scala.scalajs.js.Symbol.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Scala.js (
* Copyright EPFL.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation._
/** ECMAScript 6
* JavaScript Symbol.
sealed trait Symbol extends js.Any
/** ECMAScript 6
* Factory for [[Symbol js.Symbol]]s and well-known symbols.
* @groupname factories Factories for unique symbols
* @groupprio 10
* @groupname registry Global symbol registry
* @groupprio 20
* @groupname wellknownsyms Well-known symbols
* @groupprio 30
object Symbol extends js.Object {
/** Creates a new unique symbol without description.
* @group factories
def apply(): js.Symbol = js.native
/** Creates a new unique symbol with the specified description.
* @group factories
def apply(description: String): js.Symbol = js.native
/** Retrieves the symbol with the specified key in the global symbol registry.
* The returned symbol's description is also the key.
* Asking twice `forKey` with the same key returns the same symbol,
* globally.
* @group registry
def forKey(key: String): js.Symbol = js.native
/** Retrieves the key under which the specified symbol is registered in the
* global symbol registry, or `undefined` if it is not registered.
* @group registry
def keyFor(sym: js.Symbol): js.UndefOr[String] = js.native
/** ECMAScript 2018
* The well-known symbol `@@asyncIterator`.
* @group wellknownsyms
val asyncIterator: js.Symbol = js.native
/** The well-known symbol `@@hasInstance`.
* @group wellknownsyms
val hasInstance: js.Symbol = js.native
/** The well-known symbol `@@isConcatSpreadable`.
* @group wellknownsyms
val isConcatSpreadable: js.Symbol = js.native
/** The well-known symbol `@@iterator`.
* @group wellknownsyms
val iterator: js.Symbol = js.native
/** The well-known symbol `@@match`.
* @group wellknownsyms
val `match`: js.Symbol = js.native
/** The well-known symbol `@@replace`.
* @group wellknownsyms
val replace: js.Symbol = js.native
/** The well-known symbol `@@search`.
* @group wellknownsyms
val search: js.Symbol = js.native
/** The well-known symbol `@@species`.
* @group wellknownsyms
val species: js.Symbol = js.native
/** The well-known symbol `@@split`.
* @group wellknownsyms
val split: js.Symbol = js.native
/** The well-known symbol `@@toPrimitive`.
* @group wellknownsyms
val toPrimitive: js.Symbol = js.native
/** The well-known symbol `@@toStringTag`.
* @group wellknownsyms
val toStringTag: js.Symbol = js.native
/** The well-known symbol `@@unscopables`.
* @group wellknownsyms
val unscopables: js.Symbol = js.native