org.scalajs.linker.backend.emitter.LongImpl.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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package org.scalajs.linker.backend.emitter
private[linker] object LongImpl {
final val RuntimeLongClass = ClassName("org.scalajs.linker.runtime.RuntimeLong")
final val RuntimeLongModuleClass = ClassName("org.scalajs.linker.runtime.RuntimeLong$")
final val lo = MethodName("lo", Nil, IntRef)
final val hi = MethodName("hi", Nil, IntRef)
private final val RTLongRef = ClassRef(RuntimeLongClass)
private final val OneRTLongRef = RTLongRef :: Nil
def unaryOp(name: String): MethodName =
MethodName(name, Nil, RTLongRef)
def binaryOp(name: String): MethodName =
MethodName(name, OneRTLongRef, RTLongRef)
def shiftOp(name: String): MethodName =
MethodName(name, List(IntRef), RTLongRef)
def compareOp(name: String): MethodName =
MethodName(name, OneRTLongRef, BooleanRef)
final val UNARY_- = unaryOp("unary_$minus")
final val UNARY_~ = unaryOp("unary_$tilde")
final val + = binaryOp("$plus")
final val - = binaryOp("$minus")
final val * = binaryOp("$times")
final val / = binaryOp("$div")
final val % = binaryOp("$percent")
final val | = binaryOp("$bar")
final val & = binaryOp("$amp")
final val ^ = binaryOp("$up")
final val << = shiftOp("$less$less")
final val >>> = shiftOp("$greater$greater$greater")
final val >> = shiftOp("$greater$greater")
final val === = compareOp("equals")
final val !== = compareOp("notEquals")
final val < = compareOp("$less")
final val <= = compareOp("$less$eq")
final val > = compareOp("$greater")
final val >= = compareOp("$greater$eq")
final val toInt = MethodName("toInt", Nil, IntRef)
final val toFloat = MethodName("toFloat", Nil, FloatRef)
final val toDouble = MethodName("toDouble", Nil, DoubleRef)
final val byteValue = MethodName("byteValue", Nil, ByteRef)
final val shortValue = MethodName("shortValue", Nil, ShortRef)
final val intValue = MethodName("intValue", Nil, IntRef)
final val longValue = MethodName("longValue", Nil, LongRef)
final val floatValue = MethodName("floatValue", Nil, FloatRef)
final val doubleValue = MethodName("doubleValue", Nil, DoubleRef)
final val toString_ = MethodName("toString", Nil, ClassRef(BoxedStringClass))
final val equals_ = MethodName("equals", List(ClassRef(ObjectClass)), BooleanRef)
final val hashCode_ = MethodName("hashCode", Nil, IntRef)
final val compareTo = MethodName("compareTo", List(ClassRef(BoxedLongClass)), IntRef)
final val compareToO = MethodName("compareTo", List(ClassRef(ObjectClass)), IntRef)
private val OperatorMethods = Set(
UNARY_-, UNARY_~, this.+, this.-, *, /, %, |, &, ^, <<, >>>, >>,
===, !==, <, <=, >, >=, toInt, toFloat, toDouble)
private val BoxedLongMethods = Set(
byteValue, shortValue, intValue, longValue, floatValue, doubleValue,
equals_, hashCode_, compareTo, compareToO)
val AllMethods = OperatorMethods ++ BoxedLongMethods
// Methods used for intrinsics
final val compareToRTLong = MethodName("compareTo", List(RTLongRef), IntRef)
final val divideUnsigned = binaryOp("divideUnsigned")
final val remainderUnsigned = binaryOp("remainderUnsigned")
val AllIntrinsicMethods = Set(
compareToRTLong, divideUnsigned, remainderUnsigned)
// Constructors
final val initFromParts = MethodName.constructor(List(IntRef, IntRef))
val AllConstructors = Set(
// Methods on the companion
final val fromInt = MethodName("fromInt", List(IntRef), RTLongRef)
final val fromDouble = MethodName("fromDouble", List(DoubleRef), RTLongRef)
val AllModuleMethods = Set(
fromInt, fromDouble)
// Extract the parts to give to the initFromParts constructor
def extractParts(value: Long): (Int, Int) =
(value.toInt, (value >>> 32).toInt)