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* Scala.js (
* Copyright EPFL.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package org.scalajs.linker.interface
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.annotation.switch
import Fingerprint.FingerprintBuilder
/** Configuration of a standard linker. */
final class StandardConfig private (
/** Scala.js semantics. */
val semantics: Semantics,
/** Module kind. */
val moduleKind: ModuleKind,
/** How to split modules (if at all). */
val moduleSplitStyle: ModuleSplitStyle,
/** ECMAScript features to use. */
val esFeatures: ESFeatures,
/** If true, performs expensive checks of the IR for the used parts. */
val checkIR: Boolean,
/** Whether to use the Scala.js optimizer. */
val optimizer: Boolean,
/** A header that will be added at the top of generated .js files. */
val jsHeader: String,
/** Whether things that can be parallelized should be parallelized.
* On the JavaScript platform, this does not have any effect.
val parallel: Boolean,
/** Whether to emit a source map. */
val sourceMap: Boolean,
/** Base path to relativize paths in the source map. */
val relativizeSourceMapBase: Option[URI],
/** Name patterns for output. */
val outputPatterns: OutputPatterns,
/** Apply Scala.js-specific minification of the produced .js files.
* When enabled, the linker more aggressively reduces the size of the
* generated code, at the cost of readability and debuggability. It does
* not perform size optimizations that would negatively impact run-time
* performance.
* The focus is on optimizations that general-purpose JavaScript minifiers
* cannot do on their own. For the best results, we expect the Scala.js
* minifier to be used in conjunction with a general-purpose JavaScript
* minifier.
val minify: Boolean,
/** Whether to use the Google Closure Compiler pass, if it is available.
* On the JavaScript platform, this does not have any effect.
val closureCompilerIfAvailable: Boolean,
/** Pretty-print the output, for debugging purposes.
* For the WebAssembly backend, this results in an additional `.wat` file
* next to each produced `.wasm` file with the WebAssembly text format
* representation of the latter. This file is never subsequently used,
* but may be inspected for debugging pruposes.
val prettyPrint: Boolean,
/** Whether the linker should run in batch mode.
* In batch mode, the linker can throw away intermediate state that is
* otherwise maintained for incremental runs.
* This setting is only a hint. A linker and/or its subcomponents may
* ignore it. This applies in both directions: a linker not supporting
* incrementality can ignore `batchMode = false`, and a contrario, a
* linker mainly designed for incremental runs may ignore
* `batchMode = true`.
val batchMode: Boolean,
/** The maximum number of (file) writes executed concurrently. */
val maxConcurrentWrites: Int,
/** If true, use the experimental WebAssembly backend. */
val experimentalUseWebAssembly: Boolean
) {
private def this() = {
semantics = Semantics.Defaults,
moduleKind = ModuleKind.NoModule,
moduleSplitStyle = ModuleSplitStyle.FewestModules,
esFeatures = ESFeatures.Defaults,
checkIR = false,
optimizer = true,
jsHeader = "",
parallel = true,
sourceMap = true,
relativizeSourceMapBase = None,
outputPatterns = OutputPatterns.Defaults,
minify = false,
closureCompilerIfAvailable = false,
prettyPrint = false,
batchMode = false,
maxConcurrentWrites = 50,
experimentalUseWebAssembly = false
def withSemantics(semantics: Semantics): StandardConfig =
copy(semantics = semantics)
def withSemantics(f: Semantics => Semantics): StandardConfig =
copy(semantics = f(semantics))
def withModuleKind(moduleKind: ModuleKind): StandardConfig =
copy(moduleKind = moduleKind)
def withModuleSplitStyle(moduleSplitStyle: ModuleSplitStyle): StandardConfig =
copy(moduleSplitStyle = moduleSplitStyle)
def withESFeatures(esFeatures: ESFeatures): StandardConfig =
copy(esFeatures = esFeatures)
def withESFeatures(f: ESFeatures => ESFeatures): StandardConfig =
copy(esFeatures = f(esFeatures))
def withCheckIR(checkIR: Boolean): StandardConfig =
copy(checkIR = checkIR)
def withOptimizer(optimizer: Boolean): StandardConfig =
copy(optimizer = optimizer)
/** Sets the `jsHeader` to a JS comment to add at the top of generated .js files.
* The header must satisfy the following constraints:
* - It must contain only valid JS whitespace and/or JS comments (single- or
* multi-line comment, or, at the very beginning, a hashbang comment).
* - It must not use new line characters that are not UNIX new lines (`"\n"`).
* - If non-empty, it must end with a new line.
* - It must not contain unpaired surrogate characters (i.e., it must be a valid UTF-16 string).
* Those requirements can be checked with [[StandardConfig.isValidJSHeader]].
* @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
* if the header is not valid
def withJSHeader(jsHeader: String): StandardConfig = {
"Invalid JS header; it must be a valid JS comment ending with a new line, using UNIX new lines:\n" +
copy(jsHeader = jsHeader)
def withParallel(parallel: Boolean): StandardConfig =
copy(parallel = parallel)
def withSourceMap(sourceMap: Boolean): StandardConfig =
copy(sourceMap = sourceMap)
def withRelativizeSourceMapBase(relativizeSourceMapBase: Option[URI]): StandardConfig =
copy(relativizeSourceMapBase = relativizeSourceMapBase)
def withOutputPatterns(outputPatterns: OutputPatterns): StandardConfig =
copy(outputPatterns = outputPatterns)
def withOutputPatterns(f: OutputPatterns => OutputPatterns): StandardConfig =
copy(outputPatterns = f(outputPatterns))
def withMinify(minify: Boolean): StandardConfig =
copy(minify = minify)
def withClosureCompilerIfAvailable(closureCompilerIfAvailable: Boolean): StandardConfig =
copy(closureCompilerIfAvailable = closureCompilerIfAvailable)
def withPrettyPrint(prettyPrint: Boolean): StandardConfig =
copy(prettyPrint = prettyPrint)
def withBatchMode(batchMode: Boolean): StandardConfig =
copy(batchMode = batchMode)
def withMaxConcurrentWrites(maxConcurrentWrites: Int): StandardConfig =
copy(maxConcurrentWrites = maxConcurrentWrites)
/** Specifies whether to use the experimental WebAssembly backend.
* When using this setting, the following properties must also hold:
* - `moduleKind == ModuleKind.ESModule`
* - `esFeatures.useECMAScript2015Semantics == true` (true by default)
* - `semantics.strictFloats == true` (true by default; non-strict floats are deprecated)
* We may lift these restrictions in the future, although we do not expect
* to do so.
* If any of these restrictions are not met, linking will eventually throw
* an `IllegalArgumentException`.
* @note
* Currently, the WebAssembly backend silently ignores `@JSExport` and
* `@JSExportAll` annotations. This behavior may change in the future,
* either by making them warnings or errors, or by adding support for them.
* All other language features are supported.
* @note
* This setting is experimental. It may be removed in an upcoming *minor*
* version of Scala.js. Future minor versions may also produce code that
* requires more recent versions of JS engines supporting newer WebAssembly
* standards.
* @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
* In the future, if the feature gets removed.
def withExperimentalUseWebAssembly(experimentalUseWebAssembly: Boolean): StandardConfig =
copy(experimentalUseWebAssembly = experimentalUseWebAssembly)
override def toString(): String = {
| semantics = $semantics,
| moduleKind = $moduleKind,
| moduleSplitStyle = $moduleSplitStyle,
| esFeatures = $esFeatures,
| checkIR = $checkIR,
| optimizer = $optimizer,
| jsHeader = "$jsHeader",
| parallel = $parallel,
| sourceMap = $sourceMap,
| relativizeSourceMapBase = $relativizeSourceMapBase,
| outputPatterns = $outputPatterns,
| minify = $minify,
| closureCompilerIfAvailable = $closureCompilerIfAvailable,
| prettyPrint = $prettyPrint,
| batchMode = $batchMode,
| maxConcurrentWrites = $maxConcurrentWrites,
| experimentalUseWebAssembly = $experimentalUseWebAssembly,
private def copy(
semantics: Semantics = semantics,
moduleKind: ModuleKind = moduleKind,
moduleSplitStyle: ModuleSplitStyle = moduleSplitStyle,
esFeatures: ESFeatures = esFeatures,
checkIR: Boolean = checkIR,
optimizer: Boolean = optimizer,
jsHeader: String = jsHeader,
parallel: Boolean = parallel,
sourceMap: Boolean = sourceMap,
outputPatterns: OutputPatterns = outputPatterns,
relativizeSourceMapBase: Option[URI] = relativizeSourceMapBase,
minify: Boolean = minify,
closureCompilerIfAvailable: Boolean = closureCompilerIfAvailable,
prettyPrint: Boolean = prettyPrint,
batchMode: Boolean = batchMode,
maxConcurrentWrites: Int = maxConcurrentWrites,
experimentalUseWebAssembly: Boolean = experimentalUseWebAssembly
): StandardConfig = {
new StandardConfig(
object StandardConfig {
import StandardConfigPlatformExtensions.ConfigExt
private implicit object StandardConfigFingerprint
extends Fingerprint[StandardConfig] {
override def fingerprint(config: StandardConfig): String = {
new FingerprintBuilder("StandardConfig")
.addField("semantics", config.semantics)
.addField("moduleKind", config.moduleKind)
.addField("moduleSplitStyle", config.moduleSplitStyle)
.addField("esFeatures", config.esFeatures)
.addField("checkIR", config.checkIR)
.addField("optimizer", config.optimizer)
.addField("jsHeader", config.jsHeader)
.addField("parallel", config.parallel)
.addField("sourceMap", config.sourceMap)
.addField("outputPatterns", config.outputPatterns)
.addField("minify", config.minify)
.addField("prettyPrint", config.prettyPrint)
.addField("batchMode", config.batchMode)
.addField("maxConcurrentWrites", config.maxConcurrentWrites)
.addField("experimentalUseWebAssembly", config.experimentalUseWebAssembly)
def fingerprint(config: StandardConfig): String =
/** Returns the default [[StandardConfig]].
* The defaults are:
* - `semantics`: [[Semantics.Defaults]]
* - `moduleKind`: [[ModuleKind.NoModule]]
* - `moduleSplitStyle`: [[ModuleSplitStyle.FewestModules]]
* - `esFeatures`: [[ESFeatures.Defaults]]
* - `checkIR`: `false`
* - `optimizer`: `true`
* - `jsHeader`: `""`
* - `parallel`: `true`
* - `sourceMap`: `true`
* - `relativizeSourceMapBase`: `None`
* - `outputPatterns`: [[OutputPatterns.Defaults]]
* - `minify`: `false`
* - `closureCompilerIfAvailable`: `false`
* - `prettyPrint`: `false`
* - `batchMode`: `false`
* - `maxConcurrentWrites`: `50`
* - `experimentalUseWebAssembly`: `false`
def apply(): StandardConfig = new StandardConfig()
/** Tests whether a string is a valid JS header.
* A header is valid if and only if it satisfies the following constraints:
* - It must contain only valid JS whitespace and/or JS comments (single- or
* multi-line comment, or, at the very beginning, a hashbang comment).
* - It must not use new line characters that are not UNIX new lines (`"\n"`).
* - If non-empty, it must end with a new line.
* - It must not contain unpaired surrogate characters (i.e., it must be a valid UTF-16 string).
def isValidJSHeader(jsHeader: String): Boolean = {
// scalastyle:off return
/* First, reject any non-UNIX Unicode new line code point, wherever they
* appear (in comments or not). This includes VT and FF, which JavaScript
* considers as whitespace but not line separators, as well as NEL.
* VT | FF | CR | NEL | LS | PS
* Also reject unpaired surrogate chars, wherever they appear.
val len = jsHeader.length()
var i = 0
while (i != len) {
def isNewLine(c: Char): Boolean = (c: @switch) match {
case '\u000B' | '\u000C' | '\r' | '\u0085' | '\u2028' | '\u2029' => true
case _ => false
val cp = jsHeader.codePointAt(i)
i += Character.charCount(cp)
if (Character.isBmpCodePoint(cp)) {
if (isNewLine(cp.toChar) || Character.isSurrogate(cp.toChar))
return false
// Now, parse whitespace and comments, and reject anything else
i = 0
while (i != len) {
val cp = jsHeader.codePointAt(i)
i += Character.charCount(cp)
(cp: @switch) match {
// Accept the UNIX new line
case '\n' =>
/* Accept JavaScript comments
case '/' =>
if (i == len)
return false
jsHeader.charAt(i) match {
// Single-line comment
case '/' =>
while (i != len && jsHeader.charAt(i) != '\n')
i += 1
// Multi-line comment
case '*' =>
i += 1
val closingMarkerPos = jsHeader.indexOf("*/", i)
if (closingMarkerPos < 0)
return false
i = closingMarkerPos + 2
case _ =>
return false
/* Accept a hashbang comment, but only at the very beginning
* This is a Stage 3 proposal:
* Documentation on MDN:
case '#' if i == 1 && len >= 2 && jsHeader.charAt(1) == '!' =>
i += 1
while (i != len && jsHeader.charAt(i) != '\n')
i += 1
/* Accept JavaScript Whitespace that are not Unicode new lines
case '\t' | ' ' | 0x00a0 | 0xfeff =>
case _ if Character.getType(cp) == Character.SPACE_SEPARATOR =>
() // General category 'Zs'
// Reject anything else
case _ =>
return false
// Non-empty headers must end with a new line
len == 0 || jsHeader.charAt(len - 1) == '\n'
// scalastyle:on return
implicit def configExt(config: StandardConfig): ConfigExt =
new ConfigExt(config)