scala.collection.MultiDict.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package scala.collection
import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3
* A multidict is a map that can associate a set of values to a given key.
* @tparam K the type of keys
* @tparam V the type of values
trait MultiDict[K, V]
extends Iterable[(K, V)]
with MultiDictOps[K, V, MultiDict, MultiDict[K, V]]
with Equals {
override protected def className: String = "MultiDict"
def multiDictFactory: MapFactory[MultiDict] = MultiDict
override protected def fromSpecific(coll: IterableOnce[(K, V)]): MultiDict[K, V] = multiDictFactory.from(coll)
override protected def newSpecificBuilder: mutable.Builder[(K, V), MultiDict[K, V]] = multiDictFactory.newBuilder
override def empty: MultiDict[K, V] = multiDictFactory.empty
override def withFilter(p: ((K, V)) => Boolean): MultiDictOps.WithFilter[K, V, Iterable, MultiDict] = new MultiDictOps.WithFilter(this, p)
def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean = true
override def equals(o: Any): Boolean = o match {
case that: MultiDict[K @unchecked, _] =>
(this eq that) ||
that.canEqual(this) &&
this.size == that.size && (
try sets.forall { case (k, vs) => that.sets.get(k).contains(vs) }
catch { case _: ClassCastException => false }
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = MurmurHash3.unorderedHash(sets, "MultiMap".##)
trait MultiDictOps[K, V, +CC[X, Y] <: MultiDict[X, Y], +C <: MultiDict[K, V]]
extends IterableOps[(K, V), Iterable, C] {
def multiDictFactory: MapFactory[CC]
protected def multiDictFromIterable[L, W](it: Iterable[(L, W)]): CC[L, W] =
protected def fromSpecificSets(it: Iterable[(K, Set[V])]): C =
fromSpecific(it.view.flatMap { case (k, vs) => => (k, v)) })
protected def fromSets[L, W](it: Iterable[(L, Set[W])]): CC[L, W] =
multiDictFromIterable(it.view.flatMap { case (k, vs) => => (k, v)) })
* @return All the elements contained in this multidict, grouped by key
def sets: Map[K, Set[V]]
def iterator: Iterator[(K, V)] =
sets.iterator.flatMap { case (k, vs) => => (k, v)) }
* @return The set of values associated with the given `key`, or the empty
* set if there is no such association
* @param key key to look up
def get(key: K): Set[V] = sets.get(key).getOrElse(Set.empty)
* @return Whether `key` has at least one occurrence in this multidict or not
* @param key the key to test
def containsKey(key: K): Boolean = sets.contains(key)
* @return Whether the binding `kv` is contained in this multidict or not
* @param kv the binding to test
def containsEntry(kv: (K, V)): Boolean = sets.get(kv._1).exists(_.contains(kv._2))
* @return Whether at least one key is associated to the given `value`
* @param value the value to test
def containsValue(value: V): Boolean = sets.exists { case (_, vs) => vs.contains(value) }
/** @return the set of keys */
def keySet: Set[K] = sets.keySet
/** @return all the values contained in this multidict */
def values: Iterable[V] = sets.values.flatten
* @return a multidict that contains all the entries of `this` multidict,
* transformed by the function `f`
* @param f transformation function
* @tparam L new type of keys
* @tparam W new type of values
def map[L, W](f: ((K, V)) => (L, W)): CC[L, W] =
multiDictFromIterable(new View.Map(toIterable, f))
* @return a multidict that contains all the entries of `this` multidict,
* transformed by the function `f` and concatenated
* @param f transformation function
* @tparam L new type of keys
* @tparam W new type of values
def flatMap[L, W](f: ((K, V)) => IterableOnce[(L, W)]): CC[L, W] =
multiDictFromIterable(new View.FlatMap(toIterable, f))
* @return a multidict that contains all the entries of `this` multidict
* after they have been successfully transformed by the
* given partial function `pf`
* @param pf transformation to apply
* @tparam L new type of keys
* @tparam W new type of values
def collect[L, W](pf: PartialFunction[(K, V), (L, W)]): CC[L, W] =
flatMap(kv =>
if (pf.isDefinedAt(kv)) new View.Single(pf(kv))
else View.Empty
/** Concatenate the entries given in `that` iterable to `this` multidict */
def concat(that: IterableOnce[(K, V)]): C = fromSpecific(that match {
case that: collection.Iterable[(K, V)] => new View.Concat(toIterable, that)
case _ => iterator ++ that.iterator
* @return Whether there exists a value associated with the given `key`
* that satisfies the given predicate `p`
def entryExists(key: K, p: V => Boolean): Boolean =
* @return a new multidict resulting from applying the given function `f`
* to each group of values of this multidict and collecting
* the results
* @param f the function to apply
* @tparam L the new type of keys
* @tparam W the type of values of the returned multidict
def mapSets[L, W](f: ((K, Set[V])) => (L, Set[W])): CC[L, W] =
fromSets(new View.Map(sets, f))
* @return a multidict that contains all the entries of `this` multidict,
* after they have been successfully transformed by the given
* partial function
* @param pf the partial function to apply to each set of values
* @tparam L the new type of keys
* @tparam W the new type of values
def collectSets[L, W](pf: PartialFunction[(K, Set[V]), (L, Set[W])]): CC[L, W] =
flatMapSets(kvs =>
if (pf.isDefinedAt(kvs)) new View.Single(pf(kvs))
else View.Empty
* @return a new multidict resulting from applying the given function `f`
* to each group of values of this multidict and concatenating
* the results
* @param f the function to apply
* @tparam L the new type of keys
* @tparam W the type of values of the returned multidict
def flatMapSets[L, W](f: ((K, Set[V])) => IterableOnce[(L, Set[W])]): CC[L, W] =
fromSets(new View.FlatMap(sets, f))
* @return a new multidict concatenating the values of this multidict
* and `that` collection of values
* @param that the collection of values to add to this multidict
def concatSets(that: Iterable[(K, Set[V])]): C =
fromSpecificSets(new View.Concat(sets, that))
* @return a multidict that contains all the entries of this multidict
* that satisfy the predicate `p`
def filterSets(p: ((K, Set[V])) => Boolean): C =
fromSpecificSets(new View.Filter(sets, p, isFlipped = false))
override def addString(sb: StringBuilder, start: String, sep: String, end: String): sb.type = { case (k, v) => s"$k -> $v" }.addString(sb, start, sep, end)
object MultiDictOps {
class WithFilter[K, V, +IterableCC[_], +CC[X, Y] <: MultiDict[X, Y]](
`this`: MultiDictOps[K, V, CC, ?] & IterableOps[(K, V), IterableCC, ?],
p: ((K, V)) => Boolean
) extends IterableOps.WithFilter[(K, V), IterableCC](`this`, p) {
def map[L, W](f: ((K, V)) => (L, W)): CC[L, W] =
`this`.multiDictFactory.from(new View.Map(filtered, f))
def flatMap[L, W](f: ((K, V)) => IterableOnce[(L, W)]): CC[L, W] =
`this`.multiDictFactory.from(new View.FlatMap(filtered, f))
override def withFilter(q: ((K, V)) => Boolean): WithFilter[K, V, IterableCC, CC] =
new WithFilter[K, V, IterableCC, CC](`this`, (kv: (K, V)) => p(kv) && q(kv))
object MultiDict extends MapFactory.Delegate[MultiDict](immutable.MultiDict)
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