org.scalajs.linker.interface.ReportToLinkerOutputAdapter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Scala.js (
* Copyright EPFL.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
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* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package org.scalajs.linker.interface
import scala.concurrent._
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8
import org.scalajs.logging.Logger
import org.scalajs.linker.interface.unstable.{OutputDirectoryImpl, OutputFileImpl}
/** Backwards compatibility implementation for pre 1.3.0 link method.
* The major interface change in 1.3.0 is that the linker (and not the
* caller) determines the set of files to be written. As a consequence, the
* post 1.3.0 API does not offer as much control over cross-file references
* (i.e. source map links): it is based on patterns rather than simply
* asking the caller to verbatim provide the URI to reference in each file.
* To provide a backwards compatible interface, we do the following post-run
* processing:
* - Match and copy the produced set of files (in the OutputDirectory) to
* the files provided by the caller (in LinkerOutput).
* - Replace the pattern generated cross-file references with the ones
* provided by the caller. This is necessary as a post-processing step,
* because of the reduced flexibility of the 1.3.0 API: we cannot express
* all legacy requests in the new API.
@deprecated("Part of legacy API.", "1.3.0")
object ReportToLinkerOutputAdapter {
final class UnsupportedLinkerOutputException private[ReportToLinkerOutputAdapter] (
message: String) extends IllegalArgumentException(message)
def convert(report: Report, outputDirectory: OutputDirectory,
legacyOutput: LinkerOutput)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = {
report.publicModules.toList match {
case Nil =>
case List(module) =>
retrieveOutputFiles(module, outputDirectory)
.flatMap(writePatchedOutput(_, legacyOutput))
case _ =>
throw new UnsupportedLinkerOutputException(
"Linking returned more than one public module. Full report:\n" +
private def writeEmptyOutput(legacyOutput: LinkerOutput)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = {
legacyOutput.sourceMap.fold {
writeString(legacyOutput.jsFile, "")
} { sourceMapFile =>
val smFields = List(
"version" -> "3",
"mappings" -> "\"\"",
"sources" -> "[]",
"names" -> "[]",
"lineCount" -> "1"
) ++ =>
"file" -> s""""${uri.toASCIIString}"""")
val jsContent = legacyOutput.sourceMapURI.fold("")(uri =>
s"//# sourceMappingURL=${uri.toASCIIString}\n")
val smContent = smFields
.map { case (n, v) => s""""$n": $v""" }
.mkString("{\n", ",\n", "\n}")
writeString(legacyOutput.jsFile, jsContent)
.flatMap(_ => writeString(sourceMapFile, smContent))
private def writePatchedOutput(output: (ByteBuffer, Option[ByteBuffer]),
legacyOutput: LinkerOutput)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = {
val (jsFileContent, optSourceMapContent) = output
val hasSourceMap =
optSourceMapContent.isDefined && legacyOutput.sourceMap.isDefined
val jsFileWrite = {
val content = UTF_8.decode(jsFileContent).toString()
val patched = patchJSFileContent(content,
legacyOutput.sourceMapURI.filter(_ => hasSourceMap))
writeString(legacyOutput.jsFile, patched)
val sourceMapWrite = for {
sourceMapContent <- optSourceMapContent
sourceMapFile <- legacyOutput.sourceMap
} yield {
val content = UTF_8.decode(sourceMapContent).toString()
val patched = patchSourceMapContent(content, legacyOutput.jsFileURI)
writeString(sourceMapFile, patched)
Future.sequence(List(jsFileWrite) ++ sourceMapWrite).map(_ => ())
/** Retrieve the linker JS file and an optional source map */
private def retrieveOutputFiles(module: Report.Module,
outputDirectory: OutputDirectory)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[(ByteBuffer, Option[ByteBuffer])] = {
val outDirImpl = OutputDirectoryImpl.fromOutputDirectory(outputDirectory)
val checkFiles = for {
foundFilesList <- outDirImpl.listFiles()
} yield {
val foundFiles = foundFilesList.toSet
val expectedFiles = Set(module.jsFileName) ++ module.sourceMapName
if (foundFiles != expectedFiles) {
if (expectedFiles.subsetOf(foundFiles)) {
throw new UnsupportedLinkerOutputException(
"Linking produced more than a single JS file (and source map). " +
s"Expected files:\n$expectedFiles\nProduced files:\n$foundFiles")
} else {
throw new AssertionError(
"Linking did not produce the files mentioned in the report. " +
"This is a bug in the linker. " +
s"Expected files:\n$expectedFiles\nProduced files:\n$foundFiles")
for {
_ <- checkFiles
jsFileContent <- outDirImpl.readFull(module.jsFileName)
sourceMapContent <- Future.traverse(module.sourceMapName.toList)(outDirImpl.readFull(_))
} yield {
(jsFileContent, sourceMapContent.headOption)
/* This regex would normally be written with the (?m) flag, but that would
* require ES2018, so we work around it.
private val sourceMapRe = """(?:^|\n)(//# sourceMappingURL=[^\n]*)(?:\n|$)""".r
/** Patches the JS file content to have the provided source map link (or none)
* Looks for a line of the form `//# sourceMappingURL=.*` and replaces the
* URL with the provided `sourceMapURI`. In case `sourceMapURI` is None, the
* line is replaced with an empty line.
private def patchJSFileContent(content: String,
sourceMapURI: Option[URI]): String = {
val newLine = => s"//# sourceMappingURL=${u.toASCIIString}")
sourceMapRe.findFirstMatchIn(content).fold {
content + newLine.fold("")("\n" + _ + "\n")
} { reMatch =>
val res = new StringBuilder
/* If there is no source map link, keep an empty line to not break a
* potential (unlinked) source map
/* It is somewhat acceptable to parse the JSON field "file" with a Regex
* because:
* - Source maps do not contain nested objects.
* - The file URI should not contain '"', because URI.toASCIIString (which is
* used by the StandardLinker) never returns them.
* So as a legacy mechanism, this is OK-ish. It keeps us from having to build
* the infrastructure to parse JSON cross platform.
private val fileFieldRe = """([,{])\s*"file"\s*:\s*"[^"]*"\s*([,}])""".r
/** Patches the source map content to have the provided JS file link (or none).
* Looks for a `"file":` key in the top-level source map JSON object and
* replaces it's value with `jsFileURI`. In case `jsFileURI` is None, it
* removes the key from the object.
private def patchSourceMapContent(content: String,
jsFileURI: Option[URI]): String = {
// No need for quoting: toASCIIString never returns '"'
val newField = => s""""file": "${u.toASCIIString}"""")
fileFieldRe.findFirstMatchIn(content).fold {
newField.fold(content) { field =>
content.split("\\{", 2) match {
case Array(pre, post) =>
pre + "{" + field + "," + post
case _ =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
s"source map file does not seem to contain a JSON object: $content")
} { reMatch =>
val res = new StringBuilder
newField match {
case None =>
if ( == "{")
if ( == "}")
case Some(field) =>
private def writeString(outputFile: LinkerOutput.File, content: String)(
implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[Unit] = {