org.scalajs.linker.backend.emitter.TreeDSL.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
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package org.scalajs.linker.backend.emitter
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import org.scalajs.linker.backend.javascript.Trees._
private[emitter] object TreeDSL {
implicit class TreeOps private[TreeDSL] (private val self: Tree)
extends AnyVal {
/** Select a member */
def DOT(field: MaybeDelayedIdent)(implicit pos: Position): DotSelect =
DotSelect(self, field)
/** Select a member */
def DOT(field: String)(implicit pos: Position): DotSelect =
DotSelect(self, Ident(field))
// Some operators that we use
def ===(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.===, self, that)
def ===(that: String)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.===, self, StringLiteral(that))
def !==(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.!==, self, that)
def unary_+(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
UnaryOp(ir.Trees.JSUnaryOp.+, self)
def unary_-(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
UnaryOp(ir.Trees.JSUnaryOp.-, self)
def unary_!(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
UnaryOp(ir.Trees.JSUnaryOp.!, self)
def unary_~(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
UnaryOp(ir.Trees.JSUnaryOp.~, self)
def &&(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.&&, self, that)
def ||(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.||, self, that)
def +(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.+, self, that)
def -(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.-, self, that)
def *(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.*, self, that)
def /(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp./, self, that)
def %(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.%, self, that)
def &(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.&, self, that)
def |(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.|, self, that)
def |(that: Int)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.|, self, IntLiteral(that))
def ^(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.^, self, that)
def <<(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.<<, self, that)
def >>(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.>>, self, that)
def >>>(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.>>>, self, that)
def <(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.<, self, that)
def >(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.>, self, that)
def <=(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.<=, self, that)
def >=(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.>=, self, that)
def prefix_++(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
IncDec(prefix = true, inc = true, self)
def prefix_--(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
IncDec(prefix = true, inc = false, self)
def ++(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
IncDec(prefix = false, inc = true, self)
def --(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
IncDec(prefix = false, inc = false, self)
def in(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(, self, that)
def instanceof(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
BinaryOp(ir.Trees.JSBinaryOp.instanceof, self, that)
// Other constructs
def :=(that: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
Assign(self, that)
def prototype(implicit pos: Position): Tree = self DOT "prototype"
def length(implicit pos: Position): Tree = self DOT "length"
def typeof(expr: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
UnaryOp(ir.Trees.JSUnaryOp.typeof, expr)