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* Scala.js (
* Copyright EPFL.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package org.scalajs.linker.backend.javascript
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.{util => ju}
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}
object SourceMapWriter {
private val Base64UpperMap: Array[Byte] =
// Some constants for writeBase64VLQ
// Each base-64 digit covers 6 bits, but 1 is used for the continuation
private final val VLQBaseShift = 5
private final val VLQBase = 1 << VLQBaseShift
private final val VLQBaseMask = VLQBase - 1
private final val VLQContinuationBit = VLQBase
private final class NodePosStack {
private var topIndex: Int = -1
private var posStack: Array[Position] = new Array(128)
private var nameStack: Array[String] = new Array(128)
def pop(): Unit =
topIndex -= 1
def topPos: Position =
def topName: String =
def push(pos: Position, originalName: String): Unit = {
val newTopIdx = topIndex + 1
topIndex = newTopIdx
if (newTopIdx >= posStack.length)
posStack(newTopIdx) = pos
nameStack(newTopIdx) = originalName
private def growStack(): Unit = {
val newSize = 2 * posStack.length
posStack = ju.Arrays.copyOf(posStack, newSize)
nameStack = ju.Arrays.copyOf(nameStack, newSize)
private sealed abstract class FragmentElement
private object FragmentElement {
case object NewLine extends FragmentElement
// name is nullable
final case class Segment(columnInGenerated: Int, pos: Position, name: String)
extends FragmentElement
final class Fragment private[SourceMapWriter] (
private[SourceMapWriter] val elements: Array[FragmentElement])
object Fragment {
val Empty: Fragment = new Fragment(new Array(0))
sealed abstract class Builder {
// Strings are nullable in this stack
private val nodePosStack = new SourceMapWriter.NodePosStack
nodePosStack.push(NoPosition, null)
private var pendingColumnInGenerated: Int = -1
private var pendingPos: Position = NoPosition
private var pendingIsIdent: Boolean = false
// pendingName string is nullable
private var pendingName: String = null
final def nextLine(): Unit = {
pendingColumnInGenerated = -1
pendingPos = nodePosStack.topPos
pendingName = nodePosStack.topName
final def startNode(column: Int, originalPos: Position): Unit = {
nodePosStack.push(originalPos, null)
startSegment(column, originalPos, isIdent = false, null)
final def startIdentNode(column: Int, originalPos: Position,
optOriginalName: OriginalName): Unit = {
// TODO The then branch allocates a String; we should avoid that at some point
val originalName =
if (optOriginalName.isDefined) optOriginalName.get.toString()
else null
nodePosStack.push(originalPos, originalName)
startSegment(column, originalPos, isIdent = true, originalName)
final def endNode(column: Int): Unit = {
startSegment(column, nodePosStack.topPos, isIdent = false,
final def insertFragment(fragment: Fragment): Unit = {
require(pendingColumnInGenerated < 0, s"Cannot add fragment when in the middle of a line")
val elements = fragment.elements
val len = elements.length
var i = 0
while (i != len) {
elements(i) match {
case FragmentElement.Segment(columnInGenerated, pos, name) =>
doWriteSegment(columnInGenerated, pos, name)
case FragmentElement.NewLine =>
i += 1
final def complete(): Unit = {
private def startSegment(startColumn: Int, originalPos: Position,
isIdent: Boolean, originalName: String): Unit = {
// scalastyle:off return
// There is no point in outputting a segment with the same information
if ((originalPos == pendingPos) && (isIdent == pendingIsIdent) &&
(originalName == pendingName)) {
// Write pending segment if it covers a non-empty range
if (startColumn != pendingColumnInGenerated)
// New pending
pendingColumnInGenerated = startColumn
pendingPos = originalPos
pendingIsIdent = isIdent
pendingName = originalName
// scalastyle:on return
private def writePendingSegment(): Unit = {
if (pendingColumnInGenerated >= 0)
doWriteSegment(pendingColumnInGenerated, pendingPos, pendingName)
protected def doWriteNewLine(): Unit
protected def doWriteSegment(columnInGenerated: Int, pos: Position, name: String): Unit
protected def doComplete(): Unit
final class FragmentBuilder extends Builder {
private val elements = new ArrayBuffer[FragmentElement]
protected def doWriteNewLine(): Unit =
elements += FragmentElement.NewLine
protected def doWriteSegment(columnInGenerated: Int, pos: Position, name: String): Unit =
elements += FragmentElement.Segment(columnInGenerated, pos, name)
protected def doComplete(): Unit = {
if (elements.nonEmpty && elements.last != FragmentElement.NewLine)
throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to complete a fragment in the middle of a line")
def result(): Fragment =
new Fragment(elements.toArray)
final class SourceMapWriter(out: ByteArrayWriter, jsFileName: String,
relativizeBaseURI: Option[URI])
extends SourceMapWriter.Builder {
import SourceMapWriter._
private val sources = new ListBuffer[SourceFile]
private val _srcToIndex = new ju.HashMap[SourceFile, Integer]
private val names = new ListBuffer[String]
private val _nameToIndex = new ju.HashMap[String, Integer]
private var lineCountInGenerated = 0
private var lastColumnInGenerated = 0
private var firstSegmentOfLine = true
private var lastSource: SourceFile = null
private var lastSourceIndex = 0
private var lastLine: Int = 0
private var lastColumn: Int = 0
private var lastNameIndex: Int = 0
private def sourceToIndex(source: SourceFile): Int = {
val existing = _srcToIndex.get(source)
if (existing != null) {
} else {
val index = sources.size
_srcToIndex.put(source, index)
sources += source
private def nameToIndex(name: String): Int = {
val existing = _nameToIndex.get(name)
if (existing != null) {
} else {
val index = names.size
_nameToIndex.put(name, index)
names += name
private def writeJSONString(s: String): Unit = {
private def writeHeader(): Unit = {
out.writeASCIIString("{\n\"version\": 3")
out.writeASCIIString(",\n\"file\": ")
out.writeASCIIString(",\n\"mappings\": \"")
protected def doWriteNewLine(): Unit = {
lineCountInGenerated += 1
lastColumnInGenerated = 0
firstSegmentOfLine = true
protected def doWriteSegment(columnInGenerated: Int, pos: Position, name: String): Unit = {
// scalastyle:off return
/* This method is incredibly performance-sensitive, so we resort to
* "unsafe" direct access to the underlying array of `out`.
val MaxSegmentLength = 1 + 5 * 7 // ',' + max 5 base64VLQ of max 7 bytes each
val buffer = out.unsafeStartDirectWrite(maxBytes = MaxSegmentLength)
var offset = out.currentSize
// Segments of a line are separated by ','
if (firstSegmentOfLine) {
firstSegmentOfLine = false
} else {
buffer(offset) = ','
offset += 1
// Generated column field
offset = writeBase64VLQ(buffer, offset, columnInGenerated-lastColumnInGenerated)
lastColumnInGenerated = columnInGenerated
// If the position is NoPosition, stop here
if (pos.isEmpty) {
// Extract relevant properties of pendingPos
val source = pos.source
val line = pos.line
val column = pos.column
// Source index field
if (source eq lastSource) { // highly likely
buffer(offset) = 'A' // 0 in Base64VLQ
offset += 1
} else {
val sourceIndex = sourceToIndex(source)
offset = writeBase64VLQ(buffer, offset, sourceIndex-lastSourceIndex)
lastSource = source
lastSourceIndex = sourceIndex
// Line field
offset = writeBase64VLQ(buffer, offset, line - lastLine)
lastLine = line
// Column field
offset = writeBase64VLQ(buffer, offset, column - lastColumn)
lastColumn = column
// Name field
if (name != null) {
val nameIndex = nameToIndex(name)
offset = writeBase64VLQ(buffer, offset, nameIndex-lastNameIndex)
lastNameIndex = nameIndex
// scalastyle:on return
protected def doComplete(): Unit = {
val relativizeBaseURI = this.relativizeBaseURI // local copy
var restSources = sources.result()
out.writeASCIIString("\",\n\"sources\": [")
while (restSources.nonEmpty) {
writeJSONString(SourceFileUtil.webURI(relativizeBaseURI, restSources.head))
restSources = restSources.tail
if (restSources.nonEmpty)
out.writeASCIIString(", ")
var restNames = names.result()
out.writeASCIIString("],\n\"names\": [")
while (restNames.nonEmpty) {
restNames = restNames.tail
if (restNames.nonEmpty)
out.writeASCIIString(", ")
out.writeASCIIString("],\n\"lineCount\": ")
/** Write the Base 64 VLQ of an integer to the mappings.
* !!! This method is surprisingly performance-sensitive. In an incremental
* run of the linker, it takes half of the time of the `BasicLinkerBackend`
* and systematically shows up on performance profiles. If you change it,
* profile it and measure performance of source map generation.
* @return
* the offset past the written bytes in the `buffer`, i.e., `offset + x`
* where `x` is the amount of bytes written
private def writeBase64VLQ(buffer: Array[Byte], offset: Int, value0: Int): Int = {
/* The sign is encoded in the least significant bit, while the
* absolute value is shifted one bit to the left.
* So in theory the "definition" of `value` is:
* val value =
* if (value0 < 0) ((-value0) << 1) | 1
* else value0 << 1
* The following code is a branchless version of that spec.
* It is valid because:
* - if value0 < 0:
* signExtended == value0 >> 31 == 0xffffffff
* value0 ^ signExtended == ~value0
* (value0 ^ signExtended) - signExtended == ~value0 - (-1) == -value0
* signExtended & 1 == 1
* So we get ((-value0) << 1) | 1 as required
* - if n >= 0:
* signExtended == value0 >> 31 == 0
* value0 ^ signExtended == value0
* (value0 ^ signExtended) - signExtended == value0 - 0 == value0
* signExtended & 1 == 0
* So we get (value0 << 1) | 0 == value0 << 1 as required
val signExtended = value0 >> 31
val value = (((value0 ^ signExtended) - signExtended) << 1) | (signExtended & 1)
/* Now that we have a non-negative `value`, we encode it in base64 by
* blocks of 5 bits. Each base64 digit stores 6 bits, but the most
* significant one is used as a continuation bit (1 to continue, 0 to
* indicate the last block). The payload is stored in little endian, with
* the least significant blocks first.
* We could use a unique lookup table for the 64 base64 digits. However,
* since in every path we either always pick in the lower half (for the
* last byte) or the upper half (for continuation bytes), we use two
* distinct functions, and omit the implicit `| VLQContinuationBit` in the
* upper half.
* The upper half, in `continuationByte`, actually uses a lookup table.
* The lower half, in `lastByte`, uses a branchless, memory access-free
* algorithm. The logical way to write it would be
* if (v < 26) v + 'A' else (v - 26) + 'a'
* Because 'a' == 'A' + 32, this is equivalent to
* if (v < 26) v + 'A' else v - 26 + 'A' + 32
* Factoring out v + 'A' and adding constants, we get
* v + 'A' + (if (v < 26) 0 else 6)
* We rewrite the condition as the following branchless algorithm:
* ((25 - v) >> 31) & 6
* It is equivalent because:
* * (25 - v) is < 0 iff v >= 26
* * i.e., its sign bit is 1 iff v >= 26
* * (25 - v) >> 31 is all-1's if v >= 26, and all-0's if v < 26
* * ((25 - v) >> 31) & 6 is 6 if v >= 26, and 0 if v < 26
* This gives us the algorithm used in `lastByte`:
* v + 'A' + (((25 - v) >> 31) & 6)
* Compared to the lookup table, this seems to exhibit a 5-10% speedup for
* the source map generation.
// Precondition: 0 <= v < 32, i.e., (v & 31) == v
def continuationByte(v: Int): Byte =
// Precondition: 0 <= v < 32, i.e., (v & 31) == v
def lastByte(v: Int): Byte =
(v + 'A' + (((25 - v) >> 31) & 6)).toByte
// Write as many base-64 digits as necessary to encode `value`
if ((value & ~31) == 0) {
// fast path for value < 32 -- store as a single byte (about 7/8 of the time for the test suite)
buffer(offset) = lastByte(value)
offset + 1
} else if ((value & ~1023) == 0) {
// fast path for 32 <= value < 1024 -- store as two bytes (about 1/8 of the time for the test suite)
buffer(offset) = continuationByte(value & VLQBaseMask)
buffer(offset + 1) = lastByte(value >>> 5)
offset + 2
} else {
// slow path for 1024 <= value -- store as 3 bytes or more (a negligible fraction of the time)
def writeBase64VLQSlowPath(value0: Int): Int = {
var offset1 = offset
var value = value0
var digit = 0
while ({
digit = value & VLQBaseMask
value = value >>> VLQBaseShift
value != 0
}) {
buffer(offset1) = continuationByte(digit)
offset1 += 1
buffer(offset1) = lastByte(digit)
offset1 + 1