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org.scalajs.linker.backend.wasmemitter.Emitter.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Scala.js (https://www.scala-js.org/)
* Copyright EPFL.
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package org.scalajs.linker.backend.wasmemitter
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import org.scalajs.ir.Names._
import org.scalajs.ir.Types._
import org.scalajs.ir.OriginalName
import org.scalajs.ir.Position
import org.scalajs.ir.ScalaJSVersions
import org.scalajs.linker.interface._
import org.scalajs.linker.interface.unstable._
import org.scalajs.linker.standard._
import org.scalajs.linker.standard.ModuleSet.ModuleID
import org.scalajs.linker.backend.emitter.{NameGen => JSNameGen, PrivateLibHolder}
import org.scalajs.linker.backend.javascript.Printers.JSTreePrinter
import org.scalajs.linker.backend.javascript.{Trees => js}
import org.scalajs.linker.backend.webassembly.FunctionBuilder
import org.scalajs.linker.backend.webassembly.{Instructions => wa}
import org.scalajs.linker.backend.webassembly.{Modules => wamod}
import org.scalajs.linker.backend.webassembly.{Identitities => wanme}
import org.scalajs.linker.backend.webassembly.{Types => watpe}
import org.scalajs.logging.Logger
import SpecialNames._
import VarGen._
import org.scalajs.linker.backend.javascript.ByteArrayWriter
final class Emitter(config: Emitter.Config) {
import Emitter._
private val coreSpec = config.coreSpec
private val classEmitter = new ClassEmitter(coreSpec)
val symbolRequirements: SymbolRequirement =
val injectedIRFiles: Seq[IRFile] = PrivateLibHolder.files
def emit(module: ModuleSet.Module, globalInfo: LinkedGlobalInfo, logger: Logger): Result = {
val (wasmModule, jsFileContentInfo) = emitWasmModule(module, globalInfo)
val loaderContent = LoaderContent.bytesContent
val jsFileContent = buildJSFileContent(module, jsFileContentInfo)
new Result(wasmModule, loaderContent, jsFileContent)
private def emitWasmModule(module: ModuleSet.Module,
globalInfo: LinkedGlobalInfo): (wamod.Module, JSFileContentInfo) = {
// Inject the derived linked classes
val allClasses =
DerivedClasses.deriveClasses(module.classDefs) ::: module.classDefs
/* Sort by ancestor count so that superclasses always appear before
* subclasses, then tie-break by name for stability.
val sortedClasses = allClasses.sortWith { (a, b) =>
val cmp = Integer.compare(a.ancestors.size, b.ancestors.size)
if (cmp != 0) cmp < 0
else a.className.compareTo(b.className) < 0
val topLevelExports = module.topLevelExports
val moduleInitializers = module.initializers.toList
val coreLib = new CoreWasmLib(coreSpec, globalInfo)
implicit val ctx: WasmContext =
Preprocessor.preprocess(coreSpec, coreLib, sortedClasses, topLevelExports)
genStartFunction(sortedClasses, moduleInitializers, topLevelExports)
/* Gen the string pool and the declarative elements at the very end, since
* they depend on what instructions where produced by all the preceding codegen.
val wasmModule = ctx.moduleBuilder.build()
val jsFileContentInfo = new JSFileContentInfo(
customJSHelpers = ctx.getAllCustomJSHelpers()
(wasmModule, jsFileContentInfo)
private def genStartFunction(
sortedClasses: List[LinkedClass],
moduleInitializers: List[ModuleInitializer.Initializer],
topLevelExportDefs: List[LinkedTopLevelExport]
)(implicit ctx: WasmContext): Unit = {
import org.scalajs.ir.Trees._
implicit val pos = Position.NoPosition
val fb =
new FunctionBuilder(ctx.moduleBuilder, genFunctionID.start, OriginalName("start"), pos)
// Initialize the JS private field symbols
for (clazz <- sortedClasses if clazz.kind.isJSClass) {
for (fieldDef <- clazz.fields) {
fieldDef match {
case FieldDef(flags, name, _, _) if !flags.namespace.isStatic =>
fb += wa.Call(genFunctionID.newSymbol)
fb += wa.GlobalSet(genGlobalID.forJSPrivateField(name.name))
case _ =>
// Emit the static initializers
for (clazz <- sortedClasses if clazz.hasStaticInitializer) {
val funcID = genFunctionID.forMethod(
fb += wa.Call(funcID)
// Initialize the top-level exports that require it
for (tle <- topLevelExportDefs) {
// Load the (initial) exported value on the stack
tle.tree match {
case TopLevelJSClassExportDef(_, exportName) =>
fb += wa.Call(genFunctionID.loadJSClass(tle.owningClass))
case TopLevelModuleExportDef(_, exportName) =>
fb += wa.Call(genFunctionID.loadModule(tle.owningClass))
case TopLevelMethodExportDef(_, methodDef) =>
genTopLevelExportedFun(fb, tle.exportName, methodDef)
case TopLevelFieldExportDef(_, _, fieldIdent) =>
/* Usually redundant, but necessary if the static field is never
* explicitly set and keeps its default (zero) value instead. In that
* case this initial call is required to publish that zero value (as
* opposed to the default `undefined` value of the JS `let`).
fb += wa.GlobalGet(genGlobalID.forStaticField(fieldIdent.name))
// Call the export setter
fb += wa.Call(genFunctionID.forTopLevelExportSetter(tle.exportName))
// Emit the module initializers
moduleInitializers.foreach { init =>
def genCallStatic(className: ClassName, methodName: MethodName): Unit = {
val funcID = genFunctionID.forMethod(MemberNamespace.PublicStatic, className, methodName)
fb += wa.Call(funcID)
ModuleInitializerImpl.fromInitializer(init) match {
case ModuleInitializerImpl.MainMethodWithArgs(className, encodedMainMethodName, args) =>
val stringArrayTypeRef = ArrayTypeRef(ClassRef(BoxedStringClass), 1)
SWasmGen.genArrayValue(fb, stringArrayTypeRef, args.size) {
for (arg <- args) {
fb ++= ctx.stringPool.getConstantStringInstr(arg)
fb += wa.AnyConvertExtern
genCallStatic(className, encodedMainMethodName)
case ModuleInitializerImpl.VoidMainMethod(className, encodedMainMethodName) =>
genCallStatic(className, encodedMainMethodName)
// Finish the start function
private def genTopLevelExportedFun(fb: FunctionBuilder, exportName: String,
methodDef: org.scalajs.ir.Trees.JSMethodDef)(
implicit ctx: WasmContext): Unit = {
import org.scalajs.ir.Trees._
val JSMethodDef(_, _, params, restParam, _) = methodDef
implicit val pos = methodDef.pos
val builder = new CustomJSHelperBuilder()
val fRef = builder.addWasmInput("f", watpe.RefType.func) {
fb += ctx.refFuncWithDeclaration(genFunctionID.forExport(exportName))
val helperID = builder.build(AnyNotNullType) {
js.Return {
val (argsParamDefs, restParamDef) = builder.genJSParamDefs(params, restParam)
// Exported defs must be `function`s although they do not use their `this`
js.Function(arrow = false, argsParamDefs, restParamDef, {
argsParamDefs.map(_.ref) ::: restParamDef.map(_.ref).toList
fb += wa.Call(helperID)
private def genDeclarativeElements()(implicit ctx: WasmContext): Unit = {
// Aggregated Elements
val funcDeclarations = ctx.getAllFuncDeclarations()
if (funcDeclarations.nonEmpty) {
/* Functions that are referred to with `ref.func` in the Code section
* must be declared ahead of time in one of the earlier sections
* (otherwise the module does not validate). It can be the Global section
* if they are meaningful there (which is why `ref.func` in the vtables
* work out of the box). In the absence of any other specific place, an
* Element section with the declarative mode is the recommended way to
* introduce these declarations.
val exprs = funcDeclarations.map { funcID =>
wamod.Element(watpe.RefType.funcref, exprs, wamod.Element.Mode.Declarative)
private def buildJSFileContent(module: ModuleSet.Module,
info: JSFileContentInfo): Array[Byte] = {
implicit val noPos = Position.NoPosition
// Linking info
val linkingInfo = {
// must be in sync with scala.scalajs.runtime.LinkingInfo
import config.coreSpec._
import js.{BooleanLiteral => bool, IntLiteral => int, StringLiteral => str}
def objectFreeze(tree: js.Tree): js.Tree =
js.Apply(js.DotSelect(js.VarRef(js.Ident("Object")), js.Ident("freeze")), tree :: Nil)
str("esVersion") -> int(esFeatures.esVersion.edition),
str("assumingES6") -> bool(esFeatures.useECMAScript2015Semantics), // different name for historical reasons
str("isWebAssembly") -> bool(true),
str("productionMode") -> bool(semantics.productionMode),
str("linkerVersion") -> str(ScalaJSVersions.current),
str("fileLevelThis") -> js.This()
// Sort for stability
val importedModules = module.externalDependencies.toList.sorted
// External imports
val moduleImports = for (moduleName <- importedModules) yield {
val importIdent = js.Ident("imported" + JSNameGen.genModuleName(moduleName))
val moduleNameStr = js.StringLiteral(moduleName)
js.ImportNamespace(importIdent, moduleNameStr)
// Exports
val (exportDecls, exportSettersItems) = (for {
exportName <- module.topLevelExports.map(_.exportName)
} yield {
val ident = js.Ident(s"exported$exportName")
val decl = js.Let(ident, mutable = true, None)
val exportStat = js.Export(List(ident -> js.ExportName(exportName)))
val xParam = js.ParamDef(js.Ident("x"))
val setterFun = js.Function(arrow = true, List(xParam), None, {
js.Assign(js.VarRef(ident), xParam.ref)
val setterItem = js.StringLiteral(exportName) -> setterFun
(List(decl, exportStat), setterItem)
val exportSettersDict = js.ObjectConstr(exportSettersItems)
// Custom JS helpers
val customJSHelpersItems = for ((importName, jsFunction) <- info.customJSHelpers) yield {
js.StringLiteral(importName) -> jsFunction
val customJSHelpersDict = js.ObjectConstr(customJSHelpersItems)
// Overall structure of the result
val loadFunIdent = js.Ident("__load")
val loaderImport = js.Import(
List(js.ExportName("load") -> loadFunIdent),
val loadCall = js.Apply(
val fullTree = (
moduleImports :::
loaderImport ::
exportDecls.flatten :::
js.Await(loadCall) ::
val writer = new ByteArrayWriter
val printer = new JSTreePrinter(writer)
object Emitter {
/** Configuration for the Emitter. */
final class Config private (
val coreSpec: CoreSpec,
val loaderModuleName: String,
val internalWasmFileURIPattern: ModuleID => String
) {
private def this(coreSpec: CoreSpec, loaderModuleName: String) = {
internalWasmFileURIPattern = { moduleID => s"./${moduleID.id}.wasm" }
def withInternalWasmFileURIPattern(
internalWasmFileURIPattern: ModuleID => String): Config = {
copy(internalWasmFileURIPattern = internalWasmFileURIPattern)
private def copy(
coreSpec: CoreSpec = coreSpec,
loaderModuleName: String = loaderModuleName,
internalWasmFileURIPattern: ModuleID => String = internalWasmFileURIPattern
): Config = {
new Config(
object Config {
def apply(coreSpec: CoreSpec, loaderModuleName: String): Config =
new Config(coreSpec, loaderModuleName)
private final class JSFileContentInfo(
/** Custom JS helpers to generate: pairs of `(importName, jsFunction)`. */
val customJSHelpers: List[(String, js.Function)]
final class Result(
val wasmModule: wamod.Module,
val loaderContent: Array[Byte],
val jsFileContent: Array[Byte]
/** Builds the symbol requirements of our back-end.
* The symbol requirements tell the LinkerFrontend that we need these symbols to always be
* reachable, even if no "user-land" IR requires them. They are roots for the reachability
* analysis, together with module initializers and top-level exports. If we don't do this, the
* linker frontend will dead-code eliminate our box classes.
private def symbolRequirements(coreSpec: CoreSpec): SymbolRequirement = {
import coreSpec.semantics._
import CheckedBehavior._
import SpecialNames._
val factory = SymbolRequirement.factory("emitter")
import factory._
def cond(p: Boolean)(v: => SymbolRequirement): SymbolRequirement =
if (p) v else none()
def isAnyFatal(behaviors: CheckedBehavior*): Boolean =
cond(asInstanceOfs != Unchecked) {
instantiateClass(ClassCastExceptionClass, StringArgConstructorName)
cond(arrayIndexOutOfBounds != Unchecked) {
cond(arrayStores != Unchecked) {
cond(negativeArraySizes != Unchecked) {
cond(nullPointers != Unchecked) {
instantiateClass(NullPointerExceptionClass, NoArgConstructorName)
cond(stringIndexOutOfBounds != Unchecked) {
cond(isAnyFatal(asInstanceOfs, arrayIndexOutOfBounds, arrayStores,
negativeArraySizes, nullPointers, stringIndexOutOfBounds)) {
cond(moduleInit == Fatal) {
// TODO Ideally we should not require these, but rather adapt to their absence
instantiateClass(ClassClass, NoArgConstructorName),
instantiateClass(JSExceptionClass, AnyArgConstructorName),
instantiateClass(IllegalArgumentExceptionClass, NoArgConstructorName),
// See genIdentityHashCode in HelperFunctions
callMethodStatically(BoxedDoubleClass, hashCodeMethodName),
callMethodStatically(BoxedStringClass, hashCodeMethodName)
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