scala.scalajs.reflect.Reflect.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Scala.js (
* Copyright EPFL.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.scalajs.reflect
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.scalajs.js
final class LoadableModuleClass private[reflect] (
val runtimeClass: Class[_],
loadModuleFun: js.Function0[Any]
) {
/** Loads the module instance and returns it. */
def loadModule(): Any = loadModuleFun()
final class InstantiatableClass private[reflect] (
val runtimeClass: Class[_],
val declaredConstructors: List[InvokableConstructor]
) {
/** Instantiates a new instance of this class using the zero-argument
* constructor.
* @throws java.lang.InstantiationException (caused by a
* `NoSuchMethodException`)
* If this class does not have a public zero-argument constructor.
def newInstance(): Any = {
getConstructor().fold[Any] {
throw new InstantiationException(runtimeClass.getName).initCause(
new NoSuchMethodException(runtimeClass.getName + ".()"))
} { ctor =>
/** Looks up a public constructor identified by the types of its formal
* parameters.
* If no such public constructor exists, returns `None`.
def getConstructor(parameterTypes: Class[_]*): Option[InvokableConstructor] =
final class InvokableConstructor private[reflect] (
val parameterTypes: List[Class[_]],
newInstanceFun: js.Function
) {
def newInstance(args: Any*): Any = {
/* Check the number of actual arguments. We let the casts and unbox
* operations inside `newInstanceFun` take care of the rest.
require(args.size == parameterTypes.size)
args.asInstanceOf[Seq[js.Any]]: _*)
object Reflect {
private val loadableModuleClasses =
private val instantiatableClasses =
// `protected[reflect]` makes it public in the IR
protected[reflect] def registerLoadableModuleClass[T](
fqcn: String, runtimeClass: Class[T],
loadModuleFun: js.Function0[T]): Unit = {
loadableModuleClasses(fqcn) =
new LoadableModuleClass(runtimeClass, loadModuleFun)
protected[reflect] def registerInstantiatableClass[T](
fqcn: String, runtimeClass: Class[T],
constructors: js.Array[js.Tuple2[js.Array[Class[_]], js.Function]]): Unit = {
val invokableConstructors = { c =>
new InvokableConstructor(c._1.toList, c._2)
instantiatableClasses(fqcn) =
new InstantiatableClass(runtimeClass, invokableConstructors.toList)
/** Reflectively looks up a loadable module class.
* A module class is the technical term referring to the class of a Scala
* `object`. The object or one of its super types (classes or traits) must
* be annotated with
* [[scala.scalajs.reflect.annotation.EnableReflectiveInstantiation @EnableReflectiveInstantiation]].
* Moreover, the object must be "static", i.e., declared at the top-level of
* a package or inside a static object.
* If the module class cannot be found, either because it does not exist,
* was not `@EnableReflectiveInstantiation` or was not static, this method
* returns `None`.
* @param fqcn
* Fully-qualified name of the module class, including its trailing `$`
def lookupLoadableModuleClass(fqcn: String): Option[LoadableModuleClass] =
/** Reflectively looks up an instantiable class.
* The class or one of its super types (classes or traits) must be annotated
* with
* [[scala.scalajs.reflect.annotation.EnableReflectiveInstantiation @EnableReflectiveInstantiation]].
* Moreover, the class must not be abstract, nor be a local class (i.e., a
* class defined inside a `def`). Inner classes (defined inside another
* class) are supported.
* If the class cannot be found, either because it does not exist,
* was not `@EnableReflectiveInstantiation` or was abstract or local, this
* method returns `None`.
* @param fqcn
* Fully-qualified name of the class
def lookupInstantiatableClass(fqcn: String): Option[InstantiatableClass] =