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org.scalajs.junit.plugin.ScalaJSJUnitPlugin.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Scala.js (
* Copyright EPFL.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package org.scalajs.junit.plugin
import scala.annotation.tailrec
Plugin => NscPlugin, PluginComponent => NscPluginComponent
/** The Scala.js JUnit plugin replaces reflection based test lookup.
* For each JUnit test `my.pkg.X`, it generates a bootstrapper module/object
* `my.pkg.X\$scalajs\$junit\$bootstrapper` implementing
* `org.scalajs.junit.Bootstrapper`.
* The test runner uses these objects to obtain test metadata and dispatch to
* relevant methods.
class ScalaJSJUnitPlugin(val global: Global) extends NscPlugin {
val name: String = "Scala.js JUnit plugin"
val components: List[NscPluginComponent] =
val description: String = "Makes JUnit test classes invokable in Scala.js"
object ScalaJSJUnitPluginComponent
extends plugins.PluginComponent with transform.Transform {
val global: Global =
import global._
import definitions._
import rootMirror.getRequiredClass
val phaseName: String = "junit-inject"
val runsAfter: List[String] = List("mixin")
override val runsBefore: List[String] = List("jscode")
protected def newTransformer(unit: CompilationUnit): Transformer =
new ScalaJSJUnitPluginTransformer
private object JUnitAnnots {
val Test = getRequiredClass("org.junit.Test")
val Before = getRequiredClass("org.junit.Before")
val After = getRequiredClass("org.junit.After")
val BeforeClass = getRequiredClass("org.junit.BeforeClass")
val AfterClass = getRequiredClass("org.junit.AfterClass")
val Ignore = getRequiredClass("org.junit.Ignore")
private object Names {
val beforeClass = newTermName("beforeClass")
val afterClass = newTermName("afterClass")
val before = newTermName("before")
val after = newTermName("after")
val tests = newTermName("tests")
val invokeTest = newTermName("invokeTest")
val newInstance = newTermName("newInstance")
val instance = newTermName("instance")
val name = newTermName("name")
private lazy val BootstrapperClass =
private lazy val TestMetadataClass =
private lazy val FutureClass =
private lazy val FutureModule_successful =
getMemberMethod(FutureClass.companionModule, newTermName("successful"))
private lazy val SuccessModule_apply =
getMemberMethod(getRequiredClass("scala.util.Success").companionModule, nme.apply)
class ScalaJSJUnitPluginTransformer extends Transformer {
override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
case tree: PackageDef =>
def hasTests(sym: Symbol): Boolean = { => m.isMethod && m.hasAnnotation(JUnitAnnots.Test)) ||
sym.superClass.exists && hasTests(sym.superClass)
def isTest(sym: Symbol) = {
sym.isClass &&
!sym.isModuleClass &&
!sym.isAbstract &&
!sym.isTrait &&
val bootstrappers = tree.stats.collect {
case clDef: ClassDef if isTest(clDef.symbol) =>
val newStats = ++ bootstrappers
treeCopy.PackageDef(tree,, newStats)
case tree =>
def genBootstrapper(testClass: ClassSymbol): ClassDef = {
// Create the module and its module class, and enter them in their owner's scope
val (moduleSym, bootSym) = testClass.owner.newModuleAndClassSymbol(
newTypeName( + "$scalajs$junit$bootstrapper"),
testClass.pos, 0L)
val bootInfo =
ClassInfoType(List(ObjectTpe, BootstrapperClass.toType), newScope, bootSym)
val testMethods = annotatedMethods(testClass, JUnitAnnots.Test)
val defs = List(
genCallOnModule(bootSym, Names.beforeClass, testClass.companionModule, JUnitAnnots.BeforeClass),
genCallOnModule(bootSym, Names.afterClass, testClass.companionModule, JUnitAnnots.AfterClass),
genCallOnParam(bootSym, Names.before, testClass, JUnitAnnots.Before),
genCallOnParam(bootSym, Names.after, testClass, JUnitAnnots.After),
genTests(bootSym, testMethods),
genInvokeTest(bootSym, testClass, testMethods),
genNewInstance(bootSym, testClass)
ClassDef(bootSym, defs)
private def genConstructor(owner: ClassSymbol): DefDef = {
/* The constructor body must be a Block in order not to freak out the
* JVM back-end.
val rhs = Block(gen.mkMethodCall(
Super(owner, tpnme.EMPTY), ObjectClass.primaryConstructor, Nil, Nil))
val sym = owner.newClassConstructor(NoPosition)
sym.setInfoAndEnter(MethodType(Nil, owner.tpe))
typer.typedDefDef(newDefDef(sym, rhs)())
private def genCallOnModule(owner: ClassSymbol, name: TermName, module: Symbol, annot: Symbol): DefDef = {
val sym = owner.newMethodSymbol(name)
sym.setInfoAndEnter(MethodType(Nil, definitions.UnitTpe))
val calls = annotatedMethods(module, annot)
.map(gen.mkMethodCall(Ident(module), _, Nil, Nil))
typer.typedDefDef(newDefDef(sym, Block(calls: _*))())
private def genCallOnParam(owner: ClassSymbol, name: TermName, testClass: Symbol, annot: Symbol): DefDef = {
val sym = owner.newMethodSymbol(name)
val instanceParam = sym.newValueParameter(Names.instance).setInfo(ObjectTpe)
sym.setInfoAndEnter(MethodType(List(instanceParam), definitions.UnitTpe))
val instance = castParam(instanceParam, testClass)
val calls = annotatedMethods(testClass, annot)
.map(gen.mkMethodCall(instance, _, Nil, Nil))
typer.typedDefDef(newDefDef(sym, Block(calls: _*))())
private def genTests(owner: ClassSymbol, tests: Scope): DefDef = {
val sym = owner.newMethodSymbol(Names.tests)
typeRef(NoType, ArrayClass, List(TestMetadataClass.tpe))))
val metadata = for (test <- tests) yield {
val reifiedAnnot = New(
JUnitAnnots.Test, test.getAnnotation(JUnitAnnots.Test).get.args: _*)
val name = Literal(Constant(
val ignored = Literal(Constant(test.hasAnnotation(JUnitAnnots.Ignore)))
New(TestMetadataClass, name, ignored, reifiedAnnot)
val rhs = ArrayValue(TypeTree(TestMetadataClass.tpe), metadata.toList)
typer.typedDefDef(newDefDef(sym, rhs)())
private def genInvokeTest(owner: ClassSymbol, testClass: Symbol, tests: Scope): DefDef = {
val sym = owner.newMethodSymbol(Names.invokeTest)
val instanceParam = sym.newValueParameter(Names.instance).setInfo(ObjectTpe)
val nameParam = sym.newValueParameter(
sym.setInfo(MethodType(List(instanceParam, nameParam), FutureClass.toTypeConstructor))
val instance = castParam(instanceParam, testClass)
val rhs = tests.foldRight[Tree] {
Throw(New(typeOf[NoSuchMethodException], Ident(nameParam)))
} { (sym, next) =>
val cond = gen.mkMethodCall(Ident(nameParam), Object_equals, Nil,
val call = genTestInvocation(sym, instance)
If(cond, call, next)
typer.typedDefDef(newDefDef(sym, rhs)())
private def genTestInvocation(sym: Symbol, instance: Tree): Tree = {
sym.tpe.resultType.typeSymbol match {
case UnitClass =>
val boxedUnit = gen.mkAttributedRef(definitions.BoxedUnit_UNIT)
val newSuccess = gen.mkMethodCall(SuccessModule_apply, List(boxedUnit))
gen.mkMethodCall(instance, sym, Nil, Nil),
gen.mkMethodCall(FutureModule_successful, List(newSuccess))
case FutureClass =>
gen.mkMethodCall(instance, sym, Nil, Nil)
case _ =>
// We lie in the error message to not expose that we support async testing.
reporter.error(sym.pos, "JUnit test must have Unit return type")
private def genNewInstance(owner: ClassSymbol, testClass: ClassSymbol): DefDef = {
val sym = owner.newMethodSymbol(Names.newInstance)
sym.setInfoAndEnter(MethodType(Nil, ObjectTpe))
typer.typedDefDef(newDefDef(sym, New(testClass))())
private def castParam(param: Symbol, clazz: Symbol): Tree =
gen.mkAsInstanceOf(Ident(param), clazz.tpe, any = false)
private def annotatedMethods(owner: Symbol, annot: Symbol): Scope = => m.isMethod && m.hasAnnotation(annot))