bits | InlineBit)
else new ApplyFlags(bits & ~InlineBit)
def withNoinline(value: Boolean): ApplyFlags =
if (value) new ApplyFlags(bits | NoinlineBit)
else new ApplyFlags(bits & ~NoinlineBit)
object ApplyFlags {
private final val PrivateShift = 0
private final val PrivateBit = 1 << PrivateShift
private final val ConstructorShift = 1
private final val ConstructorBit = 1 << ConstructorShift
private final val InlineShift = 2
private final val InlineBit = 1 << InlineShift
private final val NoinlineShift = 3
private final val NoinlineBit = 1 << NoinlineShift
final val empty: ApplyFlags =
new ApplyFlags(0)
private[ir] def fromBits(bits: Int): ApplyFlags =
new ApplyFlags(bits)
private[ir] def toBits(flags: ApplyFlags): Int =
final class MemberNamespace private (
val ordinal: Int) // intentionally public
extends AnyVal {
import MemberNamespace._
def isStatic: Boolean = (ordinal & StaticFlag) != 0
def isPrivate: Boolean = (ordinal & PrivateFlag) != 0
def isConstructor: Boolean = (ordinal & ConstructorFlag) != 0
def prefixString: String = this match {
case Public => ""
case Private => "private "
case PublicStatic => "static "
case PrivateStatic => "private static "
case Constructor => "constructor "
case StaticConstructor => "static constructor "
object MemberNamespace {
private final val StaticShift = 0
private final val StaticFlag = 1 << StaticShift
private final val PrivateShift = 1
private final val PrivateFlag = 1 << PrivateShift
private final val ConstructorShift = 2
private final val ConstructorFlag = 1 << ConstructorShift
final val Public: MemberNamespace =
new MemberNamespace(0)
final val PublicStatic: MemberNamespace =
new MemberNamespace(StaticFlag)
final val Private: MemberNamespace =
new MemberNamespace(PrivateFlag)
final val PrivateStatic: MemberNamespace =
new MemberNamespace(PrivateFlag | StaticFlag)
final val Constructor: MemberNamespace =
new MemberNamespace(ConstructorFlag)
final val StaticConstructor: MemberNamespace =
new MemberNamespace(ConstructorFlag | StaticFlag)
final val Count = 6
def fromOrdinal(ordinal: Int): MemberNamespace = {
require(0 <= ordinal && ordinal < Count,
s"Invalid namespace ordinal $ordinal")
new MemberNamespace(ordinal)
private[Trees] def fromOrdinalUnchecked(ordinal: Int): MemberNamespace =
new MemberNamespace(ordinal)
def forNonStaticCall(flags: ApplyFlags): MemberNamespace = {
if (flags.isPrivate) Private
else if (flags.isConstructor) Constructor
else Public
def forStaticCall(flags: ApplyFlags): MemberNamespace =
if (flags.isPrivate) PrivateStatic else PublicStatic
final class MemberFlags private (private val bits: Int) extends AnyVal {
import MemberFlags._
def namespace: MemberNamespace =
MemberNamespace.fromOrdinalUnchecked(bits & NamespaceMask)
def isMutable: Boolean = (bits & MutableBit) != 0
def withNamespace(namespace: MemberNamespace): MemberFlags =
new MemberFlags((bits & ~NamespaceMask) | namespace.ordinal)
def withMutable(value: Boolean): MemberFlags =
if (value) new MemberFlags(bits | MutableBit)
else new MemberFlags(bits & ~MutableBit)
object MemberFlags {
/* NamespaceMask must remain with no shift, for easy conversion between
* MemberFlags and MemberNamespace.
private final val NamespaceMask = 7
private final val MutableShift = 3
private final val MutableBit = 1 << MutableShift
final val empty: MemberFlags =
new MemberFlags(0)
private[ir] def fromBits(bits: Int): MemberFlags =
new MemberFlags(bits)
private[ir] def toBits(flags: MemberFlags): Int =
/** Loading specification for a native JS class or object. */
sealed abstract class JSNativeLoadSpec
object JSNativeLoadSpec {
/** Load from the global scope.
* The `globalRef` is the name of a global variable (found in the global
* scope). It must be valid according to
* [[JSGlobalRef.isValidJSGlobalRefName]].
* The `path` is a series of nested property names starting from that
* variable.
* The path can be empty, in which case this denotes the specified global
* variable itself.
* Examples:
* {{{
* // Foo
* Global("Foo", Nil)
* // cp.Vect
* Global("cp", List("Vect"))
* }}}
final case class Global(globalRef: String, path: List[String])
extends JSNativeLoadSpec {
/** Load from a module import.
* The `module` is the ES module identifier. The `path` is a series of
* nested property names starting from the module object.
* The path can be empty, in which case the specification denotes the
* namespace import, i.e., import a special object whose fields are all
* the exports of the module.
* Any element in the path is a property selection from there. A module
* import info with one path element is importing that particular value
* from the module.
* Examples:
* {{{
* // import { Bar as x } from 'foo'
* Import("foo", List("Bar"))
* // import { Bar as y } from 'foo'
* // y.Baz
* Import("foo", List("Bar", "Baz"))
* // import * as x from 'foo' (namespace import)
* Import("foo", Nil)
* // import x from 'foo' (default import)
* Import("foo", List("default"))
* }}}
final case class Import(module: String, path: List[String])
extends JSNativeLoadSpec
/** Like [[Import]], but with a [[Global]] fallback when linking without
* modules.
* When linking with a module kind that supports modules, the `importSpec`
* is used. When modules are not supported, use the fallback `globalSpec`.
final case class ImportWithGlobalFallback(importSpec: Import,
globalSpec: Global)
extends JSNativeLoadSpec