scala.collection.compat.immutable.ArraySeq.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Scala (https://www.scala-lang.org)
* Copyright EPFL and Lightbend, Inc. dba Akka
* Licensed under Apache License 2.0
* (http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
* See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for
* additional information regarding copyright ownership.
package scala.collection.compat.immutable
import java.util.Arrays
import scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
import scala.collection.{AbstractSeq, IndexedSeqOptimized}
import scala.collection.generic._
import scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuilder, Builder, WrappedArrayBuilder}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
* An immutable array.
* Supports efficient indexed access and has a small memory footprint.
* @define Coll `ArraySeq`
* @define coll wrapped array
* @define orderDependent
* @define orderDependentFold
* @define mayNotTerminateInf
* @define willNotTerminateInf
abstract class ArraySeq[+T]
extends AbstractSeq[T]
with IndexedSeq[T]
with IndexedSeqOptimized[T, ArraySeq[T]] {
override protected[this] def thisCollection: ArraySeq[T] = this
/** The tag of the element type */
protected[this] def elemTag: ClassTag[T]
/** The length of the array */
def length: Int
/** The element at given index */
def apply(index: Int): T
/** The underlying array */
def unsafeArray: Array[T @uncheckedVariance]
override def stringPrefix = "ArraySeq"
/** Clones this object, including the underlying Array. */
override def clone(): ArraySeq[T] = ArraySeq unsafeWrapArray unsafeArray.clone()
/** Creates new builder for this collection ==> move to subclasses
override protected[this] def newBuilder: Builder[T, ArraySeq[T]] =
/** A companion object used to create instances of `ArraySeq`.
object ArraySeq {
// This is reused for all calls to empty.
private val EmptyArraySeq = new ofRef[AnyRef](new Array[AnyRef](0))
def empty[T <: AnyRef]: ArraySeq[T] = EmptyArraySeq.asInstanceOf[ArraySeq[T]]
def newBuilder[T](implicit elemTag: ClassTag[T]): Builder[T, ArraySeq[T]] =
new WrappedArrayBuilder[T](elemTag).mapResult(w => unsafeWrapArray(w.array))
def apply[T](elems: T*)(implicit elemTag: ClassTag[T]): ArraySeq[T] = {
val b = newBuilder[T]
b ++= elems
def unapplySeq[T](seq: ArraySeq[T]): Some[ArraySeq[T]] = Some(seq)
* Wrap an existing `Array` into an `ArraySeq` of the proper primitive specialization type
* without copying.
* Note that an array containing boxed primitives can be wrapped in an `ArraySeq` without
* copying. For example, `val a: Array[Any] = Array(1)` is an array of `Object` at runtime,
* containing `Integer`s. An `ArraySeq[Int]` can be obtained with a cast:
* `ArraySeq.unsafeWrapArray(a).asInstanceOf[ArraySeq[Int]]`. The values are still
* boxed, the resulting instance is an [[ArraySeq.ofRef]]. Writing
* `ArraySeq.unsafeWrapArray(a.asInstanceOf[Array[Int]])` does not work, it throws a
* `ClassCastException` at runtime.
def unsafeWrapArray[T](x: Array[T]): ArraySeq[T] =
(x.asInstanceOf[Array[_]] match {
case null => null
case x: Array[AnyRef] => new ofRef[AnyRef](x)
case x: Array[Int] => new ofInt(x)
case x: Array[Double] => new ofDouble(x)
case x: Array[Long] => new ofLong(x)
case x: Array[Float] => new ofFloat(x)
case x: Array[Char] => new ofChar(x)
case x: Array[Byte] => new ofByte(x)
case x: Array[Short] => new ofShort(x)
case x: Array[Boolean] => new ofBoolean(x)
case x: Array[Unit] => new ofUnit(x)
implicit def canBuildFrom[T](implicit m: ClassTag[T]): CanBuildFrom[ArraySeq[_], T, ArraySeq[T]] =
new CanBuildFrom[ArraySeq[_], T, ArraySeq[T]] {
def apply(from: ArraySeq[_]): Builder[T, ArraySeq[T]] =
ArrayBuilder.make[T]()(m) mapResult ArraySeq.unsafeWrapArray[T]
def apply: Builder[T, ArraySeq[T]] =
ArrayBuilder.make[T]()(m) mapResult ArraySeq.unsafeWrapArray[T]
private def unsupportedUpdate: Nothing =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("immutable ArraySeq does not support mutation")
private final val updateDeprecationMsg =
"Mutation is not supported for immutable ArraySeq, and should not have ever been " +
"part of the API"
final class ofRef[T <: AnyRef](val unsafeArray: Array[T]) extends ArraySeq[T] with Serializable {
lazy val elemTag = ClassTag[T](unsafeArray.getClass.getComponentType)
def length: Int = unsafeArray.length
def apply(index: Int): T = unsafeArray(index)
@deprecated(updateDeprecationMsg, since = "2.4.2")
def update(index: Int, elem: T): Unit = unsupportedUpdate
override def hashCode = MurmurHash3.arrayHash(unsafeArray, MurmurHash3.seqSeed)
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that: ofRef[_] =>
case _ => super.equals(that)
final class ofByte(val unsafeArray: Array[Byte]) extends ArraySeq[Byte] with Serializable {
def elemTag = ClassTag.Byte
def length: Int = unsafeArray.length
def apply(index: Int): Byte = unsafeArray(index)
@deprecated(updateDeprecationMsg, since = "2.4.2")
def update(index: Int, elem: Byte): Unit = unsupportedUpdate
override def hashCode = MurmurHash3.arrayHash(unsafeArray, MurmurHash3.seqSeed)
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that: ofByte => Arrays.equals(unsafeArray, that.unsafeArray)
case _ => super.equals(that)
final class ofShort(val unsafeArray: Array[Short]) extends ArraySeq[Short] with Serializable {
def elemTag = ClassTag.Short
def length: Int = unsafeArray.length
def apply(index: Int): Short = unsafeArray(index)
@deprecated(updateDeprecationMsg, since = "2.4.2")
def update(index: Int, elem: Short): Unit = unsupportedUpdate
override def hashCode = MurmurHash3.arrayHash(unsafeArray, MurmurHash3.seqSeed)
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that: ofShort => Arrays.equals(unsafeArray, that.unsafeArray)
case _ => super.equals(that)
final class ofChar(val unsafeArray: Array[Char]) extends ArraySeq[Char] with Serializable {
def elemTag = ClassTag.Char
def length: Int = unsafeArray.length
def apply(index: Int): Char = unsafeArray(index)
@deprecated(updateDeprecationMsg, since = "2.4.2")
def update(index: Int, elem: Char): Unit = unsupportedUpdate
override def hashCode = MurmurHash3.arrayHash(unsafeArray, MurmurHash3.seqSeed)
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that: ofChar => Arrays.equals(unsafeArray, that.unsafeArray)
case _ => super.equals(that)
final class ofInt(val unsafeArray: Array[Int]) extends ArraySeq[Int] with Serializable {
def elemTag = ClassTag.Int
def length: Int = unsafeArray.length
def apply(index: Int): Int = unsafeArray(index)
@deprecated(updateDeprecationMsg, since = "2.4.2")
def update(index: Int, elem: Int): Unit = unsupportedUpdate
override def hashCode = MurmurHash3.arrayHash(unsafeArray, MurmurHash3.seqSeed)
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that: ofInt => Arrays.equals(unsafeArray, that.unsafeArray)
case _ => super.equals(that)
final class ofLong(val unsafeArray: Array[Long]) extends ArraySeq[Long] with Serializable {
def elemTag = ClassTag.Long
def length: Int = unsafeArray.length
def apply(index: Int): Long = unsafeArray(index)
@deprecated(updateDeprecationMsg, since = "2.4.2")
def update(index: Int, elem: Long): Unit = unsupportedUpdate
override def hashCode = MurmurHash3.arrayHash(unsafeArray, MurmurHash3.seqSeed)
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that: ofLong => Arrays.equals(unsafeArray, that.unsafeArray)
case _ => super.equals(that)
final class ofFloat(val unsafeArray: Array[Float]) extends ArraySeq[Float] with Serializable {
def elemTag = ClassTag.Float
def length: Int = unsafeArray.length
def apply(index: Int): Float = unsafeArray(index)
@deprecated(updateDeprecationMsg, since = "2.4.2")
def update(index: Int, elem: Float): Unit = unsupportedUpdate
override def hashCode = MurmurHash3.arrayHash(unsafeArray, MurmurHash3.seqSeed)
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that: ofFloat => Arrays.equals(unsafeArray, that.unsafeArray)
case _ => super.equals(that)
final class ofDouble(val unsafeArray: Array[Double]) extends ArraySeq[Double] with Serializable {
def elemTag = ClassTag.Double
def length: Int = unsafeArray.length
def apply(index: Int): Double = unsafeArray(index)
@deprecated(updateDeprecationMsg, since = "2.4.2")
def update(index: Int, elem: Double): Unit = unsupportedUpdate
override def hashCode = MurmurHash3.arrayHash(unsafeArray, MurmurHash3.seqSeed)
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that: ofDouble => Arrays.equals(unsafeArray, that.unsafeArray)
case _ => super.equals(that)
final class ofBoolean(val unsafeArray: Array[Boolean])
extends ArraySeq[Boolean]
with Serializable {
def elemTag = ClassTag.Boolean
def length: Int = unsafeArray.length
def apply(index: Int): Boolean = unsafeArray(index)
@deprecated(updateDeprecationMsg, since = "2.4.2")
def update(index: Int, elem: Boolean): Unit = unsupportedUpdate
override def hashCode = MurmurHash3.arrayHash(unsafeArray, MurmurHash3.seqSeed)
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that: ofBoolean => Arrays.equals(unsafeArray, that.unsafeArray)
case _ => super.equals(that)
final class ofUnit(val unsafeArray: Array[Unit]) extends ArraySeq[Unit] with Serializable {
def elemTag = ClassTag.Unit
def length: Int = unsafeArray.length
def apply(index: Int): Unit = unsafeArray(index)
@deprecated(updateDeprecationMsg, since = "2.4.2")
def update(index: Int, elem: Unit): Unit = unsupportedUpdate
override def hashCode = MurmurHash3.arrayHash(unsafeArray, MurmurHash3.seqSeed)
override def equals(that: Any) = that match {
case that: ofUnit => unsafeArray.length == that.unsafeArray.length
case _ => super.equals(that)
private[this] def arrayEquals(xs: Array[AnyRef], ys: Array[AnyRef]): Boolean = {
if (xs eq ys)
return true
if (xs.length != ys.length)
return false
val len = xs.length
var i = 0
while (i < len) {
if (xs(i) != ys(i))
return false
i += 1
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